Welcome Message
We are pleased to invite you to Gifu to participate in the 10th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology (ISAE Gifu), June 5-9, 2012.
This meeting is organized by the ISAE2012 Gifu Organizing Committee in association with the Japan Society for Avian Endocrinology, Japanese Society of Animal Science, Zoological Society of Japan, Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology, Japan Poultry Science Association, Ornithological Society of Japan, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, and Gifu University.
Every four years the ISAE brings together scientists from over the world, interested in an up-to-date overview of the field of avian endocrinology. The ISAE takes place in a rotation system among Asia, Europe, and America. After Calcutta (1977), Tokyo (1988), and Varanasi (2000), this is the fourth meeting in Asia.
The meeting offers plenary lectures, symposia, and poster sessions, and provides an ideal opportunity to meet and talk to other scientists actively in divergent aspects of avian endocrinology. On this website you will find information on the conference venue and organization, scientific program, abstract submission, registration, accommodation, social activities, and some useful links for additional information.
We very much hope that you will be able to join us for this meeting in Gifu in 2012. You will be able to learn about the most recent advances in avian endocrinology and related disciplines, to meet old friends and colleagues, and to initiate new relationships with others working in fields similar to your own.
Looking forward to meeting you in Gifu.
Kazuyoshi Tsutsui
Chairperson, ISAE2012 Gifu Organizing Committee