

アンソニー・ベイトマン MA, FRCPsych アンナ・フロイトセンター(ロンドン)コンサルタント、ユニバーシティ・カレッジ(ロンドン)客員教授、コペンハーゲン大学精神療法名誉教授
Dear Clinician

I am delighted that you are interested in Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) and the Mentalization Study Group in Japan.

Mentalizing is an important mental process that is at the centre of mental ill health. Facilitating mentalizing using MBT has been found to be particularly useful in the treatment of a range of personality disorders and it is now one of the main evidence-based treatments for borderline personality disorder. MBT is also used to treat other conditions such as depression, eating disorders, adolescents who self-harm, drug addiction, and has been shown to be helpful in treating people with psychosis. In addition, a focus on mentalizing can enhance your own general psychological interventions with patients.

The increase in interest in mentalizing and MBT indicates its utility for clinicians in their everyday practice and this is the situation in Japan where there has also been strong interest in people becoming proficient MBT clinicians. I am excited to support them and do hope that you will want to develop your skills in MBT as you learn more about mentalizing. The Japanese Study Group will be able to support your interest and being able to learn together and from each other is a core aspect of good social mentalizing! Welcome.

Prof Anthony Bateman MA, FRCPsych is Consultant to the Anna Freud Centre, London; Visiting Professor University College, London; Honorary Professor in Psychotherapy University of Copenhagen.