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…錦織 宏
…岡崎 史子
…椎橋 実智男
…小西 靖彦
特別掲載 第56回日本医学教育学会大会より
…冲永 寛子
大会報告 第56回日本医学教育学会大会より 大会報告
ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン ~すべての人が輝ける医療者教育~
Diversity & Inclusion -Health Professions Education to Broaden Horizons-
…大久保 由美子,髙田 真二,山本 貴嗣,堀田 晶子,紺野 久美子,三木 祐子,冲永 寛子
短 報 臨床工学技士養成校の学生に対するユーザビリティ評価演習
…前田 佳孝,鈴木 聡
短 報 食用素材(グミ)を用いた結紮トレーナーの有用性の検討
…青山 稔,中里 陽子,佐野 友洋,比企 瑠璃子,上嶋 菜摘,金田 凌,大谷 桃香,田中 良太
短 報 医療と福祉の多職種連携共修授業における学習形態と学習成果との関連
…岡田(奥村) あすか,潮谷 有二,吉田 麻衣,足立 耕平,井口 茂,前田 隆浩,永田 康浩
…小澤 竹俊
…髙橋 慶,川上 ちひろ,西城 卓也

錦織 宏 名古屋大学総合医学教育センター長・教授


岡崎 史子 新潟大学医学部医学科 医学教育学分野 教授


椎橋 実智男 埼玉医科大学副学長,IRセンター 教授


小西 靖彦 順天堂大学医学研究科 医学教育学 特任教授


帝京大学 副学長 冲永 寛子

第56回日本医学教育学会大会より 大会報告
ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン ~すべての人が輝ける医療者教育~
Diversity & Inclusion -Health Professions Education to Broaden Horizons-

第56回日本医学教育学会大会 実行委員長
帝京大学 大久保 由美子
同 実行委員
帝京大学 髙田 真二,山本 貴嗣,堀田 晶子,紺野 久美子,三木 祐子
同 大会長
帝京大学 冲永 寛子


前田 佳孝*1 鈴木 聡*2

方法:ユーザビリティの評価観点(知覚,認知,行動,フィードバック)を講義後,学生に家電製品を評価させ,自由記述で記録させた.演習の妥当性検証では 59 名の記述を評価観点で分類した.

Usability Evaluation Practice for Clinical Engineering Students
―Practical Education with Home Appliances as Evaluation Object―

Yoshitaka Maeda*1 Satoshi Suzuki*2

Introduction: We conducted usability evaluation practice among clinical engineering students, and we verified the effectiveness of the practice.
Method: After lecturing on the four evaluation perspectives of usability (perception, cognition, behavior, and feedback) , students evaluated the home appliances and recorded the results in free-text form. To verify the effectiveness of our practice, the records of 59 students were sorted according to four evaluation perspectives.
Results: Students made a mean of 5.6 usability remarks and used a mean of 3.2 evaluation perspectives. Of the evaluation perspectives, cognition (e.g., ease of understanding information) was the most frequently pointed out, with a mean of 2.2.
Discussion: Students were able to evaluate appliances from various perspectives. This practice was effective because students were able to identify a number of cognitive usability problems that are considered difficult to detect with familiar devices.
Keywords: usability, safety education, undergraduate education, ergonomics

*1 ⾃治医科⼤学 メディカルシミュレーションセンター,Medical Simulation Center, Jichi Medical University
*2 神奈川⼯科⼤学 健康医療科学部,Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Kanagawa Institute of Technology

青山 稔*1 中里 陽子*2 佐野 友洋*3 比企 瑠璃子*4 上嶋 菜摘*4 金田 凌*5 大谷 桃香*1 田中 良太*2

我々はグミを用いた結紮トレーナー(KTG)を開発し,技術評価によりノットボードとの比較実験を行った.当院に在籍する修練医(外科専攻医・初期研修医)18人,熟練医(外科専門医)18人を対象とし結紮の所要時間を計測した.結紮技術の評価は過去に報告された計算式を用いて算出した(Scott DJ. J Surg Res. 2007).ノットボードでは修練医27.1±22.6点,熟練医37.3±18.7点で両群に有意差がなく,KTGでは修練医12.3±20.6点,熟練医36.7±18.3点で両群に有意差を認めた(p<0.001).KTGでは熟達度に応じた技術評価が可能で,練習により技術向上が期待される.

Validation of a Trainer for Improving Knot-Tying Skills Using Gummy Candies

Minoru Aoyama*1 Yoko Nakazato*2 Tomohiro Sano*3 Ruriko Hiki*4
Natsumi Ueshima*4 Ryo Kaneda*5 Momoka Otani*1 Ryota Tanaka*2

Introduction: We evaluated a trainer for improving knot-tying skills using gummy candies (KTG; knot-tying trainer using gummy). To reveal its efficacy, the KTG was compared with a standard knot-tying board by evaluating construct and concurrent validities.
Method: The completion times for knot-tying with the both the trainers were recorded for 18 novices and 18 experts in our university hospital. The evaluation formula was published previously and comprised four items (accuracy, gap, slippage, and breakage) to calculate the total score.
Results: With the standard knot-tying board, the average score was 27.1±22.6 points in the novice group and 37.3±18.7 points in the expert group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups. With the KTG, the average score was 12.3±20.6 points in the novice group and 36.7±18.3 points in the expert group, with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001).
Discussion: Using the KTG for knot-tying training, it may be possible to acquire knot-tying skills with proficiency-based training, which could improve knot-tying technique.
Keywords: knot tying, surgical education, gummy candy, knot tying trainer, fundamental surgical skills

