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特 集 そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
1. 特集のねらい
…西條 卓也,小林 志津子
特 集 そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
2. 機関誌「医学教育」投稿区分の見分け方と論文執筆のポイント
…武田 裕子
特 集 そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
3. 世界の医学教育誌の紹介と我が国の投稿状況
…松山 泰
特 集 そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
4. 「質」の高い研究論文の作成に必要なこととは?
…今福 輪太郎
特 集 そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
5. 学会で出会ったある高齢男性医師の語り
…錦織 宏
短 報 医学生の医学用語に対する認知と理解の習熟過程
…菅原 亜紀子,諸井 陽子,小林 元,大谷 晃司,石川 和信
短 報 臨床研修事務担当者の役割と資質に関する意識調査:
…青野 真弓,尾原 晴雄,川上 ちひろ,鈴木 康之
招待論文 懸田賞受賞リレー・エッセイ:平成12年度(第5号)
…赤林 朗
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第5回
5.性別違和に対する偏見を解消する プロフェッショナリズム教育
…康 純,米田 博
資 料 放射線健康リスク科学教育の現状と課題
…松田 尚樹,浦田 芳重,北川 昌伸,青木 昌彦
細井 義夫,根本 建二,大津留晶,磯辺 智範
櫻井 英幸,宮川 清,吉村 亮一,神田 玲子
近藤 隆,武田 俊一,藤堂 剛,粟井 和夫
續 輝久,永安 武
第71回日本東洋医学会学術総会 特別企画
…高山 真,中永 士師明,中村 東一郎,三潴 忠道
(意 見)
…淺田 義和
(意 見)
…向所 賢一
機関会員のページ 岩手県立中央病院
Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital
…高橋 弘明
機関会員のページ 十和田市立中央病院
Towada City Hospital
…丹野 弘晃
機関会員のページ 大原総合病院
Ohhara General Hospital
…佐藤 勝彦
機関会員のページ 公立岩瀬病院
Iwase General Hospital
…大谷 弘
機関会員のページ 坂総合病院
Saka General Hospital
…内藤 孝
そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
1. 特集のねらい

西條 卓也*1 小林 志津子*2

医学教育の優れた実践や,新たな知見を活字で誌面に残し,情報発信するという学究的活動は,それ自体が知的好奇心を掻き立て,大変奥深くまた楽しい学術活動です.近年ますます注目を集め,コミュニティがますます広がる医学教育者にとって,論文執筆は医学教育の知見の積み重ねという目的のほか,自身のキャリア開発のためにも重要であるかもしれません.では,その医学教育研究をどの様に実施し,どのように論文採択を勝ち取るか? 教育研究は,いわゆる医学的な基礎・臨床研究とは,背景の書き方から,選択する方法論,データ収集方法,理論的考察・議論形成のアプローチがいくつか異なるため,実際に研究するとなると躊躇してしまいがちです.学術誌においては当然,優れた教育実践・研究成果・意見などの情報を発信するための基本的な条件・原則があります.そして筆者は,その条件・原則にのっとり,発信したい研究データのなかに,多くの読者にとっての教育的意義を見出し,論理的にまとめ,その知見に相応しい雑誌とカテゴリーに投稿することが求められます.

Let’s Get Published in Medical Education Journals
Tips for the Successful Submission:
Reports on Symposium on 52nd Annual Conference of JSME
Objective of Special Edition

Takuya SAIKI*1 Shizuko KOBAYASHI*2

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center,Gifu University
*2 京都博愛会病院,Kyoto Hakuaikai Hospital
そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
2. 機関誌「医学教育」投稿区分の見分け方と論文執筆のポイント

武田 裕子*

日本医学教育誌の投稿区分を概説する.「原著」「教育実践研究は」明確なリサーチ・クエスチョンに沿った研究デザインされた研究で,妥当性・信頼性の確立した研究手法が用いたものである.先行研究の確認(literature review)や,理論的枠組み(theoretical framework)を用いたディスカッションが不可欠である.本稿では,これらの区分に投稿された論文の不採択理由を具体的に示し,査読の視点や論文執筆のポイントを伝える.また,本号から新たに投稿区分に加わった,「実践報告―新たな試み―」について説明する.

