看護理工学会誌 9巻
原 著
(英文論文)Establishment of an infected wound model by bacterial inoculation on wound surface in rats(創表面への細菌接種によるラット創感染モデルの確立)創表面への細菌接種によるラット創感染モデルの確立
- 東京大学医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京大学医学系研究科グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
- 東京大学医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
- 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)
本研究は,創表面への細菌接種によるラット創感染モデルの作成を目的とした.雄性SDラット(6ヵ月齢)の背部に直径2cmの全層欠損創を作製した.創作製翌日,緑膿菌(PAO1)懸濁液(OD600=1.0)に浸漬し37℃で1.5時間静置培養した滅菌ガーゼを創面に72時間貼付した.対照群には滅菌培地に浸漬したガーゼを創面に貼付した.創作製6日後に創部組織を採取した.感染群では,創作製6日後に,創周囲皮膚に発赤を認めた.細菌ガーゼ塗布前の創面積を1とした相対面積は,対照群にくらべ感染群で有意に大きかった(0.8±0.1 vs 0.6±0.1,p=0.011).ミエロペルオキシダーゼは,対照群にくらべ感染群で多く認められた.免疫組織化学では,感染群で緑膿菌が創部組織内に検出された.以上より,臨床における感染創傷を模したモデルと言える.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
仙骨部や尾骨部に好発する褥瘡では,創部が排泄物で汚染され感染を引き起こすことがある.本研究は,創面への細菌の接触により感染を惹起させたラット創傷感染モデルを確立した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究では,従来の感染モデルで用いられている創部への細菌液の注射や免疫抑制など創傷治癒を阻害しうる方法を用いずに,創面への細菌の接触というシンプルな方法で壊死組織を伴う感染創を作成した.本モデルは,創傷感染に対する治療・ケアの効果の検証に用いることが可能であり,創傷管理の研究に貢献しうる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
細菌,感染,創傷モデル,緑膿菌Establishment of an infected wound model by bacterial inoculation on wound surface in rats- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
This study aimed to develop a new infected wound model caused by bacterial inoculation on wound surface in rats. A full-thickness wound was created on the dorsal skin of six-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats. A piece of gauze was incubated with bacterial solution (a wild-type strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, OD600=1.0) for 1.5 h prior to application, for 72 h onto the wound surface on post-wounding day 1. A piece of gauze was incubated without bacteria for control group. The wound tissue was collected on post-wounding day 6. Macroscopic observation showed erythema in the periwound skin in the infection group on post-wounding day 6. The relative wound area to the baseline value of the infection group was significantly larger than that of the control group on post-wounding day 6 (0.8±0.1 vs 0.6±0.1, p=0.011). Myeloperoxidase was abundant in the infection group compared with the control group. P. aeruginosa was detected inside the wounds in the infected group via immunohistochemistry. Our new infected wound model can mimic a clinical cutaneous infected wound.
bacteria, infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, wound model -
(英文論文)An analysis of the locations visited by night shift midwives and the duration spent in each while providing round-the-clock critical care to high-risk mothers in a maternity ward(24時間体制でハイリスクの母体救命救急に対応している産科単独の病棟における夜勤帯助産師の滞在場所と滞在時間の分析)24時間体制でハイリスクの母体救命救急に対応している産科単独の病棟における夜勤帯助産師の滞在場所と滞在時間の分析
- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科看護学領域
- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究
- 神戸常磐大学保健科学部医療検査学科
- 神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
24時間体制で母体救命救急に対応している施設の看護の実態を明らかにすることをテーマとしている. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
現在,助産師の人員配置は法的にも明文化されていない.本研究の成果はその基礎データとして貢献できればと考えている. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
産科単独病棟,夜勤帯シフト,情報通信機器,タイムスタディ,助産師人員配置An analysis of the locations visited by night shift midwives and the duration spent in each while providing round-the-clock critical care to high-risk mothers in a maternity ward- Department of Nursing, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
- Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
- Department of Health Science, Kobe Tokiwa University
- Kobe University Graduate School of System Informatics
In Japan, about 80% deliveries occur in a ward shared by Obstetrics and other departments, and studies have revealed that nurses have overlapping duties in assisting with delivery and caring for dying patients from other departments. Moreover, 68.2% of deliveries in the maternity ward are high risk, so there are concerns about the safety of the delivery environment. Thus, the current study sought to ascertain the realities of care in a maternity ward providing round-the-clock critical care to high-risk mothers. This study also sought to examine the nature of perinatal care. This study used beacons and smartphones to reveal the locations visited by midwives and the duration spent in each. When sudden events occurred, over half of the midwives were assigned to delivery areas to ensure the survival of the mother and infant, and they provided patients with needed care without reducing the duration of time they spent in patient rooms and neonatal rooms. The outcomes of collaboration among members of the care team were associated with the fact that this study was conducted at a facility dedicated to perinatal care.
maternity ward,night shift,information and communication devices,time and motion study,midwife staffing -
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学
- 東京大学医学部健康総合科学科
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
訪問看護師が撮影した直腸エコー動画を用いて,既存のArtificial Intelligenceに基づく読影支援アプリケーションによる便貯留評価をより高い精度で行うことのできる手法の考案を目的とした.訪問看護ステーション1施設の診療記録を対象とし,撮影された直腸エコー動画から静止画を出力した.各静止画に対し,エコーのエキスパートによる読影,および直腸便貯留を示す高エコー域を抽出しカラー表示するアプリケーションによる便貯留の有無の判定を行った.前者を正解とし,アプリケーションの判定精度を評価した.アプリケーションの判定で偽陽性であった画像において,直腸以外の便やガスの貯留と区別するために抽出領域の深度が体表面から50mm未満であった画像,さらに,便貯留以外の高エコー域と区別するために長径が14.5mm未満となる抽出領域を除外したところ,感度81.1%,特異度87.8%,正解率83.7であった.アプリケーションの判定精度を高めるための手段として,抽出領域の深度および長径を調整する手法が考案された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
訪問看護では便秘,具体的には大腸便貯留のアセスメントに難渋しており,超音波検査(エコー)による便の可視化が有用である.先行研究より,便秘をアセスメントするうえでは特に直腸の観察が重要であることが明らかになっている.エコーの撮影技術は教育プログラムで解決できるものの,画像の読影のむずかしさに対する解決策は立っていなかったため,今回の研究に着手した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
簡便で迅速・正確な大腸便貯留観察と便秘のアセスメントにつながる.看護師だけでなく将来的には介護職,家族,患者など,誰もが便秘の評価に使えるような技術になることが期待される. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
訪問看護,超音波検査(エコー),人工知能,便秘Development of AI-based fecal retention assessment method for rectal ultrasonography videos taken by home-visit nurses- Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- School of Integrated Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
The purpose of this study was to develop a method for more accurate evaluation of fecal retention by an artificial intelligence interpretation support application that determines and displays in red extraction area the presence of fecal retention for rectal ultrasonographic videos taken by home-visiting nurses. In this study, static images were output from rectal ultrasonographic videos taken from medical records of one home-care nursing station. For each static image, the ultrasound expert and the application judged the presence of fecal retention based on half-moon or crescent-shaped hyperechoic findings as extraction area. This study focused on images that were false-positive results for the application when the ultrasound expert’s answer was correct. Extracted regions with a depth of less than 50 mm and a longitudinal diameter of less than 14.5 mm were excluded to distinguish them from stool and gas retentions outside the rectum. As a result, the sensitivity was 81.1%, specificity 87.8%, and correct rate 83.7%. A method of adjusting the depth and long diameter of the extraction area was developed as a means for improving the judgement accuracy of the application.
