論文の中の図2にはこの症例組み入れ図のことを「フローチャート」と書かれています。原文では”flow diagram”になっています。その気になれば、power pointでもinkscapedでもexcelでも症例組み入れ図を書く事ができますが、これをRで書いてみようと思ったので、その忘備録として記載します。Rで書くのにGmiscというパッケージを使用しました。
Fundermentals of Clinical Trials 4th EditionのDefinition of Study Populationという項の図を参考にしています(数字は勝手に追加しました)
# install.packages('Gmisc', dependencies = TRUE) library(Gmisc) library(glue) library(htmlTable) library(grid) library(magrittr) org_cohort <- boxGrob(glue("Population at large", "n = {pop}", pop = txtInt(9999), .sep = "\n")) eligible <- boxGrob(glue("Population with Condition", "n = {pop}", pop = txtInt(999), .sep = "\n")) included0 <- boxGrob(glue("Study Population", "n = {incl}", incl = txtInt(900), .sep = "\n")) excluded0 <- boxGrob(glue("Population without Condition", "n = {exc0}", exc0 = txtInt(9000), .sep = "\n"), just = "left") excluded <- boxGrob(glue("With Condition but Ineligible", "n = {tot}", tot = txtInt(99), .sep = "\n"), just = "left") grid.newpage() vert <- spreadVertical(org_cohort = org_cohort, eligible = eligible, included0 = included0) excluded0 <- moveBox(excluded0, x = .8, y = coords(vert$eligible)$top + distance(vert$org_cohort, vert$eligible, half = TRUE, center = FALSE)) excluded <- moveBox(excluded, x = .8, y = coords(vert$included0)$top + distance(vert$eligible, vert$included0, half = TRUE, center = FALSE)) for (i in 1:(length(vert) - 1)) { connectGrob(vert[[i]], vert[[i + 1]], type = "vert") %>% print } connectGrob(vert$org_cohort, excluded0, type = "L") connectGrob(vert$eligible, excluded, type = "L") # Print boxes vert excluded excluded0 vert
library(Gmisc, quietly = TRUE) library(glue) library(htmlTable) library(grid) library(magrittr) org_cohort <- boxGrob(glue("Stockholm population", "n = {pop}", pop = txtInt(1632798), .sep = "\n")) eligible <- boxGrob(glue("Eligible", "n = {pop}", pop = txtInt(10032), .sep = "\n")) included <- boxGrob(glue("Randomized", "n = {incl}", incl = txtInt(122), .sep = "\n")) grp_a <- boxGrob(glue("Treatment A", "n = {recr}", recr = txtInt(43), .sep = "\n")) grp_b <- boxGrob(glue("Treatment B", "n = {recr}", recr = txtInt(122 - 43 - 30), .sep = "\n")) excluded <- boxGrob(glue("Excluded (n = {tot}):", " - not interested: {uninterested}", " - contra-indicated: {contra}", tot = 30, uninterested = 12, contra = 30 - 12, .sep = "\n"), just = "left") grid.newpage() vert <- spreadVertical(org_cohort, eligible = eligible, included = included, grps = grp_a) grps <- alignVertical(reference = vert$grps, grp_a, grp_b) %>% spreadHorizontal() vert$grps <- NULL excluded <- moveBox(excluded, x = .8, y = coords(vert$included)$top + distance(vert$eligible, vert$included, half = TRUE, center = FALSE)) for (i in 1:(length(vert) - 1)) { connectGrob(vert[[i]], vert[[i + 1]], type = "vert") %>% print } connectGrob(vert$included, grps[[1]], type = "N") connectGrob(vert$included, grps[[2]], type = "N") connectGrob(vert$eligible, excluded, type = "L") # Print boxes vert grps excluded
ボックス: boxGrob関数とboxPropGrob関数で生成されます。
Spread – プロット全体を使用したいので、各要素を配置するか、または自動的に垂直または水平方向に広げるため、spreadHorizontal および spreadVertical 関数を使用します。
ボックスの整列 – 拡散の前または後に、ボックスを整列させたい場合があります: alignHorizontal および alignVertical 関数。
grid.newpage() #描画する場所の初期化 txt <- "Just a plain box with some text - Note that newline is OK" boxGrob(txt) #txtに入っている文字列をそのままボックスの中に表示します。改行の情報もそのまま代入されています。\n でも良いようです。
grid.newpage() boxGrob("A large\noffset\nyellow\nbox", width = .8, height = .8, x = 0, y = 0, bjust = c("left", "bottom"), txt_gp = gpar(col = "darkblue", cex = 2), box_gp = gpar(fill = "lightyellow", col = "darkblue"))
grid.newpage() boxPropGrob("A box with proportions", "Left side", "Right side", prop = .7)
ボックスには、ボックスとの間に簡単に線を引くことができる座標があります。座標は、coords 属性に格納されています。下の図は、2つのボックスの座標を示しています。
