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委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
「将来構想に関する若手ワーキンググループ」の 委員会報告について
…鈴木 康之
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
1. 学術研究
…片岡 裕貴
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
2. 国際化
…宮地 由佳
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
3. 医学会分科会(医学系学会)との連携
…蓮沼 直子
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
4. 教育に携わる医療・福祉に関する他職種の学会と日本医学教育学会との連携
…大槻 眞嗣
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
5. 非医療者との連携
…飯田 淳子
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
6. コミュニティ形成を支援するためのICT活用
…淺田 義和
委員会報告 将来構想若手ワーキング
7. 日本医学教育学会大会のあり方
…錦織 宏
告 知 医療専門職教育における利益相反(Conflict of Interest : COI)についての考え方
…鈴木 康之
総 説 理論的貢献ができる研究をデザインする:
…今福 輪太郎
招待論文 懸田賞受賞リレー・エッセイ:平成28年度(第23号)
…菊川 誠
資 料 第45回医学教育者のためのワークショップ
(意 見)
…木村 武司,錦織 宏
掲示板 ルーブリック評価表を活用した老年内科研修指導の試み
…渡邊 一久,近藤 猛,梅垣 宏行,葛谷 雅文
掲示板 初年次通年の症候ベース臨床・基礎・医療行動科学統合学習と
…新保 麻衣,佐藤 和奏,蓮沼 直子,長谷川 仁志
「将来構想に関する若手ワーキンググループ」の 委員会報告について

第19・20期理事長 鈴木 康之


1. 学術研究

片岡 裕貴*

本稿では, 日本医学教育学会における学術面でのあり方について検討した. 現状分析において, 日本発の医学教育研究論文は増加傾向にあるが, 基礎研究と比較して低い水準にあることを明らかにした. 10年後の現実的,野心的な構想において, 学術大会等での研究数の増加を通じた質の向上について提言した. 
キーワード:学術研究, 研究論文, 学術大会

Academic Research


I thought about the academic aspects of the Japan Society for Medical Education in the future. In the current situation, medical education papers published from Japan have been on an increasing trend but it was at a low level compared with the basic science. In the section of realistic and ambitions vision after 10 years, I suggested improvement of research quality through increase of the number of researches in the annual meeting etc.
Keywords: academic research, research papers, academic conference

*兵庫県立尼崎総合医療センター, Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General Medical Center
2. 国際化

宮地 由佳*


The Internationalization of the Japan Society for Medical Education


To discuss the internationalization of the Japan Society for Medical Education (JSME), we gathered and summarized information, which included international participants to annual JSME conferences over the past eleven years, Japanese participants of international conferences on education in healthcare professions education, international educational programs provided by Japanese medical educationalists, and medical education programs provided overseas. However, we feel that the existing data are still insufficient to clarify the problems and goals that JSME should address in the context of internationalization. To overcome the situation, we propose 1) continuous information gathering and analysis regarding international academic activities, 2) a diversified approach on linguistic and cultural translation, and 3) internationalization starting from grassroots one-to-one relationships.
Keywords: internationalization, international academic activities, translation

*京都大学医学部附属病院緩和医療科, Department of Palliative Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
3. 医学会分科会(医学系学会)との連携

蓮沼 直子*


Effective Collaboration with Other Medical Societies


Members of Japan Society for Medical Education have various background. Some of them have chosen medical education as their specialty. Others specialize in a particular clinical fields and apply their knowledge to medical education. In this manuscript, I propose a survey be done for future collaboration on the background of members and established subcommittees. It is very important to maintain cooperation between medical education and clinical or basic medicine to provide effective education for under graduate students, residents and life-long learners. In the annual conference I propose to establish a program to study medical education systematically, show milestones and overcome language barriers for learner centered education.
Keywords: collaboration, medical society, learner centered learning

*秋田大学医学部総合地域医療推進学講座, Department of Community and Primary Care Development, Akita University School of Medicine
4. 教育に携わる医療・福祉に関する他職種の学会と日本医学教育学会との連携

大槻 眞嗣*


Collaboration Between Nonmedical Academic Societies and the Japan Society for Medical Education
-Towards the Establishment of an ‘Interprofessional Education Committee on Healthcare and Welfare ’-

Masatsugu OHTSUKI*

At first, we reviewed interprofessional education in our country and introduced the conventional efforts being made by the Japan Society for Medical Education (JSME). Next, we listed academic societies of other medical and welfare occupations on medical and welfare engaged in education and explored collaboration with JSME. I introduced my own experience with Japanese Association of Medical Technology Education and discussed the possibility of developing cooperation among academic societies from my personal connections.
As a concept after ten years, we thought about measures to allow members from each organization to participate in the academic meetings of JSME and other societies at low cost. In addition, we set up "the Interprofessional Education Committee on Medical and Welfare" at JSME and mentioned the collaboration with the Japan Association for Interprofessional Education and the necessity to build a foundation for interprofessional education.
Keywords: interprofessional education, other occupations on medical and welfare, Japanese Association of Medical Technology Education, the Interprofessional Education Committee

*藤田医科大学医学部臨床総合医学, Department of Clinical Comprehensive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fujita Health University
5. 非医療者との連携

飯田 淳子*


Collaboration with Nonmedical Researchers

Junko IIDA*

Collaboration with nonmedical researchers offers the potential for members of the Japan Society for Medical Education to enrich their academic and educational activities. Since medical education after ten years needs more nonmedical knowledge, it is necessary to enhance collaboration with nonmedical researchers in more diverse fields. It is possible to consider various ways of collaboration including collaborative research on medical education and collaborative development of educational programs and materials. To promote collaboration, it is necessary to enhance communication between health professionals and nonmedical researchers by constructing a system that allows nonmedical researchers to participate in these activities more easily, by setting up liaison persons within nonmedical disciplines, and by interdisciplinary healthcare education. Collaboration among nonmedical researchers who are interested in medical education is needed as well.
Keywords: nonmedical researchers, collaboration, communication