home-visit nursing, ultrasonography, artificial intelligence, constipation -
- 兵庫大学看護学部看護学科
- 兵庫県立大学大学院応用情報科学研究科
- 兵庫県立大学大学院情報科学研究科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
テーマは看護学生のメンタルヘルス改善であり,看護基礎教育の教育課程の過密がきっかけである. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
学習面・精神面のつまずきに対する予防や看護学に対するストレスの軽減に貢献できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
看護学生,課題遂行,ランダム化比較試験,マインドフルネス,脳波Effects of mindfulness on EEG during task performance among nursing students: A randomized controlled trial- Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Hyogo University
- Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo
- Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo
In this study, nursing students were classified into two groups and the effects of mindfulness were investigated from a physiological perspective. The subjects (20 people) were randomly divided into two groups, and EEG was measured during the task in the group that applied mindfulness and the group that did not apply mindfulness during 5 days. The analysis points were theta, alpha, and beta waves during the task in both groups, and the power spectrum values of each frequency band were compared. The results suggested that mindfulness had a relaxation effect during the task and maintained attention after the task was completed. All the subjects in the mindfulness group practiced mindfulness continuously for five days during the experimental period, and the relaxation effect was sustained even when they did not practice mindfulness in a situation of reduced tension. These results suggest that mindfulness is useful for task performance and relaxation.
nursing students, task performance, randomized controlled trial, mindfulness, EEG -
-気道シミュレータを用いたクロスオーバー試験-- 横浜市立大学大学院医学研究科看護学専攻周麻酔期看護学分野
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
院内急変などの緊急処置時に看護師が行う呼吸管理技術としてマスク換気があるが,マスク換気を行う際に適切なマスクフィットが行えないことによるエアリークが問題となる. 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか? 周麻酔期看護師として麻酔管理に携わるなかで,効果的にマスクフィットが行えなかった経験が本研究を行うきっかけとなった. テーマは看護学生のメンタルヘルス改善であり,看護基礎教育の教育課程の過密がきっかけである. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
看護師による適確なマスク換気技術のための基礎的資料となる.将来的には安全かつ効果的なマスク換気技術実施のためのデバイス開発に繋げたい. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
マスク換気,看護師,ヘッドバンド,マスクフィット,圧力分布Effects of a headband on mask ventilation volume and mask fit pressure distribution: A randomized crossover trial- Department of Perianesthesia Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University
The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of headband (HB) usage for nurses to mask ventilation. This study was a randomized crossover trial focusing on ventilation volume and mask fit pressure distribution. Forty nurses participated in this study. Subjects performed a mask fit using the C method (E-C usage method only) and H method (E-C usage method with HB) on the airway simulator. In addition to the ventilation volume, we measured the mask’s pressure distribution using a pressure measurement sheet. Ventilation volume was significantly higher with the H method than the C method. Pressure was significantly higher on the nose, right cheek and both corners of the mouth with the H method. Furthermore, the pressurized area was significantly higher at all sites except the jaw using the H method. The difference in maximum ventilation volumes between the C and H methods was most affected by the difference in the pressurized area at the right corner of the mouth. These results suggested that nurses’ HB use for mask ventilation could increase ventilation volume by covering a mask fit ventilation on the right corner of the mouth compared with the E-C method.
mask ventilation, nurse, headband, mask fit, pressure distribution -
-二重盲検プラセボ対照並行群間比較試験-- 大分県立看護科学大学看護学部
- 日本赤十字豊田看護大学看護学部
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属AIホスピタル・マクロシグナルダイナミクス研究開発センター
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか? 感染予防のために手洗いと消毒が当たり前に行われるようになったが,手荒れの悪化に悩む声を聞く機会も増えた.そこで,食品の衛生管理に広く使用されている微酸性電解水活用の可能性について検討すべく,ヒト皮膚への影響について検証実験を試みた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
将来,人体や環境に安心・安全な消毒法の1つとして,感染予防ならびに衛生管理に貢献できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
微酸性電解水,ヒト,皮膚,二重盲検,対照並行群間比較試験Effect of repeated spraying of slightly acidic electrolyzed water for one week on human skin: A placebo-controlled,double blind, parallel-group comparative study- School of Nursing, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
- School of Nursing, Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing
- AI Hospital/Macro Signal Dynamics Research and Development Center, Kanazawa University
After being permitted as a food additive in 2002, slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) was expected to be a low-irritant disinfectant. However, its safety when applied on human skin has not yet been confirmed. This study aimed to identify the toxicity of SAEW for human skin. This double-blind, placebo-controlled trial included 20 subjects ranging in age from 20 to 50 years who had normal skin on their forearms at the time of study entry. Two spray bottles, A and B, containing SAEW or distilled water (DW), were distributed to all subjects. The reagents were randomly assigned so that neither the subjects nor the researchers knew which container, A or B, contained the SAEW or DW. The subjects applied a single spray (approx. 2 mL) of A and B to their left and right forearms, respectively, once daily for one week as the intervention period. The subjects were instructed not to touch or rub the sprayed areas of their forearms until the reagent had dried. To assess the resultant skin condition, stratum corneum hydration, sebum secretion, transepidermal water loss, skin pH, resident flora, and multiple biomarker assay of tape-stripped stratum corneum from the site of the forearm where the spray was applied were evaluated before and after the intervention period. The results showed that there were no differences between the skin sprayed with SAEW and DW both before and after the intervention period. In addition, SAEW did not induce any skin irritation. Our findings suggested that SAEW can be safely applied on human skin.
