2012 年は日本比較免疫学会の学術集会を独自には開催せず、第12回国際比較免疫学会(福岡)第1日目(7月9日)に総会と比較3学会シンポジウムを開催しました。一般講演は国際比較免疫学会のセッションの中で行われました。
(〒810-8650 福岡市中央区地行浜2-2-3)
学術集会長 中尾実樹(九州大学)
事務局長 杣本智軌(九州大学)
“Recognition Mechanisms -Current Topics in Comparative Biology-“
Organizer: Haruhisa Wago (Saitama Medical University)
Recognition of Pathogenic or Symbiotic Bacteria and Immune Responses in Insects
Lee Bok Luel (Pusan National University)
Immunological Recognition in Starfish Larvae and Adults:
The Alteration of Immune Cells Via Metamorphosis
R. Furukawa (Keio University)
Comprehensive Analysis of Neuropeptides of Marine Invertebrates
M. Yoshikuni (Kyushu University) et al.
Ligand recognition and signal transduction of GPCRs and Toll-like receptors of the protochordate, Ciona intestinalis: what is evolutionarily common or unique?
H. Satake (Suntory Foundation for Life Sciences)
OPN5, a Photosensory Protein for Mammalian Ultraviolet Photoreception
D. Kojima (University of Tokyo)
Specificity and Sensitivity of Sex Pheromone Perception in the Silkmoth Bombyx mori
T. Sakurai (Univeristy of Tokyo) et al.
一般講演:Anti viral immunity (1), Complement and Complement-like factors (4), Cytokine and Chemokine (4), Ig and other antigen receptors (2), Innate Cellular immunity (3), Invertebrate hematocyte (2), Invertebrate immune responce (2), Pattern Recognition Molecules (1), T-cell, MHC, and Ag-presentation (5), Vertebrate adaptive immune responce (5), Vertebrate Innate/Homeostatic Response (2)

ISDCI Group Photo at Yahoo Dome