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特別掲載 第52回 日本医学教育学会大会 「特別講演1」より
…鈴木 康之
特別掲載 第52回 日本医学教育学会大会 「特別講演2」より
…小西 靖彦
教育実践研究 遠隔学習における看護職の自己調整学習傾向と学習支援
…八木(佐伯) 街子,村上 礼子,都竹 茂樹,鈴木 美津枝,中野 裕司
教育実践研究 プレイフルラーニングの手法を活用した
Oral Case Presentations(OCPs)教育の実践
…西迫 尚,廣瀬 雅宣,土田 知也,家 研也,奥瀬 千晃,松田 隆秀
短 報 労働基準法に準拠した1カ月単位の変形労働時間制を用いた
…松田 出,華山 直二,佐藤 譲
短 報 日本におけるシミュレーションスペシャリストの業務実態に関する調査
…香西 佳美,及川 沙耶佳,田口 真奈
短 報 久留米大学病院臨床研修プログラムにおける研修中断者の検討
…内野 俊郎,高森 信三
委員会報告 医学教育サイバーシンポジウム開催報告
田中 淳一,門川 俊明,村岡 千種,淺田 義和
木村 武司,清水 郁夫,錦織 宏
部会報告 オンラインでの多職種連携教育実践報告 第1報
春田 淳志,後藤 道子,野呂瀬 崇彦,村岡 千種,伊野 美幸
石川 さと子,内山 靖,大槻 眞嗣,加藤 博孝,後藤 亮平
内藤 知佐子,前野 貴美,吉見 憲二,安井 浩樹
…木村 武司,錦織 宏
(意 見)
オンライン臨床研修指導医講習会を有益にするための10 tips
…近藤 猛,木村 武司,橋本 忠幸,清水 郁夫
(意 見)
第51巻5号掲載「委員会報告 9.1 非行misconductが認められた
…田中 淳一
(意 見)
第 51 巻5号掲載「委員会報告 9.1 非行 misconduct が認められた
学習者の再教育remediation ツールとしての SEA」を読んで,
…野村 英樹
(意 見)
第 51 巻5号掲載「委員会報告 9.1 非行 misconduct が認められた
学習者の再教育remediation ツールとしての SEA」を読んで,
…宮田 靖志
(書 評)
…武田 裕子
機関会員のページ 琉球大学病院
University of the Ryukyus Hospital
…原永 修作
機関会員のページ 愛媛県立中央病院
Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
…原田 雅光
機関会員のページ 大分大学医学部附属病院
Oita University Hospital
…猪股 雅史,水上 一弘
機関会員のページ 社会福祉法人恩賜財団済生会熊本病院
Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
…荒川 昭彦
第52回 日本医学教育学会大会 「特別講演1」より

岐阜大学 医学教育開発研究センター 鈴木 康之*

*岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Japan Society for Medical Education, Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
第52回 日本医学教育学会大会 「特別講演2」より

京都大学 医学教育・国際化推進センター 小西 靖彦*

*京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

八木(佐伯) 街子*1 村上 礼子*1 都竹 茂樹*2 鈴木 美津枝*1 中野 裕司*2


Self-regulated Learning Strategies and Support
for Nurses via Distance Learning

Machiko SAEKI YAGI*1 Reiko MURAKAMI *1 Shigeki TSUZUKU *2
Mitsue SUZUKI *1 Hiroshi NAKANO *2

Information pertaining to self-regulated learning strategies for nurses in distance learning is scarce. There is also insufficient information regarding suitable learning support. We conducted a survey, exploring the demographic data and self-regulated learning strategies of 183 nurses who used distance learning; 159 nurses responded. In this study, nurses tended to use “asking peers” as their primary learning support. Additionally, “developing learning plans,” “devising learning methods,” and “reflecting on learning methods” showed a positive correlation. “Developing learning plans,” “devising learning methods,” and “rewarding oneself” also showed a positive correlation. Finally, a positive correlation was found between “asking peers” and “rewarding oneself.”
A bulletin board for exchanging opinions among learners and the implementation of a pre-course were suggested as ways to support distance learning for nurses.
Keywords: distance learning, self-regulated learning, learning supports

*1 自治医科大学 看護学部/看護師特定行為研修センター,School of Nursing, Jichi Medical University/Jichi training center for nurse designated procedures
*2 熊本大学 教授システム学研究センター,Research Center for Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University
Oral Case Presentations(OCPs)教育の実践

