助教の北別府が照林社から「ナースのための 急性期(ICU・救急)の輸液: もっとわかる 」を出版しました。毎日の輸液管理を、もっと楽しく、自信をもって遂行できることめ目指して書きました。ナースのための 急性期(ICU・救急)の輸液: もっとわかる:https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4796525866
Assistant Professor Kitabeppu has published a book titled “Infusion in Acute Care (ICU/Emergency) for Nurses: More Understanding” through Shorinsha. The book was written with the goal of making daily infusion management more enjoyable and confident for nurses. To learn more about “Acute (ICU/Emergency) Infusion for Nurses: Understanding More,” visit: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4796525866