grid.newpage() smpl_bx <- boxGrob( label = "A simple box", x = .5, y = .9, just = "center") prop_bx <- boxPropGrob( label = "A split box", label_left = "Left side", label_right = "Right side", x = .5, y = .3, prop = .3, just = "center") plot(smpl_bx) plot(prop_bx) smpl_bx_coords <- coords(smpl_bx) grid.circle(y = smpl_bx_coords$y, x = smpl_bx_coords$x, r = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF99", col = "black")) grid.circle(y = smpl_bx_coords$bottom, x = smpl_bx_coords$right, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "red")) grid.circle(y = smpl_bx_coords$top, x = smpl_bx_coords$right, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "purple")) grid.circle(y = smpl_bx_coords$bottom, x = smpl_bx_coords$left, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "blue")) grid.circle(y = smpl_bx_coords$top, x = smpl_bx_coords$left, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "orange")) prop_bx_coords <- coords(prop_bx) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$y, x = prop_bx_coords$x, r = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF99", col = "black")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$bottom, x = prop_bx_coords$right_x, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "red")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$top, x = prop_bx_coords$right_x, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "purple")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$bottom, x = prop_bx_coords$left_x, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "blue")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$top, x = prop_bx_coords$left_x, r = unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "orange")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$bottom, x = prop_bx_coords$right, r = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "red")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$top, x = prop_bx_coords$right, r = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "purple")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$bottom, x = prop_bx_coords$left, r = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "blue")) grid.circle(y = prop_bx_coords$top, x = prop_bx_coords$left, r = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "orange"))
grid.newpage() # Initiate the boxes that we want to connect side <- boxPropGrob("Side", "Left", "Right", prop = .3, x = 0, y = .9, bjust = c(0,1)) start <- boxGrob("Top", x = .6, y = coords(side)$y, box_gp = gpar(fill = "yellow")) bottom <- boxGrob("Bottom", x = .6, y = 0, bjust = "bottom") sub_side_left <- boxGrob("Left", x = coords(side)$left_x, y = 0, bjust = "bottom") sub_side_right <- boxGrob("Right", x = coords(side)$right_x, y = 0, bjust = "bottom") odd <- boxGrob("Odd\nbox", x = coords(side)$right, y = .5) odd2 <- boxGrob("Also odd", x = coords(odd)$right + distance(bottom, odd, type = "h", half = TRUE) - unit(2, "mm"), y = 0, bjust = c(1,0)) exclude <- boxGrob("Exclude:\n - Too sick\n - Prev. surgery", x = 1, y = coords(bottom)$top + distance(start, bottom, type = "v", half = TRUE), just = "left", bjust = "right") # Connect the boxes and print/plot them connectGrob(start, bottom, "vertical") connectGrob(start, side, "horizontal") connectGrob(bottom, odd, "Z", "l") connectGrob(odd, odd2, "N", "l") connectGrob(side, sub_side_left, "v", "l") connectGrob(side, sub_side_right, "v", "r") connectGrob(start, exclude, "-", lty_gp = gpar(lwd = 2, col = "darkred", fill = "darkred")) # Print the grobs start bottom side exclude sub_side_left sub_side_right odd odd2
align_1 <- boxGrob("Align 1", y = .9, x = 0, bjust = c(0), box_gp = gpar(fill = "#E6E8EF")) align_2 <- boxPropGrob("Align 2", "Placebo", "Treatment", prop = .7, y = .8, x = .5) align_3 <- boxGrob("Align 3\nvertical\ntext", y = 1, x = 1, bjust = c(1, 1), box_gp = gpar(fill = "#E6E8EF")) b1 <- boxGrob("B1", y = .3, x = .1, bjust = c(0)) b2 <- boxGrob("B2 with long\ndescription", y = .6, x = .5) b3 <- boxGrob("B3", y = .2, x = .8, bjust = c(0, 1)) grid.newpage() align_1 alignHorizontal(reference = align_1, b1, b2, b3, .position = "left") align_2 alignHorizontal(reference = align_2, b1, b2, b3, .position = "center", .sub_position = "left") alignHorizontal(reference = align_2, b1, b2, b3, .position = "left", .sub_position = "right") align_3 alignHorizontal(reference = align_3, b1, b2, b3, .position = "right")