西迫 尚*1,2 廣瀬 雅宣*1,2 土田 知也*1 家 研也*1,2 奥瀬 千晃*1,2 松田 隆秀*1

Oral Case Presentations (OCPs)の教育には,実践を通じて型を教育することが重要とされてきた.しかし実際には学生のプレゼンテーション自体に対する心理的抵抗感が根強く存在しており,それが学習上の障壁となっている.今回プレイフルラーニングの手法を取り入れ,実践した学生128人にアンケートを行い検証したところ,レクチャー前後,レクチャー前と実践後,実践前後の各比較において,プレゼンテーションに対する心理的抵抗感が減少し,陽性感情を得られ,目的,場所,対象に対する意識を持ってプレゼンテーションに臨めるようになっていた.今回の教育手法はプレゼンテーション学習に対して有用であり,今後OCPs教育についても援用ができると推測される.
キーワード:Oral Case Presentations (OCPs),プレゼンテーション,プレイフルラーニング,アクティブラーニング

Practice of Oral Case Presentations (OCPs) Teaching Method
Utilizing a Playful Learning Approach

Hisashi NISHISAKO*1,2 Masanori HIROSE*1,2 Tomoya TSUCHIYA*1
Kenya IE*1,2 Chiaki OKUSE*1,2 Takahide MATSUDA*1

Many papers on medical education emphasize the idea that obtaining structure through the practice of Oral Case Presentations (OCPs) is essential and efficient to brush up presentation skills. However, psychological resistance to giving a public presentation is an obstacle in learning OCPs. The aim of this survey is to evaluate the educational effect of our teaching method using a playful learning approach for presentation. This study was conducted by using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire for medical students during their clinical clerkship. One hundred twenty- eight students participated in this survey.
Didactics and small group discussions took place during the first week of clerkship, and participants were asked to give presentation about their original theme during the second week. Questionnaires were distributed before and after the end of each session. The results showed the psychological resistance to presentation decreased, positive feelings increased, and students became more aware of the purpose, place, and subject of their presentations. Each parameter statistically improved at each phase. A playful learning approach is effective in teaching presentations, including OCPs.
Keywords: oral case presentations (OCPs), presentation, playful learning, active learning

*1 聖マリアンナ医科大学総合診療内科,Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine
*2 川崎市立多摩病院総合診療センター,General Medicine Center, Kawasaki Tama Municipal Hospital

松田 出* 華山 直二* 佐藤 譲*


Using a Variable Working Hour System in Compliance
with Labor Standards Law in a Japanese Residency Program


Introduction: Work style reform of medical doctors is now an actively discussed matter in Japan. There is also the problem of how to balance the management of legal working hour and value of medical education in junior residency programs. In particular night and holiday shifts in emergency departments are one of the most important cause of working hour elongation for junior residents. We tried to construct a legally appropriate management method to control their working hours including night and holiday shifts.
Method: One-Month Variable Working Hours System and two-shift system were applied to labor management in the medical residency program. Night and holiday working hours were included in regular working hours. Day-time working hours were adjusted to the weekly schedule of each clinical department to cover most of its daily work.
Result: Overtime working hours of all residents, including the night and holyday shifts, were managed within the legal limits of 45 hours a month, unless additional overtime work was required.
Discussion: Managing worktime through the use of the One-Month Variable Working Hours System is thought to be feasible. In the junior residency program, night and holiday shift in the emergency department could also be balanced.
Keywords: work style reform, labor management, initial clinical training, labor standard acts, variable working hours system

*独立行政法人労働者健康安全機構関東労災病院 卒後臨床研修管理室,Office of Post-graduate Clinical Education Management, Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety, Kanto Rosai Hospital

香西 佳美*1 及川 沙耶佳*2 田口 真奈*3

方法:米国の業務マニュアルを基盤に,日本のスペシャリストのインタビュー結果も参照し,30 項目の業務実態調査票を作成した.その調査票を基に 12 施設,16 名のスペシャリストからの回答を集計した.
キーワード:シミュレーション教育,シミュレーションスペシャリスト,教育支援,SD (Staff Development)

Survey on Work Status of Simulation Specialists in Japan

Yoshimi KOZAI*1 Sayaka OIKAWA*2 Mana TAGUCHI*3

Introduction: In order improve education for simulation specialist, which is insufficient in Japan, it was necessary to visualize what they learn. As a first step, we conducted a survey to determine the work conditions of Japanese specialists.
Method: Based on the US operation manual and data from interviews with Japanese specialists, a 30- items task questionnaire was created. Response from 16 specialists at 12 facilities were collected.
Result: The survey showed that all 30 items were performed by specialists at more than 40%    of the facilities. Among them, the category of "technology" had the highest rate.
Discussion: The work items and categories listed in the questionnaire are expected to be used as outcomes for specialist education in Japan.
Keywords: simulation-based education, simulation specialist, education support, staff development

