看護理工学会誌 10巻
原 著
(英文論文)Verification of the feeling of heat and stuffiness in a medical full wig using each material inner cap: A randomized crossover trial
(素材別インナーキャップを使用した医療用ウィッグの暑熱感の検証:クロスオーバー比較試験)素材別インナーキャップを使用した医療用ウィッグの暑熱感の検証:クロスオーバー比較試験- 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
がん化学療法で脱毛した患者は医療用ウィッグが必要となるが,着用時の暑さと蒸れがQOLを低下させる. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
今回の結果は,将来的に医療用ウィッグの改良を検討する際の一助となる可能性がある. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
ウィッグ,インナーキャップ,アピアランスケア,暑熱感,暑さと蒸れVerification of the feeling of heat and stuffiness in a medical full wig using each material inner cap: A randomized crossover trial- Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University
For patients who experience hair loss due to cancer chemotherapy, wigs are a necessary part of life. However, many patients are forced to stop wearing wigs because of the heat and stuffiness felt while wearing them. In this study, we compared and verified the ability of two inner cap materials used when wearing wigs, gauze or dry material (micro-polyester material that excels in the diffusion and evaporation of sweat), to reduce heat and stuffiness. A crossover comparison experiment was conducted in 20 healthy subjects. Each inner cap material was evaluated for 30 minutes in an environment experiment chamber set at temperature and humidity levels of midsummer in Japan. The amount of sweat, temperature, and relative humidity in the wigs were measured, and the participant’s body temperature was obtained using thermography. In the two subjects who sweated more, the amount of sweat was less with the dry material than with the gauze. However, there was no difference clearly in the temperature and humidity inside the wig and the subject’s feeling of heat and stuffiness due to the material of the inner cap. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a wig that can reduce the feeling of heat and stuffiness.
wig, inner cap, appearance care, heat and stuffiness, feeling heat and stuffy -
-動画像と姿勢推定アルゴリズムを用いた検討-- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科博士前期課程
- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科
- 神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
腹部が増大することは,日常生活動作に大きな影響を与える.そのため妊娠時は非妊娠時に比してさまざまな場面で日常生活動作の変化が生じると考えられますが,妊婦の動作時の負担感や不便さは表面化しにくいことから本研究を行いました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
今後,本研究で明らかになった動作パターンを課題動作とし,腹圧のかかり方などを定量的に調査することによって,妊婦の負担を軽減する動作を明らかにできると期待されます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
妊婦体験ジャケット,靴下着用動作,姿勢推定,主成分分析Changes in sock-wearing behavior and compensatory movements before and after wearing a materinty-simulation jacket
-Study using video images and pose estimation algorithms-- Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science Master’s course
- Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
- Kobe University Graduate School of System Informatics
As pregnancy progresses, the abdomen increases and pregnant women’s daily activities are expected to change. This study aimed to reproduce the changes in the body shape of pregnant females in third trimester using a maternity-simulation jacket, clarify the changes in movement patterns before and after wearing the jacket, and obtain useful suggestions for health guidance in pregnancy. Seventeen females were asked to put on socks in the sitting position before and after wearing the jacket; the characteristic changes in their movement were observed and evaluated from the recorded video images. Joint positions were estimated using a pose estimation algorithm, and three-dimensional coordinate information was extracted. Joint angles were calculated, and trends in movement patterns were analyzed using principal component analysis. In the end-occupant position, 8 (47.0%) wore socks with their thighs parallel to the mid-plane before wearing the device, and 9 (52.9%) wore socks with their hip joints in abduction and external rotation after wearing the device. The results suggest the necessity of using hip stretching and a sock-wearing self-help device.
maternity-simuration jacket, sock-wearing behavior, pose estimation, principal component analysis -
(英文論文)Influence of head-of-bed elevation on the measurement of inferior vena cava size using a pocket-sized ultrasound device in healthy male volunteers
(携帯型エコーによる健常成人男性の下大静脈径にヘッドアップが及ぼす影響)携帯型エコーによる健常成人男性の下大静脈径にヘッドアップが及ぼす影響- 石川県立看護大学基礎看護学講座
- 日本赤十字社諏訪赤十字病院看護部
- 国立病院機構医王病院看護部
- 藤田医科大学研究推進本部社会実装看護創成研究センター
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
右房圧のマーカーである下大静脈径は仰臥位でエコー計測するが,訪問看護ではヘッドアップして計測する必要もある. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
下大静脈径は血圧値のように体位の影響を受ける.ヘッドアップによる影響は,訪問看護や外来で患者がヘッドアップしていた場合のエコー計測のアセスメントに貢献しうる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
下大静脈,携帯型エコー,ヘッドアップ,アセスメントInfluence of head-of-bed elevation on the measurement of inferior vena cava size using a pocket-sized ultrasound device in healthy male volunteers- Department of Fundamental Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Nursing Department, Japanese Red Cross Suwa Hospital
- Nursing Department, National Hospital Organization Iou Hospital
- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, Research Promotion Headquarters, Fujita Health University
During in-home healthcare and outpatient visits, most patients are in a head-of-bed elevated position instead of supine position. Therefore, the inferior vena cava (IVC) with echocardiography must be examined in this position. In this study, we clarified (1) the IVC diameter changes after head-of-bed elevation, and (2) the difference in IVC diameters in differing head-of-bed elevation positions in 10 healthy adult males. First, we examined the diameters of the IVC every minute for 10 minutes after elevation of the head of bed from the supine position using a pocket-sized ultrasound device. The maximum diameter of the IVC increased rapidly for 1 minute after elevation of the head of bed and was stable thereafter. Next, we measured the diameter of the IVC in the supine position and head-of-bed elevation of 30°, 45°, 60°, and 75°. In our results, the maximum IVC diameter has increased significantly at the head-of-bed elevation 75° vs. the supine position. The IVC collapsibility index of all elevations was less than 50%, except in the supine position. Thus, when examining a patient in the head-of-bed elevation position, it is better to wait one minute after the change in position, as the diameter of the IVC will expand.
