
- 社会脳/健康脳と社会能力発達、環境の質に関する学際学融合コホートプロジェクト
特別論文 生涯発達ダイナミズムと保健福祉学
- 育児環境指標
(ICCE, Index of Child Care Environment)
(HOME-J, Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment Japanese version 家庭版 社会的養護版)
*詳細はanmet (あっと)md.tsukuba.ac.jpまでお問い合わせください) - 保育環境チェックリスト
(ICBE, Index of Center-Based Child Care Environment)
- 園児用発達チェックリスト 保育パワーアップ研究会 (外部リンク)
(IDCB, Index of Child Development in Center-Based Care)
- かかわり指標 気になる子どもの早期発見・早期支援(書籍)
(乳幼児用 IRS, Interaction Rating Scale) (幼児学童用 IRSC, Interaction Rating Scale between Children)
(成人用 IRSA, Interaction Rationg Scale Advanced) - 幼児用社会的スキル尺度 保育パワーアップ講座 活用編ー根拠に基づく支援 子どもたちのすこやかな成長のためにー (書籍)
(乳幼児用 他記式質問紙 SSS, Social Skill Scale:1)Chinese 2)Japanese 3)English ) - 【参考】かかわり指標の活用
- 社会との主体的なかかわりの程度を評価する指標:社会関連性指標
エイジングのケア科学ーケア実践に生かす社会関連性指標 (書籍)
(ISI, Index of Social Interaction) - 傾聴の度合いを評価する指標:傾聴尺度
(IAL, Index of Active Listening)
コホート名 | 種類 | 人数 | 年数 | 対象年齢 | 関連リンク |
すくすくコホート | 出生コホート | 500名 | 5年 | 0~8歳 | 子育ち環境からみた子どもの育ち |
保育コホート | パネルコホート | 51,000名 | 20年以上 | 0~18歳 | 保育パワーアップ講座 |
健康長寿コホート | 地域コホート | 5,000名 | 30年以上 | 0~102歳 | 健康長寿エンパワメント |
- 住民すべての健康化に向けた参画や多世代交流によるヘルスプロモーション・プロジェクト
日本一健康長寿 誰もが生き生きまちづくり ー飛島20年の軌跡と成果ー
エンパワメント技術を活用して地域全体の健康水準の向上に向けた介入研究を行っています。たとえば多世代交流による健康長寿のまちづくり。認知症予防や健康維持増進に、長期的な効果が明らかにされています。また、木育によるコミュニティ・エンパワメント。子どもたちがSense of Wonderを育む科学的な根拠を提供し、ケアの実践知を科学知につなげ、子育ちエンパワメントに向けたシステム作りを行います。さらに、企業などにおける「働く喜びを感じる職場」「一人ひとりの力を活かす職場」について、学際的に取り組んでいます。
誰もが住みやすい環境を作るため、当事者を主体とした仕掛け、支援技術を開発します。人工知能、福祉用具、住環境、地域環境の一体的な整備とユニバーサルデザイン化、地域保健福 祉計画や街づくり計画の策定、システム化、臨床評価を行っています。
- 共創ウエルビーイング:みんなで創る幸せのエンパワメント科学、日本評論社、2024
- エンパワメントに基づく共創型アクションリサーチ、北王路書房、2021
- いのちの輝きに寄り添うエンパワメント科学:だれもが主人公 新しい共生のかたち、北王路書房
- 子どもの未来をひらく エンパワメント科学、日本評論社
- エンパワメントのケア科学:当事者主体チームワーク・ケアの技法、医歯薬出版
- コミュニティ・エンパワメントの技法:当事者主体の新しいシステムづくり、医歯薬出版
- 健康長寿エンパワメント:介護予防とヘルスプロモーション技法への活用、医歯薬出版
- 根拠に基づく子育て子育ちエンパワメント:子育ち環境評価と虐待予防、日本小児医事出版
- New Empowerment Models on Practical Strategies for Wellbeing, Nova Science Publications<Lecture text>
- Culture, Care and Community Empowerment: International Applications of Theory and Methods, Kawashima Press<Lecture text>
- きずな育む力をつむぐ:エンパワメント科学のすすめ 子ども研究、日本子ども学会
- 保健福祉学とエンパワメント科学:当事者主体の新しい学際研究の展開に向けて、日本保健福祉学会誌
- エンパワメント科学入門:人と社会を元気にする仕組みづくり、エンパワメント科学研究室
- Creating Empowerment in Community: Theory and Practice from an International Perspective, NOVA, 2019.
