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特 集 アクティブ・ラーニング
…座談会 話者:大島 純,福島 統 司会:山岡 章浩
教育実践研究 「高齢者家庭訪問実習」の意義の検証と課題の探索: なごやかモデルにおける試み
…小嶋 雅代,浅井 大策,石川 大貴,木村 侑樹,明石 惠子
赤津 裕康,大原 弘隆,川出 義浩,木村 和哲
酒々井 眞澄,鈴木 匡,坡下 真大,早野 順一郎
村上 里奈,山本 美由紀,浅井 清文
総 説 学士課程教育の三つのポリシーとアウトカム基盤型教育
…田邊 政裕
短 報 低学年の医学生,看護学生授業における患者インタビュー動画教材の有用性に関する質的分析
…瀬戸山 陽子,青木 昭子
短 報 米国臨床薬学研修に参加した薬学部5年生の英語学習に対するモチベーションの変化について
…戸張 裕子,中島 由紀,杉浦 宗敏, MarcusFERRONE
MichaelZ.WINCOR,DonaldKISHI,野水 基義
招待論文 「一歩一歩学ぶ生命科学」が担い得る医療系高等教育における役割
…日髙 優
掲示板 アナウンスメント:第66回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 岡山大学
掲示板 意見:医学教育における性的マイノリティに関する講義の実践
…松下 正輝,古川 昇,谷口 純一,加藤 貴彦,西谷 陽子,尾池 雄一
掲示板 意見:第48巻3号
…大久保 英樹
掲示板 意見:第48巻3号
…片岡 義裕,吉本 尚



大島 純

福島 統
東京慈恵会医科大学教育センター長.本誌副編集委員長.東京都生まれ.1981年東京慈恵会医科大学卒業.84年同大学第1解剖学専攻博士課程修了.85年東京慈恵会医科大学第1解剖学講座講師.87年ペンシルバニア州立大学分子細胞生物学講座留学.97年Harvard-Macy Program: Physician Educators修了.99年東京慈恵会医科大学医学教育研究室助教授.01年同教授.07年から現職.日本医学教育学会副理事長,日本医学教育振興財団常務理事,柔道整復試験研修財団代表理事.

司 会
山岡 章浩 延岡保養園,本誌編集委員

「高齢者家庭訪問実習」の意義の検証と課題の探索: なごやかモデルにおける試み

小嶋 雅代*1 浅井 大策*2 石川 大貴*2 木村 侑樹*2 明石 惠子*3 赤津 裕康*4,5 大原 弘隆*5
川出 義浩*6,7 木村 和哲*7,8 酒々井 眞澄*9 鈴木 匡*10 坡下 真大*10 早野 順一郎*1
村上 里奈*11 山本 美由紀*12 浅井 清文*13


Evaluation of Community Health Medical Education:
The Elderly Home Visit Program

Masayo KOJIMA*1 Daisaku ASAI*2 Daiki ISHIKAWA*2 Yuki KIMURA*2 Keiko AKASHI*3
Hiroyasu AKATSU*4,5 Hirotaka OHARA*5 Yoshihiro KAWADE*6,7 Kazunori KIMURA*7,8
Masumi SUZUI*9 Tadashi SUZUKI*10 Tadahiro HASHITA*10 Jyunichiro HAYANO*1
Satona MURAKAMI*11 Miyuki YAMAMOTO*12 Kiyofumi ASAI*13

Introduction: Research was carried out using a mixed method approach in order to evaluate the educational effects of medical students’ visit of an elderly home.
Methods: Focus group interviews were conducted with 5 medical students and 5 elderlies. All interviewees had experienced the visitation program more than three times. Self-administrative questionnaires were built based on the results of the focus group interview. The questionnaire was then distributed to medical students and elderlies who participated in the program.
Results: A total of 84 medical students and 30 elderlies provided informed consent to participate in the study and returned the questionnaire. Nearly 70 percent of the students answered that they had gotten to know about the life of elderly people and sixty percent of the elderlies answered they had experienced some favorable changes after joining the program. While ninety percent of the elderly were satisfied with the program, only half of the students showed positive comments toward it.
Discussion: To help all students participate in this program more actively, more organized planning is necessary so that students can have more chances to build communication skills and clarify their own objectives when visiting the elderly.
Key words: graduate education, regional medical education, community inclusive care, elderly, visiting practice

