Registration, Abstract submission

Both deadlines for abstract submission and early registration of IOM2023 have been extended. You can modify your contents before new deadline 28th Apr.



"Late poster" abstract submission: June 2, 2023
Abstract submission: April 14, 2023 April 28, 2023 *Extended
Early bird registration: April 14, 2023 April 28, 2023 *Extended
Registration ends: June 30, 2023

Registration fee

Early registration
(On or Before 14th 28th April 2023)
(On or After 15th 29th April, 2023)
IOM MemberJPY 60,000 (approx. 451USD)JPY 70,000 (approx. 526USD)
(including 2 year IOM membership)
JPY 80,000 (approx. 602USD)JPY 90,000 (approx. 677USD)
Student IOM MemberJPY 30,000 (approx. 226USD)JPY 40,000 (approx. 300USD)
Student Non-Member
(including 2 year IOM membership)
JPY 34,000 (approx. 256USD)JPY 44,000 (approx. 331USD)
Two DaysJPY 30,000 (approx. 226USD)JPY 40,000 (approx. 300USD)

Detailed information for registration is shown below.

--- IOM Membership ---

IOM recommends becoming an IOM member. The benefits are listed below. If you pay for membership first and then register for congress, it is more reasonable. If you pay both through the congress registration site, you get a receipt stated as just "congress fee".

Registration for IOM membership

1. Reasonable attending fee for IOM congresses

2. Application to Travel, Harry Morton, and Louis Deans awards

3. Full access to IOM website including congress photos

4. IOM Newsletter

5. Use of IOM mailing list

6. Remote watch of special lectures will be planned

7. Free access to remote greeting in Reception and Banquet of IOM2023

*Please use the same e-mail address for both registrations of membership and congress, to identify members.

--- Reception, Lunch, Water Bus Tour, Abstract Book Printing ---

We need the number of attendees in advance to avoid wasting food and paper, aiming for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). No fees for these choices.

--- Novelty ---

Reference for confidential. We are free to spread published stories.

--- Travel award ---

Limited to presenters. Please e-mail to about your budget situation if possible. We want to assign fellowships in an appropriate way. If you need "accept letter" for fellowship application, also e-mail to us.

--- Accommodations ---

You can choose JTB's recommendation through REGISTRATION page. If you like cheaper ones, you refer to Local Organizing Committee's recommendation. You may consider the hotels from the top side in the list. Please use hotel reservation sites of your preference.

--- YouTube Streaming ---

As large ratio of participants did not apply for streaming, we decided not to provide streaming for standard presentations. Special programs are different.
If you agree, we will share live videos among IOM members. You can give questions through a chat system. We do not plan remote presentations.

Q & A

--- Registration ---

Q: Can I apply for the optional events (Receptioin party, Congress dinner, water bus tour, Lanch box) after registration?
A: Yes, you can. The optinal events will be accepted by June 30. You can apply for them in your "My Page".

Q: Since the current itinerary is not fully determined, can I skip the Congress Dinner at the time of registration, and apply for it later if needed?
A: Yes, you can do it. We recommend the dinner. There is a limit to the number of guests we can welcome in the restaurant.

Q: Do I have to complete registration and payment before I submit an abstract?
A: You can submit an abstract first before payment, but you need to complete registration and payment by the deadline April 14 (Early bird registration) or June 30.

Q: I do not know how much the registration fee is. Where can I find it?
A: A table of the fees was added here in this registration page.

Q: Can I attend to the congress without joining the membership?
A: No. You need to be an IOM member. There are two ways to be a member.
1) You go to the society site. This is a cheaper way.
2) You pay both in our congress site. In this way, you can include membership fee in the meeting fee.
Basically, you do not have any duties as an member but you will get benefits as listed above in --- IOM Membership ---.

Q: Can I pay the registration fee on site?
A: Please register and pay through the website by the deadline. If you have any difficulty, please contact us by email

Q: Can I pay by anything other than credit card?
A: Payment should be made by credit card. If you have any difficulty, please contact us by e-mail

--- Abstract ---

Q: Can I submit my abstract after the deadline April 28?
A: We will accept requests for "late poster" presentations by June 2, 2023. Poster awards cannot be considered. Please let us know by email

Q: How can I imput a word in italics?
A: The system has been updated. You can make italics in the "Launch edit screen" except title.