inferior vena cava, pocket-sized ultrasound device, head-of-bed elevation, assessment -
-健常皮膚に対する綿タオルとディスポーザブルタオル清拭の比較-- 金沢医科大学看護学部
- 石川県立看護大学
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
患者へ安全で安楽な清拭を行うために,使用するタオル素材についても十分に検討する必要があると感じたため. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
看護師の手技や素材による効果の違いを明らかにすることにより,質の高い清拭を行うことが可能となり,より安全なケアを提供することができる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
清拭,清拭圧,圧変動,可視化Wiping pressure of clinical nurses using pressure measurement film
-Comparison of cotton towel and disposable towel on normal skin-- Kanazawa Medical University School of Nursing
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
The purpose of this study was to clarify the wiping pressure and its variation with cotton towels and disposable towels as basic knowledge for examining wiping techniques using disposable towels. Twelve clinical nurses performed partial wiping using cotton or disposable towels on the medial portions of both forearms of the same healthy skin. To measure the wiping pressure, a pressure measurement film was applied to the wiping area. The pressure area, average pressure, maximum pressure, and load were calculated using a dedicated analysis software. The measurement range was divided into six sections, and the coefficient of variation for wiping pressure among the sections was calculated. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two conditions, and that the wiping pressure was almost the same for both the materials. These results suggested that clinical nurses used approximately the same pressure for skin wiping with the two towel materials.
bed bath, wiping pressure, pressure variability, visualization -
急性期病院一般病棟における終末期医療を含む Early Warning System の開発と実装急性期病院一般病棟における終末期医療を含むEarly Warning Systemの開発と実装
- 聖路加国際大学大学院看護学研究科成人看護学(急性期)
- 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
- 聖路加国際大学大学院看護学研究科
本研究では,終末期医療の対応を含むT病院版Early Warning System(以下,TEWS)を開発・実装し,看護実践への有効性を評価した.介入は看護師29人,患者88人を対象に行った.TEWS対象患者は1週間以上の入院を予定している胃がんもしくは食道がんの患者であり,看護師は患者の観察のたびにバイタルサインをスコア化し,TEWS対応表に従って行動した.実践は,自立度,不安・困難感,情報共有,予期せぬ有害事象にて評価した.その結果,TEWS導入により,有害事象の発生に変化はなく,「急変リスクの判断」「カンファレンス開催の提案」「医師への終末期検討の提案」の自立度および「重症患者の観察」「本人・家族への急変リスクの説明」の不安・困難感(p=0.0001〓0.044),情報共有に改善が示された.TEWSの実装は,看護実践の向上に一定の効果があり,チームの補完体制を強化したと考えられる.今後,患者の重症化予防や終末期を含む意思決定の支援に繋がる可能性が示唆された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
一般病棟にて状態が悪化する患者の対応をテーマとした.Early Warning Scoreを用いたシステムの開発と実装により,看護実践の向上に繋げたいと考えたのがきっかけである. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
入院患者の重症化予防や終末期医療を含む患者自らの意思決定. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
早期警告スコア,ラピットレスポンスシステム,意思決定支援,終末期ケアDevelopment and implementation of a modified Early Warning System including end-of-life care for patients in general wards of an acute-care hospital- Department of Adult Nursing (Acute), Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke’s International University
- Nursing Department, The University of Tokyo Hospital
- Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke’s International University
This study aimed to develop and implement a modified Early Warning System (TEWS) including end-of-life care. The effectiveness of its implementation was evaluated in nursing practice. Twenty-nine nurses and 88 patients with gastric or esophageal cancer who were expected to stay in the hospital for more than one week were enrolled. Nurses scored the vital signs and provided care according to TEWS. The implementation of TEWS was evaluated based on the following outcomes: changes in technical independence and anxiety/difficulty of nurses, and information sharing within the team related to patient deterioration, and unexpected adverse events. The results showed that TEWS significantly improved the degree of technical independence (judgment of deterioration risk, conduct a case conference, suggestion of end-of-life consideration to doctors), anxiety/difficulty (observation of critically ill patients, explanation of exacerbation risk to the patient and family) (p=0.0001 to 0.044), and information sharing within the team. No significant increase in adverse events was observed. In conclusion, the implementation of TEWS effectively improved nursing practice, suggesting that information sharing strengthened team approach. Moreover, it can prevent patient deterioration and improve decision-making in end-of-life care.
