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特 集 医療系学生に必要な非認知能力
【巻頭言】非認知能力とは何か? どう涵養するか?
…西城 卓也,今福 輪太郎
特 集 医学系学生に必要な非認知能力
…小塩 真司
特 集 医療系学生に必要な非認知能力
…川上 ちひろ,今福 輪太郎,早川 佳穂,堀田 亮
髙橋 美裕希,鷹羽 律紀,藤崎 和彦,西城 卓也
特 集 医学系学生に必要な非認知能力
各論2.医療系教育機関・医療機関における様々な実践 ~「共感」とは~
…森下 真理子,藤江 里衣子
特 集 医学系学生に必要な非認知能力
各論3.医療系教育機関・医療機関における様々な実践 〜マインドフルネス〜
…三好 智子,谷口 純一
特 集 医学系学生に必要な非認知能力
各論4.医療系教育機関・医療機関における様々な実践 ~グリット~
…唐牛 祐輔,林 幹雄,西屋 克己
特 集 医学系学生に必要な非認知能力
各論5.医療系教育機関・医療機関における様々な実践 ~情動知能(EI)とリーダーシップ~
…藤江 里衣子,川上 ちひろ,西城 卓也
短 報 2020年度全国で開始した臨床研修医評価票の再現性の検討
…森田 貴子,大出 幸子,福井 次矢
…和田 健太朗,真木 奈美,石田 亮子
…木村 颯介,柿坂 庸介,浮城 一司
…松村 真司
Microsoft HoloLens2を用いた聴覚障害の医学生に対する臨床実習の報告
…及川 沙耶佳,荒巻 修治,鷲谷 貴洋,水戸部 一孝,長谷川 仁志
【巻頭言】非認知能力とは何か? どう涵養するか?

西城 卓也*1,2 今福 輪太郎*1,2

 今から10年後の世界を想像してみましょう.テクノロジーやAIの発達により,おそらく人間の想像力や人間らしさを発揮する人間力がより重要視されていることでしょう.また地球の存続のため,多様な価値観をすべて包含しながら社会の課題を解決する考え方が必要不可欠になっていることでしょう.長寿社会となり,かつ変革の激しい社会で生き抜くために,学び続けしなやかに対応する力が必要不可欠な時代になることでしょう.  医療者教育学において,学力向上を目指した教育実践は広く行われています.しかし医学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの大半を占める認知能力以外にも,来る次世代を生き抜くための“何かの能力”があることで,よりしなやかに学習者が成長し,ひいては将来を担う医療人が幸福に働き,生きられる可能性があります.今回は,その“何かの力”として非認知能力に焦点を当て,この概念と必要性を概説する特集を企画しました.非認知能力は認知能力の向上を支えるものとされており,この二つでこそ人の“能力”の総体をなします.文部科学省では幼児教育や初等教育でその重要性が示されていますが,医療者教育を含む高等教育においても意識させることが極めて重要であると本特集の筆者たちは考えています.

Non-Cognitive Ability: What Are They?  How Can They Be Cultivated?

Takuya Saiki*1, 2 Rintaro Imafuku*1, 2

*1 岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科医療者教育学専攻,Research Field of Health Professions Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Gifu University
*2 共同利用拠点 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University

小塩 真司*


What Are Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Abilities?

Atsushi Oshio*

This paper reviews the basic knowledge of noncognitive abilities, which have been greatly discussed literature in recent years, and deliberate implications for medical education. Noncognitive ability is a term that implies separation from being a cognitive ability. However, here, the binary value of ability does not refer to a wide range of cognitive abilities, but rather to a narrower range of abilities measured by intelligence tests and academic achievement tests. Noncognitive ability is defined in terms of four aspects: noncognitive, measurable, predictive, and intervening. Noncognitive competence includes many psychological characteristics, all of which are important in the practice of medicine and should be systematically developed.
Keywords: cognition, ability, skill, non-cognitive abilities, non-cognitive skills

* 早稲田大学文学学術院,Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University

川上 ちひろ*1,2 今福 輪太郎*1,2 早川 佳穂*1,2 堀田 亮*1,3 髙橋 美裕希*4
鷹羽 律紀*4 藤崎 和彦*1,2 西城 卓也*1,2

近年,非認知能力が注目されており,その背景にはウェルビーイングが重要であるとされていることがある.社会性と情動の学習(SEL)は非認知能力の社会性や情動に特化した教育的プログラムである.SELの領域はself-awareness(自己への気づき),self-management(自己のコントロール),social awareness(他者への気づき),relationship skills(対人関係),responsible decision making(責任ある意思決定)に分けられており,授業や学習,教室内,課外授業などで取り入れることが可能である.SELは主に初等教育で導入されているが高等教育や医療者養成においても非認知能力を育成することは重要な教育であり,学習者のみならず教育者にとっても大切な取り組みである.