Q: My abstract has more than 10 co-authers but there are only spaces for 10 authers. How can I do?
A: The system has been updated. You can enter up to 15 authers.

Q: If some members in our team do not attend the congress, can they submit an abstract?
A: No, abstract submission can be done only by a participant. However, no limit to the number of submission for one participant.

Q: Can we include non IOM members in authors?
A: Yes you can. No problem at all.

Q: Can I submit more than one abstract?
A: There is no limit to the number of submissions, but the system allows up to 5 submissions. Please contact us by e-mail for more than 6 submissions.

--- Presentation ---

Q: How can we apply for the oral presentations? And when can we know about the result?
A: You can find "oral" or "poster" button when you submit your abstract. The science program committee will assign presentations.

Q: How long is the presention time?
A: Past IOM congresses gave 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Shorter versions were also set in some congresses.

--- Travel award ---

Q: How do I apply for Travel Award.
A: Any presenter is eligible to apply. Please go to the registration site and click on the "Travel Award" button. Also, please let us know about your other grant applications including your financial situation by e-mail

--- Invitation letter ---

Q: I need an invitation letter to receive a grant from my country.
A: Please send us an email with the necessary information for the invitation letter. We will send it to you by e-mail as soon as it is ready.

Q: I need an invitation letter to obtain a travel authorization and official documents in my country.
A: Please send us an email with the necessary information for the invitation letter. We will send it to you by e-mail as soon as it is ready.

Q: I need an Invitation letter for visa application to submit to the Japanese Embassy.
A: Please send us an email The travel agent JTB, which supports this congress, will contact you to prepare an invitation letter and other necessary documents.

--- Accommodation ---

Q: I want to know a rate of the Guest House of Osaka Metropolitan University.
A: The rate is reasonable as below;
F Type (family room) Up to 3 nights ¥15,000 + ¥4,000/per night
S Type (single room) Up to 3 nights ¥7,500 + ¥2,000/per night
Please contact Makoto Miyata ( for booking.

--- Japanese Encephalitis ---

Q: Should I get the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine prior to travel? What I read says that Japanese Encephalitis is rare in travelers, however July is one of more common months the infection occurs and the infection can be life threatening or have high risk for debilitation.
A1: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a category 4 infectious disease in Japan. Category 1 is very serious, but category 5 is common and not so serious.
All the JE cases should be reported to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Total number of JE cases in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 were 0, 9, 5, 3 and 5, respectively. In 2023, no JE case was reported so far.
Please recognize the current situation of prevalence of JE in Japan, but if you have still concern for infection by JE virus, we recommend that you will be vaccinated with JE vaccine in your country.
A2: Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo are not endemic areas of Japan encephalitis virus and encephalitis seldom occurs in adults with an established immune system, even when infected in a very very rare occasion. So you are not always necessary to be vaccinated when you feel any much difficulty in vaccination for Japanese encephalitis in your surroundings.

Abstract submission


  1. Abstract should contain novel findings not published and/or recent findings published after January 2022.
  2. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent by email.
  3. All abstracts must be presented in clear English of a quality suitable for publication.
  4. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract.
  5. Additional poster presentation is necessary for candidates of The Harry Morton Student Award and The Louis Dienes Award, if they are assigned to oral presentation.
  6. Each participant can only give one oral presentation.
  7. Only accepted abstracts of fully registered and paid presenters will be included in the final scientific program.
  8. Abstract body should be no longer than 250 words.


  1. Abstract title: Each word should begin with a capital letter with the exception of transition words.
  2. Abstract is recommended to include (i) Background (ii) Methods, (iii) Results, (iv) Conclusion, not in separate sections – use one long paragraph to save space.
  3. Do not include figures, grant acknowledgements, or literature references.
  4. Submit no more than 5 Keywords. Title words can be used.
  5. Abstracts should be submitted via the online submission system only; abstracts submitted by fax or email will NOT be accepted.
  6. To correct/change an abstract that has already been submitted, please use the log-in and password which you received when you submitted your original abstract.
  7. After your abstract submission you will be sent an automatic e-mail confirming your successful submission. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, please contact the Congress Secretariat at: