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特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
…武田 裕子
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
1. 多文化共生社会における医療者育成への期待
…新居 みどり
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
2. 医療現場における医療通訳者との協働
2-1. 医療通訳者の立場から期待と提言
…森田 直美,吉富 志津代
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
2. 医療現場における医療通訳者との協働
2-2 医療通訳を通して学ぶ多文化医療
…押味 貴之
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
3. 外国人診療に役立つ「やさしい日本語」:
…武田 裕子,石川 ひろの,新居 みどり,岩田 一成
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
4. 多文化共生時代の医療の担い手を育てる
-国際医療福祉大学医学部の試み- 「国際医療保健学」を中心に
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
5. 地域共生社会の人材育成とSDH教育に活用可能な「地域に根差したインクルーシブな開発」(Community-based Inclusive Development:CBID)の概念とその応用例の紹介
…上野 悦子,岩隈 美穂
特 集 多文化共生時代の医学教育
6. 他者理解の視点と方法を育むエスノグラフィ教育
…飯田 淳子,庵谷 千恵子,桑原 篤憲
…淺田 義和,前田 佳孝,鈴木 義彦,川平 洋,菊地 元史
…外山 尚吾,宮脇 里奈,種村 文孝
追悼文 小林登先生を偲んで
…加我 君孝,武田 裕子
第78回 e医学教育セミナーとワークショップ
…藤崎 和彦
医学教育研究室の抄読会から 第5回
…種村 文孝,木村 武司,錦織 宏
(意 見)
…馬渕 寛也,今 明秀,近藤 英史,今野 慎吾,野田頭 達也
(意 見)
…賀來 敦
(意 見)
…賀來 敦
(意 見)
51巻4号『「転機」を体験するゲームを用いたキャリア教育実践』に対する 疑問・提案への回答
…照屋 周造,田中 淳一,近藤 猛,柴田 綾子,藤井 達也,米岡 裕美
機関会員のページ 日本赤十字社 大阪赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Osaka Hospital
…住本 真一
機関会員のページ 兵庫県立丹波医療センター
Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center
…見坂 恒明
機関会員のページ 社会医療法人愛仁会 高槻病院
Takatsuki General Hospital
…船田 泰弘
機関会員のページ 加古川中央市民病院
Kakogawa Central City Hospital
…金田 邦彦,大西 祥男
機関会員のページ 国立病院機構 嬉野医療センター
NHO Ureshino Medical Center
…内藤 愼二
機関会員のページ 日本赤十字社 和歌山医療センター
Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
…吉田 晃
機関会員のページ 済生会松山病院
Saiseikai Matsuyama Hospital
…村上 英広

武田 裕子*

Medical Education’s Roles in Promotion the Awareness of Structural Determinants of Health

Yoko Takeda

*順天堂大学大学院 医学研究科医学教育学,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
1. 多文化共生社会における医療者育成への期待

新居 みどり*


Expectation in Development of Healthcare Professionals in Multicultural Society

Midori Nii

While the number of foreign residents in Japan is increasing, it is desired that opportunities that healthcare professionals learn about “specific difficulties foreign residents have” and “communication between foreigners” are to be increased. Especially, it is effective that healthcare professionals know about the presence of “Yasashii Nihongo” and practice it in the communication between foreign residents.
Keywords: problems of foreign residents, communication, multicultural society

*NPO法人国際活動市民中心,NPO: Citizen’s Network for Global Activities
2. 医療現場における医療通訳者との協働
2-1. 医療通訳者の立場から期待と提言

森田 直美*1 吉富 志津代*2

キーワード:医療通訳,在住外国人,言葉の壁,行動規範, ラポール

Expectations and proposals from the healthcare interpreter’s perspective

Naomi Morita*1 Shizuyo Yoshitomi*2

Even if foreign residents have no trouble speaking Japanese in their daily lives, they do not always understand the language spoken in hospitals. This is because they face many barriers other than language, such as unfamiliar medical terminology, difficulty concentrating due to illness, tensions caused by the unusual hospital environment, and differences in the medical system, customs and culture. We believe that the presence of a medical interpreter will lead to better communication between doctors and patients at initial consultations, when announcements are made, when explanations of treatment are made, when rapport is established, and when the patient's complaints need to be fully listened to. As a medical interpreter who supports foreign patients in the medical field, I would like to offer some suggestions to medical professionals who encounter foreign patients in clinical settings.
Keywords: Healthcare interpreters, foreign residents, language barrier, code of conduct, rapport