*1 名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科医学・医療教育学分野,Department of Medical Education, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University
[〒467-0850 名古屋市瑞穂区瑞穂町川澄1]
*2 名古屋市立大学医学部5年,Nagoya City University Medical School
*3 名古屋市立大学看護学部クリティカルケア看護学,Department of Critical Care Nursing, Nagoya City University School of Nursing
*4 名古屋市立大学コミュニティヘルスケア教育研究センター地域療養医学,Department of Medicine for Aging in Place, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University
*5 名古屋市立大学医学研究科地域医療教育学分野,Department of Community-based Medical Education, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University
*6 名古屋市立大学コミュニティヘルスケア教育研究センター地域療養薬学,Department of Pharmacy for Aging in Place, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
*7 名古屋市立大学大学院薬学研究科病院薬剤学,Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
*8 名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科臨床薬剤学分野,Department of Clinical Pharmaceutics & Therapeutics, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University
*9 名古屋市立大学医学研究科分子毒性学分野,Department of Molecular Toxicology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University
*10 名古屋市立大学大学院薬学研究科臨床薬学分野,Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
*11 名古屋市立大学医学研究科リハビリテーション医学,Department of Rehabilitation medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University
*12 名古屋市立大学看護学部高齢者看護学,Department of Gerontological Nursing, Nagoya City University School of Nursing
*13 名古屋市立大学医学研究科分子神経生物学分野,Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Medical School, Nagoya City University


田邊 政裕*


Three Policies in The Baccalaureate Degree Program and Outcome-Based Education

Masahiro TANABE*

Educational reforms are required to achieve the "learning outcomes" expected in bachelor degree education programs. In executing reform, three policies of "diploma policy”, "curriculum policy”, and "admission policy” are clearly stated for each institution in order to facilitate integrated operation and practice. For the sake of quality assurance, outcome-based education (OBE), which emphasizes "learning outcomes", has been introduced to medical education but it has not been adopted by all learning institutions. With the implementation of field-specific evaluations for medical education comes a need for all medical departments and medical colleges to introduce OBE as soon as possible. For this reason, an examination was conducted to find out how to formulate and operate the three policies under OBE.
Key words:diploma policy, curriculum policy, admission policy,  outcome-based education, competency

*千葉県立保健医療大学,Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences
[〒261-0014 千葉市美浜区若葉2-10-1]


瀬戸山 陽子*1 青木 昭子*2

方法:医学生106名と看護学生92名による乳がん体験者の語り視聴後の感想のうち,インタビュー動画に対するものを, Step for Coding And Theorization(SCAT)を用いて質的分析を行った.

Qualitative Analysis of The Usefulness of Patient Interview Videos as Educational Material for Junior Medical and Nursing Students

Yoko SETOYAMA*1 Akiko AOKI*2

Introduction: This study aims to reveal the characteristics of patients’ narrative videos and discuss the usability of video interviews with healthcare students.
Methods: One hundred six medical students and 92 nursing students participated in this study. They watched an interview video of a breast cancer patient in class and wrote a description of their impressions. Student responses related to the interview video were qualitatively analyzed using Step for Coding And Theorization(SCAT).
Results: The categories that emerged from the analyzed data were “useful for healthcare professionals to know about patients’ feelings”, “useful for patients with the same diseases”, “the patient’s own voice was realistic”, and “want to use before clinical training”.
Discussion: The interview video was thought to be useful for students as it allowed them to feel the realism of the patients’ narrative. The interview video was also convenient for lectures. For these reasons, it was concluded that interview videos of patients’ narratives could be a useful educational material for healthcare students.
Key words: Patient’s narratives, DIPEx, Educational use, Video material, Healthcare students

