


  • 林邦彦,藤田利治,鈴木庄亮,水沼英樹,麻生武志:ナースを対象にした日本人の疫学調査:Japan Nurses’ Health Study-JNHS中間報告.日本更年期医学会雑誌 12(1): 170-3, 2004.


  • Fujimaki S, Fujita T, Suzuki S, Mizunuma H, Aso T, Walker A, Hayashi K, and the JNHS Group: Sleeping pill use and user’s characteristics – Japan Nurses’ Health Study. The 20th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (Bordeaux). Aug. 22-25, 2004
  • Fujimaki S, Kodama T, Fujita T, Suzuki S, Mizunuma H, Aso T, Reich M, Walker A, Hayashi K, and the JNHS Group: Low-dose oral contraceptive use and users’ characteristics: Japan Nurses’ Health Study. The 20th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (Bordeaux). Aug. 22-25, 2004
  • Katanoda K, Matsumura Y, Takagi H, Lee JS, Fujita T, Hayashi K: Social and behavioral characteristics of aspirin users: Japan Nurses’ Health Study. The 20th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (Bordeaux). Aug. 22-25, 2004
  • Noji A, Lee JS, Imazeki S, Hosokawa M, Okaya K, Sugishita C, Katanoda K, Matsumura Y, Fujimaki T, Takagi H, Hayashi K: The Japan Nurses’ Health Study – Lifestyles of nurses from baseline data.The 5th International Nursing Research Conference (Fukushima), Aug. 29-31, 2004.