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短 報 Integrating Behavioral Economics in Pharmacy Education:
Surveying Students’ Knowledge and Interest
…Asuka HATABU,Etsuko UEJIMA,Tatsuya TAKAGI,Mikiko UEDA
短 報 理学療法学生における実習前客観的臨床能力試験(OSCE)と臨床参加型実習到達度との関連性
…上岡 裕美子,篠崎 真枝,橘 香織,山本 哲
宮田 一弘,青山 敏之,富田 美加
…山本 加奈子,加藤 佐知子,森田 敦子,吉田 奏
高橋 佑太,阿部 猛,藤崎 さやか,田村 富美子
…豊吉 泰典,山崎 澄子
…石川 和信,小林 元
委員会報告 第20期(前期)プロフェッショナリズム・行動科学委員会(行動科学班)
1. はじめに:医学教育における行動科学・社会科学の現在
…和泉 俊一郎
委員会報告 第20期(前期)プロフェッショナリズム・行動科学委員会(行動科学班)
2. 行動科学の概念整理
…網谷 真理恵
委員会報告 第20期(前期)プロフェッショナリズム・行動科学委員会(行動科学班)
3. 社会科学の概念整理
…星野 晋
委員会報告 第20期(前期)プロフェッショナリズム・行動科学委員会(行動科学班)
4. 医療倫理・医療法学の概念整理
…平山 陽示,大磯 義一郎
委員会報告 第20期(前期)プロフェッショナリズム・行動科学委員会(行動科学班)
5. まとめと提言:医学教育における 行動科学・社会科学の将来
…錦織 宏
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会への 連載引継ぎにあたって
…宮田 靖志
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナル教育方略 連載第10回
10 フィードバックリテラシーを教育/学習する
…朝比奈 真由美
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載10回
10-1 学生に対するフィードバックリテラシー教育は
…朝比奈 真由美
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載10回
10-2 模擬患者参加型の医療面接演習をより効果的に行う方法
…朝比奈 真由美
…恒川 幸司
…木村 峻輔,木村 武司,錦織 宏
(意 見)
51巻4号掲載 原著「『医学とは何か』を問う教育の実態調査:
…池尻 達紀
(意 見)
51巻4号掲載 原著「『医学とは何か』を問う教育の実態調査:
…外山 尚吾
機関会員のページ 足利赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital
…沼澤 洋平
機関会員のページ 秋田厚生医療センター
Akita Kousei Medical Center
…畑澤 千秋
機関会員のページ 群馬大学医学部・医学部附属病院
Gunma University Faculty of Medicine and Gunma University Hospital
…石崎 泰樹
機関会員のページ 千葉労災病院
Chiba Rosai Hospital
…岡本 美孝,小沢 義典
機関会員のページ 東京警察病院
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital
…北川 剛
Integrating Behavioral Economics in Pharmacy Education:
Surveying Students’ Knowledge and Interest

Asuka HATABU* Etsuko UEJIMA* Tatsuya TAKAGI* Mikiko UEDA*

Introduction: Behavioral economics (BE) has been applied to recent studies in the medical field. However, current pharmacy curricula do not include BE. This study aimed to introduce BE to pharmacy students and investigate their degree of knowledge of and interest in BE. We taught BE to pharmacy students and conducted a questionnaire survey.
Methods: The research was conducted at a national university in Japan, where the authors are faculty members. The target class was “Advanced Topics in Clinical Pharmacy Research and Education,” which is optional for both undergraduate and graduate students. We taught three topics during a 90-minute class: “pharmacoeconomics,” “self-medication” (both already included in the current pharmacy curricula), and “behavioral economics.” Students responded to a questionnaire that investigated their knowledge before class and their evaluation of the class.
Results: We received valid responses from 41 of the 51 students. Prior to the class, more than 90% of the students answered that they were not aware of three BE terms: nudge, prospect theory, and present bias. After the class, 92.7% answered that they were interested in BE, and 82.9% considered the topic useful for future research and work.
Discussion: BE was a new concept to most sampled pharmacy students. Once introduced to it, however, they showed an interest in learning more about how to apply the subject in their field. Therefore, pharmacy schools might find it useful to incorporate BE into their curricula. Further study is needed before the curricula are revised.
Keywords: behavioral economics, pharmacy education, nudge

*Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan

上岡 裕美子*1 篠崎 真枝*1, 3 橘 香織*1 山本 哲*1
宮田 一弘*1 青山 敏之*1 富田 美加*2, 3


Relationship between Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
Results and Clinical Training Achievements in Clinical Clerkships
for Physical Therapy Students

Satoshi YAMAMOTO*1 Kazuhiro MIYATA*1 Toshiyuki AOYAMA*1 Mika TOMITA*2, 3

Introduction: The purpose of this study is to investigate the method of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) before clinical training for physical therapy students. This study also aims to clarify the relationship between OSCE results and clinical training achievements in clinical clerkships.
Methods: We analyzed the correlations between OSCE results, knowledge confirmation examination results, number of case types experienced, and clinical training achievements of 79 physical therapy students.
Results: Significantly positive correlations were noted between OSCE results and knowledge confirmation examination results, number of case types experienced, and clinical training achievements. Furthermore, there were significantly positive correlations between OSCE-skill element and the areas of clinical training achievements, physical therapy assistance, and clinical training achievements-evaluation.
Discussion: This study showed that although OSCE was designed to assess competence is a non-clinical setting, OSCE results were related to clinical skill.
Keywords: objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), knowledge confirmation examination, clinical training achievements, clinical clerkships, physical therapy students

*1 茨城県立医療大学保健医療学部理学療法学科 Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences
*2 茨城県立医療大学保健医療学部看護学科 Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences
*3 茨城県立医療大学教育・学修センター Academic Support Center, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences

山本 加奈子*1 加藤 佐知子*2 森田 敦子*2 吉田 奏*3
高橋 佑太*4 阿部 猛*5 藤崎 さやか*6 田村 富美子*2

キーワード: 大学―病院連携, クリティカルケア, VOD, オンライン実習, ARCSモデル

An Attempt at Online Training Using Clinical Videos in the Field of Critical Carein Cooperation
with St. Luke's International University and Hospitals

Kanako YAMAMOTO*1 Sawako KATO*2 Atsuko MORITA*2 Susuyo YOSHIDA*3
Yuta TAKAHASHI*4 Takeru ABE*5 Sayaka FUJISAKI*6 Tomiko TAMURA*2

In online training, maintaining students’ desire to learn is a challenge, It is also challenging to develop realistic and interesting teaching materials training. To effectively conduct online training in the area of critical care, we developed a video to be used as teaching material. It shows the procedure for patients and family care in clinical practice through multidisciplinary collaboration and hospital–university cooperation. We then combined paper examples, video materials, and online conferences to design practical training using the ARCS model. As a result, we were able to maintain the students’ desire to learn and lead them to independent learning and to maintain patient understanding and satisfaction with practical training. It has been suggested that video materials using actual clinical scenes could lead to effective online training and an understanding of multidisciplinary collaboration.
Keywords: collaboration with university hospitals, critical care, video teaching material, remote practice

*1 聖路加国際大学大学院看護学研究科,St. Luke's International University, Graduate School of Nursing Science
*2 聖路加国際病院 看護部,  St. Luke's International Hospital, Department of Nursing
*3 聖路加国際病院 麻酔科, St. Luke's International Hospital, Department of Anesthesia
*4 聖路加国際病院 リハビリテーション科, St. Luke's International Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation
*5 聖路加国際病院 薬剤科, St. Luke's International Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
*6 聖路加国際病院 歯科・口腔外科, St. Luke's International Hospital, Department of Oral Surgery


豊吉 泰典*1 山崎 澄子*2


Teaching Method Incorporating General Broadcast Programs and Movies
-Practice of “An Introduction to Pediatric Nursing” at a Vocational School-

Yasunori TOYOSHI*1 Sumiko YAMAZAKI*2

The objective of the "Introduction to Pediatric Nursing" course is to have pupils understand the growth and development of children and their surrounding environments, such as family and society, and the problems faced by children with disabilities and the psychological burden on their families. In order to make the content of the lecture more concrete and realistic, we developed a class using general broadcasting programs and movies as audiovisual materials. In this article, we will report on the outcome.
Keywords: pediatric nursing, teaching material research, audiovisual teaching materials, broadcast programs, movies

*1 日本医療科学大学保健医療学部看護学科,Nihon Institute of Medical Science Department of Nursing
*2 首都医校看護学部実践看護学科Ⅱ,SHUTO IKO Department of Nursing

