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教育実践研究 授業外学習時間の増加は学生の学習意欲と達成感を高めるか:
…黒川 由美,古里 由香里,加藤 善子,多田 剛
…西城 卓也,西屋 克己,恒川 幸司,今福 輪太郎
委員会報告 第50回医学教育学会大会 学会国際化委員会報告
…山内 かづ代
招待論文 懸田賞受賞者によるリレー・エッセイ:平成29年度(第24号)
…武冨 貴久子
大会報告 第50回日本医学教育学会大会の報告-今後の発展に向けて-
…田中 雄二郎,岡田 英理子,上里 彰仁,高橋 誠,山口 久美子
中川 美奈,井津井 康浩,角 勇樹,金子 英司
第70回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 自治医科大学
…今福 輪太郎,岡崎 仁昭,松山 泰,淺田 義和
(意 見)
へき地医療に関心のあるオーストラリア医学・医療系学生の全国組織:Rural Health Club
…直江 千佳子
Letter to the Editor Medical Education in Japan from a German Perspective
…Richard Krueger
Letter to the Editor #MyfamilyToo
…Osamu Nomura

黒川 由美*1 古里 由香里*2 加藤 善子*2 多田 剛*1

キーワード:シラバス改善, 評価, 授業外学習,目標達成, 初年次生

How Study Time Outside of Class Affects Students’ Motivation to Learn and Sense of Accomplishment: A Successful “Human Biology” Course Reform

Yumi KUROKAWA*1 Yukari FURUSATO*2 Yoshiko KATO*2 Tsuyoshi TADA*1

Purpose: Does longer study time motivate students to learn and make them feel a sense of accomplishment? Whilst “Human Biology,” one of the required courses in the first year of the medical school, was in need of a total course design reformation to make a shift from teaching to learning, it was necessary to examine whether longer study time is effective for better learning outcomes.
Methods: To get students to learn outside of class, we flipped the course. Since the scores from weekly quizzes, which are held at the beginning of every class, and mid-term and final exams were returned to the students, fully calculated and strictly applied to their grades, students became motivated to study before class. During class time, lessons were taught in the active learning style. We used covariance structure analysis to examine the relationship between the out of class learning design, the syllabus reformation, students’ learning attitudes in the class, and their sense of accomplishment.
Results: Study time outside of class increased from 4 hours per week in 2013 to 10 hours per week in 2016, and the students became more satisfied with the course. Our analysis shows that this well-structured syllabus and designing of lessons made the students study more both inside and outside of class, and allowed students to achieve the higher goals of the course.
Conclusion: Designing out of class learning and incorporating it well with assessment resulted in longer study time and a stronger sense of accomplishment.
Key words: syllabus improvement, evaluation, out-of-class learning, achieving learning goals, first-year students

*1 信州大学医学部・医学部附属病院医学教育研修センター,Center for Medical Education and Clinical Training, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan
*2 信州大学高等教育研究センター,Research Center for Higher Education, Shinshu University


西城 卓也*1 西屋 克己*2 恒川 幸司*1 今福 輪太郎*1

指導者向けのワークショップにおいては,参加した指導者が,今後求められる教育スキルの重要性を理解し,習得し,明日からの実用に備えることが求められる.ロールプレイはスキル獲得の効果的な方法の一つだが,寸劇を応用した方略を開発したので報告する. まず明日から目標とする指導上の目標を議論し設定させる.そののち,それぞれの教育現場に即した劇をグループで場面設定し,先に設定した指導上の目標を反映させたシナリオを準備し,配役を決め,演じること,そしてお互いの劇を相互評価するのが主たる方略である.このようなアプローチは,参加者の目標をより具体的にし,実践の場での行動変容につながることを促進する可能性が示唆される.

Applying Skits in Teacher Training:
A Method to Present Tomorrow’s Teachers

Takuya SAIKI*1 Katsumi NISHIYA*2 Koji TSUNEKAWA*1 Rintaro IMAFUKU*1

In a workshop for health care education teachers, participants are expected to understand new teaching approaches, acquire them, and prepare themselves for tomorrow’s education. While role play is a well-known method for learning in the clinical classroom, this paper reported on an innovative learning strategy that utilizes skits. Firstly, participants generated ideas and set goals to demonstrate how they would change their teaching from tomorrow. Secondly, they arranged the setting for skits, made scenarios based on their own goals, decided the cast from among the group members, and performed the skits in front of the other participants. Thirdly, they did a peer review and debriefing of their skits. This innovative approach may accelerate participants’ ability to set practical goals that should change their future teaching behaviors.
Key words: skits, role of health professions educators, clinical education, faculty development

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
*2 関西医科大学医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Kansai Medical University

第50回医学教育学会大会 学会国際化委員会報告

東京女子医科大学 医学教育学 山内 かづ代

学会国際化委員会では,「医学教育分野での世界の潮流を踏まえ,医学教育の実践および研究における国際交流の活性化を通じて学会全体の国際化に貢献する」という委員会方針のもと,第50回医学教育学会大会学会において国際企画を運営した.第50回記念大会である今年は1) インターナショナルセッション(ポスターおよび口演),2) 国際パネルディスカッション,3) 日韓招請講演の3企画を行った.いずれも秀逸な内容であり,会場は多くの参加者が詰め掛け活発な議論が交わされた.鈴木康之学会理事長を始め吉澤靖之大会長,田中雄二郎実行委員長,大会運営関係者,学会員の先生方,海外からの多くの教育研究者のご協力により滞りなく運営できたことを深謝し,委員会の今後の課題と構想を踏まえここに報告する.

Activity Report of Internationalization Committee
at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education

Per the Internationalization Committee’s policy to “Contribute to the entire committee’s internationalization through the implementation and research of medical education”, informational events were held at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education via the following methods: 1) International sessions (posters and oral presentations); 2) International panel discussions; and 3) Japan and South Korea Medical Education Society invited lecture. All of the events provided excellent content, which drew many participants to the venues and made the discussions lively. Thanks to the society’s Chief Director Dr. Yasuyuki Suzuki, the 50th Annual Meeting President Dr. Yasuyuki Yoshizawa, Executive Committee Chairman Dr. Yujiro Tanaka, the conference management members, society members, and overseas researchers in the field of health profession education, the events were completed successfully. We hereby report on all of the events and their outcomes, We will also discuss future challenges and conceptions.
Key words: internationalization for health profession education, international session, assessment for resident


武冨 貴久子*



東京医科歯科大学 田中 雄二郎
岡田 英理子,上里 彰仁,高橋 誠,山口 久美子,中川 美奈,井津井 康浩,角 勇樹,金子 英司


第70回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 自治医科大学

岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター 今福 輪太郎
自治医科大学医学教育センター 岡崎 仁昭,松山 泰,淺田 義和

へき地医療に関心のあるオーストラリア医学・医療系学生の全国組織:Rural Health Club

直江 千佳子*

Medical Education in Japan from a German Perspective

Richard Krueger*

*Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Osamu Nomura*1,*2

*1 Health Professions Education Program, department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
*2 Centre for Medical Education, McGill University, Montreal, Canada


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL



一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)