*1 一般社団法人 全国医療通訳者協会,National Interpreters’ Association
*2 名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部,School of Global Governance and Collaboration, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
2. 医療現場における医療通訳者との協働
2-2 医療通訳を通して学ぶ多文化医療

押味 貴之*


Cross-Cultural Medical Education with Medical Interpreters

Takayuki Oshimi*

As the number of international patients has been increasing in Japan, it is essential for medical schools to provide cross-cultural education to develop the ability to provide quality health care to patients with limited Japanese proficiency and diverse sociocultural backgrounds. Cross-cultural medical education is divided into three conceptual approaches focusing on students' attitudes, knowledge, and skills. As quality medical interpreters can be a cultural liaison in a clinical setting, patient encounter training through medical interpreting can provide opportunities for students to develop a culturally sensitive attitude and multicultural knowledge, as well as practical skills to support international patients.
Keywords: medical education, cross-cultural health care, health care interpreting, medical interpreting

*国際医療福祉大学医学部 医学教育統括センター,Office of Medical Education, International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine
3. 外国人診療に役立つ「やさしい日本語」:

武田 裕子*1 石川 ひろの*2 新居 みどり*3 岩田 一成*4


“Easy Japanese” for Everyone:
Another Way to Enhance Communication Skills for Promoting Partnerships with Patients Including Those from Overseas

Yoko Takeda Hirono Ishikawa Midori Nii Kazunari Iwata

Many healthcare professionals believe they must speak English to communicate with patients from overseas. However, a survey revealed more than 70% of those comfortably use Japanese in their daily life. Therefore “Easy Japanese” has been promoted at municipality offices, tourism, or schools where children rooted (to) overseas attend. However, it is not known to clinical staff.
This article introduced an overview of the “Easy Japanese” and educational materials we have developed for busy clinicians. As the number of international residents has been increasing, hospitals must be equipped with medical interpreters and “Easy Japanese.” Easy Japanese is also helpful among the elderly especially with the hard of hearing and/or cognitive impairment. Medical interpreters and sign-language interpreters often express the merits of the “Easy Japanese,” which is a valuable tool for multicultural societies and should be implemented in medical education.
Keywords: communication, easy Japanese, immigrants, multicultural society

*1 順天堂大学大学院 医学研究科 医学教育学,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 帝京大学大学院 公衆衛生学研究科,Teikyo University, Graduate School of Public Heath
*3 NPO法人国際活動市民中心,NPO: Citizen’s Network for Global Activities
*4 聖心女子大学 現代教養学部,University of the Sacred Health, Faculty of Liberal Arts
4. 多文化共生時代の医療の担い手を育てる
-国際医療福祉大学医学部の試み- 「国際医療保健学」を中心に


近年,グローバル化の進展にともない,医療分野においても異文化理解や多文化共生社会への推進を図る教育が求められている.2017年に開設した国際医療福祉大学医学部では毎年140人の入学定員のうち20人の留学生を受け入れ,大多数の科目で英語による授業を行うなど,国際性を重視した医学教育を実施してきた.本稿では国際性・多文化共生への対応の一例として,多国籍教員による「国際医療保健学(Global Health)」の授業の取り組みを紹介した.本講義は,共生社会の構築という,異なる文化的・言語的背景をもつ人への敬意を忘れずに理解に基づいて行動するというマインドの涵養を目指している.

Medical Education Aiming at Multicultural Coexistence: A Trial of Global Health Classes at International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine

Nattadech Choomlang

In recent years, with the advance of globalization, there has been an increasing demand for education in the medical field to promote cross-cultural understanding and a multicultural society. The International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) School of Medicine, which opened in 2017, accepts 20 international students each year out of a capacity of 140 students, and the majority of classes are taught in English, and other efforts have been made to provide medical education that emphasizes internationalism. As an example of how to deal with internationality and multicultural coexistence, this paper describes a "Global Health" course taught by multinational faculty members. The goal of this course is to cultivate a mindset of respect for people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and to act based on understanding, in order to build a symbiotic society.
Keywords: multiple coexistence, global health, group work, cross-cultural understanding

*国際医療福祉大学医学部,International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine
5. 地域共生社会の人材育成とSDH教育に活用可能な「地域に根差したインクルーシブな開発」(Community-based Inclusive Development:CBID)の概念とその応用例の紹介

