看護理工学会誌 11巻
原 著
- 社会福祉法人敬寿会特別養護老人ホーム東京敬寿園
- 国際医療福祉大学小田原保健医療学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
摂食嚥下場面において,姿勢が修正されないまま,食事をしている場面に遭遇することがあり,頸部姿勢の崩れが嚥下動態に与える影響をテーマとした. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
医療機関以外の環境下でも,非侵襲的な方法を用いて,口腔期・咽頭期の定量的な評価・計測が行えること. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
頸部姿勢,嚥下,反応時間,表面筋電図Effects of different neck posture on swallowing dynamics at the oral and pharyngeal stages of swallowing- Special Nursing Home for the Elderly Tokyo Keijuen, Social Welfare Corporation Keijukai
- School of Health Sciences at Odawara, International University of Health and Welfare
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different neck postures on the oral and pharyngeal stages of swallowing dynamics using non-invasive methods. Twenty-two healthy young adults were recruited as subjects, and four different neck postures were tested. The subjects swallowed 8 mL of water while electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from the supraspinatus and orbicularis oris muscles using surface EMG. The time of the oral stage, EMG action potentials, and visual analogue scale scores were collected as outcomes. The results suggest that the flexed position suppresses the activity of swallowing-related muscles during the pharyngeal stage, on the other hand, it takes more time for the water to be pumped into the pharynx during the oral stage. The results also suggest the usefulness of using EMG to analyze the time from the start of orbicularis oculi muscle activity to the start of suprahyoid muscle activity as an indicator of the oral stage.
neck posture,swallowing,reaction time,surface electromyography -
Cognitive function severity screening based on drawing features of the clock drawing test using machine learning
(機械学習を用いた時計描画テストの描画特徴に基づく認知機能重症度スクリーニング)機械学習を用いた時計描画テストの描画特徴に基づく認知機能重症度スクリーニング- 修文大学短期大学部
- 名古屋工業大学大学院工学研究科
- 名古屋医健スポーツ専門学校
- 南医療生協かなめ病院
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
認知症の臨床評価に使用される時計描画テストに機械学習を適用することで,認知症スクリーニングのプロセスを定量化することをテーマとしている. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
認知症重症度の判別に有用な描画特徴の知見を提供し,医療従事者による認知症スクリーニングの効率化への貢献が期待できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
認知症,軽度認知機能障害,神経心理学的検査,アセスメント,機械学習Cognitive function severity screening based on drawing features of the clock drawing test using machine learning- Shubun University Junior College
- Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Nagoya College of Medical Health and Sports
- Minami Health-Medical Cooperative Kaname Hospital
The number of patients with dementia is increasing worldwide and there is a need to improve the efficiency of cognitive function assessment to assist healthcare professionals in the screening process. We investigated the screening performance for cognitive severity by applying machine learning to a clock-drawing test. The 77 elderly subjects were assigned to the dementia group (COG), the mild cognitive impairment group (MCI), and the healthy group (HC). Clock drawing test was measured for 14 drawing features with or without anomalies as a binary score. A discriminant model was constructed using a pairwise method with a support vector machine. We also investigated the drawing features that contribute to the discrimination, using the feature importance of random forests. The classification accuracy was 70% for the COG versus MCI, 76% for the COG versus HC, and 56% for the MCI versus HC. In addition, for COG versus MCI and COG versus HC classification, five or three features were selected, including hand misrepresentation, long and short hand reversal, and deficit in the spatial layout of numbers, respectively. These drawing features could contribute to efficient primary screening for dementia.
dementia, mild cognitive impairment, neuropsychological test, assessment, machine learning -
The reliability and validity of visually assessing temporal wasting in older adults
(高齢者における側頭部陥没の外観的評価の信頼性・妥当性の検証)高齢者における側頭部陥没の外観的評価の信頼性・妥当性の検証- 東京大学医学部附属病院病態栄養治療センター
- 石川県立看護大学大学院看護学研究科共同研究講座看護理工学
- 東北大学大学院医学系研究科ウィメンズヘルス・周産期看護学分野
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科グローバルナーシングリサーチセンターケアイノベーション創生部門
- 石川県立看護大学
- 藤田医科大学社会実装看護創成研究センター
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
側頭部の外観評価に基づく栄養評価法のエビデンスを構築したいと考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
側頭部の外観評価により,ベッドサイドで簡便かつリアルタイムに栄養評価が可能となる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
高齢者,体組成,低栄養,栄養アセスメント,フィジカルアセスメントThe reliability and validity of visually assessing temporal wasting in older adults- Clinical Nutrition Center, The University of Tokyo Hospital
- Department of Bio-Engineering Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Women’s Health Nursing & Midwifery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
- Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Division of Care Innovation, Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, Fujita Health University
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Aim: The aim is to examine the reliability and validity of the visual assessment of temporal wasting as an assessment method of muscle wasting in the older adults. Methods: The participants were 73 individuals aged 65 or older. Kappa coefficient was used to measure the inter-rater reliability of the two examiners independently performing the visual assessment of temporal wasting. Discriminant validity was evaluated by comparing the indicators of muscle mass across the three groups of severe, mild or no temporal wasting. Known-group validity was assessed by comparing the temporal muscle thicknesses between the three groups. Results: The kappa coefficient was 0.594 for the agreement of the two examiners visually assessing temporal wasting. Participants with severe or mild temporal wasting had significantly lower levels of arm muscle circumference and calf circumferences than participants with no temporal wasting. Temporal muscle thickness was significantly lower in participants with severe temporal wasting compared to those with mild or no temporal wasting. Conclusions: In visually assessing temporal wasting, we have confirmed a moderate degree of inter-rater reliability, and discriminant and known-group validity.