early warning score, rapid response system, supporting decision making, end-of-life care -
- 金沢大学大学院新学術創成研究科融合科学共同専攻
- 藤田医科大学病院看護部
- 金沢大学新学術創成研究機構
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属AIホスピタル・マクロシグナルダイナミクス研究開発センター
- 石川県立看護大学
- 藤田医科大学研究推進本部社会実装看護創成研究センター
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
誤嚥性肺炎を早期にかつ非侵襲的に検出できるマーカーを口腔内から探索するための第一段階として,口腔サンプルを採取する方法について解析しました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究から導き出された手法を用いて口腔サンプルを採取し,誤嚥性肺炎発症マーカーを見つけ出すことで,早期発見が可能になることが期待されます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
誤嚥性肺炎,唾液タンパク質,頬粘膜,口腔ケアスポンジ,プロテオミクスInvestigation of buccal mucosa salivary protein collection methods from salivary proteins and evaluation by proteomic analysis with the goal of detecting the development of aspiration pneumonia- Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University
- Nursing Department, Fujita Health University Hospital
- Institute for Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University
- AI Hospital/Macro Signal Dynamics Research and Development Center, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, Innovation Promotion Division, Fujita Health University
Aspiration pneumonia (AP), one of the major causes of death in the older people, does not accompany typical symptoms of pneumonia in the early stages of onset. This characteristic makes AP difficult to detect and treat early. We have been engaging in development of biomarkers for the detection and focusing on salivary proteins, which contains various immune-related proteins. Because spitting out saliva is often difficult for older people, in this present study we report the optimized method to collect saliva proteins from buccal mucosa. First, we compared types of oral care products, optimized scrubbing method and number of times to scrub, and tested the effects of moisturizer. Our results showed that the best method was to use a sponge brush and rub the buccal mucosa from the back to the front 10 times. Next, we examined whether our method could collect the immune-related saliva proteins by shotgun proteomics using LC-MS/MS. Of the 2,758 salivary proteins registered in the database, 1,732 were detected including α-amylase and IgA, showing that this method is applicable.
aspiration pneumonia, salivary proteins, buccal mucosa, oral care sponge, proteomics -
(英文論文)Effect of a UV-free, carbon-arc phototherapy on eczema of a 3-year-old child:
a single-case experimental study
(6歳児の皮膚炎に対する非紫外線カーボンアーク灯可視光線療法の効果:シングルケース実験研究)3歳児の皮膚炎に対する非紫外線カーボンアーク灯可視光線療法の効果:シングルケース実験研究- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学分野
- 横浜市立大学医学研究科看護学専攻
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 藤田医科大学保健医療学部基礎・統合看護学分野
- 次世代看護教育研究所
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
- 石川県立看護大学
背景:小児湿疹に対し,紫外線光線療法を長期間行うことは有害である.本研究の目的は紫外線を含まない可視光線療法の小児湿疹への効果を検討することである.方法:シングルケース実験デザイン研究.3週間の非照射期間のあと,30分間の光線療法を週3回,5週間行った.評価項目は,Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure(POEM),経表皮水分蒸散量(TEWL),皮膚表面水分量,pH,TSLP,IL-4,IL-13とした.結果:症例は中等度の湿疹を有する3歳男児で,10ヵ月間の治療を経ても悪化していた.照射・非照射期間を比較しPOEMは臨床的に有意に低下していた.炎症部のTEWLも低下傾向を示した.結論:紫外線を含まない可視光線療法により,かゆみが改善したことで,掻き動作やそれに伴う出血が軽減した.このことから,本療法が小児湿疹の改善に一定の効果をもたらす可能性が示唆された.今後は客観的指標による皮膚バリア機能の改善効果を検証する必要がある.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
小児患者と家族のQOLを低下させる皮膚炎への非紫外線光線療法のエビデンスを構築したいと考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
副作用のない非紫外線光線療法は看護・介護ケアの選択肢として,患者や家族の負担や不安が軽減できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
湿疹,可視光線療法,シングルケース実験デザイン,スキンブロッティング,経表皮水分蒸散量Effect of a UV-free, carbon-arc phototherapy on eczema of a 3-year-old child: A single-case experimental study- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Faculty of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
- Research Institute of Next Generation Nursing Education
- Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
Background: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation phototherapy is used for the management of common skin diseases. However, UV radiation phototherapy has side effects and its long-term use may harm children. This study aimed to investigate the effect of UV-free carbon-arc visible-light phototherapy in children with eczema in Japan. Methods: A single-case experimental design involving a 3-year-old child was used. After three weeks of the no-irradiation phase, 30-min of phototherapy was applied three times weekly for five weeks. Outcome measures were mother-reported Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) and skin condition (transepidermal water loss (TEWL), capacitance, pH, TSLP, IL-4, and IL-13). Results: The patient was a 3-year-old boy with moderate eczema, which continued to relapse for 10 months, even with antiallergic agents and topical emollients. The POEM scores showed a clinically significant decrease during the phototherapy phase compared to those in the no-irradiation phase. The TEWL at eczematous sites also showed a decreasing trend. Conclusions: This finding suggests that UV-free visible phototherapy may alleviate eczema in children by decreasing itching, scratching, and bleeding. Further research with a longer period is warranted to investigate the effect of improving skin barrier function with objective assessment.