Tips for Successful Submission to Medical Education Journals


Medical Education Journal is the official journal of the Japanese Society for Medical Education. There are seven categories including original research papers and practice research articles. It is essential that original research is designed based on clear research questions and conducted using valid and reliable methodology. Literature review and discussion utilizing theoretical frameworks should not be omitted. This article illustrates the critical points in preparing full research papers and the lessons learned from unaccepted manuscripts. New category, Practice report introduction of a new approach, is explained in this issue.
Keywords:Literature review, Research hypothesis, Research question, Theoretical framework

*順天堂大学大学院医学研究科医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
3. 世界の医学教育誌の紹介と我が国の投稿状況

松山 泰*

研究論文を国際学術誌に投稿する際には,学会(誌)の趣旨,読者層,採択率,インパクトファクターなどを踏まえて投稿先を考える.今回「医学教育」編集委員会は,日本の医療/教育機関に所属している筆頭著者の論文で,2009から2018年の間に国際誌に掲載されたものを集計した.最も掲載論文数が多かったのはBMC Medical Educationで41本(全て原著論文),続いてMedical Teacherで22本(原著16本)であった.Academic Medicineは8本,Medical Educationは7本の掲載論文があった.このほか日本からの掲載はほとんどないが,Advances in Health Science Education,Teaching and Learning in Medicineなどが主要誌に位置づけられる.また専門領域に特化したものにはAdvances in Physiology EducationやJournal of Surgical Educationなどがある.本稿ではこれら代表的な医学教育誌の特徴(重点を置いている話題,ユニークな投稿区分,投稿に際する注意事項など)を情報提供する.論文投稿に活用いただければ幸いである.

A Survey of Introduction Medical Education Journals and the Number of Articles Published from Japan


When submitting research papers to international academic journals, we consider aims and scope of journals, readership, acceptance rate, impact factors, etc. to select which journal is most suitable for our studies. In this paper, the editorial board of Medical Education Japan analyzed articles published in international journals between 2009 and 2018 by first authors belonging to institutions in Japan. Pertaining to the number of articles, BMC Medical Education ranked first with forty-one articles (all were original research papers) and Medical Teacher ranked second with 22 (16 original research papers). There were 8 and 7 articles published by first authors from Japan in Academic Medicine and Medical Education, respectively. There are few articles published from Japan in Advances in Health Science Education and Teaching and Learning in Medicine. Some journals, like Advances in Physiology Education and Journal of Surgical Education, focus on specific fields of medicine. We will show characteristics of these major journals (e.g. area of interest, unique article categories, key points for submission, etc.). We hope that readers utilize this information for article submission.
Keywords: Medical education journal, International journal, Publication status, Japan, Japanese

*自治医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Jichi Medical University
そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
4. 「質」の高い研究論文の作成に必要なこととは?

今福 輪太郎*


What Do We Need to Know for Writing a High-Quality Research Paper?

Rintaro IMAFUKU*

Even though interesting data and results are obtained, the quality of the research paper depends on how you academically and logically write and present the findings and your interpretation. This paper discusses what we need to know for writing a high-quality research paper from the following perspectives: Identification of research gap(s) based on literature review, clarification of author’s epistemological assumptions and employment of theoretical framework, emphasis on methodological rigor, provision of theoretical and practical implications that are applicable to readers’ context, and ensuring the consistency of author’s argumentation throughout the paper.
Keywords: Research gap, Theoretical framework, Methodological rigor, Theoretical and practical implications, Argumentation

*岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
5. 学会で出会ったある高齢男性医師の語り

錦織 宏*

 我々はなぜ医学教育研究の論文を書き,また学会などで発表するのだろうか? またなぜ医学教育研究の論文を読み,学会での発表を聞くのだろうか? 医学教育の実践はしばしば講義室などの閉じられた空間で行われ,そこには,<教員・指導医>と<医学生・研修医>といった明確な権力勾配が存在する.本稿では,権力構造に着目した批判理論という認識論的立場に立ち,医学教育研究における教育事例報告の意義についての論を展開する.

Why Do We Write Medical Education Research Papers?
A Narrative of a Retired Doctor


Why do we write medical education research papers and present them at academic conferences? Why do you read medical education research papers and listen to presentations at academic conferences?  Medical education is often practiced in a closed space such as a lecture room, where there is a clear power dynamic such as <teacher / supervisor> and <medical student / resident>. In this paper, we will focus on power structure and develop an argument about the significance of educational case reports in medical education research from the epistemological standpoint of critical theory.
Keywords: Case study, Critical theory, Spinoza

*名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine,Nagoya University
京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University

菅原 亜紀子*1 諸井 陽子*1 小林 元*2 大谷 晃司*1 石川 和信*2


Progress in Recognition and Comprehension of Medical Terms Among Medical Students

Koji OTANI*1 Kazunobu ISHIKAWA*2

Introduction: To implement effective medical education, it is important to clarify the process of recognizing and comprehending medical terms.
Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey of 492 first- to fifth-year medical students to evaluate the recognition and comprehension rates of 57 medical terms in each grade. The terms were classified using the hierarchical cluster analysis based on the recognition and comprehension rates.
Results: The response rate was 91.1% (n=448). The 57 terms were classified into following five clusters: #1, 30 terms that the students had recognized and comprehended from Y1; #2, 18 terms that the students had recognized from Y1 and comprehended as the grade increased; #3, six terms that the students had recognized and comprehended as the grade increased; #4, two terms that the students had recognized from Y1 but had not comprehended even in upper grades; #5, one term that the students had recognized as the grade increased but had not comprehended even in Y5.
Discussion: Teachers may need to devise educational strategies while considering different patterns of students’ recognition and comprehension of medical terms.
Keywords: Medical term, Medical student, Recognition, Comprehension

*1 福島県立医科大学医療人育成・支援センター,Center for Medical Education and Career Development, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan
*2 国際医療福祉大学医学部医学教育統括センター,シミュレーションセンター,Office of Medical Education & Simulation Center,School of Medicine,International University of Health and Welfare,Narita,Japan

青野 真弓*1 ,*2 尾原 晴雄*1,*3 川上 ちひろ*1 鈴木 康之*1


Residency Program Coordinators’ Perceptions of Their Roles and Attributes

Mayumi AONO*1,*2 Haruo OBARA*1,*3 Chihiro KAWAKAMI*1
Yasuyuki SUZUKI*1

Purpose: To clarify the awareness of residency program coordinators on their roles and attributes.
Methods: We asked the residency program coordinators to describe their perception of "roles" and "attributes" that they consider important. We then, qualitatively and semi-quantatively analyzed the data.
Results: Administrative work, public relations activities, coordination, pastoral and educational roles such as mental support, life support, and social education for trainees were extracted as the roles they identified. Regarding the attributes, humanity, the improvement of the quality of work, and various attributes for human resource development were extracted such as counselors, communication, harmonious human relationship, trainee-centeredness and educational mindset.
Discussion: The residency program coordinators perceived the importance of their “roles” and “attributes” for the development of trainees. Our results may be able to contribute to the development of current and future coordinators.
Keywords: Residency program coordinator, Role, Attribute

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University
*2 聖路加国際大学教育センター,Education Center, St. Luke’s International University
*3 沖縄県立中部病院総合内科,Department of General Medicine, Okinawa Chubu Hospital

赤林 朗*


* 東京大学大学院医学系研究科・公共健康医学専攻・医療倫理学分野,Department of Biomedical Ethics, School of Public Health, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第5回

康 純* 米田 博*


Eliminate Prejudice against Gender Dysphoria through Professionalism Education in the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Osaka Medical College

Jun KOH* Hiroshi YONEDA*

Recently, LGBT has become a popular topic, people of various gender expressions appeared on TV. Gender diversity is widely known in Japan.On the other hand, a transwoman who diagnosed with gender identity disorder was prohibited from using woman’s restrooms and locker rooms.The incomprehensible prejudice against gender dysphoria remains persistent.Since people with various gender expressions come to the hospital for consultation, medical professionals are not allowed to be biased against various gender expressions.In this article, a strategy for resolving prejudice against people with gender dysphoria will be propose.
Keywords: Eliminate prejudice against the socially vulnerable, Gender dysphoria, Professionalism

*大阪医科大学総合医学講座神経精神医学教室,Department of Neuropsychiatry, Division of Comprehensive Medicine Osaka Medical College

松田 尚樹*1,17 浦田 芳重*2 北川 昌伸*3,17 青木 昌彦*4,17
細井 義夫*5,17 根本 建二*6,17 大津留晶*7,17 磯辺 智範*8
櫻井 英幸*8,17 宮川 清*9,17 吉村 亮一*10,17 神田 玲子*11,17
近藤 隆*12,17 武田 俊一*13,17 藤堂 剛*14,17 粟井 和夫*15,17
續 輝久*16,17 永安 武*2,17


Current Status and Issues of Education on Radiation Health Risk Science
-Revealed by a National Survey-

Naoki Matsuda*1,17 Yoshishige Urata*2 Masanobu Kitagawa*3,17
Masahiko Aoki*4,17 Yoshio Hosoi*5,17 Kenji Nemoto*6,17
Akira Ohtsuru*7,17 Tomonori Isobe*8 Hideyuki Sakurai*8,17
Kiyoshi Miyakawa*9,17 Ryoichi Yoshimura*10,17 Reiko Kanda*11,17
Takashi Kondo*12,17 Shunichi Takeda*13,17 Takeshi Toudo*14,17
Kazuo Awai*15,17 Teruhisa Tsuzuki*16,17 Takeshi Nagayasu*2,17

In accordance with the new model-core-curriculum for medical education, the current status of education bout the science of radiation health was surveyed in all medical schools in Japan. Among four learning points related to the “Biological effects of radiation and radiation hazards”, about half of the schools covered issues on “radiation and human body” and the “effect of medical radiation exposure” in one, or less than one, 60-minutes class, but did not touch on “radiation risk communication” and “radiological disaster medicine”. A significant deviation of human resources was also observed between schools. Learning tools such as presentation files and video contents were preferred as education support materials. Therefore, development and distribution of the learning tools, especially in “radiation risk communication” and “radiological disaster medicine”, may be a first step to promoting high-quality education on the science of radiation health risk in each school’s curriculum.
Keywords: Radiation education, Model-core-curriculum, Radiological disaster medicine, Radiation risk communication

*1 長崎大学原爆後障害医療研究所,Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University
*2 長崎大学医学部,School of Medicine, Nagasaki University
*3 東京医科歯科大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
*4 弘前大学大学院医学研究科,Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki University
*5 東北大学大学院医学系研究科Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University
*6 山形大学医学部附属病院,Yamagata University Hospital
*7 福島県立医科大学医学部,School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
*8 筑波大学医学医療系,School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Tsukuba University
*9 東京大学大学院医学系研究科,Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
*10 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科,Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
*11 量子科学技術研究開発機構放射線医学総合研究所,National Institute of Radiological Sciences, National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
*12 富山大学,The University of Toyama
*13 京都大学大学院医学研究科,Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*14 大阪大学ラジオアイソトープ総合センター,Radioisotope Research Center, Osaka University
*15 広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究科,Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University
*16 九州大学,Kyushu University
*17 国立大学医学部長会議教育制度・ カリキュラムに関する小委員会放射線の健康リスク科学教育の必修化ワーキンググループ,Working Group for Education of Radiation Health Risk Sciences, Council of Head of National Medical Schools of Japan
第71回日本東洋医学会学術総会 特別企画

高山 真*1 中永 士師明*2 中村 東一郎*3 三潴 忠道*4


*1 東北大学病院総合地域医療教育支援部・漢方内科, Department of Kampo Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
*2 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科医学専攻病態制御医学系救急・集中治療医学講座, Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
*3 中村医院, Nakamura Clinic
*4 福島県立医科大学会津医療センター漢方医学講座, Department of Kampo Medicine, Aizu Medical Center, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine




淺田 義和*

*自治医科大学情報センター, Center for Information, Jichi Medical University

向所 賢一*

*滋賀医科大学病理学講座分子診断病理学部門,Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology, Department of Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital

高橋 弘明(副院長)

Towada City Hospital

丹野 弘晃(病院長)

Ohhara General Hospital

佐藤 勝彦(一般財団法人大原記念財団 理事長兼大原総合病院 院長)

Iwase General Hospital

大谷 弘(副院長兼プログラム責任者)

Saka General Hospital

内藤 孝(院長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL


一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)