Public Relations Committee

PRC regularly releases Governor’s Newsletter and updates Facebook page of the ACP Japan Chapter.
Report: What we have done
The Governor’s Newsletter
The Governor’s Newsletters were published four times (two English and two Japanese versions) in 2017 fiscal year. Since 2016, Governor’s Newsletter has been designed by Professor Akihisa Tatsumi of Kyoto University of Arts.
The Facebook page
The Facebook page of the ACP Japan Chapter is designed to inform the public of the latest articles from Annals of Internal Medicine, Internist Weekly, and other information from ACP and ACP Japan Chapter.
PRC members posted 127 articles on ACP Japan Chapter Facebook page. ACP Japan Chapter Facebook page has acquired 878 “likes” by the end of April 2018.
One of the academic discussion on the facebook page was published on the journal, Annlas of Internal Medicine (
In the clinic project
PRC and collaborating members translate “In the clinic” articles. The first Japanese-translated article has been released on Apr 2018.
Communication server
PRC established communication server (, which facilitates communication within Japan Chapter members and public. After beginning of the server on Dec 2017, there are 6963 visit as of 5/13/2018.

PRC was approved chapter development fund for an activity of “In the clinic project”.
Plan: What we are going to do
PRC are going to maintain above mentioned activities including publishing governor’s newsletter, posting articles on the facebook page, “In the clinic” project.