1年半に渡り基礎看護学のTAとして、原田研究室のRAとして頼もしい存在だったPengさんが博士課程を修了されました。博士課程では医療倫理に取り組まれ(PMID: 36545793 DOI: 10.1177/09697330221140512)、11月からは中国で看護学教員としてのキャリアを始められます。式に臨んだPengさんのチャイナドレス以上に、彼女の笑顔が素敵でした。Pengさん、おめでとうございます!
Peng, who has been a reliable presence as a TA for Department of fundamentals of nursing for a year and a half and as a Research Assistant in Harada Laboratory, has completed her doctoral program. She tackled medical ethics in her doctoral course (PMID: 36545793 DOI: 10.1177/09697330221140512) and will begin her career as a nursing faculty member in China starting from November. More splendid than the China dress Peng wore at the ceremony was her beautiful smile. Congratulations, Peng!