*1 杏林大学医学部医学科6年,Kyorin University School of Medicine, fifth-year student
*2 杏林大学医学部呼吸器・甲状腺外科学,Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
*3 杏林大学医学部医学科3年,Kyorin University School of Medicine, second-year student
*4 杏林大学医学部医学科4年,Kyorin University School of Medicine, third-year student
*5 杏林大学医学部医学科5年,Kyorin University School of Medicine, fourth-year student

岡田(奥村) あすか*1,2 潮谷 有二*3,4 吉田 麻衣*2,5 足立 耕平*1,2
井口 茂*6 前田 隆浩*7 永田 康浩*8


The Relationship between Learning Styles and Outcomes of
Interprofessional Education in Medical, Healthcare and Welfare Students:
Comparison of Face-to-Face and Online Learning

Asuka(OKUMURA)Okada*1, 2 Yuji Shiotani*3, 4 Mai Yoshida*2, 5 Kohei Adachi*1, 2
Shigeru Inokuchi*6 Takahiro Maeda*7 Yasuhiro Nagata*8

Introduction: This study examines the relationship between learning styles and outcomes of interprofessional education (IPE) through co-curricular learning for medical and welfare students.
Method: To analyze changes over time, we utilized IPE evaluations of students from Nagasaki University School of Medicine and the Department of Comprehensive Community Care Services, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University, who participated in either face-to-face or online classes.
Results: The learning outcomes from medical and welfare perspectives in IPE significantly increased regardless of the learning style. As for the same perspective on students from each department, the value of many outcomes in face-to-face learning showed significant increases compared to online classes.
Discussion: The learning outcomes of IPE in medical and welfare through online classes were considered to have achieved certain results. Additionally, differences in learning outcomes depending on the learning style were thought to be due to variations in understanding between the groups. It was suggested that long-term studies are necessary for effective co-curricular learning in the future.
Keywords: online learning,inter-university collaboration,interprofessional education,community comprehensive care,co-curricular learning

*1 長崎純心大学人文学部福祉・心理学科,Department of Social Welfare and Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University
*2 長崎純心大学地域連携センター医療・福祉連携部門,Department of Medical and Welfare Liaison, Community Liaison Center, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University
*3 長崎純心大学人文学部,Faculty of Humanities, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University
*4 慈愛園老人ホーム,Jiaien Nursing Home for the Elderly
*5 長崎純心大学人文学部こども教育保育学科,Department of Education and Care, Faculty of Humanities, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University
*6 長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科理学療法学分野,Department of Physical Therapy Science, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
*7 長崎大学病院 総合診療科,Department of General Medicine, Nagasaki University Hospital
*8 長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科地域医療学分野,Department of Community Medicine, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

小澤 竹俊*


Early-Year Medical Student Role-Playing Exercises for Communicating with Patients Facing Uncertain Prognoses:
Exploring the Potential of Integrating Spiritual Care Concepts into Professionalism Education

Taketoshi Ozawa*

Japan has entered an era of declining population. Among the needs of patients and society is the presence of doctors who will be there for them until the end of their lives, even if they cannot cure their illness. Regardless of the target audience, support for those who are suffering shares common elements: people who are suffering appreciate having someone who they believe understands their pain, suffering that can be alleviated is addressed, and people find ways to remain calm when faced with suffering that cannot be resolved. Support for caregivers is equally important. The interpersonal support and spiritual care we have learned through our clinical practice in end-of-life care can contribute to professional education.
Keywords: professionalism, spiritual care, undergraduate education, medical education

* めぐみ在宅クリニック,Megumi Home Clinic

髙橋 慶*1 川上 ちひろ*2,3 西城 卓也*2,3


Development of a Teaching Model Interweaving Clinical Reasoning and the Biopsychosocial Model
-Integrating Positivism and Phenomenology to Cultivate a Perspective that Views Patients as People Living in the World-

Kei Takahashi*1 Chihiro Kawakami*2, 3 Takuya Saiki*2, 3

To educate medical professionals to meet the needs of future medical care, which will be highly complex and require a broader perspective, it is not enough to provide education that emphasizes positivism based on natural scientific thinking, such as clinical reasoning. It is also important to provide education based on a phenomenological perspective that seeks to understand patients’ experiences in the living world and their meaning, as seen in biopsychosocial models. We have developed an online class on clinical reasoning for fourth-year medical students prior to clinical practice, in which students can simultaneously learn clinical reasoning and biopsychosocial models through structured case studies. We expect that this teaching model will be widely adopted, as it allows students to learn both positivist and phenomenological perspectives, and to view patients as individuals in their daily lives, through a multifaceted learning experience using the same case study.
Keywords: pre-graduate education, clinical reasoning, biopsychosocial model, phenomenology, positivism

*1 医療生協さいたま生活協同組合川口診療所,Kawaguchi Clinic, Saitama Health Cooperative, Japan
*2 岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科医療者教育学専攻,Research Field of Health Professions Education, Graduate School of Medicine Gifu University, Japan
*3 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University, Japan


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