*1 東京医科大学医学部看護学科看護情報学,Tokyo Medical University, Department of Nursing, Nursing Informatics
[〒160-0842 東京都新宿区新宿6-1-1]
*2 東京医科大学八王子医療センターリウマチ性疾患治療センター,Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center, Department of Rheumatology


戸張 裕子*1,2 中島 由紀*1 杉浦 宗敏*1 Marcus FERRONE*4
Michael Z.WINCOR*3 Donald KISHI*4 野水 基義*1


The Effects of Short-term Clinical Pharmacy Learning Trips on English learning motives in 5th-year Pharmacy Students

Hiroko TOBARI*1, 2 Yuki NAKAJIMA*1 Munetoshi SUGIURA*1 Marcus FERRONE*4 Michael Z. WINCOR*3 Donald KISHI*4 Motoyoshi NOMIZU*1

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to assess changes in attitudes and motivation of selected Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences (TUPLS) student pharmacists who participated in two-week Clinical Pharmacy Educational Programs (CPEPs) at two US schools of pharmacy.
Method: Questionnaires were distributed to the fifth-year pharmacy students who had participated in two CPEPs groups at University of Southern California (USC) or University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) between August 2013-2016. Questionnaires contained items assessing attitudes and motivation toward English learning. Items were in the form of statements to which participants’ responses were measured using a numerical rating scale (0-10; ranging from 0= “I do not agree at all” to 10 =“I agree completely”).
Results: 128 responses were analyzed between both participants at USC and UCSF (The follow-up rate was 100%). After participation in CPEPs, the mean score (confidence interval) of ‘I like English’ and ‘I feel comfortable talking with English speakers’ significantly increased in both groups relative to the baseline (USC group vs. UCSF group, 0.6(0.2-1.1) vs. 0.5(0.1-0.9), 1.0(0.6-1.5) vs. 1.3(0.9-1.7), respectively). However, the mean increase in score of ‘English ability comes to be needed for me to make in my future careers’ and ‘I hope to have opportunities for studying or working abroad in the future’ in UCSF group was significantly greater than the baseline, which showed a mean score increase of 0.5(0.2-0.9) and 0.7(0.3-1.2), respectively.
Conclusions: The current study suggests that CPEPs even two-weeks programs, may stimulate English learning motivation, especially integrative motivation for pharmacy student participants.
Key words: Short-term study abroad, International Relations, Learning English, Pharmaceutical Education

*1 東京薬科大学薬学部, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
[〒192-0392 東京都八王子市堀之内1432-1]
*2 筑波大学医学医療系社会健康医学, Department of Public Health Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
*3 Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine, University of Southern California
*4 Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco


渋谷 まさと*

Possible Role of 'Step-By-Step Study of Life’ Sciences in Health-Care Higher Education Essay by the 2005 Kaketa Award Report Recipient


アナウンスメント:第66回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 岡山大学

松下 正輝*1 古川 昇*1 谷口 純一*2 加藤 貴彦*3 西谷 陽子*4 尾池 雄一*5


Practical Report of the Lecture about the Sexual Minority in Medical Education

Masateru MATSUSHITA*1 Noboru FURUKAWA*1 Junichi TANIGUCHI*2 Takahiko KATOH*3 Yoko NISHITANI*4 Yuichi OIKE*1, *5 Yukio ANDO*6

Key words: Sexual Minority, Diversity

*1 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部附属臨床医学教育研究センター,Center for Medical Education and Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
[〒862-8556 熊本県熊本市中央区本荘1-1-1]
*2 熊本大学医学部附属病院救急・総合診療部,Department of Emergency and General Medicine, Kumamoto University Hospital
*3 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部公衆衛生学分野,Department of Public Health, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
*4 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部法医学分野,Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
*5 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部分子遺伝学分野,Department of Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
*6 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部先端生命医療科学部門脳神経科学講座神経内科学分野Department of Neurology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University


大久保 英樹



片岡 義裕,吉本 尚



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