dermatitis, UV-free phototherapy, single-case experimental design, skin blotting, transepidermal water loss -
- 大分県立看護科学大学看護学部
【はじめに】筋活動を効果的に促進する方法として,運動中のかけ声がある.本研究の目的は,立ち上がり動作(以下,STS)に影響を与える因子である体幹前傾角度(姿勢)と筋活動を促進することが報告されているかけ声の関連について検討することである.【方法】20人の健常成人男性を対象とし,STS時の筋活動を表面筋電図計で測定した.主観的評価(負荷)には,マグニチュード評定値を用いた.各筋の%MVC(%maximum voluntary contraction)とマグニチュード評定値を従属変数,発声の有無と姿勢条件を実験変数とし,二元配置分散分析を行った.【結果】脊柱起立筋において交互作用を認め,体幹をできるだけ前傾させるSTS姿勢では,発声することで%MVCが小さくなった.股関節伸筋(大殿筋,大腿二頭筋)では,主効果を認め,発声することで%MVCは大きくなった.主観的評価で主効果を認め,発声しないほうが負荷を感じていた.【考察】股関節伸筋を効果的に使ったSTSを行うためには,かけ声の発声が有効であることが示唆された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
誤立ち上がり動作の効果的なアプローチがテーマにあり,臨床で対象者のかけ声を発声する場面から主観的な負担の軽減に効果があるのか興味をもったのがきっかけです. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
立ち上がり動作の困難事例に対し,効果的な方法の提案に貢献できると考えます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
立ち上がり動作,かけ声,表面筋電図,マグニチュード推定法Effects of voluntary vocalization“Dokkoisho”and forward leaning of the trunk from the sitting to standing position on muscle activity of the trunk and lower-limb muscles- School of Nursing, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
One method to effectively promote muscle activities is the vocalization of verbal calls during exercise. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the angle of forward trunk tilt (posture) and vocalization. The angle of forward trunk tilt is a factor that influences the sit-to-stand (STS) motion, while the vocalization has been reported to promote muscle activity. The study participants were 20 healthy adult men. Electromyography data were normalized by maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) values and set as %MVC. The magnitude evaluation value was used for the subjective evaluation of standing motion load. The %MVC of each muscle, the magnitude value, and the trunk forward tilt angle were set as dependent variables, and with or without vocalization and three posture conditions (normal STS, STS while leaning the trunk forward as much as possible, and STS while keeping the trunk as vertical as possible) were set as experimental variables. Two-way analysis of variance was then carried out. Vocalizing during STS increased muscle activity in the hip extensors (gluteus maximus and biceps femoris), but subjective assessments showed a reduction in load. The findings suggest that vocalization during STS effectively uses hip extensors and subjectively reduces the load.
sit-to-stand, vocalization, surface electromyography, magnitude evaluation -
- 石川県立看護大学
現在の「子ども・子育て新支援制度」下でも母親が未就業の家庭の3歳未満児は通園による保育サービスの対象外である.そこで本研究では,在宅育児家庭の3歳未満児に対して通園に準じた保育サービスを提供するA県の事業をモデルケースとして,保育士からみた通園に準じた保育の効果を明らかにすることを目的とした.保育士9人を対象にグループインタビューを実施し,語られた内容の質的分析を行った.その結果,母親への効果として<母親が外とのつながりができる><母親が子育てについて学べる><母親がエンパワーされる><母親の考え方が変化する>という効果がみられた.子どもにとっても<発達の広がり>の側面で効果がみられた.よって,在宅育児家庭の3歳未満児の保育は母子双方へ有益であることが示され,今後information and communications technologyやロボットなどの導入による保育の負担軽減と効率化を図ることで,3歳未満児の保育が在宅育児家庭へも普及拡大することが望まれる.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
現状では保育サービスを受けることができない在宅育児家庭の3歳未満児を,保育施設で保育することがもたらす効果についてをテーマにしています. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
通園保育が拡がることで,3歳未満児を在宅で育児する養育者の不安や負担軽減につながると考えます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
子育て支援,保育士,未就園児Effectiveness of a day care by going to a nursery school for families raising children at home in Prefecture A from the perspective of nursery teachers- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
This study aimed to clarify the effectiveness of a day care by going to a nursery school for children under three years old from the perspective of nursery teachers, using the project in Prefecture A, which provides daycare services for children under the age of three that are similar to those given at nursery schools. The study conducted a group interview with nine nursery teachers and qualitatively analyzed their comments. The result revealed the effectiveness of the project for mothers in the following ways: Establishing contact with people and places outside their homes, learning about raising children, empowering them, and finding a new way to think. The effectiveness for children in terms of broadening their development is also demonstrated. Thus, the study shows that a day care by going to a nursery school for children under the age of three benefits both mothers and children. We should expand this type of daycare for pre-kindergarten children by reducing the burden of care and improving efficiency with the use of information and communications technology and robots in the future.