- Interactive Community Empowerment program and Adaptation of ICT for Health Promotion: Life Course Approch with Longitudinal Cohort Study, NOVA, 2019
- 子どもの未来をひらく エンパワメント科学, 日本評論社, 2019
- Empowerment sciences for professionals enhance inclusion and a world of possibilities, Japan Pediatric Publication, 2018
- 「育てにくさ」の理解と支援-健やか親子21(第2次)の重点課題に向けて―, 診断と治療社, 2017
- 0~6歳児童 心理行為発展の評価, 復旦大学出版社, 2017
- Empowerment: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Strategies and Psychological Benefits Chapter1 New Empowerment Model on practical strategies for wellbeing, Nova Science Publishers, 2016
- Social Skills: Perceptions, Role in Autistic Children and Assistive Technology Chapter4 Web Application for Social Skill Development in Children with Autism, Nova Science Publishers, 2016
- 生の豊かさと貧しさ -21世記の生存を考えるー, 生存科学研究所, 2016
- 実施マニュアル 思春期前期HOME評価尺度児童養護施設版, 甲南大学人間科学研究所, 2016
- Anme T, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E and Japan Children’s Study Group, Parent-Child Interactions and Relationships Chapter11: Parent-Child interactions and child social competence: longitudinal evidence using the interaction rating scale(IRS), Nova Science Publication, 2016
- Anme T, Empowerment: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Strategies and Psychological Benefits Chapter1: New Empowernment Model on practical strategies for wellbeing, Nova Science Publication, 2016
- Anme T, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E, and Watanabe K, Social Skills: Perceptions, Role in Autistic Children and Assistive Technology Chapter4 Web Application for Social Skill Development in Children with Autism, Nova Science Publishers, 2016
- 保健福祉学 当事者主体のシステム科学の構築と実践:まえがき、第1章1節(p2-7)、座談会 保健福祉学の意義(p191-192)保健福祉学を発展させるために(p194-195),北大路書房, 2015
- 「すくすく子育て」先生教えて!まるごとQ&A,宝島社, 2015
- 相談援助の理論と方法Ⅰ 相談援助のための交渉の技術,社会福祉士養成講座編集委員会, 2015
- 児童家庭福祉論 児童や家庭に対する支援と児童家庭福祉制度 第3章第4節第6節,社会福祉学習双書(p92-104, 112-120), 2015
- 「いたみ」「かなしみ」「他者」の現場フィールドワークを問う Pain, sadness, and Others: Reflection and Fieldwork, 大阪大学グローバルコラボレーションセンター, 2015
- いのちの輝きに寄り添うエンパワメント科学,北王路書房, 2014
- 保育パワーアップ講座 応用編,日本小児医事出版, 2014
- 夜間保育と子どもたち,北大路書房, 2014
- エンパワメント科学入門 ― 人と社会を元気にする仕組みづくり―, 2013
- Gender differences of children’s social competence development from eighteen month to seven-year-old using Interaction Rating Scale (IRS), In Sarah McGeown ed, Psychology of Gender Diffrences,Nova Science Publications, 2012
- Parenting: Challenges, Practices and Cultural Influences from Japanese Cohort Study, In Nadya S Gotsiridze-Columbus ed, Parenting: Challenges, Practices and Cultural Influences, Nova Science Publishers, 2012
- 親から頼りにされる保育者の子育て支援 気になる子も,気になる親も一緒に保育,黎明書房, 2012
- 日本一健康長寿 誰もが生き生きまちづくり―飛島20年の軌跡と成果―, 2011
- Advanced Initiatives in Interprofessional Education in Japan, Springer, 2010
- 乳幼児のための脳科学,かもがわ出版, 2010
- 働くことの喜びとは何か,日本能率協会, 2010
- 根拠に基づく子育ち子育てエンパワメント―子育ち環境評価と虐待予防―, 日本小児医事出版社, 2009
- 気になる子どもの早期発見早期支援―「かかわり指標」を活用した根拠に基づく子育ち子育て支援に向けて―, 日本小児医事出版社, 2009
- Culture, Care and Community Empowerment: International Applications of Theory and Methods,Kawashima Press, 2008
- 保育パワーアップ講座 活用事例編,日本小児医事出版社, 2008
- 健康長寿エンパワメント-介護予防とヘルスプロモーション技法への活用 -, 医歯薬出版 , 2007
- 保育パワーアップ講座 長時間保育研究をもとに子どもたちのすこやかな成長のために, 小児医事出版社, 2007
- コミュニティエンパワメントの技法-当事者主体の新しいシステムづくり -, 医歯薬出版 , 2005
- エンパワメントのケア科学-当事者主体チームワークケアの技法―, 医歯薬出版, 2004
- 子育ち環境と子育て支援-よい長時間保育のみわけかた, 勁草書房, 2004
- ヒューマンサービスにおけるグループインタビュー法Ⅲ 論文作成, 医歯薬出版, 2010
- ヒューマンサービスにおけるグループインタビュー法Ⅱ 活用事例編, 医歯薬出版, 2003
- ヒューマンサービスにおけるグループインタビュー法-科学的根拠に基づく質的研究法の展開- ,医歯薬出版, 2001
- エイジングのケア科学, 川島書店, 2000
- Empowering Frail Elderly People: Opportunities and Impediments in Housing,Health and Support Services Delivery, Prager, 2000
- 保健福祉のケア科学, ベネッセ, 1998
