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原 著 「医学とは何か」を問う教育の実態調査: 中川米造の医学概論の観点から
…外山 尚吾,青木 杏奈,藤崎 和彦,錦織 宏
教育実践研究 クリニカルクラークシップ中の医学生における文献検索の現状と
…笠井 大,齋藤 合,伊藤 彰一,松本 暢平
田島 寛之,栗山 彩花,高橋 由希子,巽 浩一郎
短 報 モラルハザード事例調査に基づく医療系学生と医療人のための
…諸井 陽子,小林 元,菅原 亜紀子,石川 和信
短 報 研修医メンター制度の実際とメンティによるメンター制度に対する評価
…佐藤 明香,宇賀 麻由,植田 真司,矢野 修也
小川 弘子,三好 智子,難波 志穂子,大塚 文男
…杉本 裕史,西織 浩信,福井 翔
…田中 淳一,照屋 周造,近藤 猛
柴田 綾子,藤井 達也,米岡 裕美
招待論文 若い頭脳を医学だけに特化させず教養教育を
…高橋 優三
招待論文 懸田賞受賞リレー・エッセイ:平成16年度(第9号)
…吉岡 俊正
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載8回
8 Appreciative Inquiry ~楽しいプロフェッショナリズムの振り返り~
…朝比奈 真由美
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載8回
8.1 千葉大学医学部におけるAppreciative Inquiry
…朝比奈 真由美
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載8回
8.2 金沢大学医学類におけるAppreciative inquiryの実践
…原 怜史,野村 秀樹,玉井 利克,山本 靖彦,太田 邦雄
委員会報告 医療専門職教育における利益相反に関する
…向原 圭,森本 剛,伊藤 俊之
大生 定義,宮田 靖志,大滝 純司
追悼文 バロン, ジェームス パトリック先生を偲んで
…植村 研一,泉 美貴,ラウール・ブルーヘルマンス
第77回 e医学教育セミナーとワークショップ
…今福 輪太郎
第76回e医学教育セミナーとワークショップ 実施報告
…川上 ちひろ
…春田 淳志,阪本 直人
(意 見)
…川上 ちひろ
…石川 和信
Letter to editor English Chatting Group; One Suggestion
for Relieving Psychological Distress
…Toshiyuki TANAKA,Shoichiro SAITO,Kana FUJINAKA
(意 見)
…松島 加代子
医学教育研究室の抄読会から 第3回
…佐野 樹,木村 武司,錦織 宏
機関会員のページ 筑波記念病院
Tsukuba Memorial Hospital
…小關 剛
機関会員のページ 新潟県厚生連長岡中央綜合病院
Nagaoka Chuo General Hospital
…中村 裕一
機関会員のページ 公立陶生病院
Tosei General Hospital
…中島 義仁
機関会員のページ 伊勢赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Ise Hospital
…楠田 司
「医学とは何か」を問う教育の実態調査: 中川米造の医学概論の観点から

外山 尚吾*1 青木 杏奈*1 藤崎 和彦*2 錦織 宏*3


An Education Survey on “What is Medicine”
-through the Perspective of Yonezo Nakagawa

Shogo TOYAMA*1 Anna AOKI*1 Kazuhiko FUJISAKI*2 Hiroshi NISHIGORI*3

Background: We investigated how undergraduate medical curriculum takes up the question “what is medicine”, which Yonezo Nakagawa raised in a field of study called “Igaku-gairon”.
Method: We analyzed the contents, the amounts, the methods, the assessment, and the teachers using syllabuses which are accessible on the Internet as resources.
Results: In 69 schools, the total number of hours of instruction in “philosophy of medicine and medical ethics”, “sociology of medicine and medical anthropology” and “history of medicine” was 11066 h 20min, 213 h 5min, and 192 h 5min, respectively, representing 72%, 14%, and 13% of the total instruction.
Analysis: We found that classes which take up the question “what is medicine” without using the word “Igaku-gairon” can be sporadically found in medical curriculum.
Keywords: Undergraduate medical education, Medical humanities, Yonezo Nakagawa

*1 京都大学医学部医学科,Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
*2 岐阜大学医学教育研究開発センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University; Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University


