
JCLAM Role Delineation Document

1. Overview of this Document

1) The Role Delineation Document is comprised of six Domains.

Domain 1 Management of Spontaneous and Experimentally Induced Diseases and Conditions
Domain 2 Management of Pain and Distress
Domain 3 Research
Domain 4 Animal Care
Domain 5 Regulatory Responsibilities
Domain 6 Education

2) Each Domain is composed of Tasks and Knowledge topics.

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None Some of the topics have been acquired for DVM licensed subject
At time of certification Most of the tasks have been performed by an JCLAM Diplomate Most of the knowledge were required
Either on the job or in a continuing education setting after certification Some of the tasks were performed predominantly Some of the knowledges have been acquired predominantly

2. Tasks and Knowledge topics for each Domain

Domain 1: Management of Spontaneous and Experimentally Induced Diseases and Conditions

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. diagnostic procedures 

a. conduct of a physical examination 

b. clinical pathology

c. other diagnostic procedures

K2. surgical techniques associated with diagnostic and therapeutic surgeries 

K3. immunobiology

K4. nutrition with emphasis on effects of deficiency or toxicity

K5. anatomy with emphasis on features which have significance with regard to clinical medicine or experimental medicine

K6. physiology with emphasis on normative data and characteristics, metabolic differences or metabolism of induced disease, reproductive physiology, and clinically significant physiological features

K7. parasitology with emphasis on parasitic diseases that can become established in a colony and zoonotic parasitic diseases

K8. microbiology with emphasis on organisms of clinical significance; subclinical infections that cause physiologic, biochemical, and/or immunologic alterations; zoonotic disease organisms; organisms used experimentally to induce infection and unintended infections; and sampling and culture techniques for such organisms 

K9. anatomic pathology including pathogenesis of significant naturally occurring and experimentally induced diseases; typical gross and histopathologic lesions; and pertinent anatomic pathology techniques 

K10. pharmacology with emphasis on drugs used to treat spontaneous or induced disease, and drugs used to induce disease
At time of certification T1. prevent spontaneous or unintended disease or condition 

T2. control spontaneous or unintended disease or condition 

T3. diagnose disease or condition as appropriate

T4. treat disease or condition as appropriate 
K11. epidemiology including species-specific susceptibility to induced disease

K12. preventive medicine 

K13. diagnostic procedures 

a. species-specific behavioral assessment 

b. serologic, cytologic, and molecular diagnostic tests and proper sampling techniques
K14. genetics with emphasis on control and treatment of naturally occurring and experimentally induced disease, predisposition to disease, and modes of inheritance

Domain 2: Management of Pain and Distress

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. anatomy and physiology of pain and distress 

K2. patient monitoring 

K3. critical and post-procedural care techniques

K4. pharmacological interventions for pain and distress and their effects on physiology, including age and species differences for such interventions, and depth and duration of analgesia provided by such interventions 

K5. euthanasia
At time of certification T1. recognize pain and/or distress 

T2. minimize or eliminate pain and/or distress 

T3. administration of anesthesia

T4. euthanatize (euthanize)
K6. assessment of pain and distress

K7. causes of pain 

K8. causes of distress 

K9. effects of pain and distress on normative physiology and on research studies 

K10. nonpharmacological interventions for pain and distress and their effects on physiology, including age and species differences for such interventions 

K11. humane endpoint criteria 

Domain 3: Research

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. research methods and equipment

K2. principles of experimental design and statistics including scientific method

K3. animal models including normative biology relevant to the research

K4. characterization of animal models

K5. genetics and nomenclature

K6. genetic modification/engineering technology including application of molecular biology techniques 
At time of certification T1. facilitate or provide research support 

T2. advise and consult with investigators on matters related to their research 

T3. design and conduct research
K7. biomethodology techniques

K8. gnotobiotics 

K9. experimental surgical techniques and instrumentation 

K10. information resources 

K11. scientific writing 

K12. Replacement, Reduction and Refinement techniques 

K13. Effective methods for communicating research-related concerns 

K14. Aseptic requirements for performing surgery 

K15. genomics, metabolomics, and proteomics 
After certification T4. collaborate with other scientists on research projects  K16. grant application, review and funding mechanisms

Domain 4: Animal Care

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. species-specific husbandry

K2. methods of sterilization, sanitation, and decontamination

K3. breeding colony management

K4. animal identification systems 

K5. pest control

K6. environmental causes of physiological alterations in animals and their effects on research

K7. environmental monitoring

K8. watering and feeding
At time of certification T1. develop animal husbandry programs 