aged, body composition, malnutrition, nutritional assessment, physical examination -
- 医療創生大学国際看護学部
- 医療創生大学生命理工学研究科博士後期課程
人間の生理現象は,自律神経の働きによって制御されている.特に心血管に関する変化を監視するには自律神経の変化を計測することが重要である1)2).自律神経の変化を客観的に評価する手法として,心拍変動(Heart Rate Variability:HRV)解析3)が用いられてきた.HRV解析を用いた研究によると,糖尿病患者における心臓自律神経障害の早期発見モデルの開発4),うっ血性心不全と心拍変動指標の関連5)が明らかになっている.HRV解析で得られる生理学的指標は,ストレスに関連した自律神経活動も評価すると考えられている6)7).さらに,HRV解析と機械学習技術を応用した心理的ストレスの分類方法7)8)が報告され,HRV解析を活用した研究は身体的側面に留まらず心理的側面へも発展している.HRV解析に用いる心拍間隔データは,心電・心拍計測器を用いて計測されてきた.しかし,心電・心拍計測器は高額な物が多いため,従来の心電・心拍計測器を用いたHRV解析は,個人の健康管理における実用化にいたっていないことが課題となっている.心電・心拍計測器に代わる低価格・低侵襲な技術として,指尖容積脈波の測定技術が注目されている.指尖容積脈波とは近赤外線光を皮膚表面に照射し,その反射光量を光検出器で測定することで血流情報を波形として捉える技術である9).指尖容積脈波は,心電・心拍計測器と同等の精度でHRV指標を算出できること4)10)-12)が報告されている.さらに指尖容積脈波を用いた臨床研究への応用として心房細動の検出13),無呼吸発作の検出14),血液特性の検出方法への応用可能性15)についても報告されている.指尖容積脈波は心電・心拍計測器に代わるだけでなく,その非侵襲的な測定手法の簡便さからも個人の健康維持や医療・保健分野における幅広い健康管理への活用が期待できる.指先にセンサーを装着するだけで測定できる指尖容積脈波から算出される生体情報を機械学習モデルに学習させ,指尖容積脈波の動態変化から人間の心理的ストレス状態を判別する試みはいまだ報告されていない.本研究の目的は,実験的に生じさせた心理的ストレス時における指尖容積脈波から算出される生体情報を機械学習モデルに学習させることで,人間の心理的ストレス状態を判別できるかについて検証することである.本研究の取り組みによって指尖容積脈波を用いた新たな心理的ストレス評価方法が明らかになれば,個人の健康管理の質向上に貢献する新たな看護観察技術を提案できる.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
酸素飽和度の測定技術として活用されている指尖容積脈波のさらなる活用法の検討をテーマとした. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
簡易かつ非侵襲的な方法で心理的ストレスの有無を評価でき,将来的には個人の健康管理ツールとなることが期待される. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
心理的ストレス,指尖容積脈波,機械学習Experimental investigation of the usefulness of finger plethysmography as an observation method for mental stress: An emperial analysis using a machine learning model- Faculty of Global Nursing, Iryo Sosei University
- Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Life Science and Technology, Iryo Sosei University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to train a machine learning model on dynamic changes in photoplethysmography and verify whether it is possible to classify between a mental stress state and a resting state. Methods: Fingertip plethysmography was measured in 20 healthy subjects at rest for 5 minutes and during a 10-minutes Color Word Conflict Test at a sampling frequency of 1024Hz. Fingertip photoplethysmography data were trained on the Elastic Net model to evaluate classification performance at rest and during mental stress states. Results: Significant changes were observed in Root Mean Square of Successive Differences, High-frequency component, d/a, pulse rate, pulse interval, entropy, systolic and diastolic blood pressure at rest and during mental stress states(p<0.05). The classification performance of the Elastic Net model was as follows: precision rate: 0.93, recall rate: 0.70, F1 score: 0.80, accuracy rate: 0.77, Area Under the Curve: 0.78. Conclusion: The machine learning of fingertip plethysmography suggested the possibility of non-invasive and objective evaluation of an individual’s mental stress states.