笠井 大*1,2 齋藤 合*2 伊藤 彰一*1,3 松本 暢平*1,4
田島 寛之*2 栗山 彩花*2 高橋 由希子*2 巽 浩一郎*2

目的:クリニカルクラークシップ(CC)における文献検索の現状と講義の効果を検証した. 方法:対象は2019年5~12月に呼吸器内科CCに参加した医学生 67名.CC中に文献検索に関するアンケートと講義を実施した.
キーワード: 文献検索,医学生,クリニカルクラークシップ,Evidence based medicine,講義

Literature Search Skills of Japanese Medical Students in Clinical
Clerkship-the Current Status and Effects of Brief Guidance

Hajime KASAI*1, 2 Go SAITO*2 Shoichi ITO*1, 3
Yohei MATSUMOTO*1, 4 Hiroshi TAJIMA*2 Yukiko TAKAHASHI*2
Ayaka KURIYAMA*2 Koichiro TATSUMI*2

Introduction: During their clinical clerkship (CC), Japanese medical students’ literature searching skills are ambiguous. We conducted a questionnaire survey on students’ search processes to determine whether this skill improved after a lecture on conducting searches.
Method: This study was conducted from May to December 2019. The questionnaire survey was followed by a 90-minute lecture combining information and relevant activities. The questionnaire included students’ self-evaluation of their literature searching abilities, and references from their medical summaries and reports were compared to those of students from a 2018 group who did not attend the lecture.
Results: Sixty-seven students participated in the questionnaire survey and lecture. Questionnaire results demonstrated that the most frequently used search tool was PubMed. Regularly used types of literature were Japanese textbooks for students, medical guidelines issued by the Japanese Medical Society, and English-language medical journal articles. The two major difficulties in conducting searches were the inability to critically appraise the literature and inadequate English reading skills.
The students’ satisfaction level regarding the lecture was found to be acceptable. After attending the lecture, students’ self-evaluation of their literature searching abilities improved significantly. Furthermore, compared to the 2018 group, references in students’ summaries and reports increased. Additionally, the number of English-language medical journal articles cited in reports was higher among students in the 2019 group than the 2018 group.
Conclusions: Although CC students can conduct literature searches, they struggle with critical appraisal and English-language comprehension. Interventions such as lectures may effectively improve their searching skills during CC.
Keyword: literature search,medical student,clinical clerkship,evidence based medicine,lecture

*1 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba, Japan
*2 千葉大学医学部附属病院呼吸器内科,Department of Respirology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
*3 千葉大学大学院医学研究院医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Japan
*4 千葉大学国際未来教育基幹,Institute for Excellence in Educational Innovation, Chiba University, Japan


諸井 陽子*1 小林 元*2 菅原 亜紀子*1 石川 和信*2


A Checklist for Healthcare Students and Professionals
on How to Use Social Media


Background: According to expanding use of social media, unwelcome events have been increasingly posed by medical students and professionals on ethics and professionalism.
Objective: To develop a checklist for social media use within medical education based on our national survey.
Methods: We analyzed and classified unprofessional behaviors of past 10 years in Japan. Then, we developed an event-based checklist for the use of social media.
Result: The behaviors violating against ethics and professionalism were classified into 3 categories. We have developed a checklist in use of social media consisting of 10 items.
Discussion: Since social networking service are becoming vital information technology, every medical student or professional may be at risk against unprofessional behaviors when they post or exchange any professional information. We propose appropriate education using an event-based checklist in the use of social media.
Keywords: social media, professionalism, medical students, healthcare professional, ethics education

*1 福島県立医科大学医療人育成・支援センター,Center for Medical Education and Career Development, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan
*2 国際医療福祉大学医学部医学教育統括センター,シミュレーションセンター,Office of Medical Education & Simulation Center, School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare, Narita, Japan


佐藤 明香*1 宇賀 麻由*2 植田 真司*1 矢野 修也*1
小川 弘子*1 三好 智子*1 難波 志穂子*3 大塚 文男*1


Resident Mentoring System
– How It Is Working and Its Evaluation by Mentees

Asuka SATO*1 Mayu UKA*2 Shinji UEDA*1 Syuya YANO*1 Hiroko OGAWA*1 Tomoko MIYOSHI*1 Shihoko NANBA*3 Fumio OTSUKA*1