*川崎医療福祉大学医療福祉学部医療福祉学科, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Health and Welfare, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare
6. コミュニティ形成を支援するためのICT活用

淺田 義和*

本稿では将来構想の1つとして,コミュニティ形成へのICT活用を論じる.現状,学会大会や研修会等のWeb活用をはじめ,他学会と比較してICT活用の改善の余地がある.10年後を見据えた構想として,医学教育における種々のテーマ(シミュレーションやeラーニング等)に特化したSIG(Special Interest Group)設立などが挙げられる.さらに,VRやARの活用,デジタルバッジを利用した生涯学習の支援など,日々発展しつつある技術に対する情報を取り入れ,かつ学会員に対する支援体制をも整えていくことが期待される.これにより,次世代の医学教育コミュニティ形成を支援することが可能になると考える.

Information and Communications Technology for Community Development

Yoshikazu ASADA*

This article illustrates how to use ICT for community formation in ten-year future plans. There is still room for improvement in using ICT, such as creating websites for JSME’s annual conferences and seminars. Some other academic associations use social media effectively. For instance, YouTube videos are used to share conference information and Twitter is used for discussions during and after the sessions.
There are four ideas that comprise the future vision. The first involves organizing an online course for learning medical education. The second involves establishing a Special Interest Group based on some specific medical education themes such as simulation and e-learning. The third involves creating a community for lifelong medical education, which is an important topic. The last one involves establishing a member support system for using ICT.
In addition to these four ideas, there are other expectations that seem like wishful thinking. The first involves using new technologies such as VR and AR as conference organizing support tools, such as creating a “virtual” annual conference. The next expectation relates to “interpretation,” which includes only translations into another language, such as Japanese to English, but also transcriptions in the same language using other phrases from a thesaurus and dictionary. Finally, establishing a methodology to manage the lifelong learning of healthcare professionals with digital badges is also expected.
These things will be helpful for the next generation medical education community.
Keywords: ICT,community formation, lifelong learning, ICT literacy

*自治医科大学医学部情報センターIR部門, IR Section, Center for Information, Jichi Medical University
7. 日本医学教育学会大会のあり方

錦織 宏*

これまでの日本医学教育学会大会の活動について,過去10年の記録をまとめた.本学会大会は医学教育を学問として扱うことのできる本邦最大規模の学術交流の場である.その希少価値性をさらに発展させるため,社会医学/社会科学としての医学教育学の知見の蓄積としての場であることや,最先端のFaculty Developmentの場であることなどをより強調していくとよいと考える.そのために,学会本体に大会運営委員会を設置してリーダーシップをとっていくことを提案する.また医学教育学の,医学と社会科学との接点になりうる数少ない医学分野の一つであることを生かして,理論と実践を往復できるような学術交流の場にしていくことを提案したい.

Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education Convention


We analyzed the achievements of annual meetings of Japan Society for Medical Education (JSME) over the past 10 years. JSME is the biggest community in the field of medical education from the perspective of both social science and medicine. To develop the organization further, we argue that it should follow a line of inquiry that will advance science in the field as well as provide information on cutting edge faculty development within the context of Japanese medical education. To achieve this goal and facilitate continuity, we propose JSME develop a program committee for its annual meeting. We hope the meeting will provide a community of practice in which healthcare workers and researchers in the field of medical education can communicate and collaborate through the discussion theories and practices.
Keywords: program committee, social science, fire

* 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター, Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
医療専門職教育における利益相反(Conflict of Interest : COI)についての考え方

一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 理事長 鈴木 康之




今福 輪太郎*


Research Design to Make a Theoretical Contribution:
The Importance of Understanding Research Paradigms

Rintaro IMAFUKU*

Employing a theoretical framework and making a theoretical contribution are recognized internationally as important elements in medical education research. The focus of this paper is on a fundamental stage of research design, such as identifying the research paradigm relevant to the researcher’s study philosophical assumptions, including ontology, epistemology and methodology. Paying attention to basic elements of research process (i.e., philosophical assumption — research paradigm/theoretical perspective — methodology — methods), researchers can ensure consistency in research design and make not only practical but also theoretical contributions to existing knowledge.
Keywords: positivism, constructivism, ontology, epistemology, methodology

*岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University

菊川 誠*

私は平成28年に,論文「An instrument for evaluating clinical teaching in Japan: content validity and cultural sensitivity.」1) に対してご評価をいただき,懸田賞(第23号)をいただくことができました.今回受賞者のリレー・エッセイのご指名をいただきました.せっかく頂いた機会ですので,私のこれまでの歩んできた道から何故この研究をしようと考えたのか,そして一連の研究内容をお話しできればと思います.

*九州大学大学院医学研究院医学教育学講座, School of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
第45回医学教育者のためのワークショップ (富士研ワークショップ)の記録(第1報)

木村 武司* 錦織 宏*

*京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター, Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

新保 麻衣*1 佐藤 和奏*2 蓮沼 直子*2 長谷川 仁志*1


*1 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科医学教育学講座, Department of Medical Education, Akita University Graduate School
*2 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科総合地域医療推進学講座, Department of Community Medicine and Primary Care Development, Akita University Graduate School

渡邊 一久*1 近藤 猛*2 梅垣 宏行*1 葛谷 雅文*1

*1 名古屋大学医学部附属病院老年内科, Department of Geriatrics, Nagoya University Hospital
*2 名古屋大学医学部附属病院総合診療科/卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター, Department of General Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


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一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)