childcare support, nursery teacher, prekindergarten child -
- 石川県立看護大学母性・小児看護学講座
- 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻博士後期課程
本研究は,妊婦の身体活動に対する保健指導の実践内容と妊婦の実施状況を縦断的に明らかにした.妊婦健康診査を妊娠20週から40週まで録画または録音し,逐語録を作成した.身体活動の会話は5A’sモデルとThe Roter interaction analysis systemで分析した.対象は45歳の初妊婦1名であった.平均発話時間は医師41秒,看護師58秒,妊婦46秒であった.妊婦は休日に1時間の歩行習慣があり,医療専門職から歩行時間の延長,坂道で負荷をかけること,毎日運動することを保健指導された.妊婦はこれらを妊娠後期に実施した.医療専門職は健診ごとに生活習慣と医学的状態の情報収集を行っていたが,妊婦に関節痛があることは会話から引き出せなかった.身体活動の評価指標がないため十分に評価が行われず,妊婦に合った保健指導であるか判断できなかった.会話技術の向上と身体活動の評価指標の開発が必要である.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
妊娠に伴う体の変化に合わせた身体活動の保健指導をテーマにしている.身体活動の指標はガイドラインに提示されているが,具体的な方法の提示はないため,身体活動の保健指導の課題を調査した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
身体活動の保健指導を妊婦に具体的な内容で実施することに貢献する.個々の妊婦に合った保健指導を行う医療コミュニケーションの改善にも貢献する. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
妊婦,身体活動,保健指導,5A’sモデル,医療コミュニケーションLongitudinal observation of health guidance on physical activity during pregnancy- Department of Maternal-Child Health Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Doctoral Course, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
This study longitudinally clarified the content of health guidance practices for physical activity during pregnancy and pregnant women’s compliance with the guidance. Health examinations for women at 20 to 40 weeks of pregnancy were video-or tape-recorded, and narrative records were created. Conversations related to health guidance on physical activity were analyzed using the 5A’s model and the Roter interaction analysis system. The subject was 1 primigravida aged 45. The mean speech times of the doctor, nurse, and pregnant woman were 41, 58, and 46 seconds, respectively. The pregnant woman had a habit of walking for an hour on holidays. During health guidance, the medical professionals instructed her to extend her walking time, increase the load by walking uphill, and exercise every day. She implemented these in the last trimester of her pregnancy. The medical professionals collected information about her lifestyle and medical condition each time, but they could not elicit the fact that she had joint pain from the conversations. Lacking relevant indicators, they were unable to sufficiently assess her physical activity and determine whether the health guidance was suitable for her. The results indicate the necessity of improving conversation skills and developing indicators for physical activity assessment.
pregnant women, physical activity, health guidance, five A’s model, medical communication -
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京医科歯科大学大学院保健衛生学研究科在宅・緩和ケア看護学分野
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
- 石川県立看護大学
- 香川大学医学部看護学科基礎看護学講座
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
自ら痒みを訴えることが困難な寝たきり高齢者の瘙痒症が見落とされ,適切なケアが施されていない問題に着目した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
高齢者の痒みを訴えがなくとも発見し,痒みを軽減するケアを行うことで,高齢者のQOLを改善することができる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
動物モデル,C線維,ドライスキン,痒み,瘙痒症C-fiber numbers increase in the epidermis and papillary dermis of dry skin-derived itch-prone model rats- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Division of Health Science and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Home Health and Palliative Care Nursing, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Fundamental Nursing, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
It is difficult for nurses to know when patients experience the sensation of itching. This is especially true when it comes to older patients with advanced cognitive impairment, since they may not be able to communicate with the nursing staff. An objective identification and evaluation method in regards to itching would therefore help nurses provide appropriate care. As a first step, we have created an itch-prone rat model exhibiting an increased number of C fibers, thus mimicking the dry-skin model. To accomplish this, acetone/diethyl ether mixture/distilled water treatment was applied to the skin. We observed for the first time an increase in the number of C fibers in the papillary dermis using this treatment. A similar increase was also found in the epidermis, consistent with previous studies. The results of current study suggest that the increase in the number of C fibers in the epidermis reflects nerve elongation, while the increase of these fibers in the papillary dermis is due to a promotion of nerve branching. As there are no reports of branching at the ends of C fibers in relation to itching, further research is required in this area.
animal model, C fibers, dry skin, itching, pruritus -
- ピジョン株式会社
- 株式会社構造計画研究所
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
搾乳器の研究開発にあたって,乳房から排乳するメカニズムを知りたいと考えたことがきっかけでした. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
排乳メカニズムの解明により,母乳育児を望む方への支援に貢献できると考えています. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
助産師,乳房マッサージ,搾乳器,動作解析,有限要素法(FEM)Mechanical effects of a midwife massage and breast pumps on breasts- Pigeon Corporation
- Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc.
Breast massages performed by midwives or breast pumps are used in breast care for lactating women. However, the mechanical effects of a load exerted on the breasts remain unclear. Therefore, we prepared three-dimensional models for breasts, fingers (including thumbs), and a breast pump, and then used finite element method simulations to identify the mechanical effects of the above methods on breasts. A comparison of a breast massage administered by a midwife with the suction of breast pumps confirmed the differences in the position and direction of their tensile and compressive actions on the breasts. However, both resulted in mechanical effects inside the breast tissue, believed to be driven by changes in the position and direction of localized pressure and by the shape of the flange in a massage administered by a midwife and using breast pumps, respectively. In addition, the exerted tension or compression acts on the area just below the nipple. Thus, it can be surmised that the milk ducts, which converge directly below the nipples, are compressed in a direction perpendicular to their orientation, suggesting that this action may contribute to milk ejection.