mental stress,photoplethysmography,machine learning -
An education system for hazard prediction in midwifery tasks using virtual reality (バーチャルリアリティを用いた助産師の危険予知教育システム)バーチャルリアリティを用いた助産師の危険予知教育システム- 滋賀県立大学先端工学研究院
- 福井県立大学看護福祉学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
さまざまな場面において,危険に気づく能力が経験に依存している問題をテーマにしている. この能力を定量的に評価し効率的に教育する必要性を感じたことがきっかけである. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究は助産を対象としているが,看護・介護にも応用可能であり,それらの安全性向上に貢献可能である. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
助産師,バーチャルリアリティ,危険予知,技能評価,教育An education system for hazard prediction in midwifery tasks using virtual reality- Faculty of Advanced Engineering, University of Shiga Prefecture
- Faculty of Nursing and Social Welfare Sciences, Fukui Prefectural University
In this study, we developed a system designed to evaluate and train midwives’ ability to predict possible dangers in midwifery procedures before and after childbirth. Using a virtual reality headset, a 3D-computer graphics generated delivery room can be accessed. This approach provides a simulated learning experience where actions to be taken at potentially hazardous points can be chosen by the user. To generate a realistic virtual delivery room, the system displays exclusive instruments using 3D scan data and characters representing pregnant and parturient women by using 3D scan data to construct a model. The position of the user’s eyes is measured continuously. When the user’s viewpoint in the scenario reaches a dangerous point in the procedure, a question board appears to allow the user to select an appropriate counterplan. Fourteen midwives and eighteen midwifery students used the system and then evaluated the virtual delivery room and the counterplan choices in response to the designated danger points. We found that more than 80% of the subjects evaluated the virtual delivery room as being similar to a real one, and more than 90% of the subjects evaluated that they were able to make counterplan choices for the gaze positions.
midwife, virtual reality, hazard prediction, skill evaluation, education -
- 慶應義塾大学病院
- 筑波大学人間総合科学学術院人間総合科学研究群看護科学学位プログラム
- 藤田医科大学医療科学部
- 立命館大学総合科学技術研究機構
- 大阪大学大学院医学研究科保健学専攻
- 信州大学医学部保健学科
- 筑波大学医学医療系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
助産学生の時に会陰にかける力の強さや方向,タイミングなどの理解がむずかしく,教科書と口頭での説明だけでは十分な理解が得られないと感じました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
本研究で開発した会陰保護術を測定する方法を用いれば,熟練者の技術の収集や初学者のトレーニングに活用することができ,会陰保護の手技向上が期待されます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
分娩介助,会陰保護,圧力,せん断力,分娩シミュレータA study on methods of temporal measurement of pressure and shear force on the perineum during the performance of perineal protection using a delivery simulator- Keio University Hospital
- Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Nursing Program, University of Tsukuba
- School of Medical Science, Fujita Health University
- Ritsumeikan University Research Organization of Science and Technology
- Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Health Sciences
- School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shinshu University
- Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
This study aimed to develop a delivery simulator using a delivery assistance model, to examine sensor attachment sites and to examine methods of measuring the pressure and shear force applied to the perineum during perineal protection using the developed system. First, a manually operated infant head delivery device was set in a commercially available delivery assistance model to which a motor was attached to automate the timing from the engagement of the infant head to delivery. Assuming a first-time mother, the total operating time was set to 162.8 seconds to allow for delivery within three labor cycles from the onset of head engagement. Next, experiments were conducted using two methods: one was to directly measure hand movements using a force sensor attached to the center of the palm, and the other was to measure the pressure and shear force applied to the perineum using a sensor attached to the perineum of the delivery assistance model. The characteristics of the pressure and shear force transitions for both were similar. However, sensor position deviation occurred when the delivery assistance model was attached to the perineum. It is possible to measure the pressure and shear force applied to the perineum over time during perineal protection using a delivery simulator for perineal protection with a sensor attached to the center of the palm.
delivery assistance, perineal protection, pressure, shear force, simulator -
~枕の背側クッション導入の効果~- 姫路大学大学院看護学研究科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
ストレッチャー移送時に起こる有害事象や不快の軽減をテーマとした研究である. - 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
ストレッチャー移送時の有害事象の原因の1つは「頭部の揺れ」ではないかと考え,揺れの程度を知りたいと思ったことである. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
ストレッチャー移送時の頭部の揺れと心理的負荷の軽減に貢献できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
ストレッチャー移送,頭部の揺れ,心理的負荷,枕,背側クッションFoundational study on head movement and psychological stress in patients while being transported by stretcher: Effects of adding a back cushion to the pillow- Graduate School of Nursing Science Himeji University
Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the effects of adding a back cushion to the pillow under the head of patients by measuring movement and psychological stress in patients while they are being transported by stretcher. Methods: Eighteen healthy adults were included in the study. They were transported along a designated route using three types of head supports (Group A: no pillow, Group B: pillow with head and neck fixation, and Group C: pillow with a rectangular cushion placed under the back), and the angular velocity of the patients’ heads and their psychological stress while being transported were measured. Results: The angular velocity of the head decreased significantly along the X and Y axes from Groups A to C. Additionally, anxiety and tension while being transported were lower in Groups B and C than in Group A. Conclusion: The addition of a back cushion to patients’ pillows while being transported by stretcher may potentially reduce left-right movements of patients’ heads during transportation.