T2. manage or provide indirect management/oversight of animal husbandry programs 

T3. manage or provide indirect management/oversight of laboratory animal facilities
K9. environmental enrichment, species-appropriate behavioral and psychosocial needs including creation and maintenance of appropriate social pairs or groups 

K10. quality assurance techniques for animal care-related equipment and supplies

K11. animal procurement considerations

K12. pathogen-free barriers, maintenance of pathogen-free colonies via sentinel use and surveillance programs

K13. containment facilities 
After certification T4. design laboratory animal facilities K14. selection criteria for animal care-related equipment and supplies 

K15. fiscal management as it relates to budgetary and financial issues associated with animal facility management

K16. human resource management as it relates to operation of animal care and use programs 

K17. disaster planning 

K18. facility planning, design, and construction

K19. mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems 

K20. waste management 

K21. housing systems 

Domain 5: Regulatory Responsibilities

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. laws, regulations, policies and standards

a. Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act

b. Welfare and Management of Animals Act

c. Invasive Alien Species Act
d. Cartagena Law
e. Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act
f. Infectious Disease Control Law
g. Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control Act
h. Rendering Plant Law
i. Rabies Prevention Act
j. Protection and Control of Wild Birds and Mammals and Hunting Management Law
k. Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Act
l. Industrial Safety and Health Act
m. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law
n. Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufactures Law
At time of certification T1. perform direct or delegated Attending Veterinarian responsibilities

T2. advocate for humane care and use of animals

T3. provide advice to occupational health and safety programs

T4. provide advice on biological, chemical and radiation hazards in an animal research program

T5. serve as a member of an IACUC

T6. review protocols and provide advice to investigators and the IACUC
K2. laws, regulations, policies and standards

a. Good Laboratory Practices

K3. international laws, regulations, policies and standards

a. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (ILAR/NRC)

b. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (AVMA) 

K4. role and function of the IACUC 

K5. protocol review
After certification None K6. international laws, policies, and standards

a. Animal Welfare Act, USDA regulations, Animal Care policies 

b. Health Research Extension Act, Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, OLAW interpretive guidance 

c. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories

d. Endangered Species Act/CITES 

e. Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching (FASS)

f. Live Animals Regulations (IATA – International Air Transportation Association)

g. USDA and CDC animal importation regulations 

h. NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines and Office of Biotechnology

i. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals (ILAR/NRC)

Domain 6: Education

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. societal issues involving use of animals: 

a. philosophy and ethics of animal used. history and value of animal research
At time of certification T1. train personnel in animal care and use

T2. maintain current knowledge and continued competence in laboratory animal medicine
K2. educational resources

K3. certification programs (e.g., DJCLAM certification) 

K4. societal issues involving use of animals: 

a. organizations related to and/or supportive of laboratory animal medicine and animal research (e.g., JALAS, JSVS, JALAM, JSAAE, ILAR)

b. organizations opposed to animal research (e.g., AVA-Net, ALIVE, PETA, HSUS) including their philosophy and opposition strategies
After certification T3. provide education in academic and/or laboratory animal residency programs 

T4. outside of formal training programs, mentor those interested in or involved in laboratory animal medicine

T5. provide community outreach on animal care and use

JALAS: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science; JSVS: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science; JALAM: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine; JSAAE: Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments; ILAR: Institute for Laboratory Animal Research; AVA-Net: Anti-vivisection Action Network; ALIVE: All Life in a Viable Environment; PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; HSUS: Humane Society of the United States

Species Categories

The suggested species were classified as primary, and secondary. Below is the list by category.

Category Species
Primary P1. Mouse (Mus musculus)

P2. Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

P3. Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 

P4. Dog (Canis familiaris)

P5. Pig (Sus scrofa)

P6. Macaques (Macaca spp)
Secondary S1. Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

S2. Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

S3. Gerbil (Meriones spp.)

S4. Other rodents

S5. Cat (Felis domestica)

S6. Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

S7. Sheep (Ovis aries)

S8. Goat (Capra hircus) 

S9. Cow (Bos taurus)

S10. Horse (Equus caballus)

S11. Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus)

S12. Marmoset/tamarins (Callitrichidae)

S13. Another nonhuman primate

S14. Chicken (Gallus domestica)

S15. Japanese quail (Cotunix japonica)

S16. Other birds

S17. Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

S18. Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

S19. Japanese killifish (Oryzias latipes)

S20. Other fish

S21. African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)

S22. Invertebrates including drosophila and nematode

Last Revised on Novenber 19, 2022.