slightly acidic electrolytic water, human, skin, double-blind, parallel-group comparative study -
- 岩手県立大学ソフトウェア情報学部
- 東北文化学園大学医療福祉学部看護学科
- 岩手県立大学看護学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか? 炎症所見の1つである発赤の進行や回復に対しては,現状は主観による評価が行われており,評価者に依存しない定量的な客観評価を行うことが求められているため. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
提案手法により得られる客観評価の結果が,看護の現場で評価を行う際に1つの指標になることに加え,見落としや見誤りなどのヒューマンエラーを防止する効果があると考えられる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
静脈炎,発赤,肉眼的所見,L*a*b*色空間,ヒストグラムObjective assessment measure for inflammatory reactions in infusion phlebitis based on combination of parameters in L*a*b* color space- Faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University
- Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Science and Welfare, Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University
- Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University
Generally inflammatory reactions induced by infusion phlebitis are assessed subjectively as a part of nursing care which is known as macroscopic findings. For achieving accurate inference from this method of subjective assessment, multiple checks by multiple persons are needed. In order to reduce the human workload of subjective evaluation, an objective assessment measure for the inflammatory reactions induced by infusion phlebitis is necessary. In this work, the first quartiles of each of the two parameters of the L*a*b* color space that represent the changes in brightness and color respectively, from the captured images of inflammatory reactions over a period of time, are used to define the features corresponding to the amount of shape change of histogram over time representing the progress or recovery of the inflammatory reaction. Next, by using multiple cases of different degrees of inflammatory reaction, an objective assessment measure based on the above definition has been proposed. It is seen in the experimental results that the proposed objective measure can assess the inflammatory reactions correctly in accordance to the results obtained by the subjective assessment.
infusion phlebitis, inflammatory reaction, subjective assessment, L*a*b* color space, histogram -
Effects of the presence of parturient women on the length of time that nurses and midwives spend in the rooms of other patients during a night shift in a mixed obstetric ward
(産科混合病棟の夜勤帯における産婦の存在が産婦以外の患者の病室に看護師・助産師が滞在する時間に及ぼす影響産科混合病棟の夜勤帯における産婦の存在が産婦以外の患者の病室に看護師・助産師が滞在する時間に及ぼす影響- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科博士課程後期課程
- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科
- 神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科
- 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻
- 神戸常盤大学医療検査学科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
産科を含む複数診療科の患者が入院する病棟での看護師・助産師の動きを明らかにする. - 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
人員の少ない夜勤帯に産婦への看護と産婦以外の患者への看護が重なると互いの看護時間に影響があるのではないかという懸念. - この研究が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
産科混合病棟の看護を維持するために必要な看護師・助産師の人員配置の資料となる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
産科混合病棟,夜勤帯,位置情報,滞在時間,産婦Effects of the presence of parturient women on the length of time that nurses and midwives spend in the rooms of other patients during a night shift in a mixed obstetric ward- Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
- Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
- Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University
- Department of Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
- Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kobe Tokiwa University
Due to the small number of staff working night shifts in hospitals, there are concerns about whether the time spent caring for parturient women decreases the availability of care for other patients. This study aimed to investigate how the presence of parturient women influences the length of time that nurses and midwives spend in other patients’ rooms during a night shift in a mixed obstetric ward. The location and length of stay were measured using a wireless communication device, and the median length of stay in the 5-night shifts in the presence of parturient women were compared with that of the 7- night shifts in the absence of parturient women. The results revealed that when parturient women were present in the ward, midwives showed a significant increase in the length of stay in the delivery area, while nurses showed a significant increase in the length of stay in the obstetric 4-bed rooms, and a significant decrease in the rest area. Even when parturient women were present during the night shift in a mixed obstetric ward, a significant reduction was not observed in the length of stay in other patients’ rooms due to the collaboration of nurses and midwives.
mixed obstetric ward, night shift, location information, length of stay, parturient woman -
Distinction between women with premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder and healthy women based on clustering Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition scores in the follicular phase
(卵胞期における日本語版総合的気分尺度2nd Edition(POMS®2) 得点による類型化を利用した月経前症候群もしくは月経前不快気分障害とnon-PMSの判別)卵胞期における日本語版総合的気分尺度2nd Edition(POMS〓2)得点による類型化を利用した月経前症候群もしくは月経前不快気分障害とnon-PMSの判別- 神奈川工科大学健康医療科学部
- 筑波大学大学院人間総合研究科学研究群
- 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院看護部
- 兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科
- 筑波大学医学医療系
多くの成人女性は,月経前症候群(PMS)や月経前不快気分障害(PMDD)を経験する.PMSやPMDDの症状は多岐にわたり,正確な診断はむずかしい.本研究では,Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition短縮版(POMS〓2)を用いて,健常女性とPMSもしくはPMDDの判別を目的とした.対象は,20~22歳の女性(PMDD群3名,PMS群5名,non-PMS群11名)である.POMS〓2の得点に対してWard法によるCluster分析を行った.卵胞期では2つのClusterがみられた.Cluster1に分類された被験者は9人のNon-PMSで構成され,「友好」と「活気-活力」において高得点であった.一方,Cluster2はPMSまたはPMDDを有するすべての被験者と,軽度のPMSの可能性がある2人のNon-PMSで構成された.Cluster1は9名のnon-PMS群,Cluster2はすべてのPMS群とPMDD群から構成された.黄体期でも2つのClusterがみられたが,両Clusterにもnon-PMS群が存在した.以上より卵胞期のPOMS〓2の得点から健常女性とPMSもしくはPMDDの判別の可能性が示唆された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
多くの女性が抱える月経前症候群(PMS)の正確な診断方法の構築をテーマにしている.PMSの診断方法は主観的評価のみでありむずかしく,正確な診断,適切な対処へ繋げていきたいと考えたのがきっかけである. - この研究が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究により,PMSに悩む女性への診断と対処に繋がり,女性の健康へ寄与することができる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
PMS,POMS〓2,PMDD,Cluster分析Distinction between women with premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder and healthy women based on clustering Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition scores in the follicular phase- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Kanagawa Institute of Technology
- Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Department of Nursing, Juntendo University Hospital
- Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Many adult women complain of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). An accurate distinction between women with PMS or PMDD and healthy women is difficult because their symptoms vary and range from physical to mental symptoms. This study aimed to develop a method for the distinction between subjects with PMDD or PMS and healthy women based on clustering the Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition (POMS〓2) scores. Nineteen adult women aged 20〓22 years (three PMDD subjects, five PMS subjects, 11 non-PMS subjects) were included in this study. The abridged Japanese version of POMS〓2 was administered to the subjects during their follicular and luteal phases. All subjects were clustered based on the scores on the subscales of the POMS〓2 analysed by the ward method. In the follicular phase, the subjects were divided into two clusters. The subjects classified into cluster 1, which consisted of 9 non-PMS, had higher scores in Friendliness and Vigor-Activity. In contrast, cluster 2 consisted of all subjects with PMS or PMDD and two non-PMS women who seem to have mild PMS. A method based on scores of POMS〓2 in the follicular phase has been proposed as a way to distinguish between women with PMS or PMDD and healthy women.