*1 早稲田大学 大学総合研究センター, Center for Higher Education Studies, Waseda University
*2 福島県立医科大学 医療人育成・支援センター,Center for Medical Education and Career Development, Fukushima Medical University
*3 京都大学 高等教育研究開発推進センター, Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education, Kyoto University

内野 俊郎*1, 2 高森 信三*1


A Review of Junior Residents Who Interrupted
Postgraduate Clinical Training in Kurume University Hospital

Toshiro UCHINO*1, 2 Shinzo TAKAMORI*1

Objective: To examine the course after junior resident interrupted their clinical training program in Kurume University Hospital and to examine the reason for interruption.
Method: 700 junior residents were recruited from 2004 to 2018. We investigated whether training was restarted and completed for those who had interrupted training.
Results: There were 9 residents who interrupted their studies (1.3%), The interruption rate was high among female residents, 2.8% for female and 0.4% for male. The most common reason for interruption was 5 due to illness, of which 4 had mental health problems. All but one who took a research position had resumed and completed training at another facility.
Summary: It was confirmed that most of the residents who interrupted their studies had completed their training. Our findings help to deepen our knowledge of the type of support residents need to restart their training.
Keywords: clinical training, clinical training interruption, mental health

*1 久留米大学病院 臨床研修センター,Postgraduate Clinical Education Center, Kurume University Hospital
*2 久留米大学医学部 神経精神医学講座,Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kurume University School of Medicine

田中 淳一*1 門川 俊明*2 村岡 千種*3 淺田 義和*4 木村 武司*5 清水 郁夫*6 錦織 宏*7

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)は,医学教育に大きな影響を与え,急速に変化する不確実な状況に対応する必要が生じた.また今年度の学術大会の誌上開催の決定を受け,情報共有・ディスカッションを行う場が必要と考えた.そこで,医学教育サイバーシンポジウム特別委員会が編成され,2020年5月より2週間ごとに,「これからの臨床実習」,「試験」「卒後教育」「With Corona時代の医学教育」の題目でシンポジウムを計4回実施した.本稿では,その概要と今後の考察を含めて報告する.

Report: Medical Education Cyber Symposium

Medical Education Cyber Symposium Committee
Junichi TANAKA*1 Toshiaki MONKAWA*2 Chikusa MURAOKA*3
Yoshikazu ASADA*4 Takeshi KIMURA*5 Ikuo SHIMIZU*6 Hiroshi NISHIGORI*7

The novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has significantly impacted medical education and the need to respond to a rapidly changing and uncertain situation. In addition, with the decision to hold this year's annual meeting, it was deemed necessary to have a forum for information sharing and discussion. Therefore, a special committee was formed to organize a cyber-symposium on medical education, and four symposia were held every two weeks starting May 2020, under the themes of ‘Future Clinical Clerkship’, ‘Examinations’, ‘Post-graduate Education’ and ‘Medical Education with Corona’. This paper reports these symposia and provides an overview and future considerations.
Keywords: medical education cyber symposium, COVID-19, clinical clerkship, examinations, postgraduate education

*1 東北大学病院,Tohoku University Hospital
*2 慶應義塾大学 医学教育統轄センター,Medical Education Center, Keio University School of Medicine
*3 北海道科学大学薬学部 薬学教育学分野,Department of Pharmaceutical Education , Hokkaido University of Science
*4 自治医科大学 情報センター,Center for Information, Jichi Medical University
*5 京都大学医学部附属病院 総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*6 信州大学医学部附属病院 医療安全管理室,Safety Management Office, Shinshu University Hospital
*7 名古屋大学 大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
オンラインでの多職種連携教育実践報告 第1報

春田 淳志*1 後藤 道子*2 野呂瀬 崇彦*3 村岡 千種**3 伊野 美幸*4
石川 さと子*1 内山 靖*5 大槻 眞嗣*6  加藤 博孝*7 後藤 亮平*8
内藤 知佐子*9 前野 貴美*8  吉見 憲二*10 安井 浩樹*11

教室での多職種連携教育はCOVID-19のため困難となった.オンラインでの多職種連携教育のノウハウを共有するため,2大学で実施したオンラインの初年次学生を対象とした多職種連携教育の実践報告を行う.三重大学ではZoomを用いた授業を実施し,クイズやチャットなどで教員と学生とのインタラクションを促す仕掛けが機能した.北海道科学大学ではZoomとLearning Management System(LMS)を用いてチーム医療体験ゲームを行い,ゲーム性と明確な指示のもと学生間のインタラクションが促進された.どちらも既存の多職種連携教育をオンラインでうまく活用し,学生の職種役割の理解やメンバーシップ/チームシップの理解は達成されたが,教員の慣れや時間配分などの課題があった.
キーワード:Zoom, LMS(Learning Management System), メンバーシップ,チームシップ,他職種理解

