
Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Timeline

Apr. 1st (Mon.) ~ May 24th (Fri.) May 31st (Fri.), 2024

Submission Guidelines

  1. The main presenter for each submission must be a member of the Japanese Society of Public Health. All co-presenters must also be either a member or a sponsoring member (*) of the Japanese Society of Public Health (JSPH). Those who are not a member or sponsoring member are required to acquire membership prior to the conference. Please contact the JSPH administration office for detailed information on how to apply for membership. Application forms are available for download at the JSPH homepage listed below (application for sponsoring membership begins in Apr. 2024)

    * Those who are affiliated with the Japan Alliance of Public Health Science Associations (JAPHSA), Japan Board of Public Health and Social Medicine, or national/regional governmental entities and currently not a member of the JSPH are qualified for free membership until the end of the next business year. They will be allowed to join the conference as a co-presenter in the meantime.

    Application for JSPH membership
    Japanese Society of Public Health
    Kouei Building 1-29-8 Shinjuku
    Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160-0022
    TEL: 03-3352-4338 FAX: 03-3352-4333
  2. Each main presenter is only allowed to submit one abstract for presentation. This rule doesn’t apply to co-presenting.
  3. Presenters are required to complete the advance registration before the deadline prior to submitting their abstracts.
  4. Submitting an abstract while pending JSPH membership:

    For those who intend to submit an abstract (including co-presenters) but haven’t completed the application for the JSPH membership, please enter “9999999” as your temporary JSPH membership number when submitting your abstract on Confit. You can update this information at a later time once you receive your official JSPH membership number.

  5. Unfortunately, we do not accept any abstract submission that has received any form of financial support from international or local tobacco product manufacturers or their affiliated organizations (e.g., Smoking Research Foundation) during its preparation or presentation. Violation of this guideline will result in the withdrawal of your abstract from the conference.

Presentation Formats

We are currently accepting submissions for the following types of presentations:

Format Language for abstracts, presentations, and associated materials
Regular presentation (Oral) Japanese
Regular presentation (Poster) Japanese
English presentation session (Oral) English
English presentation session (Poster) English
  • * All presentations will be in person. Presenters are required to gather at the conference to present.
  • * The 83rd annual meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health and its associated committees reserve the right to decide the format for each presentation. While we try our best to accommodate each presenter’s preference, we might have to make necessary adjustments according to the total number of presentations to organize the agenda. Information regarding the time, date, and format of each presentation will be notified via the letter of acceptance to the conference. Unfortunately, we cannot make any accommodations to the time and date of the presentations.
  • * For those who intend to register for the English presentation sessions, please be sure to register the main presenter’s name and affiliated organization in English.
  • * The 83rd annual meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health encourages participants to join the English presentation session to foster international conversations.

How to Apply for Presentations

  • All registration will be accepted online
  • You will be able to confirm and edit your registered information on the registration page until the registration deadline. You will not be able to access or change this information after the deadline.
  • Higher volumes of access to the registration page is expected as the deadline approaches. Therefore, we recommend applying earlier to avoid difficulty accessing the registration page.
  • Exceptional Presentation Award

    Excellent Presentation Award is established to encourage participation by young researchers. To apply, please indicate your intention under the “Excellent Presentation Award” section when submitting your abstract. Those participating English presentation session are also qualified for the Excellent Presentation Award. Learn more about the award here.

  • International Participant Award

    The International Participant Award is established to promote international discussion and encourage international participation of the Japanese Society of Public Health. Please apply for the International Participant Award when registering for your presentation. Learn more about the details here.

How to Submit Abstracts

Please log in to Confit with the account you created for advance registration and enter your abstract on the abstract submission page.

  • The submission page will be accessible after login.
  • Please confirm that you have read the terms of agreement, check “I agree,” and click “New submission”.
  • The submission form will appear at this point, and you can proceed with entering relevant information.
  • There are multiple pages for the submission form. If you have to pause during your entry, please click “save and continue” so you don’t lose any information you entered.
  • If you wish to present on multiple topics in consequential order, please let us know by notifying us in the “Additional Information” section of the submission form. Please also clarify the order you would like to present by including this information in the presentation title (e.g., [Presentation #1], [Presentation #2], etc.). We’re unable to accommodate your request if there is any error in the main presenter’s name, presentation titles, or presentation orders, so please confirm that all information is correct before submitting. Of note, we will only be able to accommodate up to three consequential presentations.
  • After you enter all the required information, the final confirmation page will appear. Here, you can confirm if all information is correct and click “Submit”.
  • The webpage will inform you once the submission is completed. An e-mail confirming your submission will also be sent to your registered e-mail address.
  • Once the submission is completed, you will automatically be assigned a presentation number, which will be displayed on the webpage and sent to your e-mail. This number serves as a confirmation that we received your submission. If you do not see your presentation number, it means that we still haven’t received your abstract.
  • If you wish to withdraw your abstract after the registration deadline, please e-mail our office at jsph83@ec-mice.com. Please note that we will not be able to refund your registration fee in this case.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • The abstract must be organized into sections in the following order: Introduction, Method, Results, and Conclusion. At the beginning of each section, please specifically indicate which section it corresponds to by inserting the section name in black brackets ([ ]). (i.e. please designate [Introduction], [Method], [Results], or [Conclusion] at the beginning of each section).
Total presenters (Main presenter + Co-presenters) Max. 15 people
Affiliated organizations for all presenters Max. 15 entities
Presentation title Max. 80 characters (with space)
Abstract Max. 1960 characters (with space)
  • No tables or figures are allowed in the abstract
  • Your abstract will appear on the website and in the abstract book as entered in the submission form. Please make sure that there is no formatting issue prior to submission.
  • You will be able to confirm the total word count for your abstract when you click the “Next (Confirmation)” button at the end of the page. If the total word count exceeds the restriction listed above, an error message will appear.
  • If you copy-paste your abstract from word processors such as Microsoft Word, all text decorations (bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript) will automatically be reflected in the submission form.
  • Please refer to the system’s “Available symbols” to confirm the symbols that are acceptable to the submission form.
  • If you enter texts using character entity reference or numeric character reference, the word count will reflect the actual length of the code instead of the appeared text.


When applying for presentation, please refer to the list below and choose the appropriate sub-committee you would like to apply to.

Sub-committee # Sub-committee Name Associated Keywords
#1 Epidemiology and Health Information Biostatistics, epidemiology, health informatics
#2 Health Promotion Health promotion, Healthy Japan 21, case reports of distinctive regional activities
#3 Non-Communicable Disease and Metabolic Syndrome Cancer, vascular pathologies, hypertension, osteopenia, health check-ups and health guidance
#4 Health Behavior and Health Education Tobacco cessation, alcohol abstinence, sleep quality, health education methodologies
#5 Parent-Child Health and School Health Pediatric care, child abuse, maternity support, Healthy Parents and Children 21, school health
#6 Quality of Life and Health Promotion Programs Serving the Elderly ADL, purpose of life, fall prevention, dementia prevention, housebound prevention
#7 Health and Welfare Services for the Elderly Home care, end-of-life care, elder nursing care, elder abuse
#8 Social Aspects of Health in Communities Social injustice, health disparity, social capital, civic participation
#9 Health and Welfare for People with Intractable Diseases and Disabilities Designated diseases, home care, disability care and welfare
#10 Psychiatric Health and Welfare Depression, schizophrenia, suicide depression, substance abuse, social withdrawal (hikikomori)
#11 Oral Health Oral care, dental caries, periodontal diseases, the 8020 Campaign
#12 Infectious Diseases HIV, STD, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, vaccination, quarantine
#13 Health Crisis Management Risk communication, novel influenza, novel infectious disease, disasters
#14 Health System and Policies Health expenses, health economics, healthcare system, healthcare planning, healthcare safety, healthcare quality
#15 Capacity Building of Public Health Professionals Education, support activities, professional development
#16 Public Health Centers, Public Health Administration, Community Health Health center functions, administrative tasks, regional collaborations, regional healthcare, medical internships
#17 Public Health Nutrition Nutritional education, nutritional epidemiology, dietary guidelines
#18 Health/Exercise Instruction Physical activity, physical strength, exercises
#19 Food Hygiene and Pharmaceutical Hygiene Food poisoning, food safety, ingredient labeling
#20 Occupational Health Workplace environment, workplace mental health, workplace doctor and nursing care
#21 Environmental Health Living environment hygiene, global environment
#22 International Health Globalization, primary healthcare, international healthcare collaboration
#23 Health-and-Care Service Research Health service research, performance evaluation, accessibility, clinical research, quality improvement, PDCA cycle, health-related QOL
#24 COVID-19 COVID-19, PCR testing, mathematical modeling, behavioral changes, clustering prevention, proactive epidemiological investigation, health screening, medical care provision system
#25 Others Ethics, state-of-the-art science
#26 English Session

Reporting of Conflict of Interest (COI)

For all presentations at the 83rd annual meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health, every main presenter and all applicable co-presenters must include the conflict of interest (COI) information in the abstracts and during the presentations. You must report any financial relationship with companies or corporations affiliated with public health research or for-profit entities. (Co-presenters without COI are not required to report)
When submitting your abstracts, please upload your COI self-report form at the “COI Report” page.
Make sure you clicked the “Upload” button after selecting the correct file.
Please check the link below for information regarding COI before submitting an abstract.

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission (English)

Contact Information

E.C. Inc.
4-8-3, Kita7-jonishi, Sapporo City Kita Ku
Kitaguchiyosiya Bld.5F
Hokkaido, Japan 060-0807
TEL:011-299-5910 FAX:011-299-5911
第55回 日本看護学会学術集会
ヘルスコミュニケーションウィーク2024 in Yokohama
第28回日本ワクチン学会・第65回日本臨床ウイルス学会 合同学術集会
〒060-0807 札幌市北区北7条西4丁目8-3 北口ヨシヤビル5F
TEL:011-299-5910 FAX:011-299-5911