Chair: Yuhta Oyama, Vice-Chair: Hiroshi Ono
Our mission is to seek the best possible solutions to professionalism and ethical issues in healthcare and to share these information with the members of the ACP Japan Chapter.
Report: What We Have done
We planned “The Road to FACP – Why do we aim for it?” and held at the 2019 ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting.
Plan: Where we are going to go
1) Planned and going to have a workshop at the 2020 chapter meeting titled “The road to an FACP – Why do we aim for it? -“
2) Continue to develop a model to resolve common challenges on medical professionalism
3) Preparation of criteria for COI disclosure of roles at ACP Japan Chapter (ACP-JC) and COI disclosure at annual meeting of ACP-JC
4) Attempt to update the page of professionalism on the homepage of ACP-JC
5) Attempt to publish Choosing Wisely lists as the ACP-JC based on questionnaire of ACP-JC members
6) Examine and discuss “End of life care” that would more suitable for Japanese medical circumstances
7) Analyze the attitude of ACP headquarters towards COI and report it to the ACP-JC members