1. |
Chin K, Iwashima D, Suganuma H, Hara Y, Kaneko T: A complete spontaneous regression of lung cancer with variations in size over 38 months. J Jpn Soc Respir Endoscopy, 41: 289-292, 2019. |
2. |
Eriguchi T, Takeda A, Tsurugai Y, Sanuki N, Kibe Y, Hara Y, Kaneko T, Taguri M, Shigematsu N: Pleural contact decreases survival in clinical T1N0M0 lung cancer patients undergoing SBRT. Radiother Oncol, 134: 191-198, 2019. |
3. |
Ito M, Horita N, Nagashima A, Kaneko T: Carboplatin plus pemetrexed for the elderly incurable chemo-naive nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer: meta-analysis. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 15: e3-e10, 2019. |
4. |
Katakura S, Kobayashi N, Somekawa K, Masumoto N, Kudo M, Kaneko T: Non-small cell lung cancer with mesenchymal-epithelial transition gene exon 14 skipping mutation treated with crizotinib. Respirol Case Rep, 7: e00453, 2019. |
5. |
Kubo S, Kobayashi N, Kaneko A, Aiko H, Kudo M, Kaneko T: Computed tomography imaging-based observation of the aggressive growth of angiosarcoma: a case study. Respirol Case Rep, 7: e00479, 2019. |
6. |
Minegishi S, Kato S, Takase-Minegishi K, Horita N, Azushima K, Wakui H, Ishigami T, Kosuge M, Kimura K, Tamura K: Native T1 time and extracellular volume fraction in differentiation of normal myocardium from non-ischemic dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy myocardium: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc, 25: 100422, 2019. |
7. |
Miyashita N, Horita N, Higa F, Aoki Y, Kikuchi T, Seki M, Tateda K, Maki N, Uchino K, Ogasawara K, Kiyota H, Watanabe A: Validation of a diagnostic score model for the prediction of Legionella pneumophila pneumonia. J Infect Chemother, 25: 407-412, 2019. |
8. |
Murohashi K, Hara Y, Saigusa Y, Kobayashi N, Sato T, Yamamoto M, Kudo M, Kaneko T: Clinical significance of Charlson comorbidity index as a prognostic parameter for patients with acute or subacute idiopathic interstitial pneumonias and acute exacerbation of collagen vascular diseases-related interstitial pneumonia. J Thorac Dis, 11: 2448-2457, 2019. |
9. |
Narita A, Takeda A, Eriguchi T, Saigusa Y, Sanuki N, Tsurugai Y, Enomoto T, Kuribayashi H, Mizuno T, Yashiro K, Hara Y, Kaneko T: Stereotactic body radiotherapy for primary non-small cell lung cancer patients with clinical T3-4N0M0 (UICC 8th edition): outcomes and patterns of failure. J Radiat Res, 60: 639-649, 2019. |
10. |
Suwa A, Horita N, Ishido T, Takeuchi M, Kawagoe T, Shibuya E, Yamane T, Hayashi T, Meguro A, Ishido M, Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Kirino Y, Kato S, Arimoto J, Fukumoto T, Ishigatsubo Y, Kurosawa M, Kaneko T, Takeno M, Mizuki N: The ocular involvement did not accompany with the genital ulcer or the gastrointestinal symptoms at the early stage of Behçet's disease. Mod Rheumatol, 29: 357-362, 2019. |
11. |
Suzuki T, Horita N, Takeuchi M, Ishido T, Mizuki Y, Mizuki R, Kawagoe T, Shibuya E, Yuta K, Yamane T, Hayashi T, Meguro A, Ishido M, Minegishi K, Yoshimi R, Kirino Y, Kato S, Arimoto J, Fukumoto T, Ishigatsubo Y, Kurosawa M, Takeno M, Kaneko T, Mizuki N: Clinical features of early-stage possible Behçet's disease patients with a variant-type major organ involvement in Japan. Mod Rheumatol, 29: 640-646, 2019. |
12. |
Takeda A, Sanuki N, Tsurugai Y, Taguri M, Horita N, Hara Y, Eriguchi T, Akiba T, Sugawara A, Kunieda E, Kaneko T: Questionnaire survey comparing surgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer: lessons from patients with experience of both modalities. J Thorac Dis, 11: 2479-2489, 2019. |
13. |
Tashiro K, Yamamoto M, Ushio R, Kobayashi N, Sato T, Kudo M, Kaneko T: Hepcidin exerts a negative immunological effect in pulmonary tuberculosis without HIV co-infection, prolonging the time to culture-negative. Int J Infect Dis, 86: 47-54, 2019. |
14. |
