The 15th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association
						Date: Jun 7 (Fri.) – 21 (Sun.), 2024
						Venue: ACT CITY Hamamatsu
						Theme: Towards sustainable primary health care that leaves no one behind.The 15th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association
						Date: Jun 7 (Fri.) – 21 (Sun.), 2024
						Venue: ACT CITY Hamamatsu
						Theme: Towards sustainable primary health care that leaves no one behind.

Call for Abstracts (International Session)

Call for Abstracts for the International Session

  • Presentation proposals for the International Session at the 15th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Associaion are being accepted from a wide range of professionals and students contributing to primary health care.
  • The International Session, including presentations and discussions, will be held in English.
  • One Best Investigator Award (regardless of the presenter's qualification) and one Young Investigator Award (for a young Japanese presenter) will be bestowed to the most outstanding presentations during the International Session.
  • Please be sure to read the following instructions for abstract submission .
1. Dates of the 15th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association
8-9 June, 2024
2. Abstract submission deadline
Closing Call for Abstracts:
December 22th, 2023 (12:00 pm JST)
January 9th, 2024(12:00 pm JST)
3. Presentation

3-a. Presentation style

  • The format of presentation will be oral or poster. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request.
  • We will ask you to prepare posters(paper, cloth) for the local venue and data(ePoster) for online participants.
  • Instructions for creating posters (paper, cloth, ePoster) and how to upload ePoster data on a digital platform will be announced at a later date.
  • Whether your presentation will be posters(paper, cloth)or data(ePoster)be announced in notification of acceptance of abstracts.
  Presentation forms
Completed Reaserch Case Report Activity Report Research in Progress
International Session
  Oral Poster

3-b. Presentation forms

In principle, the criteria for "Research," "Case Report," and "Activity Report" are in accordance with Submission Rules for the Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association.
Please refer to 1) of [5. Classification, Structure, and Contents of Papers] in the ubmission Rules.

Completed Research

  • As a rule, presentations of this category will be oral.
  • As a rule, research in this category includes quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods and should be completed by the day of the presentation.
  • Please adhere to the content structure of the abstract as a reference to 【Research/Hinohara Award Structured Abstract Format】.You may omit items as appropriate if you feel they are not applicable to your individual research.

Research in Progress

  • As a rule, presentations of this category will be in poster format.
  • We invite abstracts for clinical research related to primary health care, which is in the planning stage, to brush it up through presentations and discussions.
  • Please adhere to the content structure of the abstract as a reference to 【Research/Hinohara Award Structured Abstract Format】.You may omit items as appropriate if you feel they are not applicable to your individual research.
  • If the results are unavailable, the expected results can be written if appropriate.

Case Report

  • As a rule, presentations of this category will be in poster format.
  • Case Report is a detailed report or case series on the diagnosis, treatment, and progress of an individual case.
  • The abstract should be structured and organized with the sections of [Background], [Cases], and [Discussion].

Activity Report

  • As a rule, presentations will be in poster format.
  • Activity Report is reports on activities related to quality improvement of medical care, practice management, community engagement, etc.
  • Abstracts are in any format.
4. General requirements for all submissions

4-a. Ethics review

  • Before applying for ethical review, JPCA members who plan to conduct clinical research should confirm whether the research is planned in accordance with the "Ethical Guidelines for Life Science and Medical Research Involving Human Subjects" issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
  • Please be sure to describe ethical considerations (e.g., approval of Institutional Review Board) in abstract.

4-b. Handling of presentation data

  • Please be sure to check "here" for information on the handling of presentation data at conferences and seminars sponsored by the Society.

4-c. Prohibition of duplicate announcements

  • When registering an abstract, the article related to the abstract must not be submitted to or in the process of review within a scholarly journal.
  • We prohibit submissions that contain content already presented at other academic conferences or in the process of being submitted, as well as content very similar to papers already published in academic publications or currently under review.

4-d. Disclosure of conflicts of interest

  • Before presenting at the 15th Annual Conference of the Japan Primary Care Association, please disclose the conflict of interest of the first presenter and all co-presenters.
    Please check the followings and answer the "COI disclosure" on the abstract submission screen.

Conflicts of interest to be disclosed

  1. Compensation for directors, advisors, etc. (more than ¥1,000,000 per year from a single company or organization)
  2. Profit from stock (more than ¥1,000,000 per year from one company or more than 5% of the shares concerned)
  3. Patent royalties, etc. (totaling at least ¥1,000,000 per year from one company or organization)
  4. Lecture fees, etc. (totaling at least ¥1,000,000 per year from one company/organization)
  5. Manuscript fees, etc. (totaling at least ¥1,000,000 per year from a single company/organization)
  6. Total research expenses, grants, etc.(more than ¥2,000,000 per year from a single company or organization for one clinical study)
  7. Total financial support(more than ¥2,000,000 per year from a non-profit company or organization)
  8. Scholarship Donations(more than ¥2,000,000 per year from a single company or organization for one Principal Investigator)
  9. Others (travel expenses, gifts, etc. received) (annual total of ¥100,000 or more from a single company/organization)
5.Abstract submission instructions

5-a. Word limits and entering abstract

  • The maximum word limit for the title: 20 words.
  • The maximum word limit for the abstract: 250 words.
  • * Please note that registration cannot exceed the word limit.
  • Maximum number of authors (the first or co-author): 15
  • Maximum number of author affiliations: 15
  • Abstracts may not include figures, tables, or images.
  • When entering alphabetic and numeric characters, please use one-byte characters, including spaces.
  • Be sure to left-justify the text. Similarly, the first line of the abstract should be left-aligned with no spaces.

5-b. Points to note when registering

  • When you register your abstract, please select the attribute that most closely matches the title and affiliation of the first presenter from the list of students, interns, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, care and welfare professionals, other medical staff.
  • If you need reasonable accommodations at the time of presentation, please indicate so on the form.
    e.g. As a wheelchair user or due to visual impairement, I have difficulty getting up and down the podium during presentations.
    e.g. Need ear muffs during presentation due to sensitivity to sound.
  • After registration is completed, please check again to make sure the layout to ensure that the title and abstract body are not cut off in the middle.
  • After the submission, the secretariat will have no responsibility for proofreading, recorrection and so on. Please make sure that all information is correct before submitting.
  • After the registration deadline, no changes in content or additions and changes of co-authors are allowed.
  • After abstract submission, you will receive an e-mail for the "Notification of Completion". If you do not receive the e-mail, please contact the the secretariat.

5-c. Acceptance decision

  • Notification of Acceptance decision will be sent in March 2024(tentative).
  • Please note that you may be asked to change the type of the presentation forms, presentation styles (oral or poster) as well as the categories of the presentation at a later date.

5-d. Registration form

  • Please click the button below to proceed to the registration form to register your abstract.
  • Recommended Browser:We recommend using the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.
  • If you are unable to register online, please contact the the secretariat.
  • During the abstract submission period, you can modify your abstract as many times as you wish by logging in with your "abstract submission number" and "password.
    Please be sure to keep a copy of your "Abstract Registration Number" and "Password" that you set and entered at the time of abstract submission.
Contact us
703A Nichiei Building, 1-4-8 Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0001 Japan
Ayumi Corporation Ltd.
Phone: +81-06-6449-7760 Fax: +81-06-6441-2055
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