Report on the 32nd annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Developmental and Comparative Immunology (JADCI), August 27-29, 2021, National Fisheries University (Local Organizer: Masakazu Kondo, Department of Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries University. Local Secretary-Treasurers: Shinya Yasumoto, Department of Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries University)

The 32nd annual meeting of the JADCI was held online on August 27-29, 2021. Eighty scientists including graduate and undergraduate students attended this meeting to discuss the host defense mechanisms of invertebrates and vertebrates. The meeting featured two symposia in real time (Zoom meeting). Additionally, there were 16 general poster presentations, followed by the active discussion.

Symposium I: “Comparative Immunology in Echinoderm”

SI-1. Distinct functions of pigmental/granular cells from blastocoelar cells in sea urchin development. (Taku Hibino, Faculty of Education, Saitama University)

SI-2. Gene network that controls metamorphosis of the starfish, Patiria pectinifera, and its immunological significance. (Ryohei Furukawa, Department of Biology, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University)

SI-3. The aggregation of coelomocytes and tissue regeneration in the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. (Mizuki Taguchi, Department of Biology, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University)

Symposium II: “Fish Immunity”

SII-1. Understanding of regulated necrosis opens up new vistas in the field of medicine and biology. (Kenta Moriwaki, Department of Biochemical, Toho University, Graduate School of Medicine)

SII-2. Importance of cytotoxic T cell against intracellular-parasitic bacterial infection in fish. (Megumi Matsumoto, JSPS Research fellow, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)

SII3. Induction of inflammasome-mediated cell death in response to bacterial infection in teleosts. (Jun-ichi Hikima, Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki)

General presentations:

Sixteen poster presentations involved in the host defenses of echinoderms, arthropods and vertebrate were made online on August 27th, and discussed in the chat box over 3 days.

The winner of the ‘Furuta Young Investigator Award’ was Dr. Chang Tang at Tohoku University. He was awarded this prize for his work entitled ‘Genome-based study of innate immune memory in Drosophila’. The winner of the Award of the ‘ Furuta Excellent Scientific Papers’ were Dr. Takuya Yamaguchi at Nihon University (Ancient cytokine interleukin 15-Like (IL-15L) induces a type 2 immune response. and Dr. Keisuke Yamashita and Toshio Shibata at Kyushu University (Roles of the clip domains of two protease zymogens in the coagulation cascade in horseshoe crabs.