Teranishi S, Kobayashi N, Aoki A, Katakura S, Yamamoto M, Koizumi H, Kudo M, Kaneko T: Reproducibility of the T-SPOT. TB test for screening Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in Japan. J Infect Chemother, 26: 194-195, 2019. |
15. |
Ueki Y, Oshikata C, Asai Y, Kaneko T, Tsurikisawa N: Familial eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis in a sister and brother. Intern Med, 59: 991-995, 2019. |
16. |
Watanabe K, Miyake A, Kaneko T: Secondary organizing pneumonia due to Mycobacterium abscessus lung disease: case report and review of the literature. Int J Mycobacteriol, 8: 397-399, 2019. |
17. |
Watanabe K, Yumoto K, Kaneko T: Renal metastasis of lung cancer mimicking renal infarction. Indian J Cancer, 56: 185, 2019. |
18. |
Yagyu H, Hara Y, Murohashi K, Ishikawa Y, Isaka T, Woo T, Kaneko T: Giant solitary fibrous tumor of pleura presenting both benign and malignant features. Am J Case Rep, 20: 1755-1759, 2019. |
19. |
Horita N, Gül A, Aksentijevich I, Kastner D: Pseudodominance of autoinflammatory disease in a single Turkish family explained by co-inheritance of haploinsufficiency of A20 and familial Mediterranean fever. Remmers EF.Clin Exp Rheumatol, 37 Suppl 121: 89-92, 2019. |
20. |
Nakauchi E, Fukumoto T, Takahashi S, Horita N, Oka M, Nishigori C: Potential risk factors of adverse reactions to nonionic contrast media in patients with underlying dermatological diseases: An 8-year retrospective survey. Allergol Int, 68: 529-532, 2019. |
21. |
Ito K, Miura S, Sakaguchi T, Murotani K, Horita N, Akamatsu H, Uemura K, Morita S, Yamamoto N: The impact of high PD-L1 expression on the surrogate endpoints and clinical outcomes of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 128: 113-119, 2019. |
22. |
Moriguchi S, Takamiya A, Noda Y, Horita N, Wada M, Tsugawa S, Plitman E, Sano Y, Tarumi R, ElSalhy M, Katayama N, Ogyu K, Miyazaki T, Kishimoto T, Graff-Guerrero A, Meyer JH, Blumberger DM, Daskalakis ZJ, Mimura M, Nakajima S: Glutamatergic neurometabolite levels in major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies. Mol Psychiatry, 24: 952-964, 2019. |
23. |
Umezawa S, Higurashi T, Komiya Y, Arimoto J, Horita N, Kaneko T, Iwasaki M, Nakagama H, Nakajima A: Chemoprevention of colorectal cancer: Past, present, and future. Cancer Sci, 110: 3018-3026, 2019. |
24. |
相子寛子, 山本昌樹, 神巻千聡, 三神直人, 久保創介, 鄭 慶鎬, 片倉誠悟, 平馬暢之, 工藤誠, 金子 猛: 超音波気管支鏡ガイド下生検(EBUS-TBNA)におけるプロポフォール・デスクメデトミジン併用鎮静の有用性と安全性の検討. 気管支学, 41: 563-567, 2019. |
25. |
伊藤俊輔, 大塚 葵, 井上 玲, 星加奈子, 黒崎裕一郎, 平居義裕: Gemcitabine投与後に発症したニューモシスチス肺炎に合併した気管支胸膜瘻に対してEndobronchial Watanabe Spigot充填術が奏功した1例. 日本気胸・嚢胞性肺疾患学会誌, 19: 17-20, 2019. |
26. |
井上 薫, 室橋光太, 原 悠, 湯本健太郎, 寺西周平, 金子 猛: OP/NSIP overlapを認めた抗EJ、Ro-52抗体陽性間質性肺炎の1例. 日本呼吸器学会誌, 8: 410-414, 2019. |
27. |
植木有理子, 押方智也子, 浅井芳人, 金子 猛, 服部直樹, 釣木澤尚実: 好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症の末梢神経障害の管理に関する質問票の有用性に対する検討. アレルギー, 68: 857-868, 2019. |
28. |
小俣亜梨沙, 原 悠, 室橋光太, 長井賢次郎, 池田美彩子, 柳生洋行, 金井亮憲, 井上 玲, 増本菜美, 片倉誠悟, 湯本健太郎, 寺西周平, 中島健太郎, 田代 研, 渡邉恵介, 若林 綾, 小林信明, 佐藤 隆, 金子 猛: 癌性腹膜炎を併発した原発性肺癌3例-文献レビューも含めて-. 横浜医学, 70: 19-23, 2019. |
29. |
須田隆文, 山谷睦雄, 磯部 威, 今泉和良, 大平徹郎, 長内 忍, 川山智隆, 國近尚美, 佐野博幸, 柴田陽光, 新海正晴, 多賀谷悦子, 千葉弘文, 松本久子, 金子 猛, 日本呼吸器学会将来計画委員会: 日本呼吸器学会の会員、専門医の最近の動向に関する検討. 日本呼吸器学会誌, 8: 375-385, 2019. |
30. |
須藤成人, 原 悠, 山口展弘, 工藤 誠, 金子 猛: 胸腔鏡下胸膜生検にて診断に至ったウエステルマン肺吸虫症の1例. 日本呼吸器学会誌, 8: 108-112, 2019. |
31. |
陳 昊, 原 悠, 長澤 遼, 青木絢子, 渡邉弘樹, 伊藤俊輔, 岩嶋大介, 菅沼秀基, 金子 猛: 肺非結核性抗酸菌症に関連したARDSの1剖検例. 結核, 94: 503-507, 2019. |
32. |
鄭 慶鎬, 三神直人, 相子寛子, 山本昌樹, 工藤 誠, 金子 猛: 肺腺癌の腫瘍再生検の方法として骨髄生検が有効であった1例. 日本呼吸器学会誌, 8: 163-166, 2019. |
33. |
張田佳代, 原 悠, 室橋光太, 長澤 遼, 奥寺康司, 金子 猛: 血清ヘムオキシゲナーゼ-Iが病勢と連動したアビラテロン酢酸エステルによる薬剤性肺障害の一剖検例. 日本呼吸器学会誌, 9: 141-146, 2019. |
34. |
山谷睦雄, 須田隆文, 礒部 威, 今泉和良, 大平徹郎, 長内 忍, 川山智隆, 國近尚美, 佐野博幸, 柴田陽光, 新海正晴, 多賀谷悦子, 千葉弘文, 松本久子, 金子 猛: 呼吸器内科勤務医の勤務環境の現状: 平成21年度調査との比較. 日本呼吸器学会誌, 8: 81-90, 2019. |