上野 悦子*1 岩隈 美穂*2

わが国では年々増加している在住外国人との多文化共生が進められている.本稿では,外国人だけでなく,貧困家庭やひきこもりなど,地域で困難を抱える人の持つ背景を理解したり,地域のリソースを可視化したり,医学教育のコアカリキュラムの一つである健康の社会的要因(SDH)を学ぶために役立つツールとして,「地域に根差したインクルーシブな開発(Community-based Inclusive development: CBID)」とその概念を可視化したマトリックスを紹介する.医学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムにも含まれるSDHについての解説,CBRマトリックス作成の歴史的経緯と,筆者たちによる地域での活用実践やマトリックスをつかった医学部における教育実践を紹介する.

The Concept of Community-based Inclusive Development (CBID) and its Application for Human Resource Development of Inclusive Society and Education of SDH

Etsuko Ueno*1 Miho Iwakuma*2

The multicultural coexistence with increasing number of foreigners has been promoted in Japan. In this paper, the authors introduce the concept of community-based inclusive development(CBID) and CBR Matrix as an useful tool to understand not only the situation of foreigners but low income families and social withdrawals, to visualize community resources, and to learn Social Determination of Health (SDH) which is one of the curriculum of medical education. The paper contains explanation of SDH which is included in the core model curriculum of medical education, historical background of CBID and CBR Matrix. It also includes practices in the community and educational practicum at the medical school which both are engaged by authors respectively.
Keywords: social determinants of health (SDH), community-based inclusive development (CBID), CBR matrix, twin-track approach

*1 日本障害者リハビリテーション協会,Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
*2 京都大学大学院医学研究科 医学コミュニケーション学分野,Department of Medical Communication, Kyoto University
6. 他者理解の視点と方法を育むエスノグラフィ教育

飯田 淳子*1 庵谷 千恵子*2 桑原 篤憲*3


Ethnography Education to Cultivate Medical Students’ Perspectives and Methods for Understanding Others

Junko Iida*1 Chieko Ihoriya*2 Atsunori Kuwabara*3

A class to learn ethnographic approach was provided for medical students in the process of clinical clerkship to develop perspectives and methods for understanding people with different viewpoints and way of practice from themselves. After collaborative lectures and exercises by faculty members specialized in medical anthropology and medical science, medical students conducted participant observation during clinical clerkship, and shared their field notes with other students. In this process, students learned the importance of situating a person’s narratives and behaviors in their social and cultural contexts as well as of relativizing themselves. This class is considered to be a method to provide tips for medical students to interact with a variety of others. This paper also describes the practice of remote class during COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: understanding others, ethnography, anthropology, participant observation, clinical clerkship

*1 川崎医療福祉大学 医療福祉学部,Faculty of Health and Welfare, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare
*2 川崎医科大学 医学部,School of Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
*3 川崎医科大学 総合臨床医学,Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School

淺田 義和*1 前田 佳孝*2 鈴木 義彦*2 川平 洋*2 菊地 元史*3


A Case Report of First-Year Experience Using Escape Rooms with Simulation

Yoshikazu Asada*1 Yoshitaka Maeda*2 Yoshihiko Suzuki*2
Hiroshi Kawahira*2 Motoshi Kikuchi*3

Introduction: Recently, Escape Rooms have been used as an educational content.
Method: An Escape Room style class was conducted for the first-year medical students to review previously learned contents and to learn how to collaborate with others. A class was 70 minutes in total, and the game was done with 45 minutes. In this case, not only puzzles and riddles but simulation-based tasks such as BLS were included. In addition, multi-ending style was used to motivate students.
Result: In addition to the difficulty of making the story and puzzles, the management of staff and organizing of the game are the challenges of the class.
Discussion: Since there are a few practice reports of Escape Rooms for medical education, reviewing literature and considering effective practicing way are the future tasks.
Keywords: escape room, first-year experience class, educational gaming, undergraduate education,serious game

*1 自治医科大学 情報センターIR部門,IR Section, Center for Information, Jichi Medical University
*2 自治医科大学 メディカルシミュレーションセンター,Medical Simulation Center, Jichi Medical University
*3 自治医科大学 医学部総合教育部門,Department of General Education, Jichi Medical University