- Aging in Place with Dignity, Greenwood Publications, 1994
- 保健福祉学, 川島書店, 1998
- Yantong Zhu, Zhu Zhu, Dandan Jiao, Xiang Li, Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Taeko Watanabe, Yuko Sawada, Munenori Matsumoto, Mingyu Cui, Yang Liu, Tokie Anme, Bidirectional relations between self-control and cooperation among Japanese preschoolers: A random-intercept cross-lagged panel analysis, Vol-64, Issue-3:139-147, 2023
- Yang Liu, Dandan Jiao, Mengjiao Yang, Mingyu Cui, Xiang Li, Zhu Zhu, Yuko Sawada, Kumi Watanabe Miura, Taeko Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Tokie Anme, Role of multifaceted social relationships on the association of loneliness with depression symptoms: a moderated mediation analysis, Healthcare, 2022
- Yantong Zhu, Gengli Zhang, Tokie Anme, Patterns of adverse childhood experiences among Chinese preschool parents and the intergenerational transmission of risk to offspring behavioral problems: Moderating by coparenting quality, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2022
- Yantong Zhu, Dandan Jiao, Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Taeko Watanabe, Yuko Sawada, Xiang Li, Zhu Zhu, Ammara Ajmal, Tokie Anme, Exploring patterns of self-control and the relationship with home rearing environment among preschoolers, Early Childhood Education Journal, 2022
- Dandan Jiao, Kumi Watanabe,Yuko Sawada, EmikoTanaka,TaekoWatanabe, EtsukoTomisaki, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Yuriko Kawasaki, Tokie Anme, Changes in social relationships and physical function among community-dwelling older adults, The Journal of Nursing Research, 2022
- Zhu, Z., Kim, C., Jiao, D., Li, X., Ajmal, A., Matsumoto, M., Sawada, Y., Kasai, T., Watanabe, T., Tomisaki, E., Tanaka, E., Ito, S., Okumura, R., & Anme, T., Patterns of Movement Performance Among Japanese Children and Effects of Parenting Practices: Latent class analysis., Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, Volume-1, Issue-1, 2022
- Zhu Zhu, Dandan Jiao, Xiang Li, Yantong Zhu, Cunyoen Kim, Ammara Ajmal, Munenori Matsumoto, Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Taeko Watanabe, Yuko Sawada & Tokie Anme, Measurement invariance and country difference in children’s social skills development: Evidence from Japanese and Chinese samples, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 2022
- Dandan Jiao, Kumi Watanabe,Yuko Sawada, EmikoTanaka,TaekoWatanabe, EtsukoTomisaki, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Yuriko Kawasaki, Tokie Anme, Social Relationships and Onset of Functional Limitation Among Older Adults with Chronic Conditions: Does Gender Matter?, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, Volume-1, Issue-1, 2022
- Xiang Li, Yan-Tong Zhu, Dan-Dan Jiao, Yuko Sawada, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Etsuko Tomisaki, Zhu Zhu, Ammara Ajmal, Munenori Matsumoto, Jin-Rui Zhang, Alpona Afsari Banu, Yang Liu, Ming-Yu Cui, Yolanda Graça, Yan-Lin Wang, Mei-Ling Qian and Tokie Anme, Subtyping of Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors in Japanese Community-Based Children: A Latent Class Analysis and Association with Family Activities, Children, Volume-9, Issue 2:210, 2022
- Kumi Miura Watanabe, Takuya Sekiguchi, Mihoko Otake-Matsuura, Yuko Sawada, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Etsuko Tomisaki, Rika Okumura, Yuriko Kawasaki, Sumio Ito, Tokie Anme, Patterns of social relationships among community-dwelling older adults in Japan: Latent class analysis, BMC Geriatrics, Volume-22, Issue 1:75, 2021
