10th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology 2012

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite you to present your work for the International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology (ISAE2012 Gifu), which will be held in June at Gifu, Japan. The meeting offers plenary lectures, symposia, and poster sessions, and provides an ideal opportunity to meet and talk to other scientists actively in divergent aspects of avian endocrinology.
All speakers will need to submit an abstract.

Abstract Submission Deadline:
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012.
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012.
(Attention: Abstract Submission has been extended to February 29. 2012.)
Abstract Submission is now finished.

General Information of Abstract Submission

All abstracts must be submitted via the website. Abstracts submitted through other media (e.g., e-mail, fax, hardcopies by postal mail) will not be accepted by the Secretariat.

Presenters of submitted abstracts must register as participants for the symposium, and will be required to fill in the registration number when submitting abstracts.

Notifications regarding acceptance/rejection will be e-mailed to the contact person by late February, 2012. Please note that the contact person should inform all the co-authors of this information. Abstracts for other than lectures will be asked to make Poster presentations. Abstracts for oral presentations will be chosen by the Symposium organizing chairs and will be informed by the Secretariat.

Instructions for Abstract Submission

The abstract should be formatted in a style like the Abstract Template below. When typing your abstract, please use the Word file “Abstract template” attached for submission. Abstract should be submitted both in the Word format and PDF format.

Abstract Template

Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Word Limits:
Title of Abstract: 30 words
Abstract Body:
   Plenary/Special Lectures: 400 words
   Others (Symposium, Poster): 200 words
Please make sure to write your abstract within one page.
Images or footnotes should not be included in the abstracts.



Travel Award

The ISAE2012 Gifu Local Organizing Committee has now prepared a fund for Young Investigators Travel Award. A qualified person will have a chance to receive JPY 50,000 Award to be presented during the Symposium.

Qualification: The applicant should be younger than 35 years of age at the date of deadline (February 29, 2011) of application. Please note that Plenary/Special lecturers cannot apply for this award.

Application: Please submit the required documents below for application, and send to ISAE2012 Secretariat isae2012-paper@issjp.com by the deadline with your abstract submission (February 29, 2012).
1. CV with publication list
2. Background and significance of the job on the abstract (max. 500 words)
3. Copy of your Official ID with age or birth date.