JCLAM Role Delineation Document

1. Overview of this Document

1) The Role Delineation Document is comprised of six Domains.

Domain 1 Management of Spontaneous and Experimentally Induced Diseases and Conditions
Domain 2 Management of Pain and Distress
Domain 3 Research
Domain 4 Animal Care
Domain 5 Regulatory Responsibilities
Domain 6 Education

2) Each Domain is composed of Tasks and Knowledge topics.

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None Some of the topics have been acquired for DVM licensed subject
At time of certification Most of the tasks have been performed by an JCLAM Diplomate Most of the knowledge were required
Either on the job or in a continuing education setting after certification Some of the tasks were performed predominantly Some of the knowledges have been acquired predominantly

2. Tasks and Knowledge topics for each Domain

Domain 1: Management of Spontaneous and Experimentally Induced Diseases and Conditions

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. diagnostic procedures 

a. conduct of a physical examination 

b. clinical pathology

c. other diagnostic procedures

K2. surgical techniques associated with diagnostic and therapeutic surgeries 

K3. immunobiology

K4. nutrition with emphasis on effects of deficiency or toxicity

K5. anatomy with emphasis on features which have significance with regard to clinical medicine or experimental medicine

K6. physiology with emphasis on normative data and characteristics, metabolic differences or metabolism of induced disease, reproductive physiology, and clinically significant physiological features

K7. parasitology with emphasis on parasitic diseases that can become established in a colony and zoonotic parasitic diseases

K8. microbiology with emphasis on organisms of clinical significance; subclinical infections that cause physiologic, biochemical, and/or immunologic alterations; zoonotic disease organisms; organisms used experimentally to induce infection and unintended infections; and sampling and culture techniques for such organisms 

K9. anatomic pathology including pathogenesis of significant naturally occurring and experimentally induced diseases; typical gross and histopathologic lesions; and pertinent anatomic pathology techniques 

K10. pharmacology with emphasis on drugs used to treat spontaneous or induced disease, and drugs used to induce disease
At time of certification T1. prevent spontaneous or unintended disease or condition 

T2. control spontaneous or unintended disease or condition 

T3. diagnose disease or condition as appropriate

T4. treat disease or condition as appropriate 
K11. epidemiology including species-specific susceptibility to induced disease

K12. preventive medicine 

K13. diagnostic procedures 

a. species-specific behavioral assessment 

b. serologic, cytologic, and molecular diagnostic tests and proper sampling techniques
K14. genetics with emphasis on control and treatment of naturally occurring and experimentally induced disease, predisposition to disease, and modes of inheritance

Domain 2: Management of Pain and Distress

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. anatomy and physiology of pain and distress 

K2. patient monitoring 

K3. critical and post-procedural care techniques

K4. pharmacological interventions for pain and distress and their effects on physiology, including age and species differences for such interventions, and depth and duration of analgesia provided by such interventions 

K5. euthanasia
At time of certification T1. recognize pain and/or distress 

T2. minimize or eliminate pain and/or distress 

T3. administration of anesthesia

T4. euthanatize (euthanize)
K6. assessment of pain and distress

K7. causes of pain 

K8. causes of distress 

K9. effects of pain and distress on normative physiology and on research studies 

K10. nonpharmacological interventions for pain and distress and their effects on physiology, including age and species differences for such interventions 

K11. humane endpoint criteria 

Domain 3: Research

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. research methods and equipment

K2. principles of experimental design and statistics including scientific method

K3. animal models including normative biology relevant to the research

K4. characterization of animal models

K5. genetics and nomenclature

K6. genetic modification/engineering technology including application of molecular biology techniques 
At time of certification T1. facilitate or provide research support 

T2. advise and consult with investigators on matters related to their research 

T3. design and conduct research
K7. biomethodology techniques

K8. gnotobiotics 

K9. experimental surgical techniques and instrumentation 

K10. information resources 

K11. scientific writing 

K12. Replacement, Reduction and Refinement techniques 

K13. Effective methods for communicating research-related concerns 

K14. Aseptic requirements for performing surgery 

K15. genomics, metabolomics, and proteomics 
After certification T4. collaborate with other scientists on research projects  K16. grant application, review and funding mechanisms

Domain 4: Animal Care

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. species-specific husbandry

K2. methods of sterilization, sanitation, and decontamination

K3. breeding colony management

K4. animal identification systems 

K5. pest control

K6. environmental causes of physiological alterations in animals and their effects on research

K7. environmental monitoring

K8. watering and feeding
At time of certification T1. develop animal husbandry programs 