Introduction: Several clinical training hospitals have their own resident mentor systems in Japan. However, the details and effects of the system still remain unclear.
Objective: The aim of this study is to introduce Okayama University Hospital’s resident mentor system and to investigate its effectiveness based on mentees’ evaluations.
Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted on residents using the system.
Results: 32 (78.0%) of 41 residents used the system. 28 (87.5%) of them completed the survey, indicating most residents were satisfied with the currently-used system.
Discussion: We will conduct a more detailed questionnaire survey for mentors and mentees to further improve the resident mentor system.
Keywords: resident, mentor system

*1 岡山大学病院卒後臨床研修センター(医科研修部門),Center for Graduate Medical Education, Okayama University Hospital
*2 岡山大学病院放射線科,Department of Radiology, Okayama University Hospital
*3 岡山大学病院新医療研究開発センター,Center for Innovative Clinical Medicine, Okayama University Hospital

杉本 裕史*1 西織 浩信*2 福井 翔*3

キーワード:卒後教育, 初期研修医, シミュレーション, 病棟当直

Simulation-based Education on the Ward-cover Night Shifts

Hiroshi SUGIMOTO*1 Hironobu NISHIORI*2 Sho FUKUI*3

In recent years, hospital have decreased the amount of night shift work done by junior residents to reduce overtime. We conducted simulation-based education on the theme of ward-cover nightshifts to compensate for decreased clinical experiences. Two scenarios were created based on actual clinical cases, and each group of participants and facilitators experienced the cases with simulated patients. Review time was held after each scenario, and important points in each scenario were explained after finishing all simulations. Participants were highly satisfied with the new night shift call-oriented simulation, which fulfilled the resident’s need for practical education. Providing opportunities for reflection and conceptualization contributed to effective acquisition of clinical knowledges. Further study to assess the usefulness of simulation-based education using objective assessments is required.
Keywords: postgraduate clinical education, junior residents, simulation-based education, nighttime ward cover shifts

*1 神戸赤十字病院呼吸器内科,Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kobe Red Cross Hospital
*2 千葉大学医学部附属病院心臓血管外科,Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Chiba University Hospital
*3 聖路加国際病院リウマチ膠原病センター,Immuno-Rheumatology Center, St. Luke’s International Hospital


田中 淳一*1, 6 照屋 周造*2, 6 近藤 猛*3, 6
柴田 綾子*4, 6 藤井 達也*5, 6 米岡 裕美*7


Career Education Using a Game to Experience a Turning Point

Junichi TANAKA*1, 6 Shuzo TERUYA*2, 6 Takeshi KONDO*3, 6
Ayako SHIBATA*4, 6 Tatsuya FUJII*5, 6 Yumi YONEOKA*7

We developed a virtual career thinking game and provided third-year medical students with workshop-type career instruction to identify “transition” in a career and their own values. The game is based on the assumption that the virtual character will respond to a turning point during undergraduate school and after graduation, through group work, and experience the story of a doctor’s life. After playing the game and sharing the story of each group, participants were asked to think about what they would do at a possible turning point. Although favorable response were observed in the first year, problems were found, and improvements were made in the second year, and further effects were observed. The results show that career education using games increases students’ ability to respond to turning points and is an effective technique in career education.
Keywords: career education, game, cognitive load theory

*1 東北大学病院 総合地域医療教育支援部,Department of Education and Support for Regional Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
*2 沖縄県立八重山病院,Okinawa Yaeyama Hospital
*3 名古屋大学医学部附属病院,Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
*4 淀川キリスト教病院,Yodogawa Christian Hospital
*5 山王病院,Sanno Hospital
*6 To Be Lab
*7 埼玉医科大学,Saitama medical University


高橋 優三*


Emphasis of Liberal Art Education on Not to Transform
Plasticity-brain to Medicine-specific Brain


 The author emphasizes the importance of liberal arts education in the medical school curriculum to prepare for the coming AI era when the medical practice undergoes drastic changes. The implementation of AI results in the gift of time and the gift of labor in medicine, which we can use to create time for liberal art education. New graduate doctors should be skillful in their in their current medical practice and flexible to coming changes. They should also contribute to public opinion about medicine.
Keywords: liberal arts education, curriculum, artificial intelligence

*兵庫医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Hyogo College of Medicine

吉岡 俊正*

Memory and Perspective

Toshimasa YOSHIOKA

*東都大学理事, Director, Tohto University
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載8回
8 Appreciative Inquiry ~楽しいプロフェッショナリズムの振り返り~

朝比奈 真由美*

Appreciative Inquiry(AI)は社会学研究分野のアクションリサーチ(実践を通じた研究)の手法として米国のCooperriderとSrivastvaにより1978年に提唱された1).問題点を項目別にチェックして改善するという従来の課題解決志向型の組織改善手法を補完するものとして,AIは組織の良いところをナラティブの形で記述し,それをテーマにディスカッションしたり組織内に広報したりすることでインフォーマルな形で組織改善を導く手法である.その手法は以下のような段階を踏んで行われる.①ポジティブ経験をストーリー(ナラティブ)の形にする.②ストーリーを題材にディスカッションしたり,組織内に広報する.③人々がポジティブな行動変容を起こす.④組織改善が起こる.
AIは様々な分野に取り入れられ発展したが2),医学の分野においては2006年にInuiらによりインディアナ大学(IUSM)でのAI実践が紹介されている3).AI活動は学生,レジデント,教員,研究者,スタッフなどが関与する様々なものがあるが,学生が関与するものとしては学生にクラークシップの最高の経験を振り返った文章を提出させ,学生同士のディスカッション,職員のカンファレンスや広報に利用することで,大学組織のよりポジティブで希望に満ちたイメージを形成し,人々のプロフェッショナリズム意識行動を推進する効果があったと報告している.日本においてはCruessらの編著による「Teaching Medical Professionalism」4)の訳書『医療プロフェッショナリズム教育』5)が2012年に出版され,その第6章でAIが紹介されたが,医学教育への導入はまだあまり進んでいるとは言えない状況である.本稿では大人数での実践例(千葉大学)と,少人数での実践例(金沢大学)の紹介,およびAIの魅力をお伝えできればと考える.
キーワード:appreciative inquiry,組織改善,プロフェッショナリズム意識行動


Appreciative inquiry (AI) was proposed in 1978 by Cooperrider and Srivastva of the United States as a method of action research (study through practice) in the field of sociology research.  To complement the conventional organizational improvement method of checking and improving problems item by item, in AI, the members of the organization describe the good points of the organization in the form of narrative and discuss them and publicizing them. It is a method to improve the organization informally. The technique is performed in the following steps. ①Make positive experiences into stories (narrative). ②Discuss the stories as the subject and publicize them in the organization. ③People cause positive behavioral changes. ④Organizational improvement occurs.
AI has been introduced and developed in various fields. In the field of medicine, Inui et al. reported AI practice at Indiana University (IUSM) in 2006. There were multiple types of AI activities that involve students, residents, faculties, researchers, staff, etc. For the student's AI activity, they submit stories that reflect the best experience of clerkships. Using their stories for discussions among students, staff conferences, and public relations, it revealed that it had the effect of forming a more positive and hopeful image of the university organization and promoting people's professionalism awareness behavior. In Japan, a translation of "Teaching Medical Professionalism" written by Cruess et al., was published in 2012, and AI is introduced in Chapter 6. However, the introduction of AI into medical education in Japan has not yet advanced. In this article, I would like to introduce a practical example with a large number of people (Chiba University) and a small number (Kanazawa University) and convey the appeal of AI.
Keywords: appreciative inquiry, organizational improvement, professionalism awareness behavior

* 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載8回
8.1 千葉大学医学部におけるAppreciative Inquiry

朝比奈 真由美*

Appreciative Inquiry at Chiba University School of Medicine


*千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載8回
8.2 金沢大学医学類におけるAppreciative inquiryの実践

原 怜史*1 野村 秀樹*2 玉井 利克*1 山本 靖彦*3 太田 邦雄*1

Appreciative Inquiry at Kanazawa University School of Medicine

Satoshi HARA, Hideki NOMURA, Katsutoshi TAMAI, Yasuhiko YAMAMOTO, Kunio OHTA

*1 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系医学教育研究センター,Appreciative inquiry at Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 金沢大学附属病院総合診療部,Department of General Medicine, Kanazawa University Hospital
*3 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系血管分子生物学,Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Vascular Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences


向原 圭*1 森本 剛*2 伊藤 俊之*3 大生 定義*4
宮田 靖志*5 大滝 純司*6

プロフェッショナリズムを基盤とする医療専門職教育において利益相反の概念について理解し,適切に対応することは不可欠である.しかしながら,日本において医学研究活動以外の利益相反に関する教育カリキュラムは少ないのが現状である.本稿では,日本医学教育学会教育研究・利益相反委員会の利益相反班で検討した,医師と営利 企業の関係に焦点を当てた医療専門職教育における利益相反に関する教育カリキュラ ムを提案する.卒前,卒後,生涯教育における状況の違いが考慮されながら医療専門 職教育における利益相反教育の実践活動が拡大していくことに加えて,モデルコアカ リキュラム,初期研修,専門医研修,生涯教育カリキュラムに医療専門職教育におけ る利益相反の管理が正式に組み込まれることを期待する.

A Proposal for Educational Curriculum on Conflicts of
Interest from Undergraduate through Postgraduate and
Continuing Health Professions Education

Kei MUKOHARA*1 Takeshi MORIMOTO*2 Toshiyuki ITOH*3
Sadayoshi OHBU*4 Yasushi MIYATA*5 Junji OTAKI*6

To ensure public’s trust in health professions, it is imperative for health professionals to understand the concept of conflict of interest (COI) in health professions education and manage it appropriately. However, there are not enough formal curricula on COI in health professions education in Japan. We propose an educational curriculum on COI in health professions education focusing on physicians’ relationships with for-profit corporation. We hope that this proposed curriculum stimulates educational activities on the ground taking context into account and leads to a formal incorporation of COI in health professions education into educational policies nationwide.
Keywords: educational curriculum, conflicts of interest, undergraduate health professions education, postgraduate health professions education, continuing health professions education

*日本医学教育学会教育研究・利益相反委員会利益相反班,Education Research and Conflict of Interest Committee
*1 久留米大学医療センター総合診療科,Department of General and Family Medicine, Kurume University Medical Center
*2 兵庫医科大学病院臨床疫学,Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
*3 滋賀医科大学医学・看護学教育センター,Center for Medical and Nursing Education, Shiga University of Medical Science
*4 新生病院,New Life Hospital
*5 愛知医科大学医学部地域総合診療医学寄附講座,Aichi Medical University School of Medicine, Department of Primary Care and Community Health
*6 東京医科大学兼任教授,北海道大学名誉教授,Professor, Tokyo Medical University, Emeritus Professor, Hokkaido University

バロン, ジェームス パトリック先生を偲んで
植村 研一
泉 美貴
第77回 e医学教育セミナーとワークショップ

岐阜大学 医学教育開発研究センター 今福 輪太郎

第76回e医学教育セミナーとワークショップ 実施報告

岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター 川上 ちひろ


春田 淳志*1,2 阪本 直人*2

*1 慶應義塾大学医学教育統括センター, Medical Education Center, Keio University
*2 筑波大学医学医療系地域医療教育学講座, Primary Care and Medical Education, University of Tsukuba


川上 ちひろ*

*岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University

石川 和信*1, 2


How Medical Education is Missing the Bull’s-eye

Kazunobu ISHIKAWA*1, 2

*1 福島学院大学,Fukushima College for Sincerity
*2 特定医療法人舟山病院内科,Department of Internal Medicine, Funayama Hospital
English Chatting Group; One Suggestion
for Relieving Psychological Distress

Toshiyuki TANAKA* Shoichiro SAITO* Kana FUJINAKA*

* 奈良県立医科大学医学部医学科6年,Nara Medical University School of Medicine

松島 加代子*

*長崎大学病院医学教育開発センター,Medical Education Development Center, Nagasaki University Hospital
医学教育研究室の抄読会から 第3回

佐野 樹*1*2*3 木村 武司*2*4 錦織 宏*2*3

*1 三重県立こころの医療センター,Mie Prefectural Mental Care Center
*2 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*4 京都大学医学部附属病院総合臨床教育研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hosipital

Tsukuba Memorial Hospital

小關 剛(臨床研修プログラム責任者)

Nagaoka Chuo General Hospital

中村 裕一(副院長 初期臨床研修プログラム責任者)

Tosei General Hospital

中島 義仁(臨床研修部長)

Japanese Red Cross Ise Hospital

楠田 司(病院長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL


一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)