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原 著 専攻医の都道府県分布に関する検討
…鈴木 昌
Short Report The Current Status and Issues of Clinical Training
Workshops for Attending Physicians at
Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital
…Yasuhiko TOMITA,Tomoharu YAJIMA,
委員会報告 医学部医学科におけるシミュレーションに関する
…志賀 隆,藤崎 和彦,小松 弘幸,前野 貴美,阿部 恵子,
春田 淳志,栩野 吉弘,竹本 恭彦,石川 和信,首藤 太一
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第2回
委員会報告 2.1 「道徳性の科学」に基づいて学ぶ 医療職のプロフェッショナリズム
…野村 英樹
委員会報告 2.2 道徳性の科学 ―道徳的対立を超えるためのスローシンキング―
…松岡 英仁
招待論文 懸田賞受賞リレー・エッセイ:平成30年度(第25号)
医療者教育資源としての地域とは何か!? 日本的文脈も考えて
…高村 昭輝
追悼特集 鈴木 淳一先生を偲ぶ
…加我 君孝,齋藤 宣彦,庄司 進一,福島 統,高木 康
(意 見)
…駒澤 伸泰*,瀧谷 公隆*,河田 了*,寺﨑 文生*

鈴木 昌*


Prefectural Distribution of Trainees by a Medical Specialty Board

Masaru Suzuki*

Background: Recently launched, the system for granting a medical specialty in Japan raised has concerns about exacerbating the regional maldistribution of medical doctors. The aim of this study is to clarify the characteristics of prefectures that are gathering larger numbers of trainees under this system. Methods: We performed a factor analysis of population structure, medical care and the number of trainees in the system and studied the correlations between the number of trainees and related items. Results: The factor analysis extracted two principal components using Varimax rotation (cumulative ratio of the total variance: 70%). The first principal component suggested an aging society, and the second suggested educational conditions. According to the analysis, the number of trainees was closely related to the educational conditions (1st principal component: -0.19, second principal component: 0.96). In the correlation analysis, the number of trainees closely correlated with the number of doctors in medical school (r=0.80, P<0.001), although it was weakly correlated with urbanization rate (r=0.32, P=0.03). Discussion: This study revealed that the prefectures that are gathering a large number of the trainees are characterized as having a sufficient number of teaching doctors. The trainees might be choosing specific training hospitals to receive relevant specialty training.
Keywords: medical school, productive age population, regional maldistribution, urban concentration, board certified doctor

*東京歯科大学市川総合病院救急科,Department of Emergency Medicine, Tokyo dental College Ichikawa General Hospital, Ichikawa Japan
The Current Status and Issues of Clinical Training
Workshops for Attending Physicians at
Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital

Yasuhiko TOMITA*1 Tomoharu YAJIMA*1 Michio AKAGI*1 Makiko KINOSHITA*2

Objective: To analyze participants’ opinions regarding the content of clinical training workshops for attending physicians.
Method: A total of 225 people participants in the workshops (approximately 17 hours in 2 days) that were held between 2013 and 2016. We provided the following training sessions:(1) Kawakita Jiro Method (KJ), (2) Process of clinical training, (3) Training program planning procedure, (4) Training objectives, (5) Classification of objectives, (6) Professionalism (PF), (7) 6 Microskills (6MS), (8) Significant event analysis (SEA), (9) Training strategies, (10) Coaching, (11) Educational evaluation, (12) Clinical training systems (CTS), and (13) Roles of attending physicians (RAP). We only used the results of questionnaires obtained from participants who consented to the investigation, and reviewed them for (1) training proficiency, (2) session interest, and (3) course evaluation.
Results: Training sessions showing high proficiency were KJ, RAP, and CTS, and those indicating low proficiency were educational objectives, SEA, and PF. Training sessions that were of great interest were 6MS, Coaching, and KJ.
Conclusion: In the evaluation of the entire course, overall value scored the highest, followed by significance of future participation and applicability of content. Overall, the participants felt that the time for the training course was a little long and that the difficulty level was somewhat high.
Keywords: attending physician, workshop, clinical training

*1 Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Kyorin University Affiliated Hospital General Education Center
*2 Kofuen Hospital

日本医学教育学会 第20期 学習方略委員会
志賀 隆*1,*9 藤崎 和彦*2,*9 小松 弘幸*3,*9 前野 貴美*4,*9
阿部 恵子*5,*9 春田 淳志*6,*10 栩野 吉弘*7,*9 竹本 恭彦*7,*9
石川 和信*8,*9 首藤 太一*7,*9

 日本のシミュレーション教育に関する大学教員研修についての全国調査を行った. シミュレーションFDを実施している大学は47校(68%)であった.OSCE関連の項目の実施率が高く,インストラクショナルデザイン,テクノロジー,プログラム評価,総括的評価,などの項目の実施率は低かった.特に,省察的実践,論文執筆の指導については15%に満たなかった.また障壁としては,学生の要因は少なく,シミュレーション教育にかかわる指導者の多忙が90%と最も多かった.