premenstrual syndrome, POMS〓2, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, cluster analysis -
- 東京工科大学医療保健学部臨床工学科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
透析看護でバスキュラーアクセスへ穿刺する際に生じる穿刺痛を軽減する方法. 臨床工学科で臨床実習後の学生も研究の必要性を感じていて,ニーズが明確なため. - この研究が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
穿刺痛の軽減は患者および穿刺する看護師,臨床工学技士のストレスを低減することが可能になる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
血液透析,冷却,熱流束,超音波画像診断装置Evaluation of cooling forearm skin temperature with a cooling pad to reduce pain in the needle insertion for hemodialysis- Department of Clinical Engineering, School of Health Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology
In order to reduce the pain of needle insertion for hemodialysis patients, a regional cooling pad was designed and evaluated on both a polyethylene plate and the forearms of healthy subjects (n=8). The cooling pad was fabricated with a cotton sheet and urea particles of less than 1 mm in diameter, or urea powder. Water to dissolve the urea in a heat absorption reaction was added at constant rate of 0.5 mL/s using a linear actuator. The subcutaneous tissue thickness of the healthy subjects was measured by echography. The time required to reach a skin temperature of 25 degrees Celsius (t25) and the period during which the skin had a temperature under 25 degrees Celsius (T) were compared. The t25 of the pad with urea particles was 17 seconds, and that of the pad with urea powder was 7 seconds. T was more than 390 seconds. Temperature gradients calculated with subcutaneous tissue thickness showed a positive correlation with heat flux. Initial skin temperature showed a negative correlation with T.
hemodialysis, cooling, heat flux, echography -
A pilot epidemiological study on chronic dehydration of older adults in home care setting
(在宅療養高齢者の慢性高張性脱水に関する予備的疫学調査)在宅療養高齢者の慢性高張性脱水に関する予備的疫学調査- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
脱水というと暑熱環境下での急激な水分の喪失や熱中症が想起されるが,高齢者では寒冷期においても知らぬ間に症状もなく陥る慢性脱水が蔓延しているといわれており,今後の看護理工学的取り組みが期待される.本研究はそうした慢性脱水への取り組みの基盤を形成するものである. - この研究が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究から,秋季でも在宅療養高齢者の約6割が慢性脱水あるいはそのリスク状態にあることが明らかにされ,早急な取り組みの必要性が示された. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
血清浸透圧,在宅高齢者,認知機能障害,慢性脱水A pilot epidemiological study on chronic dehydration of older adults in home care setting- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Toky
- Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Background: Dehydration is caused by water and salt loss in the body, resulting in elevated serum osmolality (SOsm). Older adults are susceptible to dehydration because of age-related alterations, however, the prevalence is not well documented in community. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of dehydration among older adults in a home care setting in Japan. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in 33 older adults. Age, sex, Nursing Need Level, cognitive function, water intake, body mass index, vital signs, dehydration signs/symptoms and a blood test result were obtained. SOsm was used to identify dehydration (291≦SOsm<300 mOsm/L: Impending dehydration, 300≦SOsm: Dehydration). Results: The mean participant age was 84±6 years old, with 24 women (72.7%). Twenty-two participants (66.7%) had SOsm of 291 mOsm/L or more and no acute episodes of dehydration. Sensitivity and specificity of the signs and symptoms was 77.3% and 18.2%, respectively. Cognitive function was inversely correlated with SOsm and water intake was varied between the Nursing Need Levels. Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of dehydration among the older adults in home care setting. The dehydrated condition might have been proceeding chronically. The risk of dehydration could be overlooked in the persons with comparatively better cognitive and physical functions in the home care setting.
cognitive impairment, community-dwelling older adults, dehydration, serum osmolality -
Reducing effects of dressing materials on pressure and shear force for preventing heel pressure injury: An experimental study using three-axis tactile sensor
(踵部褥瘡予防におけるドレッシング材の圧力およびせん断応力の低減効果:3軸触覚センサーを用いた実験的研究)踵部褥瘡予防におけるドレッシング材の圧力およびせん断応力の低減効果:3軸触覚センサーを用いた実験的研究- 藤田医科大学保健衛生学部社会実装看護創成研究センター
- 東京慈恵会医科大学医学部看護学科
- アルケア株式会社マーケティング部
- アルケア株式会社医工学研究所
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
踵への予防的ドレッシング材の使用は有用であるが,力(圧力,摩擦力,ずれ力)の低減に関する評価系は十分報告されていない. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?
基礎研究において,今後は力の方向性や大きさをより詳細に定量化・可視化する技術開発が求められる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
圧力,せん断応力,センサー,踵部褥瘡,予防Reducing effects of dressing materials on pressure and shear force for preventing heel pressure injury: An experimental study using three-axis tactile sensor- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
- School of Nursing, The Jikei University School of Medicine
- Department of Marketing, ALCARE Co., Ltd.
- Medical Engineering Laboratory, ALCARE Co., Ltd.
This study aimed to compare the effect of three types of dressings on enhancing heel pressure and shear force reduction at elevating head-of-bed angles at a spine position. A total of 26 healthy volunteers participated. A three-axis tactile sensor was directly applied on the interface of the heel and then covered with the following three dressings: film dressing (as a control), low frictional outer layered hydrocolloid dressing (LFH dressing), and multilayered silicone foam dressing (MSF dressing). The interface pressure and shear force were measured by the sensor at 0, 30, 45, and 60 degrees of the elevated head-of-bed angle. The pressure and shear force in all axis directions in the LFH dressing was equivalent compared with those in the MSF dressing, while those in the film dressing reached to be higher (p<0.05). The relative value of vertical shear force to pressure for the LFH and MSF dressings was approximately 1.0, while that in the film dressing was 1.7. In conclusion, the LFH and MSF dressings reduced pressure and shear forces at head-of-bed elevation, compared with the film dressing, and were considered available for preventing heel pressure injury.
pressure, shear force, sensor, heel pressure injury, prevention -
Pilot study of a prototype for visualizing veins using near-infrared light to improve peripheral intravenous access capabilities
(近赤外光を使用した末梢静脈可視化試作機の予備的性能評価)近赤外光を使用した末梢静脈可視化試作機の予備的性能評価- 石川県立看護大学基礎看護学講座
- 富士通株式会社ソーシャルデザイン事業本部
- 金沢大学理工学域
- 金沢大学理工研究域フロンティア工学系
- 金沢大学理工研究域生命理工学系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
近赤外光による末梢静脈を可視化する既存機器はあるが,臨床で使用する操作性能は不足していること. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
現在の静脈穿刺技術を妨げず,ベッドサイドで容易に使える装置と静脈画像の画質の進展に貢献できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
末梢静脈穿刺,目視困難静脈,近赤外光,可視化技術,静脈画像Pilot study of a prototype for visualizing veins using near-infrared light to improve peripheral intravenous access capabilities- Department of Fundamental Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Social Design, Fujitsu Limited
- College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
- Faculty of Frontier Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
- Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
This pilot study evaluated the operability and visualization capabilities of a prototype that uses near-infrared light reflection to visualize peripheral veins. Nurses evaluated the prototypes to perform peripheral venous access using a covered needle. We investigated 28 invisible veins in healthy volunteers, and the diameters and depths of the veins were measured using ultrasound. Qualitative operability data were obtained from interviews. Quantitative visualization capability data regarding the near-infrared light vascular images produced by the prototype were collected using the Likert scale. We obtained two results: 1) According to the interviewed nurses, the prototype with a personal tablet display near a participant’s arm was easier to operate for the simulation of a blood sampling, and 2) the successful visualization rate for invisible veins using the prototype with the tablet display was 42.9%. The nonvisualized veins were deeper than the visualized veins. The vein depth cut-off ranged from 3.0 to 3.3 mm for nonvisualized and visualized veins (AUC=0.987). Our results indicate that the vein visualization device needs to be developed based on a tablet display type located near a participant’s arm, and it is necessary to visualize invisible veins with a depth of 3 mm or more.
venipuncture, invisible vein, near-infrared light, visualization, vascular image -
- 大分大学全学研究推進機構
- 純真学園大学保健医療学部放射線技術科学科
- 大分大学医学部マトリックス医学講座
- 大分県立看護科学大学助産学研究室
- 大分県立看護科学大学生体科学研究室
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
微酸性電解水は,食材の洗浄や皮膚への消毒剤として使用されている一方,表皮組織の連続性が失われた荒れた皮膚に対しての影響はまだ分かっていない. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
マウス線維芽細胞を用いて,真皮における微酸性電解水による影響は少ないことを示したことで,消毒剤の選択に参考になると考えられる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
微酸性電解水,皮膚消毒,線維芽細胞The effect of slightly acidic electrolyzed water on mammalian fibroblast- Research Promotion Institute, Oita University
- Department of Radiological Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Junshin Gakuen University
- Department of Matrix Biology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University
- Department of Midwifery, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Department of Human Sciences, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) with pH 5.0-6.5, which is produced by electrolyzing diluted hydrochloric acid, has been used as both a sanitizer against foodborne pathogens on fresh foods and a skin disinfectant. However, with the chloride concentration available at present (10-30 ppm), SAEW has been reported to be unable to eliminate Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. In the present study, we investigated damage in mammalian cells after incubation with a medium containing SAEW with various chloride concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 ppm) using crystal violet or trypan blue staining. Only slight damage to mammalian cells was observed with chloride concentrations of 25-75 ppm, but with a concentration of 100 ppm, severe damage was seen. Taken together, these findings suggest that SAEW has a small effect on the skin at chloride concentrations up to 75 ppm.
slightly acidic electrolyzed water,skin disinfectant,fibroblast -
Assessment of circadian patterns in salivary cortisol and chromogranin A levels in intensive care unit nurses during working and non-working days
(集中治療室に勤務する看護師の勤務日と休日における唾液コルチゾールおよび唾液クロモグラニンの概日パターンに関する検証)集中治療室に勤務する看護師の勤務日と休日における唾液コルチゾールおよび唾液クロモグラニンの概日パターンに関する検証- 新潟大学大学院保健学研究科
- 新潟大学医歯学総合病院看護部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
昼夜を問わず緊急的な対応を迫られる集中治療室に勤務する看護師の生体リズムも一般的な変動に従い調整されているのか. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
緊急・救急状況に対応する看護師らの生体状態の可視化につながり,セルフケアなどの方策を検討する基礎的データとなりうる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
唾液コルチゾール,唾液クロモグラニンA,集中治療室,看護師,概日リズムAssessment of circadian patterns in salivary cortisol and chromogranin A levels in intensive care unit nurses during working and non-working days- Graduate School of Health Sciences, Niigata University
- Nursing Department, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital
In this study, we examined the circadian rhythms of cortisol and chromogranin A (CgA) in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses to clarify whether they are able to relieve stress sufficiently on rest days. Method: The saliva samples were collected by 29 ICU nurses at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00 on a working day (WD) and a non-working day (NWD) and analyzed for cortisol and CgA levels. Results: The participants were between 20〓50 years old (female: 26, male: 3). The subjective stress was high among the majority of the participants in WD, especially during working hours (12:00 and 16:00). Salivary cortisol levels on WD and NWD reflected the diurnal pattern with no significant differences. The circadian pattern of salivary CgA on WD was different from that of NWD, even though it was not statistically significant. The intensity of subjective stress did not have a relationship with either salivary cortisol or CgA levels. Conclusions: Neither the work status nor the subjective stress significantly changed the diurnal salivary cortisol pattern. The non-significant differences in circadian patterns of sCgA levels between WD and NWD might be associated with job strain. The results indicate inadequate stress relief in NWD among ICU nurses.
cortisol, chromogranin A, intensive care unit, nurse, circadian rhythm -
Examining the effectiveness of heat retention after foot baths for young women with coldness
(冷えを呈する若年女性に対する足浴後の保温の有効性の検証)冷えを呈する若年女性に対する足浴後の保温の有効性の検証- 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科博士前期課程修了生
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
冷えを呈する女性に対してさまざまなケアの試みがされているが,足浴後の保温の有効性を検証した研究はなかったため,足浴後の保温の有無でその有効性を検証した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
将来子どもを産み育てる可能性のある若年女性が自らの冷えに気づき,セルフケアを行うことで,周産期のウエルネス向上に貢献できると考える. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
若年女性,冷え,深部体温,足浴,保温Examining the effectiveness of heat retention after foot baths for young women with coldness- Completed the Master’s Program, Graduate School of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
We verified the effectiveness of heat retention after foot baths for women with a large temperature difference between central and peripheral areas. Twenty-four young women were recruited between July and October 2018. The experimental method involved performing foot baths for 20 minutes after which the participants sat in a resting position. The deep body temperature of the participants was continuously monitored for 20 minutes after the experiment. Post-foot bath experiments were conducted with and without heat retention (i.e., the use of tubular covers for lower legs) for two consecutive days. Coldness was classified into four types based on the deep temperature difference between the forehead and the lower leg or instep of the foot. Among participants who showed a large difference in deep temperature between the forehead and the lower leg as well as the instep, there was no significant difference between the deep temperature of the lower leg at rest and 20 minutes after the foot bath without heat retention (p=0.051). Temperature increased significantly with heat retention (p=0.012). We suggest that heat retention after foot bath is an effective method to maintain the temperature for women with coldness.
young women, coldness, deep body temperature, foot bath, heat retention -
Effects of lower leg exercising in young women with coldness: A preliminary study
(冷えを呈する若年女性に対する下腿運動の効果の検討)冷えを呈する若年女性に対する足浴後の保温の有効性の検証- 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科博士前期課程修了生
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
若年女性に対する冷え改善のためのセルフケアをテーマとした研究であり,下肢末梢の血流循環改善を期待して「下腿運動」を考案した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
将来,妊娠し出産する可能性のある若年女性が,自分自身の冷えに対してセルフケアを継続して行うことで,周産期のウエルネス向上に貢献できると考える. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
若年女性,冷えの自覚,冷え,深部温,下腿運動Effects of lower leg exercising in young women with coldness: A preliminary study- Completed the Master’s Program, Graduate School of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of lower leg exercise by subjective evaluation and changes in deep body temperature. Methods: This study was conducted from March to November 2020 and enrolled 17 healthy women (mean age 22.8 years). The study period was 7 days. Lower leg exercise was performed using an original exercise device. Participants were divided into two the coldness and non-coldness groups according to reference of a deep body temperature difference of 2.55℃ between the forehead and instep. We performed the subjective assessment of effects of exercise during a one-week period and evaluated the resulting changes in deep body temperature. A generalized linear mixed model was used to analyse the changes in deep body temperature. Results: Post-exercise, deep body temperature in the instep significantly increased in the coldness group. The difference in deep body temperature following the leg exercise between the forehead and instep significantly decreased in the coldness group. With regards subjective evaluation, all participants reported that their feet were warm after lower leg exercise, irrespective of the group. Conclusion: This study indicates that lower leg exercise may be effective in improving blood flow in the instep of young women with coldness.
young women, cold sensation, coldness, deep body temperature, lower leg exercise -
Development of a method using transperineal ultrasound movies for automatic evaluation of the contraction of pelvic floor muscles in men after radical prostatectomy
(前立腺全摘除術後の経会陰超音波動画像を用いて骨盤底筋の収縮を自動評価する手法の開発)前立腺全摘除術後の経会陰超音波動画像を用いて骨盤底筋の収縮を自動評価する手法の開発- 東北大学医学部保健学科看護学専攻
- 東京電機大学工学部先端機械工学科
- 東京大学医学部附属病院リハビリテーション部
- 東北大学大学院医学系研究科ウィメンズヘルス・周産期看護学分野
本研究は,ロボット支援根治的前立腺全摘除術後の男性患者の経会陰超音波動画を用いて,自動的に計測し骨盤底筋の収縮を評価する手法を開発した.方法:先行研究で使用した40枚の動画像を使用した.エキスパート2名のディスカッションと観察点の追跡容易性から恥骨と直腸肛門角の距離を指標として定めた.経会陰超音波の動画像4枚を用いて7つの追跡手法を検討した.動画像40枚の恥骨-直腸肛門角距離を計測し,専門家が主観的に評価した2つのレベル(よく動く/中程度)でその値を比較した.結果:7つの追跡手法のうち,Kernelized Correlation Filter(KCF)は,4本の動画において安静時から収縮時までの恥骨と直腸肛門角を追跡でき,フレームレートは66-77であった.KCFで計測された恥骨-直腸肛門角距離のベクトル長とX軸長の安静時から収縮時の変化率は,主観的に評価した「よく動く」と「中程度」の間で有意に異なった.結論:前立腺全摘除術後の超音波画像上の恥骨と直腸肛門角を追跡し,骨盤底筋の収縮を自動評価する手法が開発された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
経会陰超音波画像上での男性の骨盤底筋の収縮機能評価が,術者の主観に依存していること. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
客観的・定量的に,男性の骨盤底筋の収縮の程度を自動に計測できるようになる.術者の経験に依存せず,正確な骨盤底筋の収縮機能評価が可能となる.骨盤底リハビリテーションの訓練効果のモニタリングなどへ応用できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
画像処理,腹圧性尿失禁,超音波検査Development of a method using transperineal ultrasound movies for automatic evaluation of the contraction of pelvic floor muscles in men after radical prostatectomy- Department of Nursing, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Health Sciences
- Department of Precision Machinery Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
- Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital
- Department of Women’s Health Nursing & Midwifery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
We aimed to develop a method to automatically evaluate pelvic floor muscle (PFM) contractions using transperineal ultrasound movies of male patients after radical prostatectomy. Methods: Forty transperineal ultrasound movies obtained in a previous study were used. From the discussion between two expert PFM trainers and automatic trackability, the distance from the pubis to the anorectal junction was determined to be the primary parameter. Seven algorithms were tested to track the pubis and the anorectal junction. The pubis-anorectal junction distance, measured using a software, were compared on two levels of PFM contraction (good/moderate) subjectively evaluated. Result: Among the seven algorithms, Kernelized Correlation Filter could track the pubis and the anorectal junction during PFM contraction in the 40 movies. The frame rate (fps) was 66〓77 in the Kernelized Correlation Filter. The changing rates of the pubis-anorectal junction distance in the vector and the X-axis lengths were significantly different between the good and moderate contractions that were subjectively evaluated. Conclusion: A method for tracking the pubis and the anorectal junction in ultrasound movies after radical prostatectomy was developed to automatically evaluate PFM contractions.
image processing, stress urinary incontinence, ultrasonography
速 報
(英文論文)Relationship between Lyapunov exponent of heart rate variability, blood pressure and autonomic nervous indices(心拍変動のリアプノフ指数と血圧および自律神経指標との関係)心拍変動のリアプノフ指数と血圧および自律神経指標との関係
- 筑波大学医学医療系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
短時間の心拍変動のモニタリングから有用な指標が得られないかと考えて発想した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
心電図モニタリングから刻々と変化する循環動態やストレスの変調をとらえられるようになると期待している. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
心電図,アトラクター,遠隔看護,高齢者Relationship between Lyapunov exponent of heart rate variability, blood pressure and autonomic nervous indices- Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
In this study, the Lyapunov exponent (LE) of heart rate variability (HRV) is investigated for feasibility as an index of hemodynamics. In a previous study, we calculated the HRV and evaluated blood pressure fluctuations via the autonomic nervous activity during standing. Herein, we examine the LE of HRV using resampled electrocardiogram (ECG) R-R interval (RRI) data. ECG and blood pressure measurements were obtained from healthy young (<30 years) and older (〓65 years) subjects during rest-to-stand motion experiments. The LE calculated from HRV measurements were lower in older participants than young participants. In both age groups, the LE decreased when the RRI and blood pressure decreased. However, the LE was not significantly correlated with either the RRI or blood pressure. Further, the LE was not significantly correlated with the indices of autonomic nervous system activity. Thus, the LE could be used as an independent index to monitor fluctuations in circulatory dynamics. We believe that this preliminary work will be of use in developing medical applications using the LE for telemedicine and home nursing.
electrocardiogram, attractor, telenursing, gerontology -
Automated detection of infusion and catheter hub in movies of nurses’ observation scenes using deep learning
(ディープラーニングによる看護師の観察場面の録画画像における輸液およびカテーテルハブの自動検出)ディープラーニングによる看護師の観察場面の録画画像における輸液およびカテーテルハブの自動検出- 藤田医科大学保健衛生学部看護学科
- 藤田医科大学医療科学部放射線学科
看護師の臨床判断能力や医療安全に関する研究に看護師の視覚情報が用いられているが,分析に必要な時間と費用が莫大であると推察される.本研究は,Mask R-CNNを用いて看護師の視野にある対象物の自動検出が可能であるか,視野解析に必要な労力と時間が軽減できるかを明らかにすることを目的とした.看護師6名の観察場面を録画した動画から,検出対象物である「輸液」789枚と「カテーテルハブ」1,136枚の静止画像を抽出しMask R-CNNの学習に用いた.それぞれの物体の検出能力は,「輸液」は検出感度が90.1%,画像1枚あたりの偽陽性数が0.109個,物体認識精度を表すDice indexが0.765,「カテーテルハブ」は,それぞれ50.8%,0.308個,0.205であった.また,2名分の画像をMask R-CNNを用いることで注視点指定作業が短縮できるか確認したところ,18.7%作業時間が短縮できた.今後,Mask R-CNNへの学習方法の検討およびデータ量を増やし検出精度の向上をめざすことが課題である.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
看護師の臨床判断能力を効率的に評価するためにAIによる物体検出モデルを開発した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
物体の自動検出によりデータ解析作業の労力が低減し,看護学研究の促進に貢献できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
看護師の観察場面,ディープラーニング,自動検出,Mask R-CNNAutomated detection of infusion and catheter hub in movies of nurses’ observation scenes using deep learning- Faculty of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
- Faculty of Radiological Technology, School of Medical Sciences, Fujita Health University
In recent years, nurses’ visual information has been used in research on nurses’ clinical decision-making ability and medical safety, but it is assumed that such analyses are extremely time-consuming and expensive. This study was implemented to clarify whether Mask R-CNN (which captures image features and groups them) can automatically detect objects in nurses’ visual fields and whether it can reduce the labor and time required for visual field analysis. We collected 789 images of “infusion” and 1,136 images of a “catheter hub” from the visual field images of six nurses and used them to train Mask R-CNN. Our results showed that detection sensitivity, number of false positives per image, and Dice index (representing area coincidence) of “infusion” were 90.1%, 0.109, and 0.765, while for “catheter hub” the corresponding values were 50.8%, 0.308, and 0.205, respectively. Next, we checked whether the task of specifying the gazing point could be shortened using Mask R-CNN for the visual field images of two subjects and found that the task time could be reduced by 18.7%. In future work, we will study the method of training Mask R-CNN and aim to increase the amount of data to improve the accuracy of object detection.
nurses’ observation scenes, deep learning, automated detection, Mask R-CNN -
Evaluation of liquid-less biofilm staining on wound blotting samples
(ウンドブロッティングサンプルのリキッドレス・バイオフォルム染色法の評価)ウンドブロッティングサンプルのリキッドレス・バイオフォルム染色法の評価- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
創傷治癒を阻害する目に見えないバイオフィルムの可視化を,さらに安全かつ迅速に実施するシステムの開発が望まれていた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
創面バイオフィルム可視化技術の普及に繋がり,難治性創傷の治癒阻害要因の同定や,創傷ケアの評価に応用されうる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
難治性潰瘍,臨界的定着,バイオフィルム,ウンドブロッティング,褥瘡アセスメントEvaluation of liquid-less biofilm staining on wound blotting samples- Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Because biofilm infection is a major cause of hard-to-heal wounds, biofilm detection is essential for prevention and management of hard-to-heal wounds. We newly developed a simple, rapid, and safe staining method of biofilms, liquid-less staining. In this study, we evaluated the liquid-less staining in comparison with the conventional method. We prepared dot blot samples of different concentration of artificial biofilms, and stained with the conventional and liquid-less staining. The liquid-less method detected the signals of lower concentration of biofilms than the conventional method in subjective evaluation. Although the quantitative evaluation showed similar signal-noise ratio and correlation between signal intensity and the concentration of biofilms, the liquid-less method was superior to the conventional method in signal stability. The liquid-less staining method is expected to be applied for the point-of-care biofilm testing in home care settings.
hard-to-heal wound, critical colonization, biofilm, wound blotting, wound assessment -
- 兵庫県立大学大学院応用情報科学研究科
- 大手前大学国際看護学部
- 兵庫県立大学大学院情報科学研究科
- 奈良学園大学保健医療学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか? 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか? 冷え症は,体調不良の誘因となることに着眼し,セルフケアにより予防できると考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
冷え症の軽減により,若年者の健康保持増進や,高齢者のフレイル予防に貢献できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
健常成人,手浴,ストレッチ,冷え症改善Evaluation of the cold sensitivity improvement effect on the functioning of healthy adults- Graduate School of Applied Information Science, University of Hyogo
- Otemae University Faculty of Global Nursing
- Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo
- Nara Gakuen University Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
The usefulness of stretching to improve cold sensitivity in healthy adults was investigated using skin surface temperature and finger plethysmography. Thirty-one healthy adults in the age group of 20〓25 years were divided into two groups: high upper-limb muscle mass group and low upper-limb muscle mass group. In experiment one, two rounds of hand bath were performed. In experiment two, one round of hand bath and one round of stretching followed by hand bath were performed. In both experiments, pulse wave amplitude and skin surface temperature were measured for ten minutes after hand bath and the temperatures of both the groups were compared. For the high group, the pulse wave amplitude and skin surface temperature did not change in both the experiments compared to the resting state. In experiment two, the pulse wave amplitude at rest, after the hand bath and after stretching and hand bath, were significantly higher for the low group than that of the high group. Moreover, the skin surface temperature in experiment two was significantly higher than in experiment one after zero, two, four, and six minutes. Therefore, stretching has improved the cold sensitivity for the low muscle mass group.
healthy adults, hand bathing, stretching, improvement in coldness
- 福井県立大学看護福祉学部看護学科
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
- 藤田医科大学保健衛生学部社会実装看護創成研究センター
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
病棟とくらべて手術室の褥瘡発生率は高い.そのため,褥瘡予防に有効な体圧分散マットレスの検討が必要と考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
マットレスの変形の可視化により,褥瘡予防に有効なマットレスの硬さを明らかにすることができる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Development of evaluation method of pressure redistribution function of pressure distribution mattress: Examination of magnetic resonance image method for visualizing deformation of urethane foam mattress- Faculty of Nursing and Social Welfare Sciences, Fukui Prefectural University
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
- 宮崎大学医学部看護学科
- 大分県立看護科学大学大学院博士後期課程
- 産業医科大学産業保健学部看護学科
- 大分県立看護科学大学基礎看護科学講座
介護老人保健施設(以下,老健と記す)に入所している高齢者の自立度別の栄養状態の実態を,舌圧・身体計測値から明らかにし,舌圧・身体計測値が栄養状態の客観的評価項目としての活用できるかを検証することを目的とした.【方法】老健の入所高齢者42名,平均年齢86.6(±15.47)歳を対象に,舌圧測定・身体計測を実施した.分析はSpearmanの順位相関係数,Kruskal Wallis検定,Steel Dwass検定を行った.【結果】自立度と栄養状態の関係は,要介護1が要介護4・5にくらべて,上腕筋囲長(Midarm Muscle Circumferenceama:AMC)と上腕筋面積(Midarm Muscle Area:AMA)で良好な値を示していた.また,上腕周囲長(Midarm Circumference:AC)・上腕三頭筋皮下脂肪厚(Triceps Skinfold Thickness:TSF)・下腿周囲長(Calf Circumference:CC),AMC,AMAは,血液検査値と弱い正の相関がみられた.しかし,舌圧と食事摂取量は血液検査値との関連はなかった.【結論】老健の入所高齢者は,自立度に関係なく低栄養状態リスクの可能性が高いことが示唆された.また,老健では血液検査値に代わる栄養評価指標として,AC・TSF・CC・AMC・AMAが活用できる可能性が示唆された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
入所高齢者の栄養評価指標として舌圧・身体計測値はどの程度活用できるのか. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
日常ケアのなかで活用することで,高齢者の栄養ケア・マネジメントの早期介入が行える可能性がある. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Nutritional status associated with independence level of older adults in the Geriatric Health Service Facility in Japan and feasibilities of tongue pressure and physical measurement as objective nutritional indices- Adult-Gerontological Nursing, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki
- PhD, student, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Department of School of Health Science, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
- Clinical practicum-Fundamental Nursing, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Incidence and patient characteristics of aspiration pneumonia using a nursing screening flowchart in an acute hospital
(急性期病院における看護スクリーニングフローチャートを用いた 誤嚥性肺炎の発生率と患者特性)急性期病院における看護スクリーニングフローチャートを用いた誤嚥性肺炎の発生率と患者特性- 藤田医科大学病院看護部
- 藤田医科大学保健衛生学部社会実装看護創成研究センター
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
誤嚥性肺炎は高齢者の死因の上位に入るにもかかわらず,定量的な診断基準の策定がむずかしい病態である. 入院患者に対する誤嚥性肺炎の発生率はいまだ明確ではない. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究で開発したフローチャートを使えば,看護のリソースのみで誤嚥性肺炎患者のスクリーニングが可能となる.これまで見逃されてきたかもしれない誤嚥性肺炎の兆候を発見し,重症化する前のケア介入が期待できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Incidence and patient characteristics of aspiration pneumonia using a nursing screening flowchart in an acute hospital- Department of Nursing, Fujita Health University Hospital
- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of aspiration pneumonia and the characteristics of patients with aspiration pneumonia after admission to an acute hospital using a nursing screening flowchart. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from October 2020 to January 2021. In this study, we used the Dysphagia and Aspiration Pneumonia Patients’ Screening flowchart (DAS flowchart) we developed to identify hospitalized patients with aspiration pneumonia. Over the study period, 97 of 10,039 hospitalized patients were suspected to have or were diagnosed with pneumonia. Of these 97 patients, 73 (75.3%) patients had aspiration pneumonia. Thus, we determined that the incidence rate of aspiration pneumonia in this study was 0.73%. At least two of the following three physician’s diagnostic parameters were observed in 48 of the 73 patients (65.8%): body temperature 〓37.5℃, C-reactive protein level 〓20 mg/L, and white blood cell count 〓9,000/〓L. The DAS flowchart may be used to identify patients with aspiration pneumonia. However, further research is needed to investigate the validity of the DAS flowchart.