石川 和信*1,2 小林 元*1

キーワード: シミュレーション教育,臨床実習前教育,早期学習,医学部

Designing a Pre-Clinical Training Class that Uses Simulation and the Five Senses

Kazunobu ISHIKAWA*1, 2 Gen KOBAYASHI*1

High-quality simulation education is required as a learning strategy to train physicians who can respond to various situations with consideration for medical safety and team medicine. However, it is difficult to incorporate hands-on training into medical classes with more than 100 students per grade. We have implemented a variety of simulation classes as pre-clinical training in the three years since the opening of the medical school. We designed a large-scale, multifunctional simulation facility that has never existed in our country, and aimed to realize pre-clinical training classes that students can feel through their five senses instead of limiting their experience to visual information such as slides. We introduced simulation lessons that integrate basic medicine and clinical medicine for effective learning and motivation. We also introduced online technology that shares the simulation skills experienced by small groups with all students in the large lecture room.
Keywords: simulation, pre-clinical medical education, medical school

*1 国際医療福祉大学医学部医学教育統括センター・シミュレーションセンター,Office of Medical Education & Simulation Center for Outstanding Professional Education, International University of Health and Welfare
*2 福島学院大学,Fukushima College for Sincerity
1. はじめに:医学教育における行動科学・社会科学の現在

和泉 俊一郎*

キーワード: 医学教育,行動科学,社会科学,生涯学習

1.Behavioral and Social Sciences in Medical Education Today

Shunichiro IZUMI*

Since 2017, Japanese medical schools have begun to obtain official accreditation from the World Federation for Medical Education, where behavioral and social sciences are necessary components. These sciences were not familiar to Japanese educators, despite their detailed explanation in Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education (revised version of 2016). Therefore, we need to conceptualize the disciplinary entities for each of the original and respective sciences. To conceptualize each academic discipline, the author aims to clarify the domestic background in the context of education and social needs of a progressively ageing population. 
Keywords: behavioral sciences, social sciences, medical education, carrier education, competence for undergraduate and post-graduate

*東海大学医学部教育計画部,Division of Medical Education, Tokai University School of Medicine
2. 行動科学の概念整理

網谷 真理恵*


2. Conceptualization of behavioral science


In recent years, while the introduction of behavioral and social science curricula has been progressing, the recognition of the fields of behavioral and social sciences differs in each university. There is an overlap between the academic systems of behavioral science and behavioral medicine that cannot be separated, and it is difficult to make a clear categorization at present.
On the other hand, the concept of behavioral science and behavioral medicine is characterized by the integration of a wide range of disciplines to pursue a holistic understanding of human behavior. The interrelationship between the disciplines is considered important. In the field of research, translational research that integrates behavioral and social sciences is being promoted. Behavioral medicine also emphasizes the domains of bio-behavioral mechanisms, clinical practice, and public health, and the interrelationships among these domains. In clinical practice, psychosomatic medicine integrates behavioral science approaches and medicine, and practices holistic medicine as its core.
In this paper, I would like to describe the concept of behavioral science and behavioral medicine, and help to develop a curriculum for medical education.
Keywords: behavioral science, behavioral medicine, public health, psychosomatic medicine, medical education

*鹿児島大学医歯学総合研究科地域医療学分野,Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Community-Based Medicine
3. 社会科学の概念整理

星野 晋*


3. Concept of Social Sciences


Social science is a general term for various academic disciplines that scientifically explore the relationships that make a group a society. It can be divided into a macro approach, which analyzes society at the mass level, such as the state or local government, and a micro approach, which focuses on specific social phenomena in the field. As methods of survey analysis, both quantitative research based on statistical analysis and qualitative research based on observation and interviews are used. Cultural anthropology and sociology, in particular, can serve as hubs that relate social phenomena to the findings of social sciences such as economics and political science due to their characteristic of taking an integrated view of society as a whole. In addition, both of these disciplines can bring rich knowledge to clinical practice in that they can analyze and interpret social issues in the field using micro and qualitative approaches.
Keywords: social sciences, macro and micro, qualitative research, sociology, cultural anthropology

*山口大学国際総合科学部,Faculty of Global and Science Studies, Yamaguchi University
4. 医療倫理・医療法学の概念整理

