Article I.  Name
1. The name of the Association shall be The Japanese Association for Developmental and Comparative Immunology (JADCI).

Article II.  Object
1. The Association shall be an organization to advance studies on developmental and comparative immunology.

Article III.  Business
1. The Association shall conduct business described below to achieve the Object of the Association.

1) Scientific Meeting.
2) Publication of Abstracts of papers read in the Scientific Meeting.
3) Publication of a News Letter.
4) Communications with International Society for Developmental and Comparative Immunology (ISDCI).
5) Communications with scientists in the Asia-Pacific Area.
6) Selection and awarding of  Furuta Award and Furuta Award for Encouragement.
7) Other business which considered essential to achieve the Object of the Association.

2. The Scientific Meeting shall be organized and conducted by a Scientific Meeting Organizer. Term of the organizer shall be one year.

Article IV.  Membership

1. Membership in the Association shall be open to scientists who share the stated purpose of the Association. The membership shall be authorized by registration.

1) Active (Individual) members shall pay yearly dues.
2) Corporate Affiliate. Any individual, company, agency, or organization interested in accomplishing the purposes of the Association may become a Corporate Affiliate on the payment of a fee for annual dues to be set at the Business Meeting.
3) Members whose annual dues remain unpaid for 2 fiscal years or more are to be notified in writing by the Treasurer, and if still unpaid such a member shall forfeit membership.

2. Members who are nominated for honorary membership by the Council are presented, with his and her consent, to the Business Meeting for approval.  If approved, he or she is bestowed honorary membership by the Society.

1) Honorary member is exempted from annual dues and registration fees for the Scientific Meeting of the Society.

Article V.  Officers
1. Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer, two Trustees, two Program Officers and an Abstract Officer.
2. The President will always serve as a Chairperson. The President will preside over the Council composed of officers of the Association.
3. Candidates of the President shall be recommended in the Council, and then the President shall be elected by a majority vote all Active (Individual) members of the Association.
The Council can recommend candidates for the office of President.
4. All Officers except the President shall be asked and nominated by the President.
5. Terms of all Officers shall be 2 years, however, they can be reappointed. Officers except two Trustees can assume two or more appointments.

Article VI.  Meeting
1. Business Meeting shall be the most authorized body which will be opened by the President’s call. The Business Meeting, consisting of attended members, shall be held once a year as a rule, in conjunction with a Scientific Meeting.
2. The Council composed of the Officers and presided over by the President shall be held annually as a rule.

Article VII.  Financial
1. Financial expense of the Association is based on annual dues of members and the other sources of income. Annual dues are payable to the Business Office.
2. Fiscal calendar shall start April 1 and end on March 31.
3. Trustees shall examine annual accounting by the end of fiscal calendar and report it at the Business Meeting.

Article VIII.  Amendments
1. This constitution may be amended at any business meeting of members. More than 2/3 of the votes of active (Individual) members present at the Business Meetings shall be necessary for Amendments.

1. Annual dues of the active (individual) members are 5,000 Japanese yen and of the doctral-course student members are 3,000 Japanese yen a head.
2. Annual dues are exempted for the undergraduate and master-course student members and foreing members.
3. Annual dues of the corporate affiliate are 20,000 Japanese yen an affiliate.
4. Secretary-Treasurer shall be in charge of the Business Office of the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer can nominate his/her assistant(s).
5. Non-members cannot have a presentation in a Scientific Meeting, except for the invited speakers.
6. Another rule describes the detailes as for the selection of Furuta Award and Furuta Award for Encouragement.

*The JADCI is a national organization, but we open our membership to scientists all over the world.  
Approved: November 28, 1989; Revised: August 28, 1991; Revised: August 4, 2009