- Xiang Li, Dandan Jiao, Munenori Matsumoto, Yantong Zhu, Jinrui Zhang, Zhu Zhu, Yang Liu, Mingyu Cui, Yanlin Wang, Meiling Qian, Ammara Ajmal, Alpona Afsari Banu, Yolanda Graça, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Yuko Sawada, Etsuko Tomisaki & Tokie Anme, Home environment and social skills of Japanese preschool children pre- and post-COVID-19, Early Child Development and Care, 2022
- Zhu Zhu, Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Taeko Watanabe, Yuko Sawada, Xiang Li, Dandan Jiao, Ammara Ajmal, Munenori Matsumoto, Yantong Zhu, Tokie Anme, Do it yourself: The role of early self-care ability in social skills in Japanese preschool settings, School Psychology International, Volume-43, Issue 1:71-87, 2021
- Tokie Anme, Psychology in Individual and Community Empowerment to Build New Normal Lifestyle, Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities (UMP press), Volume-2 (2021), 2021
- Yantong Zhu, Xiang Li, Dandan Jiao, Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Taeko Watanabe, Yuko Sawada, Zhu Zhu, Ammara Ajmal, Munenori Matsumoto and Tokie Anme, Development of Social Skills in Kindergarten: A Latent Class Growth Modeling Approach, Children, Vol-8, Issue 10:870, 2021
- Ammara Ajmal, Kumi Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Yuko Sawada, TaekoWatanabe, Etsuko Tomisaki, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Yuriko Kawasaki, Tokie Anme. An eating behaviour—consumption frequency of certain foods in early childhood—as a predictor of behaviour problems: A 6-year follow-up study, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 2021
- Hiromi Arakawa,Tokie Anme. The effect of an experiential learning program on motivations and activity involvement among dementia supporters in Japan, PLOS One, 2020
- Dandan Jiao, Kumi Watanabe, Yuko Sawada, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Etsuko Tomisaki, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Yuriko Kawasaki, Tokie Anme. Multimorbidity and functional limitation: the role of social relationships, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2020
- Hilda M Agil, Kumi Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Yati Afiyanti, Tokie Anme. Factors influencing Indonesian male partners’ support in the postpartum period, Makara Journal of Health Research, 23, 82–89, 2019
- K.Watanabe, E.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, E.Tomisaki, S.Ito, R.Okumura, T.Anme, Social relationships and functional status among Japanese elderly adults living in a suburban area, Public Health, 2019
- Etsuko Tomisaki, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Ryoji Shinohara, Maki Hirano, Yoko Onda, Yukiko Mochizuki, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Tokie Anme,The relationship between the development of social competence and sleep in infants: a longitudinal study, Child adolescence psychology mental health, 2019
- Yuning Zhanga, Emiko Tanakab, Tokie Anmeb, Shigeyuki Moric, Robert Bradleyd, Jennifer Y.F. Laua,Japanese residential care quality and perceived competency in institutionalized adolescents: A preliminary assessment of the dimensionality of care provision, Children and Youth Services Review, 2018
- Yuri Nurdiantami, Kumi Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Julianty Pradono, Tokie, Association of General and Central Obesity with Hypertension, Clinical Nutrition, 2017
- Kumi Watanabe, Manabu Sakayori, Koichi Uruno, Mitsuko Uruno, Tokie Anme,The Effect of Exercise with Music on the Subjective Well-Being of Nursing Care Users, International Journal of Nursing Science, 2017
- Anme T, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E and Watanabe K, Child development and the care enviornment: longitudinal perspective, Advances in psychology research, 2016