平山 陽示*1 大磯 義一郎*2


4. Concept of Medical Ethics and Medical Law

Yoji HIRAYAMA*1 Giichiro OISO*2

Medical ethics is a branch of bioethics, that includes research ethics and clinical ethics. While medical ethics shows a universally valid or general value judgment based on theories and principles, clinical ethics is a study that shows a provisional and probable value judgment that fits a particular case. It is applied ethics. Regarding, research ethics, "ethical guidelines for medical research targeting humans" and "clinical research law" have been established.
“Medicine and Law” had long been taught in medical education, however, it was treated as "miscellaneous rules and regulations." In response to recent social changes, knowledge in the area has now been presented in the Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education as "Medical Law," with a request that it should be taught by legal specialists as an independent discipline. Since the excessive "legalization of medicine" is causing harm to the current medical field, professional autonomy is important in the education of "Medical Law.”
Keywords: medical ethics, clinical ethics, research ethics

*1 東京医科大学総合診療医学分野,Department of General Medicine and Primary Care
*2 浜松医科大学総合人間科学講座,Department of Integrated Human Sciences
5. まとめと提言:医学教育における 行動科学・社会科学の将来

錦織 宏*1, 2


5. Future of Behavioral and Social Sciences in Medical Education

Hiroshi NISHIGORI*1, 2

With the accreditation of medical education by JACME, the discussion on behavioral and social sciences in medical education has become more active. In addition to the conceptualization of behavioral science, social science, medical jurisprudence, and medical ethics in this special issue, this article describes the status of behavioral and social sciences in medical education in the U.S. and the U.K., as well as the relationship between social medicine and social science. In addition, I will explain why behavioral and social sciences are based on disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology, and ask for opinions, objections, and counterarguments.
Keywords: behavioral sciences, social sciences

*1 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育学,Center for Medical Education, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会への 連載引継ぎにあたって

部会長 宮田 靖志


プロフェッショナル教育方略 連載第10回
10 フィードバックリテラシーを教育/学習する

朝比奈 真由美*


10 Educate / Learn Feedback Literacy


Medical professionals' education strategies include experiential learning, such as medical interviews, clinical procedures, clinical observership, and clinical clerkship. Experiential learning is a process of "renewal of ability through experience and reflection." It is an indispensable work for lifelong learning to make the meaning, value, and practical ability of empirical knowledge by looking back on the experience. Feedback is to add information from the perspective of others and deepen their reflection. To provide useful feedback, it is necessary to improve the feedback literacy of both teachers and learners. This time, I would like to present a strategy for improving learner feedback literacy and a practical example of feedback literacy training for simulated patients.
Keywords: experiential learning, reflection, feedback literacy, lifelong learning, simulated patient

* 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載10回
10-1 学生に対するフィードバックリテラシー教育は

朝比奈 真由美*

10-1 Is Feedback Literacy Education for Students a Powerful Strategy
for Achieving Lifelong Learning Competencies?


*千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載10回
10-2 模擬患者参加型の医療面接演習をより効果的に行う方法

朝比奈 真由美*

10-2 How to Conduct Simulated Patient-Participatory
Medical Interview Exercises More Effectively
~Development and Practice of Interactive Feedback by Simulated Patients~


*千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital

岐阜大学 医学教育開発研究センター 恒川 幸司


木村 峻輔*1 木村 武司*2 錦織 宏*1, 3

*1 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
51巻4号掲載 原著「『医学とは何か』を問う教育の実態調査:

池尻 達紀*

*杉田玄白記念公立小浜病院,Sugita Genpaku Memorial Obama Municipal Hospital
51巻4号掲載 原著「『医学とは何か』を問う教育の実態調査:

外山 尚吾*

*北海道社会事業協会帯広病院,Obihiro Kyokai Hospital
Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital

沼澤 洋平(卒後臨床研修センター長,心臓血管病センター長)

Akita Kousei Medical Center

畑澤 千秋(副院長・臨床研修管理委員会委員長)

Gunma University Faculty of Medicine and Gunma University Hospital

石崎 泰樹(群馬大学大学院医学系研究科長・群馬大学医学部長)

Chiba Rosai Hospital

岡本 美孝(病院長)
小沢 義典(副院長,リハビリテーション部部長,認知症疾患医療センター長)

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital

北川 剛(研修管理委員長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL



一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)