T2. manage or provide indirect management/oversight of animal husbandry programs 

T3. manage or provide indirect management/oversight of laboratory animal facilities
K9. environmental enrichment, species-appropriate behavioral and psychosocial needs including creation and maintenance of appropriate social pairs or groups 

K10. quality assurance techniques for animal care-related equipment and supplies

K11. animal procurement considerations

K12. pathogen-free barriers, maintenance of pathogen-free colonies via sentinel use and surveillance programs

K13. containment facilities 
After certification T4. design laboratory animal facilities K14. selection criteria for animal care-related equipment and supplies 

K15. fiscal management as it relates to budgetary and financial issues associated with animal facility management

K16. human resource management as it relates to operation of animal care and use programs 

K17. disaster planning 

K18. facility planning, design, and construction

K19. mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems 

K20. waste management 

K21. housing systems 

Domain 5: Regulatory Responsibilities

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. laws, regulations, policies and standards

a. Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act

b. Welfare and Management of Animals Act

c. Invasive Alien Species Act
d. Cartagena Law
e. Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act
f. Infectious Disease Control Law
g. Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control Act
h. Rendering Plant Law
i. Rabies Prevention Act
j. Protection and Control of Wild Birds and Mammals and Hunting Management Law
k. Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Act
l. Industrial Safety and Health Act
m. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law
n. Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufactures Law
At time of certification T1. perform direct or delegated Attending Veterinarian responsibilities

T2. advocate for humane care and use of animals

T3. provide advice to occupational health and safety programs

T4. provide advice on biological, chemical and radiation hazards in an animal research program

T5. serve as a member of an IACUC

T6. review protocols and provide advice to investigators and the IACUC
K2. laws, regulations, policies and standards

a. Good Laboratory Practices

K3. international laws, regulations, policies and standards

a. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (ILAR/NRC)

b. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (AVMA) 

K4. role and function of the IACUC 

K5. protocol review
After certification None K6. international laws, policies, and standards

a. Animal Welfare Act, USDA regulations, Animal Care policies 

b. Health Research Extension Act, Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, OLAW interpretive guidance 

c. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories

d. Endangered Species Act/CITES 

e. Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching (FASS)

f. Live Animals Regulations (IATA – International Air Transportation Association)

g. USDA and CDC animal importation regulations 

h. NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines and Office of Biotechnology

i. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals (ILAR/NRC)

Domain 6: Education

  Tasks Knowledges
During a DVM program None K1. societal issues involving use of animals: 

a. philosophy and ethics of animal used. history and value of animal research
At time of certification T1. train personnel in animal care and use

T2. maintain current knowledge and continued competence in laboratory animal medicine
K2. educational resources

K3. certification programs (e.g., DJCLAM certification) 

K4. societal issues involving use of animals: 

a. organizations related to and/or supportive of laboratory animal medicine and animal research (e.g., JALAS, JSVS, JALAM, JSAAE, ILAR)

b. organizations opposed to animal research (e.g., AVA-Net, ALIVE, PETA, HSUS) including their philosophy and opposition strategies
After certification T3. provide education in academic and/or laboratory animal residency programs 

T4. outside of formal training programs, mentor those interested in or involved in laboratory animal medicine

T5. provide community outreach on animal care and use

JALAS: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science; JSVS: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science; JALAM: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine; JSAAE: Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments; ILAR: Institute for Laboratory Animal Research; AVA-Net: Anti-vivisection Action Network; ALIVE: All Life in a Viable Environment; PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; HSUS: Humane Society of the United States

Species Categories

The suggested species were classified as primary, and secondary. Below is the list by category.

Category Species
Primary P1. Mouse (Mus musculus)

P2. Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

P3. Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 

P4. Dog (Canis familiaris)

P5. Pig (Sus scrofa)

P6. Macaques (Macaca spp)
Secondary S1. Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

S2. Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

S3. Gerbil (Meriones spp.)

S4. Other rodents

S5. Cat (Felis domestica)

S6. Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

S7. Sheep (Ovis aries)

S8. Goat (Capra hircus) 

S9. Cow (Bos taurus)

S10. Horse (Equus caballus)

S11. Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus)

S12. Marmoset/tamarins (Callitrichidae)

S13. Another nonhuman primate

S14. Chicken (Gallus domestica)

S15. Japanese quail (Cotunix japonica)

S16. Other birds

S17. Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

S18. Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

S19. Japanese killifish (Oryzias latipes)

S20. Other fish

S21. African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)

S22. Invertebrates including drosophila and nematode

Last Revised on Novenber 19, 2022.