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- An overview of Hospital‐at‐home versus other models of care
- Four timing patterns of initiation of advance care planning discussions as practiced by home visiting nurses: A qualitative study
- Development of a Japanese version of the Fresno test for family physicians to measure evidence‐based medicine competence
- Acute‐onset sagging eye syndrome
- Validating the DIVERT scales, CARS, and EARLI for predicting emergency department visits in home health care in Japan: A retrospective cohort study
- Enhancing quality of care for older adults: The age‐friendly health system (4Ms framework) and the role of general medicine physicians as system‐based complexologists
- Global prevalence of anxiety symptoms and its associated factors in older adults: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
- A thank you note to our reviewers
- Issue Information
- Primary Care Research Connect: Reflecting on the first 5 years and looking to the future
- Gastric antral vascular ectasia manifesting as refractory anemia
- Undergraduate general medicine education in Japan: A nationwide cross‐sectional survey of medical trainees’ perspectives
- Conference on implementation of anti‐oppressive practice into primary care: Activity report
- Brown nails as clues for shock diagnosis
- Hospitalization of patients with Down syndrome in acute care hospitals in Japan
- もっと、プライマリ・ケア | https://www.primarycare-japan.com/
- 総合診療医 キャリアの軌跡 | https://sougoushinryoui-career.hatenablog.com/
- 専攻医部会公式 Note | https://note.com/pc_senkouibukai/
- maruta-gim | https://maruta-gim.wixsite.com/maruta-gim/blog-1
- 燃えるフィジカルアセスメント | http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yasuharutokuda/index.rdf
- Hospitalist ~病院総合診療医~ | http://hospitalist-gim.blogspot.jp/
- リウマチ膠原病徒然日記 | https://tuneyoshida.hatenablog.com/
- 今日なに読もう〜病院総合医の論文ブログ〜 | http://nagano1123.livedoor.blog/
- コミュニティホスピタリスト@奈良 | http://jyoutoubyouinsougounaika.hatenablog.com/
- 栃木県の総合内科医のブログ | http://tyabu7973.hatenablog.com/
- 家庭医療専攻医の省察的実践録 | http://wannabeafamilyphysician.blogspot.jp/
- 病院家庭医を目指して ~野望達成への道~ | http://blog.livedoor.jp/gp_ken/
- 藤沼康樹事務所(仮)for Health Care Professional Development | http://fujinumayasuki.hatenablog.com/
- 南砺の病院家庭医が勉強記録を始めました。 | https://moura.hateblo.jp/
- 毎日精いっぱい生きる事が一番の修行なのですII | https://pcij.wordpress.com/
- Wiley: Journal of General and Family Medicine: Table of Contents | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/rss/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2189-7948