森田明夫のやってきたこと 1982〜2023

Dear Distinguished Colleagues,

Humanitas University and Research Hospital
Milano Italy
Past president WFNS
Past president SINch

Prof Franco Servadei
Prof Franco Servadei

Thank you for allowing me to contribute to the compendium which honors a great international neurosurgeon, Professor Akio Moria.
My connection to prof Morita is outside the usual training and work in Neurosurgery
I met him when he was elected as Secretary of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies in my function of President of the WFNS
He is a reliable and well organized person and he strongly contributed to the development of our Federation
More I had then the possibility to follow his scientific activity via presentations at various Meetings and publications
His main interest has been vascular surgery and skull base surgery , two very important field of Neurosurgery The scientific production in the last years was continuous and also in high impact Journals He presented the results of his collaborative research in many international Meeting I clearly remember a presentation on robotics a new technologies in Neurosurgery which was well received by all of us and contained also significant new information.
As far as I can say for my personal experience prof Morita should continue to work and contribute to Neurosurgery as long as possible

Yours sincerely