align_1 <- boxGrob("Align 1\nvertical\ntext", y = 1, x = 1, bjust = c(1, 1), box_gp = gpar(fill = "#E6E8EF")) align_2 <- boxPropGrob("Align 2", "Placebo", "Treatment", prop = .7, y = .5, x = .6) align_3 <- boxGrob("Align 3", y = 0, x = 0, bjust = c(0, 0), box_gp = gpar(fill = "#E6E8EF")) b1 <- boxGrob("B1", y = .3, x = 0.1, bjust = c(0, 0)) b2 <- boxGrob("B2 with long\ndescription", y = .6, x = .3) b3 <- boxGrob("B3", y = .2, x = .85, bjust = c(0, 1)) grid.newpage() align_1 alignVertical(reference = align_1, b1, b2, b3, .position = "top") align_2 alignVertical(reference = align_2, b1, b2, b3, .position = "center") align_3 alignVertical(reference = align_3, b1, b2, b3, .position = "bottom")
b1 <- boxGrob("B1", y = .85, x = 0.1, bjust = c(0, 0)) b2 <- boxGrob("B2", y = .65, x = .6) b3 <- boxGrob("B3", y = .45, x = .6) b4 <- boxGrob("B4 with long\ndescription", y = .7, x = .8) from <- boxGrob("from", y = .25, x = .05, box_gp = gpar(fill = "darkgreen"), txt_gp = gpar(col = "white")) to <- boxGrob("to this wide box", y = coords(from)$y, x = .95, bjust = "right", box_gp = gpar(fill = "darkred"), txt_gp = gpar(col = "white")) txtOut <- function(txt, refBx) { grid.text(txt, x = unit(2, "mm"), y = coords(refBx)$top + unit(2, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom")) grid.lines(y = coords(refBx)$top + unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(col = "grey")) } grid.newpage() txtOut("Basic", b1) alignVertical(reference = b1, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "top") %>% spreadHorizontal() txtOut("From-to", b2) alignVertical(reference = b2, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "top") %>% spreadHorizontal(.from = .2, .to = .7) txtOut("From-to with center and reverse the box order", b3) alignVertical(reference = b3, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "top") %>% spreadHorizontal(.from = .7, .to = .2, .type = "center") txtOut("Between boxes", from) from to alignVertical(reference = from, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "top") %>% spreadHorizontal(.from = from, .to = to) # Now we switch the order and set the type to center the distance between the boxes bottom_from <- moveBox(from, x = coords(to)$right, y = 0, just = c(1, 0)) bottom_to <- moveBox(to, x = coords(from)$left, y = 0, just = c(0, 0)) bottom_from bottom_to alignVertical(reference = bottom_from, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "bottom") %>% spreadHorizontal(.from = bottom_from, .to = bottom_to, .type = "center")
b1 <- boxGrob("B1", y = .8, x = 0.1, bjust = c(0, 0)) b2 <- boxGrob("B2 with long\ndescription", y = .5, x = .5) b3 <- boxGrob("B3", y = .2, x = .8) b4 <- boxGrob("B4", y = .7, x = .8) txtOut <- function(txt, refBx) { grid.text(txt, x = coords(refBx)$left - unit(2, "mm"), y = .5, just = c("center", "bottom"), rot = 90) grid.lines(x = coords(refBx)$left - unit(1, "mm"), gp = gpar(col = "grey")) } grid.newpage() txtOut("Basic", b1) alignHorizontal(reference = b1, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "left") %>% spreadVertical() txtOut("From-to", b2) alignHorizontal(reference = b2, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "left") %>% spreadVertical(.from = .2, .to = .7) txtOut("From-to with center and reverse the box order", b3) alignHorizontal(reference = b3, b1, b2, b3, b4, .position = "left") %>% spreadVertical(.from = .7, .to = .2, .type = "center")
例:expression(paste(beta, “1”))はβ1を生成します。
grid.newpage() ############### # Expressions # ############### # Font style alignVertical( reference = 1, .position = "top", boxGrob(expression(bold("Bold text"))), boxGrob(expression(italic("Italics text"))), boxGrob(expression(paste("Mixed: ", italic("Italics"), " and ", bold("bold"))))) %>% spreadHorizontal # Math alignVertical( reference = .5, boxGrob(expression(paste("y = ", beta[0], " + ", beta[1], X[1], " + ", beta[2], X[2]^2))), boxGrob(expression(sum(n, i == 1, x) %subset% " \u211D")), boxGrob(expression(beta ~~ gamma ~~ Gamma))) %>% spreadHorizontal ########## # Quotes # ########## a = 5 alignVertical( reference = 0, .position = "bottom", bquote(alpha == theta[1] * .(a) + ldots) %>% boxGrob, paste("argument", sQuote("x"), "\nmust be non-zero") %>% boxGrob) %>% spreadHorizontal(.from = .2, .to = .8)
See the plotmath
help file for more details.