stretcher transport, head movement, psychological stress, pillow, back cushion -
An objective evaluation of sputum suctioning technique: Multidimensional imaging of catheter position in a suction simulator
(喀痰吸引手技の客観的評価:吸引シミュレーターにおけるカテーテル位置の多次元画像化)喀痰吸引手技の客観的評価:吸引シミュレーターにおけるカテーテル位置の多次元画像化- 目白大学看護学部看護学科
- 帝京大学大学院理工学研究科
- 帝京大学理工学部情報電子工学科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
吸引の効果的で安全な手技習得のために,吸引カテーテルの先端の動きから気管吸引の手技を評価できるシミュレータを構築したいと考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
シミュレータでの気管吸引の手技の可視化により,吸引手技の習得の客観的評価が可能となる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
喀痰吸引技術,吸引シミュレーター,カテーテル位置,システム開発An objective evaluation of sputum suctioning technique: Multidimensional imaging of catheter position in a suction simulator- Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mejiro University
- Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University
- Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Teikyo University
In Japan, with the legalization of airway suctioning by caregivers and others, not only doctors and nurses but also caregivers need to acquire suctioning skills. Since airway suctioning is a medical practice involving invasive procedures, studies have reported on the safety and acquisition of suctioning skills. However, the relationship between the movement of the suction catheter tip in the airway and suctioning techniques remain unclear. Clarification of the differences in the suction technique between experienced and inexperienced, such as the movement of the tip of the suction catheter, may improve objectification of the suction technique. Therefore, we modified an existing suction simulator and constructed an experimental system capable of capturing moving images of the airway in two directions. In this report, analysis of the recorded video showed that the mean catheter insertion time from tracheal orifice to tracheal bifurcation was 9.53 seconds for inexperienced and 6.55 seconds for experienced, with inexperienced taking more time than experienced. The results indicate that when teaching inexperienced, care should be taken to avoid catheter insertion time and catheter snagging.
sputum suctioning techniques, suction simulator, catheter location, system development -
- 札幌医科大学保健医療学部看護学科
- 札幌医科大学保健医療学部作業療法学科
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
看護師の身体的負担が高い排泄介助に対し,負担低減を目指した脱着介助方法を提案したいと考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
高齢者など下肢筋力が低下した人に携わる看護師や在宅介助者に対し,介助方法の1つとして応用が期待できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
ポータブルトイレ,下衣の脱着介助,身体的負担,高齢者,修正デルファイ法Elucidating a method aimed at reducing physical burden on nurses assisting older patients with removing and putting on lower garments when using bedside commodes- Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
- Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
Objective: This study aims to elucidate a method which reduces the physical burden on nurses assisting older patients removing and putting on lower garments when toileting using bedside commodes. Methods: Using a modified Delphi method, we gathered and summarized expert opinions from five nurses with 10 or more years of clinical experience capable of instructing others on how to assist patients with bedside commodes, as well as one physical therapist and one occupational therapist whom any of the nurses deemed exceptional. The consensus standard was set as a median of 7 or higher on a nine-point Likert scale. Results: Consensus was reached with median scores of 8 to 9 for a method of assisting patients in removing lower garments once seated on the toilet involving five elements and nineteen processes, and a method of assisting patients in putting on lower garments by rolling up the garments with the patient seated and then pulling them up with the patient standing involving five elements and seventeen processes. Conclusions: The methods for providing assistance with lower garments presented in this study may aid nurses who help patients with bedside commodes to find more comfortable assistance methods and serve as proposals for nursing skills.
bedside commode, assistance with lower garments, physical burden, older patients, modified Delphi method -
- 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科医療情報学
- 大阪大学大学院工学研究科電気電子情報通信工学専攻
- 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科看護学領域
少子高齢化に伴う看護師不足に直面している日本の多くの病院では,看護業務量や業務動線などの客観的なデータに基づいて業務効率を改善する必要がある.本稿では,低コストで長期的な調査が可能な,ビーコンとモバイル端末を用いた無人タイムスタディにおいて,ビーコンが発する電波の受信信号強度系列から病棟看護師の業務動線を推定し,動画として可視化するためのソフトウェアフレームワークを構築した.特に,多数の病棟を擁する大規模病院においても容易に遂行できるように,教師あり機械学習を用いることなく簡便に業務動線を推定する手法を提案する.さらに,Data-Driven Documents(D3)を用いて,推定された業務動線を動画として可視化するソフトウェアを開発した.大規模急性期病院の1病棟で実施した無人タイムスタディを用いて本ソフトウェアフレームワークの動作デモを行い,病棟全体にわたる各看護師の業務動線の実態を詳細に把握できることを示す.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
きっかけ:病棟全体にわたる看護師全員の動きを可視化することができれば面白そうだと思ったこと. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
業務改善やICT機器の導入などのイベント前後における業務量や業務動線の違いを客観的に比較できるようになる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
無人タイムスタディ,受信信号強度,動線推定,カルマンスムーザ,フィルタリングAn estimation and visualization method for the movement lines of nurses in an unattended time and motion study with beacons and mobile devices- Department of Medical Informatics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
- Department of Information and Communications Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
- Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
In Japan, many hospitals are facing a shortage of nurses due to the declining birthrate and aging population, and thus it is necessary for them to improve operational efficiency based on objective data such as nursing workload and the movement lines of nurses. In this paper, we utilize an unattended time and motion study with Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons and mobile devices, which is low cost, imposes a low burden on nurses, and can be conducted over a long term. Our goal is to construct a software framework designed to estimate the movement lines of nurses based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) series obtained from the study and to visualize them as videos. We propose a simple method for estimating movement lines without using supervised machine learning, making it a practical solution for large hospitals with numerous wards. Moreover, we develop software to visualize each nurse’s estimated movement lines as videos using Data-Driven Document (D3) module. We validate our proposed framework with an unattended time and motion study conducted in one ward of a large acute care hospital, demonstrating its ability to capture each nurse’s movement lines throughout the entire ward in detail.