midwife, breast massage, breast pump, motion analysis, finite element method (FEM) -
Comparing the alarm detectability of electronic axillary thermometer in older adults aged 70 years or more: buzzer alarm, vibration alarm, or buzzer/vibration alar
(70歳以上高齢者における腋窩電子体温計のアラーム検知の比較: ブザーアラーム,振動アラーム,ブザー/振動アラーム)70歳以上高齢者における腋窩電子体温計のアラーム検知の比較:ブザーアラーム,振動アラーム,ブザー/振動アラーム- 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンターケアイノベーション創生部門
- 石川県立看護大学
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
・今回は70歳以上の高齢者を対象に,振動・低音域ブザーといった新しいアラームを有する腋窩体温計を用いて,どのアラームが最も聞き取れるか評価した. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
70歳以上の高齢者は振動アラーム付き腋窩体温計を使用すれば振動を検知できるため,病院または自宅でサポートがなくても正確に体温管理ができる可能性がある. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
加齢,認知機能低下,難聴Comparing the alarm detectability of electronic axillary thermometer in older adults aged 70 years or more: buzzer alarm, vibration alarm, or buzzer/vibration alarm- Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Division of Care Innovation, Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
This study aimed to compare the detectability of four alarms among two kinds of axillary thermometers in adults aged 〓70 years. In this randomized crossover study, the detectability of four alarms was assessed using within-subject differences between a reference (A) and a new thermometer with lower frequency and higher volume (B1), vibration (B2), and both functions (B3). The seconds was calculated by subtracting the time buzzer or vibration going off, from the time participant detected it. Positive detectability was defined as below 5 seconds. Complete data of 47 participants (mean age, 79.7 years) were collected. The numbers (proportions) of participants able to detect the alarm of A, B1, B2, and B3 was 19 (40.4%), 31 (65.9%), 46 (97.8%), and 46 (97.8%), respectively. A generalized linear mixed-effects model analysis, alarm detection was positively associated with alarm type, and age, but not between Mini-Mental State Examination. The odds ratios (95% confidence interval, P value) of B1, B2, B3, and age were 4.98 (1.15 to 21.51, P=0.031), 688.92 (23.36 to 20316.95, P<0.001), 688.92 (23.36 to 20316.95, P<0.001), and 0.81(0.67 to 0.99; P=0.042), respectively. Vibration was the most important variable that allowed for easier detection of alarms in this group, with or without cognitive impairment.
aging, cognitive impairment, hearing loss -
Development and applicability of a virtual environment teaching material for early puerperal hemorrhage scenarios
(産褥早期における出血場面の仮想環境型教材の開発と活用性)産褥早期における出血場面の仮想環境型教材の開発と活用性- 福井県立大学看護福祉学部看護学科
- 滋賀県立大学先端工学研究院
- 元滋賀県立大学人間看護学部人間看護学科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
助産の安全管理の必要性から,仮想環境型教材の開発に取り組んだことがきっかけである. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
遭遇する機会が少ない場面の学習を補え,学内演習でも実習のイメージ化ができる.さらにその行動を評価でき,繰り返し使用できる教材である. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
仮想環境型教材,産褥早期出血,開発,活用性Development and applicability of a virtual environment teaching material for early puerperal hemorrhage scenarios- Faculty of Nursing and Social Welfare Sciences, Fukui Prefectural University
- Department of Materials and Science, School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture
- Former School of Human Nursing, the University of Shiga Prefecture School
We developed a virtual environment teaching material for early puerperal hemorrhage scenarios and evaluated the intended scenarios and system-related contents to determine its applicability in education. For experimentation, we reproduced a delivery room environment using virtual reality (VR) teaching materials, where the participant’s gaze is sequentially measured using VIVE Pro Eye (HTC Co.) head-mounted display with gaze detection function and bulletin system that selects necessary actions by closely monitoring the predicted threat; these results are immediately stored in a PC. This study included 17 midwifery students and 14 midwives. In general, this VR material for early puerperal hemorrhage scenarios was highly rated in terms of its immersiveness, depth, informativity, and educational value. The midwives had significantly shorter total duration of display of the question boards and higher mean head movement speed when the question board was not displayed. The midwives had opinions about adding focus points. Our findings suggest the possibility that the VR teaching material developed here is useful in training of clinical midwives and midwifery students. For the development of more interactive VR teaching materials, the informativity and focus points of this VR teaching material should be reviewed, and VR motion sickness should also be considered.
virtual environment teaching material, early puerperal hemorrhage, development, applicability -
-唾液指標による分娩進行モニタリング法の考案-- 兵庫県立大学大学院応用情報科学研究科博士後期課程
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
墜落分娩や急産には,いまだに診断指針がなく,分娩時刻の予測が困難であること. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
唾液コルチゾールによる分娩進行状態のモニタリングが,前記の予防と早期診断に繋がる可能性がある. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
母体ストレス,分娩進行,唾液測定Relationship between intrapartum lacrimation and salivary cortisol: Devised method for delivery progress monitoring using saliva indices- Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo
This study aimed to investigate and verify the applicability of salivary cortisol, amylase, and oxytocin as objective markers of labor progress. Methods: Saliva samples were collected from 10 healthy females during the first stage (cervical dilation of 6-7 cm) and 2 h and 2 days after delivery. Results: The salivary cortisol concentration decreased significantly at three phases; moreover, the difference in cortisol concentration between the first stage and the second day of labor was significantly associated with the presence/absence of lacrimation up to the second day of labor. No significant associations were noted for amylase and oxytocin. Discussion: The cortisol concentration level was the most objective measure of pain and stress during childbirth; furthermore, the salivary cortisol concentration was the sixth highest in women without a distressed facial expression, reflecting labor progression. This study suggests the usefulness of salivary cortisol concentration as an objective monitoring method, which can be possibly used for precipitate delivery and prolonged delivery.