- Watanabe K, Tanaka W, Bailiang Wu, Ito S, Rika Okumura, Anme T, Association between Social Relationships and Cognitive Function among the Elderly,Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2016
- Anme T, Tomisaki E, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Long hours in center-based care and the health of second-grade children: A longitudinal study, Sress, brain and behavior. Vol 5, 2016
- Anme T, Intergenerational Activities and Aging Well: Plasticity as a Fundamental Strength of Lifespan Development, 日本保健福祉学会誌, 2016
- Cunyoen Kim, Bailiang Wu, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Kumi Watanabe, Wencan Chen, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Tetsuaki Arai, Anme Tokie, Association between a Change in Social Interaction and Dementia among Elderly People,International Journal of Gerontology, 2016
- Kosaka H, Okamoto Y, Munesue T, Yamasue H, Inohara K, Fujioka T, Anme T, Orisaka M, Ishitobi M, Jung M, Fujisawa T, Tanaka S, Sumiyoshi Arai, Mizuki Asano, Daisuke Saito, Norihiro Sadato,Akemi Tomoda, Masao Omori, M Sato, Hidehiko Okazawa, Haruhiro Higashida, and Yuji Wada, Oxytocin efficacy is modulated by dosage and oxytocin receptor genotype in young adults with high-functioning autism: A 24-week randomized, Translational Psychiatry, 2016
- Wencan Chen, Tanaka E, Watanabe K, Tomisaki E, Watanabe T, Bailiang Wu, Anme T, The influence of home-rearing environment on children’s behavioral problems 3 years’ later, Psychiatry Research, 2016
- Watanabe K, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Wencan Chen, Bailiang Wu, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura and Anme T, Association between the older adults’social relationships and functional status in Japan, Geriatrics & Gerontology International (GGI), 2016
- Anme T, Tanaka E ,et al.Does Center-based Childcare Play a Role in Preventing Child Maltreatment Evidence from a One-year Follow-up Study. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 6(2), 2016
- Anme T, New Empowernment Model on practical strategies for wellbeing, Nova Science Publisher, 2015
- Anme T, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E and Japan Children’s Study Group, Parent-Child interactions and child social competence: longitudinal evidence using the interaction rating scale(IRS), Nova Science Publisher, 2015
- Anme T, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Watanabe K, Ito H, Kasai T, Effectiveness of an Interactive Community Empowerment Program, The Journal of MacroTrends in Health and Medicine, 2015
- Emiko Tanaka, Zyu Zyu, Taeko Watanabe, Etsuko Tomisaki, Bailiang Wu, and Tokie Anme, The Relationship between Parental Stress and Child-Rearing Behaviors: Using the Cloud Computing-Based Support System for Comprehensive Childcare,WECC2015, 2015
- Lian Tong, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Tokie Anme, The buffering effect of parental engagement on the relationship between corporal punishments and children’s emotional/behavioral problems, Pediatrics International, 2015
- Yusuke Takahashi, Kensuke Okada, Takahiro Hoshino, Tokie Anme, Developmental Trajectories of Social Skills during Early Childhood and Links to Parenting Practices in a Japanese Sample, PLOS ONE, 2015
- Taeko Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Tokie Anme, A web-based application for improving childcare quality: A longitudinal study, WECC2015, 2015
- Watanabe T, Anme T, et al. Development of a Scale for Assessing the ChildcareInformation Utilization Skills of Childcare Professionals (SACIUS), InternationalJournal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 4(1), 21-29, 2014.
- Anme T, Tanaka E, et.al., Validating the Effects of Inclusive Childcare with the Interaction Rating Scale, Education, 4(2), 2014.
- Anme T, Tanaka E, et.al., Assessing Gender Differences in Sociability Towards Strangers Over Time Using the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA), International Journal of Applied Psychology, 4(2), 2014.
- Anme T, Tokutake K., et.al. , Validity and Reliability of the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA) as an Index of Social Competence Development, Public Health Research, 4(1), 2014
- Gan-Yadam A, Anme T, et al. Factors Associated with Health Service Utilization in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: A Population-Based Survey, Journal of Epidemiology, Jul 6, 2013
- Mochizuki Y, Anme T, et al. Effects of Wood Education in a Nursery School with a Focus on Changes in Children and Caregivers’ Drawings, Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Jul 6, 2013
- Mochizuki Y, Anme T, et al. Effects of Wood Education in a Nursery School with a Focus on Changes in Children and Caregivers’ Drawings, Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 3(6), 2013
- Sugisawa Y, Matsumoto M, Anme T, et al. Strengths and Difficulties of 30-month-olds and Features of the Caregiver-Child Interaction, Journal of Health Science, 3(2), 2013
- Ichikawa K, Anme T, Nakayamaet T, TEACCH-based group social skills training for children with high-functioning autism: a pilot randomized controlled trial, BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 7(14), 2013
- Maeno T, Anme T, Hara A. Japanese students’ perception of their learning from an interprofessional education program: a qualitative study, International Journal of Medical Education, 4, 9-17, 2013
- Anme T, Kawashima Y et al. Social Interaction and Dementia Prevention: Six-year Follow-up Study, Public Health Frontier, 2(2) , 2013
- Anme T, et al. Validity and Reliability of the Social Skill Scale (SSS) as an Index of Social Competence for Preschool Children, Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 2013
- Anme T, et al. Validity and Reliability of the Index of Active Listening (IAL) , Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 2(2), 2013
- Anme T, Tanaka E., et al. Validity and Reliability of the Index of Child Care Environment (ICCE), Public Health Frontier, 2(6), 2013
- Anme T, et al. Wood products Improve the Quality of Life of Elderly People in Assisted Living, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 6, 2013
- Anme T, Tokutake K., et al. Short Version of the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA-Brief) as a Practical Index of Social Competence Development, International Journal of Applied Psychology, 3(6): 169-173, 2013
- Tanaka E, Anme T et al. Factors related to Social Competence Development of thirty-month-old; Longitudinal Perspective, Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services, 19(1), 2012
- Gan-Yadam A, Anme T. Self-assessed health and its aspects in the case of Mongolia, Health, 4(7), 415-422, 2012
- Anme T, et al. Validity and Reliability of the Interaction Rating Scale between Children (IRSC) by Using Motion Capture Analysis of Head Movement, Public Health Research 2012, 2(6)
- Anme T, Tomisaki E., et al. Health of school-aged children in 11+ hours of center-based care, Creative Education, 3(2), 2012
- Anme T, et al. Does night care affect development?A five-year follow-up, Education, 2(5), 2012
- Anme T, et al. Behavior changes in older persons caused by using wood products in assisted living, Public Health Research, 2(4), 2012
- Tong L, Anme T, et al. Early development of empathy in toddlers:Effects of daily parent-child interaction and home rearing environment. Journal of Applied Socil Psychology, 42, 2457-2478, 2012
- Gan-Yadam A, Anme T, et al. Gender differences in health seeking behaviour and empowerment needs in Mongolia, Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services, 7(2), 2011
- Anme T, et al. A pilot study of social competence assessment using Interaction Rating Scale Advanced, ISRN Pediatrics, 272913, 2011
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- Anme T, et al. Effectiveness of Japan’s extended/night child care: A five-year follow up, Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2, 5573-5580, 2010
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- Anme T, et al. Predicting Mortality and the importance of social interaction: A five year follow-up study in Japan, International Journal of Welfare for the Aged, 1, 34-48, 1999
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- Anme T, et al. “Evaluation of Environmental Stimulation (EES)”as predictive method related to decrease of physical 3 years later, International Disability, 5, 435-441, 1997
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