unattended time and motion study, received signal strength indicator (RSSI), estimation of the movement lines of nurses, Kalman smoother, filtering -
- 横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター
- 筑波大学人間総合科学学術院人間総合科学研究群看護科学学位プログラム
- 筑波大学デジタルネイチャー開発研究センター
- 筑波大学図書館情報メディア系
- 慶應義塾大学看護医療学部
- 筑波大学医学医療系
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
妊婦が着用する靴は,2-3cmのヒール高があるものが推奨されていますが,十分なエビデンスはありませんでした.まずはこの点を検証したいと思いました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
妊娠中の女性が,腰部に負担のかからない靴を選択するための一助になると考えます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
歩容,ヒール高,腰部負担感,姿勢,妊婦体験ジャケットAnalysis of posture, gait and lower back burden while wearing a pregnancy simulation jacket
-Comparison by heel height-- Yokohama City University Medical Center
- Doctoral Program in Nursing Science, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- R&D Center for Digital Nature, University of Tsukuba
- Faculty of Library, Information and Media, University of Tsukuba
- Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University
- Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Shoes with 2-3 cm heels are recommended for pregnant women; however, there are few studies on the actual conditions and effects of wearing such shoes on posture and gait. This study aims to compare the posture, gait, and lumbar strain if wearing shoes with 1, 3, and 5 cm heels, meaning the difference between the heel height and forefoot storm height (thickness of the toe portion), on simulated pregnant women wearing a pregnancy simulation jacket and determine the effects of wearing such shoes. Fifteen simulated pregnant women have been analyzed. The results showed that the simulated pregnant women’s posture was leaning more backward than that of the non-pregnant women; however, the heel height did not change this. Simulated pregnant women, like non-pregnant women, had shorter strides and slower walking speeds with higher heels. In non-pregnant women, lumbar strain did not change with heel height, whereas in simulated pregnant women, lumbar strain was enhanced with a heel height of 5 cm. Therefore, it is not recommended that pregnant women wear shoes with 5 cm heels, as this may increase the muscle load on the lower back.
gait, heel height, lower back burden, posture, pregnancy simulation jacket -
Duration of changes in autonomic nerve activity and effects on mood states caused by a far-infrared heater that warms the feet with ceramic balls: A crossover trial with a footbath
(セラミックボールを用いた遠赤外線足部温熱機器の自律神経活動の持続性と気分状態への効果:足浴とのクロスオーバー試験)セラミックボールを用いた遠赤外線足部温熱機器の自律神経活動の持続性と気分状態への効果:足浴とのクロスオーバー試験- 公立小松大学保健医療学部看護学科
- 小松市立矢田野小学校
- 兵庫県立はりま姫路総合医療センター
- 地方独立行政法人長野市民病院
- 石川県南加賀保健福祉センター
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
湯を使った足浴よりも簡便にリラクセーション効果が得られる方法を提示したいと思いました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
足部温熱機器は,少ない介護負担で多くの利用者にリラクセーションを提供できます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
遠赤外線,足浴,自律神経活動,気分状態,リラクセーションDuration of changes in autonomic nerve activity and effects on mood states caused by a far-infrared heater that warms the feet with ceramic balls: A crossover trial with a footbath- Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Komatsu University
- Komatsu Municipal Yatano Elementary School
- Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center
- Nagano Municipal Hospital
- Ishikawa Prefecture Minami Kaga Health and Welfare Center
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the effects of a far-infrared (FIR) foot heater that heats the feet on autonomic nervous activity continuity and mood states with those effects achieved using a footbath. Methods: Participants in this study were 24 women. Autonomic nerve activity up to 30 min after the end of heating was compared between an FIR foot heater, footbath and sitting position for 15 min, using a crossover trial. Pre- and post-intervention changes in Profile of Mood States, 2nd edition (POMS2) scores were compared among the three groups. Results: Changes in low frequency/high frequency (LH/HF) were significantly lower in the FIR group than in the footbath group after 15 min of intervention (P=.04). The value 10 min after the end of intervention was significantly higher in the FIR group than in the footbath group (P=.01). Parasympathetic nerve activity in the FIR group was significantly higher than at the start of heating until 25 min after the end of heating. Vigor-activity was significantly more improved in the FIR group than in the control group (P=.03). Conclusions: FIR activated parasympathetic nerves more than the footbath, and further sustained parasympathetic nerve activity after the end of heating.
far-infrared (FIR), footbath, autonomic nerve activity, mood states, relaxation
Development of an automated interpretation system for urine test strips using feature detection and color comparison processing in images taken using a smartphone
スマートフォンで撮影した画像の特徴検出と色比較処理を用いた尿検査用試験紙の自動判定システムの開発スマートフォンで撮影した画像の特徴検出と色比較処理を用いた尿検査用試験紙の自動判定システムの開発- 浜松医科大学大学院医学系研究科光医工学共同専攻
- 浜松医科大学医学部医学科
尿検査用試験紙の判定は,尿検査用試験紙をカラーチャートと視覚的に比較して行うため,個人によって判定が異なる可能性がある.本研究では,結果の再現性を改善し,判定者の主観的な影響を低減させることで,尿定性判定プログラムの判定精度を向上させることを目的とした.本研究に先立ち,われわれはPythonによる比色分析を用いて,尿定性判定プログラムを開発し,尿検査用試験紙の客観的な判定方法を報告している.本論文では,画像特徴点抽出処理と撮影環境の調整を行うことで,判定精度の向上を図った.画像特徴点抽出処理はAccelerated KAZEを使用した.撮影環境の調整は,尿検査用試験紙とカラーチャートを同時に撮影し,色温度やコントラスト,ガンマ値など,同じ設定のカメラで色の比較が行えるように調整した.正常値である陰性の判定は,すべての項目で尿自動分析装置の結果と一致した.異常値である陽性の結果は,潜血の項目以外はすべて一致した.画像特徴点抽出処理と撮影環境の調整を行うことで,プログラムの判定精度の向上が見られた.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
創傷感染制御のため,創部の細菌負荷を簡便かつ非侵襲的に評価できる方法を確立したいと考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
将来的に,創部のアセスメント手法を確立するためのエビデンスの1つとなりうる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Development of an automated interpretation system for urine test strips using feature detection and color comparison processing in images taken using a smartphone- Cooperative Major in Medical Photonics, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Graduate School
- Faculty of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Investigation of the applicability of a sampling method of wound exudate using swabs for the amino acid analysis
(アミノ酸解析におけるスワブを用いた創傷滲出液採取方法の適用可能性の検討)アミノ酸解析におけるスワブを用いた創傷滲出液採取方法の適用可能性の検討- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
- 東京大学大学院薬学系研究科
- 横浜市立大学大学院医学研究科看護生命科学分野
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
個人によって色の判定が異なることがあるため,客観的な判定方法が必要と考えた. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
尿定性判定プログラムを活用することで,尿検査用試験紙を客観的に判定することができる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
創傷治癒,バイオマーカー,非侵襲,高速液体クロマトグラフィーInvestigation of the applicability of a sampling method of wound exudate using swabs for the amino acid analysis- Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Biological Science and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University
This study was conducted to investigate the applicability of a noninvasive, simple sampling method for wound exudates by using swabs for amino acid analysis. A full-thickness wound was created in two rats: one rat was treated with silver sulfadiazine cream and an occlusive wound dressing from Day 1 post-wounding whereas the other rat was treated with only an occlusive wound dressing. Swabs were collected daily, before and after wound cleansing, until Day 4 post-wounding. Sixteen amino acids in the wound exudate were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. The relative abundance of amino acids, which is the ratio of each amino acid to the total amino acid content, was used in the analysis. As a results, under the same wound conditions, there was a positive correlation in the relative abundance of amino acids between pre- and post-cleansing samples (p<0.90, p>0.01). The relative abundance of amino acids varied between the post-cleansing- and pre-cleansing samples the next day, and the inter-sample differences depended on the intervention. Therefore, this method may be able to detect changes in the relative abundance of amino acids in wound exudates and be used to assess the wound condition.
wound healing, biomarker, non-invasive, high-performance liquid chromatography -
Stress reduction effects of two types of robots on adults living alone
(独居の成人を対象にした2種類のsocially assistive robotsによるストレス軽減効果)独居の成人を対象にした2種類のsocially assistive robotsによるストレス軽減効果- 千葉大学大学院看護学研究院健康増進看護学講座
- 千葉大学看護学部
- 千葉大学大学院工学研究院イメージング科学コース
COVID-19(新型コロナウィルス感染症)の流行による行動制限は,独居者のメンタルヘルスに大きく影響した.本研究は独居者のメンタルヘルス改善を目指し,独居の健常成人に対しhumanoidとanimaloidのsocially assistive robots(SARs)によるストレス軽減効果を調査した.方法:被験者はhumanoidとanimaloidを9日間使用し,1~2日目と8~9日目のストレス指標を比較した.客観的なストレス指標には高周波成分(HF)と低周波成分(LF/HF)を,主観的な指標には総合的気分状態(TMD)を用い,paired t検定でp<0.1を有意傾向ありとした.結果:animaloid介入のHFは20時から0時において1~2日目より8~9日目のほうが有意に高い傾向であった(p=0.07).TMDはhumanoidとamimaloidのどちらにおいても有意差はみられなかった.考察:9日間のanimaloid使用後にHFが高まる時間帯があったことから,animaloidは客観的なストレス軽減効果があったと考えられる.SARsは日常生活に取り入れやすく,独居者のメンタルヘルス改善に役立つ可能性がある.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
在宅時間増加による独居学生のメンタルヘルスが問題となっており,SARsによる改善を期待したことが動機である. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
SARsとの共生は独居者のメンタルヘルス改善に貢献できる.将来的にはSARsが家族のように癒しを提供できると期待する. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
ロボティクス,ストレス,若年成人Stress reduction effects of two types of robots on adults living alone- Department of Health Promotion in Nursing and Midwifery, Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University
- School of Nursing, Chiba University
- Department of Image Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chiba University
Behavioural restrictions due to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic have significantly impacted the mental health of people living alone. This study aims to improve the mental health of adults living alone by investigating the stress-reducing effects of two types of socially assistive robots (SARs), humanoids and animaloids, on healthy adults living alone. METHODS: The participants used humanoids and animaloids for nine days, and the stress indices were compared between day 1-2 and 8-9. High frequency (HF), indicating parasympathetic activity, and low frequency (LF)/HF, indicating sympathetic activity, were used for objective stress indicators. Total mood disturbance (TMD) was used for subjective stress indicators. These were compared in paired t-tests. A p-value of <0.1 indicated a significant trend. RESULTS: On days 8-9, the animaloids interventions showed a tendency for a higher HF than days 1-2 between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. (p=0.07). TMD showed no significant differences or trends for either humanoids or amimaloids. CONCLUSION: HF was increased by using the animaloids for nine days, suggesting that the animaloids had an objective stress reduction effect; SARs are easy to incorporate into daily life and can help improve the mental health of people who live alone.
robotics, stress disorders, young adult
User acceptance of a mobile application prototyping model for supporting pressure injury treatment at home care
(在宅での褥瘡治療支援のためのモバイルアプリケーションプロトタイプモデルの利用者受容性)在宅での褥瘡治療支援のためのモバイルアプリケーションプロトタイプモデルの利用者受容性- 藤田医科大学保健衛生学部看護学科
- 藤田医科大学社会実装看護創成研究センター
- つながるクリニック
- ふくろ皮膚科クリニック
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
・臨床現場でアプリが継続して使用されるためには,利用者受容性の検証が不可欠である. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
利用者受容性の評価が検証されたアプリを臨床現場に提供できる可能性がある. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
User acceptance of a mobile application prototyping model for supporting pressure injury treatment at home care- Faculty of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
- Research Center for Implementation Nursing Science Initiative, Fujita Health University
- Tsunagaru Clinic
- Fukuro Dermatology Clinic
- 日本福祉大学看護学部看護学科
- 日本福祉大学看護実践研究センター
- 半田市立半田病院
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
看護技術習得の教授法がテーマです.動画付き図書を複数視聴し,関心をもちました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
看護技術習得レベル向上のため,看護基礎教育の図書選定規準の整備を期待しています. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Video contents for learning fundamental nursing skills- Faculty of Nursing Department of Nursing Nihon Fukushi University
- Nihon Fukushi University Nursing Practice and Research Center
- Handa City Hospital
- 藤田医科大学保健衛生学部看護学科
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
末梢静脈カテーテル留置のアセスメント技術にエコーを用いたいが,穿刺部の清潔野を保つバリア機能と固定機能を併せ持つドレッシングフィルムが国内にないこと. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
エコー透過性のよい新ドレッシングフィルム上にゼリーを載せて使えることで,視診・触診できない血管への穿刺がエコー下で安全に成功する可能性が高まる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Development of a new dressing film for peripheral venous catheter placement and fixing using ultrasonography- Faculty of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻母性看護学・助産学分野
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京大学医学部附属病院小児・新生児集中治療部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
血管の細い新生児が輸液療法を受ける際,成人と比較して刺入部のトラブルが多いことに問題意識をもち取り組みました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
今回はカテーテル抜去後の所見の記述であったが,今後の研究で刺入中のエコー所見から初期症状を同定することにより,新生児の末梢静脈カテーテルの合併症の早期発見に貢献できます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
新生児,超音波診断装置(エコー),末梢静脈カテーテルVerification of using ultrasonography to detect peripheral intravenous catheter complications in neonates- Department of Midwifery and Women’s Health, Division of Health Sciences & Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Gerontological Nursing / Wound Care Management, Division of Health Sciences & Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Pediatrics, The University of Tokyo Hospital
BACKGROUND: Early detection of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) complications in neonates is vital. This study aimed to examine the possibility of ultrasonography detection of PIVC complications in neonates and observe the subcutaneous tissue immediately after PIVC removal using ultrasonography. METHODS: Neonates with implanted PIVCs were included. The subcutaneous tissue at the catheter insertion and opposite sides were observed immediately after, and 24 hours after PIVC removal in eight neonates for 10 insertions. The subcutaneous edema was categorized as mild, moderate, or severe after ultrasonography. RESULTS: All PIVCs, as well as the tissue on the opposite side, had more than mild subcutaneous edema. Moderate and severe subcutaneous edema were found in one PIVC respectively. The vessel walls were unclear on the insertion sites of all the PIVCs. Thrombus was observed in three PIVCs. DISCUSSION: Using ultrasonography, we detected subcutaneous edema, thrombus, and vessel wall in the neonate. Additionally, it can be suggested that mild subcutaneous edema is normal in neonates; furthermore, the shape of the vessel wall may have become less clear with PIVC puncture and implantation.
neonate, ultrasonography, peripheral intravenous catheters -
Development of a prediction system for living environment and behavior of care recipients using IoT and non-contact environmental sensors: Two preliminary studies
(IoTと非接触型環境センサを用いた要介護者の生活環境・行動予測システムの開発に関する事例検討)IoTと非接触型環境センサを用いた要介護者の生活環境・行動予測システムの開発に関する事例検討- 純真学園大学保健医療学部看護学科
- 京都大学学術情報メディアセンター
- 愛知大学地域政策学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
先行実施した乳児への見守りシステム開発および介護保険施設で介護者のケアの困難さをよく伺っていたことがきっかけです. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
今回,特定の行動に対して比較的安価で自律的な非接触型の見守りシステムが開発できたと考えています.特に起床や就寝,外出といった生活状況を予測できることは,介護者が遠隔地にいても介護者の生活を把握できることにつながり,介護保険施設のみならず,在宅での適応も期待されると考えます. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Development of a prediction system for living environment and behavior of care recipients using IoT and non-contact environmental sensors: Two preliminary studies- Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Junshin Gakuen University
- Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University
- Faculty of Regional Policy, Aichi University
This study investigates the possibility of predicting care recipients’ living conditions and behaviors using IoT devices and non-contact environmental sensors. We installed these devices into the homes of two care recipients to collect environmental data such as room temperature and illumination levels. We also interviewed them and their caregivers to understand their living situations. Our analysis utilized a computational model incorporating historical weather data and a recurrent neural network (RNN) to forecast environmental conditions and behaviors. The study results showed an accuracy of 90% for waking time, 80% for presence/absence in the room, and 45% for sleeping time. Although there is a need for further improvements in behavior recognition algorithms and cost considerations, this study indicates the potential efficacy of a non-contact monitoring system.
Preliminary evaluation of ultrasound image quality obtained through film dressing for ultrasound-guided peripheral venous catheter placement
(超音波ガイド下穿刺用フィルムドレッシング越しに取得した超音波画像の予備的質評価)超音波ガイド下穿刺用フィルムドレッシング越しに取得した超音波画像の予備的質評価- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
- 東京医科大学病院画像診断部
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
超音波検査装置を用いた末梢静脈カテーテル留置時に穿刺野を清潔に保つため,エコーゼリーの代替に消毒液を使用することがあるが,この方法には超音波プローブ操作の熟練が求められる.この課題解決のため,超音波ガイド下穿刺用のフィルムドレッシングを開発した.超音波は一般的に,物質を透過すると減衰するため,ドレッシング越しに得られた画像の質を評価した.健常人の上腕尺側皮静脈の超音波画像をドレッシング材貼付の有無の条件で取得した.撮影条件を盲検化した評価者が,Resolution(RES),Detail(DET),Total image quality(TIQ)について10段階のリッカート尺度で評価した.穿刺に重要な短軸画像においてRESはドレッシング貼付の有無でそれぞれ7点と9点であったが,DETとTIQは両条件で同等であった.開発したドレッシング越しの超音波画像は超音波ガイド下穿刺が可能な画質であることが示された.
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
エコーガイド下で末梢静脈カテーテルを留置する際に超音波が透過しやすいフィルムが必要である. - 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?
超音波が透過しやすいフィルムドレッシングを産学協同で開発し,その画像評価を行った. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
フィルム越しでも,エコーガイド下穿刺に必要なエコー画像を得られることを示した.清潔にエコーガイド下穿刺ができるため,この技術が臨床に広まることを後押しする. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
Preliminary evaluation of ultrasound image quality obtained through film dressing for ultrasound-guided peripheral venous catheter placement- Department of Gerontological Nursing/ Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
- Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Tokyo Medical University Hospital
- Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Reports have shown that the use of ultrasound during peripheral venous catheter (PIVC) placement improves puncture success rates. To keep the puncture field clean, disinfectant solution is used as a substitute for ultrasound gel; however, this requires skillful manipulation of the ultrasonic probe. To address this problem, a PIVC fixation film dressing for ultrasound-guided puncture has been developed. Given that ultrasound generally attenuates while passing through film dressing, we evaluated whether the ultrasound images obtained through the film dressing had sufficient quality for PIVC installation. Ultrasound images of the basilic vein in a healthy adult were captured with and without the developed dressing. The evaluator blinded to the imaging conditions (with or without dressing) evaluated the images using a 10-point Likert scale for three items: resolution (RES), detail (DET), and total image quality (TIQ). For short-axis images, important for peripheral venipuncture, DET and TIQ were equivalent for both conditions, whereas RES was 9 and 7 points for images obtained without and with the dressing, respectively. Moreover, long-axis images obtained with the dressing produced a TIQ similar to images obtained without the dressing. Results showed that the dressing provided acceptable image quality for ultrasound-guided puncture while maintaining a clean field.