maternal stress, labor progress, salivary monitoring -
Association of salivary Porphyromonas gingivalis with frequency of meals, smoking history and oral care in pregnant women: a cross-sectional study
(妊婦の唾液中Porphyromonas gingivalis量と食事回数・喫煙歴・口腔ケアとの関連:横断研究)妊婦の唾液中Porphyromonas gingivalis量と食事回数・喫煙歴・口腔ケアとの関連:横断研究- 済生会横浜市東部病院6階西病棟
- 山形大学大学院医学系研究科看護学専攻
- 福島県立医科大学看護学部
- 福島県立医科大学大学院看護学研究科看護生命科学
- 福島県立医科大学医学部附属放射性同位元素研究施設
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻
妊婦の唾液中歯周病菌の1つであるPorphyromonas gingivalis(P. gingivalis)の濃度と食事頻度,喫煙歴,口腔ケアとの関連を検討する.方法:75人の妊婦を対象に,妊娠中期と妊娠後期にオンラインによる自記式質問調査と唾液サンプルの収集を行った.唾液中P. gingivalisの測定は,リアルタイムPCRによって定量的に検出した.妊娠中期および後期における唾液中P. gingivalisと食事回数,口腔ケア,喫煙歴との関連は,Mann-Whitney U検定とSpearman順位相関を用いて分析した.結果:妊婦の食事頻度は,妊娠中期,後期ともにP. gingivalisの密度と関連はなかった.喫煙歴は,妊娠中期(P=0.007),後期(P>0.001)ともにP. gingivalisの密度の増加と有意に関連していた.歯磨きの回数は,妊娠後期のP. gingivalisの密度と負の相関がみられた(rs=-0.270,P=0.04).結論:妊娠期の歯周病菌の1つである歯周病P. gingivalisの増加は,喫煙歴と歯磨き回数と関連することが示唆された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
歯周病菌の1つであるP. gingivalisは,早産に影響を与える歯周病菌として注目されているが,妊娠期のP. gingivalisの増殖の要因は明らかにされていない.そこで,妊婦の唾液中P. gingivalis密度と食事の頻度,喫煙歴,口腔ケアとの関連をテーマとした. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
妊娠期のP. gingivalisの増殖の要因が明らかになれば,妊婦の歯周病予防につながる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
妊娠期に増加するプロゲステロンやエストロゲンとP. gingivalisの密度との関連の検討.
妊婦,Porphyromonas gingivalis,食事回数,喫煙歴,口腔ケアAssociation of salivary Porphyromonas gingivalis with frequency of meals, smoking history and oral care in pregnant women: a cross-sectional study- Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital 6th floor West Ward
- Department of Clinical Nursing, Graduate School of Medical Science, Yamagata University
- Department of Midwifery and Maternal Nursing, School of Nursing, Fukushima Medical University
- Department of Life Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing, Fukushima Medical University
- Radioisotope Research Center, School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
- Division of Health Sciences & Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
To examine the relationships between the density of Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) in the saliva of pregnant women and meal frequency, smoking history and oral care. Methods: Seventy-five pregnant women were asked to complete an online self-administered questionnaire, and their saliva samples were collected. Quantitative detection of P. gingivalis in saliva during pregnancy was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The associations of salivary P. gingivalis with the number of meals, oral care, and smoking history in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman’s rank correlation analysis. Results: No association between the number of meals and density of P. gingivalis was observed in the second and third trimesters. However, smoking history was significantly associated with increased density of P. gingivalis in both the second (P=0.007) and third trimesters (P<0.001). In addition, tooth brushing frequency was negatively correlated with the density of P. gingivalis in the third trimester (rs=-0.270, P=0.04). Conclusion: Our study suggest that a history of smoking and less frequent tooth brushing are associated with increased density of P. gingivalis.
pregnant women, Porphyromonas gingivalis, frequency of meals, smoking history, oral care
- 立命館大学理工学部ロボティクス学科
- 札幌市立大学デザイン学部人間情報デザインコース
本稿では,歯茎モデルと計測用センサの着脱が可能な口腔ケアシミュレータを提案した.ねじり操作だけでモデルの交換が可能な接合パーツを構築し,歯茎モデルと接合パーツが一体形状となったモデルを設計した.モデルはオーバーハング部分の傾斜がすべて45°以上で設計されているため,一般的なFDM(fused deposition modeling)方式の3Dプリンタでサポート材を使用せずに出力することができる.さらに本稿では,人工プラークを用いた練習方法に対応した表面加工方法について検証した.また,接合パーツのみを出力して既存のモデルに設置することで,市販の歯茎モデルなどを使用する方法についても示した.提案するシミュレータではモデルの交換が容易なため,さまざまな形状や疾患の歯茎について練習でき,計測用センサを複数人の練習者で共有することも可能である.試作機を用いた検証実験より,さまざまなモデルに対しブラシの接触位置,法線力,接線力をリアルタイムで計測できることを確認した.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
センシングが可能な口腔ケアシミュレータを,教育に導入するうえで生じるコストの問題に着目している. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
センシングが可能な口腔ケアシミュレータを用いた,多人数を対象とした口腔ケア教育が実現できると考えられる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Model-replaceable oral care simulator for oral care education- Department of Robotics, Ritsumeikan University
- Course of Communication Design for Human Life, School of Design, Sapporo City University
In this paper, we proposed a measurable oral care simulator that can be easily attached and detached the gum model and measurement sensor. We proposed joint parts that can be attached and detached only by twisting, and designed a model which the gum model and the joint part are integrated. Since the model is designed with the overhang part tilted at 45 degree or more, it can be printed with a general FDM (fused deposition modeling) 3D printer without using support structures. Furthermore, in this paper, we validated the surface processing of the gum model for the training using artificial plaque. We also presented the joint part for a commercial gum model. In the proposed simulator, models can be easily exchanged, therefore, it can practice with gum models that simulated various shapes and diseases gums. It is also possible to share a measurement sensor with multiple persons to practice. The prototype of the proposed simulator was fabricated. It was confirmed that the contact position, normal force, and tangential force of the brush can be measured in real time for various gum models.