1. What Is Social-Emotional Learning?

Chihiro Kawakami*1, 2 Rintaro Imafuku*1,2 Kaho Hayakawa*1, 2 Ryo Horita*1, 3
Miyuki Takahashi*4 Ritsuki Takaha*4 Kazuhiko Fujisaki*1,2 Takuya Saiki*1, 2

In recent years, non-cognitive abilities have garnered attention, and their significance is attributed to overall well-being. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an educational program specifically focused on the social and emotional aspects of non-cognitive abilities. The domains of SEL are divided into self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. These can be incorporated into various educational settings, including classroom instruction and extracurricular activities. While SEL is primarily introduced in elementary education, non-cognitive abilities remain crucial for higher education and professional training as they both learners and educators.
Keywords: medical students,non-cognitive abilities,social-emotional learning,well-being

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
*2 岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科医療者教育学専攻,Master‘s Course of Health Professions Education, Gifu University
*3 岐阜大学保健管理センター,Health Administration Center, Gifu University
*4 岐阜大学地域共創型飛騨高山医療者教育学講座,Department of Community-Based Co-Creative Hida-Takayama Health Professions Education, Gifu University

森下 真理子*1,2 藤江 里衣子*3


2. Using the Concept of Empathy and Education to Foster
“Empathy” in Health Care Professional Education

Mariko Morishita*1,2 Rieko Fujie*3

Education aimed at nurturing “non-cognitive abilities” that are not measured as academic skills has been garnering attention because these abilities can contribute to academic performance and life success. Empathy, one of these “non-cognitive abilities,” has been conceptualized in different ways in education, psychology and health care professional education. Therefore, this article provides an overview of the topic by combining its status as a “non-cognitive ability” with its role in health care professional education. This paper also reviews educational practices implemented to foster empathy.
First, we attempt to clarify the characteristics of empathy within the focus of different contexts. Through this, we introduce the concept of empathy in health care professional education as similar to that of psychology, in that it can be divided into two elements: cognitive and emotional. Second, regarding the elements of empathy, we review examples of educational programs that have been implemented to foster empathy among students in health care professional education, comparing them to their general education counterparts. Thus, we broaden the scope of empathy to include psychological attributes and skills, as well as empathetic environments and situations in which students and health care professionals find it difficult to empathize with others. Thus, this article can be used as a guide for overviewing the concept of empathy and developing education on empathy in health care professional education.
Keywords: concept of empathy, empathy training, non-cognitive abilities, health professional education

*1 京都大学医学部附属病院医療安全管理部,Department of patient safety, Kyoto University Hospital
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*3 藤田医科大学医学部,School of Medicine, Fujita Health University

三好 智子*1 谷口 純一*2


3. Various Practices in Medical Educational Institutions and Healthcare Institutions

Tomoko Miyoshi*1 Junichi Taniguchi*2

Mindfulness, a non-cognitive ability, is characterized as the awareness that arises from intentionally paying attention to the present moment without being influenced by value judgments. The importance of medical students acquiring mindfulness skills has been highlighted to encompass 1) a mindful response to patients, 2) an appropriate response to their own stress, 3) developing resilience as clinicians and faculty, and 4) cultivating better clinical decision-making skills. This paper will provide an overview of mindfulness, including its history and introduction into medical education, particularly students’ education for health care providers, and will present recent findings on the effectiveness of mindfulness and the challenges associated with it.
Keywords: medical education for health care providers, non-cognitive abilities, mindfulness

*1 京都大学医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Center for Medical Education and Internationalization, Kyoto University
*2 一般社団法人天草郡市医師会立天草地域医療センター総合診療科,General Medicine, Amakusa Medical Center

唐牛 祐輔* 林 幹雄* 西屋 克己*


4. Various Practices in Medical Educational Institutions and Healthcare Institutions

Yusuke Karouji,Mikio Hayashi,Katsumi Nishiya

Grit is considered one of the important non-cognitive abilities that support the educational process for health professions, which requires a long period of study and training. Grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” Grit has been shown to contribute to career achievement in various fields by supporting commitment to long-term goals.
In the context of health professions education, grit contributes to career achievement by reducing the risk of burnout and supporting lifelong, continuous learning and deliberate practice. This paper discusses two approaches to fostering grit in medical education: one based on achievement goal theory and the other on superordinate goals.
Keywords: grit, career achievement, burnout, self-regulated learning, achievement goal theory

*関西医科大学教育センター,Center for Health Professions Education, Kansai Medical University

藤江 里衣子*1 川上 ちひろ*2 西城 卓也*2

本稿では,非認知能力のうち,リーダーシップにおいてEmotional Intelligence(EI)が果たす役割を検討する.チームが取り組む課題の複雑化に伴い,リーダーはフォロワーが自らの力を発揮することをサポートする役割を求められるようになってきた.このためには,リーダーのフォロワーに接する姿勢が重要となるが,その基盤となるのがEIである.EIには「情動認識」「情動制御」「動機づけ」「共感」「対人関係の調整」の5要素があり,「情動認識」ができることは,「情動制御」から「動機づけ」につながる他,「共感」から「対人関係の調整」にもつながる.最後にEIの涵養についても考察する.

5. Various Practices in Medical Educational Institutions and Healthcare Institutions
-Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Leadership-

Rieko Fujie*1 Chihiro Kawakami*2 Takuya Saiki*2

This article examines the role of the noncognitive ability, Emotional Intelligence (EI), in leadership. As the complexity of tasks required of teams expands, leaders are increasingly expected to play a role in supporting followers in demonstrating their own abilities. For this reason, a leader’s attitude toward followers is important and rooted in EI. There are five elements of EI: “Self-awareness,” “Self-regulation,” “Motivation,” “Empathy,” and “Social skills.” Being able to recognize “Self-awareness” leads to “Self-regulation” and “Motivation.” At the same time, “Self-awareness” also moves from “Empathy” to “Social skills.” In this paper, the cultivation of EI is also discussed.
Keywords: leadership, adaptive leadership, emotional intelligence, self-awareness

*1 藤田医科大学医学部医療コミュニケーション,Medical Communication, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University
*2 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University

森田 貴子*1 大出 幸子*1 福井 次矢*2

方法:指導医2名の評価の一致率,級内相関係数(ICC)を算出し,Bland-Altman Plotで再現性を検討した.

Examination of the Reproducibility of Nationwide Clinical Resident
Evaluation Forms Launched in FY 2020
-Using National Resident Evaluation Data-

Takako Morita*1 Sachiko Ohde*1 Tsuguya Fukui*2

Introduction: This study analyzed the reproducibility of residency training evaluation forms revised in FY 2020 using EPOC2.
Methods: Reproducibility was assessed by calculating the concordance rate and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between evaluations from two clinical educators during the same clinical department rotation. Additionally, Bland-Altman plots were created to visualize the data.
Results: Out of 13,184 residents at facilities using EPOC2, approximately 3,800 who were evaluated more than twice by clinical educators during the same training period were analyzed. The average concordance rates for items A, B, and C were 68.6%, 43.8%, and 57.6%, respectively, indicating variability in evaluations among clinical educators.  ICC values were also low.
Discussion: Our findings suggest that the reproducibility of evaluations was low and discrepancies among clinical educators’ assessments were evident. To improve reproducibility, we recommend increasing the number of evaluations by different clinical educators and strengthening clinical educator workshops.
Keywords: clinical residency training system,evaluation forms,clinical resident,reproducibility

*1 聖路加国際大学公衆衛生大学院,Graduate School of Public Health St. Luke’s International University
*2 東京医科大学茨城医療センター,Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center

和田 健太朗*1 真木 奈美*2 石田 亮子*3

*1 日本鋼管福山病院 腎臓内科・透析センター,Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Internal Medicine, Nippon Kokan Fukuyama Hospital
*2 山口県文書館,Yamaguchi Prefectural Archives
*3 広島大学大学院医系科学研究科 地域医療システム学講座,Department of Community‐Based Medical System, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University

木村 颯介*1 柿坂 庸介*2 浮城 一司*3

*1 東北大学医学部6年次,Tohoku University,School of Medicine
*2 東北大学大学院医学系研究科医学教育推進センター,Office of Medical Education,Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
*3 東北大学大学院医学系研究科てんかん学分野,Department of Epileptology,Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

松村 真司*

*松村医院,Matsumura Clinic
Microsoft HoloLens2を用いた聴覚障害の医学生に対する臨床実習の報告

及川 沙耶佳*1 荒巻 修治*2 鷲谷 貴洋*3 水戸部 一孝*4 長谷川 仁志*5

*1 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科先進デジタル医学・医療教育学講座,Department of Innovative and Digitalized Medical Education, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 秋田大学医学部医学科,Akita University Faculty of Medicine
*3 秋田大学情報統括センター,Akita University General Information Processing Center
*4 秋田大学大学院理工学研究科,Akita University Graduate School of Engineering Science
*5 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科医学教育学講座,Akita University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Medical Education


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