Report on the 35th annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Developmental and Comparative Immunology (JADCI), August 30 – September1, 2024, Hiyoshi Campus in Keio University (Local Organizer: Ryohei Furukawa, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University. Local Secretary-Treasurers: Mizuki Taguchi, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University)
The 35th annual meeting of the JADCI was held on August 30 – September 1, 2024. Sixty six scientists including graduate and undergraduate students attended this meeting to discuss the host defense mechanisms of invertebrates and vertebrates. The meeting featured three special lectures and a symposium. Additionally, there were 27 general oral presentations, followed by the active discussion.
Special lectures:
SL1: Naoyuki Fuse (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University) Analysis for mechanisms of innate immune memory using Drosophila.
SL2: Atsushi Kawakami (School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology) Regulation of tissue regeneration by macrophage in zebrafish.
SL3: Motonori Hoshi (Institute for Science & Education, Ochanomizu University) Comparison in Biology.
Symposium: “Eco-Evo-Devo Comparative Immunology”
SI-1. Self-nonself interactions triggering metamorphosis of the starfish Paritia pectinifera. (Mizuki Taguchi, Keio University)
SI-2. Factors affecting the reproductive modes of the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis. (Kiyono Sekii, Keio University)
SI-3. Natural immunity revealed the sperm selection in mouse internal fertilization. (Natsuko Kawano, Meiji University)
SI-4. Commonality and diversity in the sex-determining molecular cascade of hymenoptera. (Misato Miyakawa, Utsunomiya University)
SI-5. Social immune system in eusocial insects –a public health in an ant-. (Hiroyuki Shimoji, University of the Ryukyus)
General presentations:
Twenty seven oral presentations (2 of these abstracts were cancelled) involved in the host defenses of cnidarians, plathelminthes, arthropods, echinoderms, urochordata, fish, amphibians, and mammals were made over the 2 days.
The winners of the ‘Furuta Young Investigator Award’ were Ms. Hiyori Sakaguchi at Utsunomiya University (Medaka NK cells are required for defense against intracellular parasitic bacteria infection.) and Mr. Koki Ito at Kitasato University (Discoidin domain-containing protein of Apostichopus japonicas.).
The winners of the Award of the ‘Furuta Excellent Scientific Papers’ were Dr. Yasuhiro Shibasaki at Nihon University (Cold-blooded vertebrates evolved organized germinal center-like structures. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.adf1627) and Dr. Akihiro Tame at University of Fukui (mTORC1 regulates phagosome digestion of symbiotic bacteria for intracellular nutritional symbiosis in a deep-sea mussel. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adg8364). They delivered an award-winning speech.