oral care simulator, nursing education, force sensor
- 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
大学病院において,弾性ストッキング着用によるMDRPUの発生率は上位を占めています.しかし,臨床の看護師が実施している弾性ストッキングの着脱ケアは個々の判断に委ねられている現状があることから,今回は実際に周術期に弾性ストッキングを着用する術後患者の下肢の皮膚の組織血流状態を検証しました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
弾性ストッキングの着脱ケアの指標を示していくための基礎データとすることで,MDRPUの予防に貢献できると考えています. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Changes in transcutaneous oxygen pressure associated with the use of elastic compression knee-high socks:Two cases received heart surgery- Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
(英文論文)Brain state discrimination based on near-infrared spectroscopy of prefrontal cortical region in patients with severe physical impairment
(重度肢体不自由者を対象とした前頭前皮質領域の近赤外分光法に基づく脳活動状態判別)弾重度肢体不自由者を対象とした前頭前皮質領域の近赤外分光法に基づく脳活動状態判別- 名古屋工業大学大学院工学研究科
- 名古屋医健スポーツ専門学校
重度肢体不自由を呈する神経疾患患者にとって,意思を表出する手段の確保は非常に重要である.本研究は,事例研究による前頭前皮質を関心領域とした光トポグラフィーに基づく脳活動状態の判別性能の調査を目的とした.意思疎通能力が残存する神経疾患患者3名を対象に,安静状態および暗算遂行状態の脳活動を近赤外分光法にて計測した.取得した生体信号から統計量に基づく特徴量を抽出し,機械学習手法を用いて脳活動状態を判別した.判別モデルによる予測の正答数は,参加者Aが36回中30回(p< .01),Bが24回中18回(p< .05),Cが60回中48回(p< .01)であり,偶然確率との正確二項検定でいずれも有意差を認めた.以上から,脳活動状態と意思との対応を規定することで,脳活動状態に基づき意思を表出するBrain-Computer Interfaceへ応用できる可能性が示唆された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
光トポグラフィーを用いて神経難病患者の脳活動状態を判別可能か事例研究によって調査することをテーマとしている. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
重度運動機能障害によって意思表出の手段を絶たれた患者のコミュニケーションへの応用が期待できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Brain state discrimination based on near-infrared spectroscopy of prefrontal cortical region in patients with severe physical impairment- Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Nagoya College of Medical Health and Sports
Neurological patients with severe physical impairment require a means of expressing their intentions. Using a case study, we aimed to examine the discriminative performance of brain states based on optical topography, with the prefrontal cortex as the region of interest. Brain activity in three neurological patients with residual ability to communicate was measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in the resting state and the state of performing mental arithmetic. Statistical-based features were extracted from the acquired physiological signals, and brain states were classified using machine-learning methods. The number of correct predictions by the discriminant model was 30 out of 36 for participant A (p< .01), 18 out of 24 for participant B (p< .05), and 48 out of 60 for participant C (p< .01), all of which were significantly different from the results of the exact binomial test with chance probability. These results suggest that the brain-computer interface can be applied to communication based on brain activity by defining a correspondence between brain state and intention.
-初学者と熟練者の比較-- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科博士前期課程
- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科
- 神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
看護技術を学ぶ際に感覚やイメージで補われている部分を量的に可視化できないかと考えたこと. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究の限界と課題をもとに研究を重ねることで,看護技術習得における資料を得られると考える. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Visualization of hand position of Leopold’s maneuvers using video image and the pose estimation and questionnaire survey of observation details
-Comparison of beginners vs. experts-- Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science Master’s Course
- Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
- Kobe University Graduate School of System Informatics
Relationship between stress status and smartwatch-measured stress indicators in postpartum women: A pilot study0
(産後女性のストレス状態とスマートウォッチが測定する ストレス指標との関連:パイロットスタディ)産後女性のストレス状態とスマートウォッチが測定するストレス指標との関連:パイロットスタディ- 筑波大学人間総合科学学術院人間総合科学研究群看護科学学位プログラム
- 信州大学医学部保健学科
- 筑波大学医学医療系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
産後の女性は日常的にストレス状態を抱えていますが,それらはおもに質問紙によって評価されています.そのため,産後女性の日常生活におけるストレス状態を定量的かつ連続的に評価する方法はないかと考え,本研究を行いました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
スマートウォッチなどのウェアラブルデバイスを使用して,産後女性の日常生活のストレス状態を客観的に評価できるのではないかと考えます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Relationship between stress status and smartwatch-measured stress indicators in postpartum women: A pilot study- Doctoral Program in Nursing Science, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shinshu University
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- びわこ学院大学教育福祉学部
- 筑波大学医学医療系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
産後女性の多くが骨盤底筋体操をむずかしいと感じている.そこで,体操が容易に理解でき,骨盤底筋力の強化が期待できる骨盤内の可視化を特徴とするアニメーション指導媒体の開発を試みた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
開発した指導媒体は,実験結果の検討において有用性が示された.今後,産後ケアツールとしての活用や将来的にはデジタルヘルスとして貢献できる可能性がある. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Development and its usefulness of an animated instructional video for pelvic floor muscle exercises featuring visualization for postpartum women- Department of Education Welfare, Biwako-Gakuin University
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba