International-English Session
International-English Session
Free registration
- For the presenting author of the abstract accepted for the International-English Session, Organizing Committee is pleased to offer free registration to the Meeting.
Presentation formats
- Accepted abstracts will be presented in Oral Sessions.
- All presentations must be in English.
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- Abstract lengths are as below;
– Abstract title: maximum of 25 words
– Abstract text: maximum of 250 words - You are allowed to be the presenting author of multiple abstracts.
Abstract title
- All abstract titles must be sentence case, without either period at the end or underlining.
○ Treatment of nasal allergy in Japan
Abstract text
- Abstracts should be organized containing Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
A) Background:
A statement of purpose of the study (preferably one sentence).
B) Methods:
A brief statement of the methods used. For abstracts reporting clinical research, a sentence or phrase presenting the most important selection criteria for subjects should be included.
C) Results:
A summary of the results, presented in sufficient detail with statistical analysis to support the conclusions.
D) Conclusion:
A statement of the conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state, “the results will be discussed,” or “other data will be presented,” etc.
E) Others:
Tables, graphs and ref
erences should not be included in the abstract.
Please note!
Abstracts must be proofread carefully to avoid errors before submission.
- Affiliations should be indicated in the following manner.
– University, USA
– University, Prefecture, Japan
– Hospital, Prefecture, Japan
Notification of acceptance
- Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to you via email to the email address provided in the abstract submission form.
Abstract Submission
Please download the template from the button below and send it as an email attachment by November 13, 2024. November 27, 2024.
- template
- template
Email address for abstract submission