A Nationwide Survey on the Faculty Development for Simulation-Based Medical Education in Japan

The 20th Learning Strategies Development Committee, Japan Society for Medical Education
Takashi SHIGA*1,*9 Kazsuhiko FUJISAKI*2,*9 Hiroyuki KOMATSU*3,*9
Takami MAENO*4,*9 Keiko ABE*5,*9 Junji HARUTA*6,*10
Yoshihiro TOCHINO*7,*9 Yasuhiko TAKEMOTO*7,*9
Kazunobu ISHIKAWA*8,*9  Taichi SHUTO*7,*9

 We have conducted a nationwide survey on faculty development for simulation-based medical education in Japan. The response rate was 90%. Forty-seven (68%) schools have implemented faculty development programs for simulation-based education. The most commonly implemented contents were standardized patient development, task trainer, high fidelity manikin operation, and student evaluation, which were related to objective structured clinical examination objective clinical skill assessment. Only 15 percent of medical schools implemented topics on reflective practice, and scientific writing. A constraint on faculty time was the most commonly perceived barrier to simulation use (mentioned by 62 schools; 90%).
Keywords: faculty development, simulator, simulation based medical education, clinical skills laboratory, nationwide survey

*1国際医療福祉大学医学部救急医学, Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare
*2 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター, Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
*3 宮崎大学医学部医療人育成支援センター, Center for Medical Education and Career Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of MIyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan
*4 筑波大学医学医療系, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
*5愛知医科大学大学院看護学研究科高度実践看護学分野臨床実践看護学, Aichi Medical University Graduate school of Nursing, Advanced Practice Nursing, Clinical nursing 
*6 筑波大学医学医療系地域医療教育学, Department of Primary Care and Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Japan  
*7 国際医療福祉大学医学部医学教育統括センター・シミュレーションセンター,Office of Medical Education & Simulation Center, School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare
*8 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育学, Department of Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
*9 委員,Committee member
*10 協力者,Collaborator

プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第2回


Science of Morality as the Bases for Understanding Medical Professionalism

 Professionalism is the (right) way of being/doing things as a member of a particular profession. Evaluating legitimacy (right/wrong) of one’s behavior or the behavior of others is a moral judgement. Thus, professionalism is a set of desirable moral characteristics of a particular profession. The education of professionalism firstly promotes learning a set of desirable moral characteristics required in a profession. Secondly, it promotes the resolution of conflict with someone who has different moral characteristics. In this article, a possible learning strategy to promote these learning objectives will be explained based on the emerging knowledge of the science of human morality.
Keywords: medical professionalism, science of morality, slow thinking

2.1 「道徳性の科学」に基づいて学ぶ 医療職のプロフェッショナリズム

野村 英樹*

Learning Medical Professionalism from the Perspective of the Science of Morality

Hideki NOMURA*

*金沢大学附属病院総合診療部,General Medical Department, Kanazawa University Hospital
2.2 道徳性の科学 ―道徳的対立を超えるためのスローシンキング―

松岡 英仁*

Slow Thinking to Avoid Moral Conflict

Hidehito MATSUOKA*

*兵庫県立淡路医療センター呼吸器外科,Respiratory Surgery, Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Medical Center
医療者教育資源としての地域とは何か!? 日本的文脈も考えて

高村 昭輝*


追悼特集:鈴木 淳一先生を偲ぶ
加我 君孝
公益社団法人 医療系大学間共用試験実施評価機構副理事長
齋藤 宣彦
庄司 進一
―鈴木淳一 編集委員長との出会い―――――――――――――――――――――
東京慈恵会医科大学 教育センター
福島 統
高木 康
二次救命処置シミュレーション教育に対する提言 ―蘇生不成功時対応スキルの必要性―

駒澤 伸泰* 瀧谷 公隆* 河田 了* 寺﨑 文生*

*大阪医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Osaka Medical College


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL


一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)