外山 尚吾*1 宮脇 里奈*1 種村 文孝*2

教育参画の重要性が指摘されているが,いかにしてその「参画」が達成されるかの知見は十分に蓄積されていない.京都大学では,KS-CoMという学生サークルにより,(1) 学生と教員の双方向のコミュニケーション,(2) 卒前医学教育のあり方の問い直しを目的として,2016年から「学生と教員の懇談会」を始めた.試験の過去問の扱い,成績評価の方法,実習内の講義等について,そもそもその教育がなぜ行われていて,学生および教員がどう受け止めているか,という双方の考えを明確にするように進めた.学生が“半オフィシャルな場”を設けて教育を前提から検討することが,カリキュラム形成などのパートナーシップ型の教育参画に有効であると考えられる.

Student Engagement, Examining the Premise of Our Education -A "Student-Faculty Meeting” Trial

Shogo Toyama*1  Lina Miyawaki*1 Fumitaka Tanemura*2

The importance of student participation has been noted, but there is not enough accumulated knowledge on how that "participation" can be achieved. In Kyoto University, a student circle called KS-CoM started a "student-faculty meeting" in 2016 with the objectives of (1) two-way communication between students and faculty and (2) reexamining the nature of pre-graduate medical education. We discussed the handling of past exam questions, grading methods, lectures within the practicum, etc. We tried to clarify both sides' thoughts on why the education was being provided and how it was being perceived by students and faculty. A "semi-official forum" is needed for students to examine the premise of their education, and it will be effective for establishing partnership-based educational participation.
Keywords: student engagement, curriculum evaluation, dialogue

*1 京都大学 医学部医学科,Faculty of Medicine,Kyoto University
*2 京都大学大学院 医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Kyoto University
加我 君孝
学会誌編集委員会 編集委員長
武田 裕子
第78回 e医学教育セミナーとワークショップ

岐阜大学 医学教育開発研究センター 藤崎 和彦

医学教育研究室の抄読会から 第5回

種村 文孝*1 木村 武司*2 錦織 宏*1, 3

*1 京都大学大学院医学研究科 医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院 総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University

馬渕 寛也*1 今 明秀*2 近藤 英史*2 今野 慎吾*2 野田頭 達也*2

自治医科大学医学部では,6年次に都道府県拠点病院実習が実施される.ここでは,学生が各出身都道府県の指定された病院・診療科を選択し,4週間の臨床参加型実習を行う.これを通じ,地域医療の観点から各々の関心のある領域を学ぶ.本稿では, 医学生として実習から得た知見を元に,地域における救急医療において必要な思考技術や人材に関する教育について意見を述べる.

*1 自治医科大学 医学部6年,Jichi Medical University
*2 八戸市立市民病院,Hachinohe City Hospital

賀來 敦*

*社会医療法人清風会 岡山家庭医療センター,Family Practice Center of Okayama

賀來 敦*

*社会医療法人清風会 岡山家庭医療センター,Family Practice Center of Okayama
51巻4号『「転機」を体験するゲームを用いたキャリア教育実践』に対する 疑問・提案への回答

照屋 周造*1,6 田中 淳一*2,6 近藤 猛*3,6
柴田 綾子*4,6 藤井 達也*5,6 米岡 裕美*7

*1 沖縄県立八重山病院,Okinawa Yaeyama Hospital
*2 東北大学病院 総合地域医療教育支援部,Department of Education and Support for Regional Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
*3 名古屋大学医学部附属病院,Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
*4 淀川キリスト教病院,Yodogawa Christian Hospital
*5 松江病院,Matsue Hospital
*6 To Be Lab
*7 埼玉医科大学,Saitama Medical University
日本赤十字社 大阪赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Osaka Hospital

住本 真一(副院長 教育研修推進室長)

Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center

見坂 恒明(地域医療教育センター長)

社会医療法人愛仁会 高槻病院
Takatsuki General Hospital

船田 泰弘(副院長・臨床研修センター長)

Kakogawa Central City Hospital

金田 邦彦(副院長 プログラム責任者)
大西 祥男(病院長)

国立病院機構 嬉野医療センター
NHO Ureshino Medical Center

内藤 愼二(教育研修部長)

日本赤十字社 和歌山医療センター
Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center

吉田 晃(副院長 教育研修推進室長)

Saiseikai Matsuyama Hospital

村上 英広(副院長 臨床研修プログラム責任者)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


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一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)