Committee report(Practice Article1):
Online Interprofessional Education

Interprofessional Education Committee
Junji HARUTA*1 Michiko GOTO*2 Takahiko NOROSE*3 Chikusa MURAOKA**3
Miyuki INO*4 Satoko ISHIKAWA*1 Yasushi UCHIYAM*5 Masatsugu OHTSUKI*6
Hirotaka KATO*7 Ryohei GOTO*8 Chisako NAITO*9 Takami MAENO*8
Kenji YOSHIMI*10 Hiroki YASUI*11

It is difficult to implement interprofessional education (IPE) in the classroom due to COVID-19. To share our knowledge of online IPE, we report on how we provide IPE for first-year students at two universities. At Mie University, a class was implemented to use Zoom. Quizzes and chats promote interactions between instructors and students. At Hokkaido University of Science, an online team medical experience game was conducted via Zoom and a Learning Management System (LMS). The activity promoted interaction between students through gameplay and clear instructions. In both cases, students could successfully develop online IPE based on existing learning methods. Through their experience, it was clear that students are able to understand other professionals’ roles. They were also to commit to membership and/or teamship. On the other hand, students faced challenges with faculty familiarity and time allocation.
Keywords: Zoom, LMS (Learning Management System), membership, teamship, understanding of other professionals

*1 慶應義塾大学,Keio University
*2 三重大学大学院 医学系研究科,Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
*3 北海道科学大学,Hokkaido University of Science
*4 聖マリアンナ医科大学,St. Marianna University School of Medicine
*5 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科,Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
*6 藤田医科大学医学部,Fujita Health University
*7 岩手県立磐井病院,Iwate Prefecture Iwai Hospital
*8 筑波大学,University of Tsukuba
*9 京都大学大学院 医学系研究科,Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University
*10 成蹊大学,Seikei University
*11 美幌町立国民健康保険病院,Bihoro Municipal Community  Hospital
* 部会メンバー ** 協力者

木村 武司*1 錦織 宏*2, 3

 量的 vs. 質的,直接 vs. 間接の二項対立を超えて』 
著:斎藤 有吾(東信堂 2019年)

*1 京都大学医学部附属病院 総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*2 京都大学大学院医学研究科 医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科 総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
オンライン臨床研修指導医講習会を有益にするための10 tips

近藤 猛*1 木村 武司*2 橋本 忠幸*3 清水 郁夫*4

キーワード: オンライン指導医講習会, ICT教育, 指導者教育, 実践共同体

Ten Tips to Conduct an Effective Online Faculty Development
for Clinical Residency Attending Physicians

Takeshi Kondo*1 Takeshi Kimura*2 Tadayuki Hashimoto*3 Ikuo Shimizu*4

Keywords: online faculty development, ICT education, faculty development, community of practice

*1 名古屋大学医学部附属病院 総合診療科/卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター,Center for
Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院 総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 橋本市民病院 総合内科,Department of General Internal Medicine, Hashimoto Municipal Hospital
*4 信州大学医学部 医学教育研修センター,医学部附属病院 医療安全管理室,Center for Medical Education and Clinical Training, Shinshu University,Safety Management Office, Shinshu University Hospital
第51巻5号掲載「委員会報告 9.1 非行misconductが認められた

田中 淳一*

*東北大学病院,Tohoku University Hospital
第 51 巻5号掲載「委員会報告 9.1 非行 misconduct が認められた
学習者の再教育remediation ツールとしての SEA」を読んで,

野村 英樹*

*金沢大学附属病院 総合診療部Department of General Medicine, Kanazawa University Hospital
第 51 巻5号掲載「委員会報告 9.1 非行 misconduct が認められた
学習者の再教育remediation ツールとしての SEA」を読んで,

第21期 プロフェッショナリズム部会
部会長 宮田 靖志*

*愛知医科大学医学部地域総合診療医学寄附講座医学教育センター,Aichi Medical University School of Medicine, Department of Primary Care and Community Health Education Center
『温かい医療をめざして -サービスを支えるコミュニケーション-』

武田 裕子*

著者:日下 隼人
篠原出版新社 2020年7月刊行 定価:2,200円+税

*順天堂大学大学院医学研究科医学教育学,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
University of the Ryukyus Hospital

原永 修作(臨床研修センター 医科部門長)

Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital

原田 雅光(臨床研修センター長)

Oita University Hospital

猪股 雅史(副院長・卒後臨床研修センター長)
水上 一弘(卒後臨床研修副センター長・専任医師)

Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital

荒川 昭彦(医師研修室長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL


一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)