
看護理工学会誌 2巻2号


  • 巻頭言


  • 第2回看護理工学会学術集会


  • コンシリエンスデザイン看医工学の提案
    日本語抄録 Engish Abstract
    1. 大阪大学名誉教授
    2. 名古屋市立大学名誉教授
    3. 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻コンシリエンスデザイン看医工学特任教授


    Proposal of consilience design as nursing, health science, medicine, and engineering of interdisciplinary design
    Kazuo Kawasaki1,2,3
    1. Osaka University
    2. Nagoya City University
    3. Consilience Design Interdisciplinary Studio, Division of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

    This paper is the keynote speech, which means about Nursing Science and Engineering of October 4, 2014. Japanese experience with March. 11 2010 disaster advocated the“Proposal of Consilience Design”for the crisis and risk resolution in the future of the human survive in the global earth.

  • 単科大学間での工学部と看護学部の連携
    日本語抄録 Engish Abstract
    1. 金沢工業大学医工融合技術研究所・機械系


    Collaboration in engineering and nursing between the two universities
    Noriyuki Takano1
    1. Integrated Technology Research Center of Medical Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology

    Kanazawa Medical University and Kanazawa Institute of Technology have been collaborating in medical and nursing and engineering. The two organizational programs have been carried out with respect to cooperation of nursing and engineering. One was carried out in“ Design ProjectIII”for senior students in the information engineering. Students found the problem in medical or welfare field and proposed the solution while exchanging opinions with senior students in the nursing. Another is an extra-curricular project for students of the mechanical engineering. Students have been proposed the solution for the needs raised by the nursing faculty and developed some equipment in the nursing field while taking the advices from mechanical engineering faculty. Most of nurse’s needs in daily operations, as the case shown in this paper, can be solved by the application of existing technologies. Then, such as programs are suitable for education in the engineering design.

    nursing and engineering collaboration,collaboration between universities,nail clipper,intravenous injection,drainage
  • 褥瘡予防における体圧分散マットレスの評価法
    日本語抄録 Engish Abstract
    1. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属健康増進科学センター


    Evaluation of the pressure redistribution properties of support surfaces for prevention of pressure ulcers
    Junko Sugama1
    1. Wellness Promotion Science Center, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University

    Pressure ulcer is defined as an area of localized irreversible damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by tissue loads, namely pressure, shear, friction and/or a combination of these things. The Japanese government introduced legislation in 2002 that mandated provision of adequate support surfaces for prevention and management of pressure ulcers. Many studies demonstrated that support surfaces can reduce the incidence of the pressure ulcer development. However, there has been no consensus method for evaluating the pressure redistribution properties of support surfaces. In this article, the problems which now confront us to evaluate the pressure redistribution properties of support surfaces are introduced.

    prevention of pressure ulcers,pressure redistribution,active support surface,reactive support surface


  • シンポジウム「看護現場のニーズを具体化する」
  • 総合大学の取り組み


  • (英語論文)Effectiveness of a non-invasive pressure ulcer undermining measuring device(非侵襲的褥瘡ポケット計測用具の有効性)
    日本語抄録 Engish Abstract
    紺家千津子1 須釜淳子2 秋月仁美3 真田弘美4
    1. 金沢医科大学看護学部
    2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属健康増進科学センター
    3. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
    4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学


    Effectiveness of a non-invasive pressure ulcer undermining measuring device
    Chizuko Konya1 Junko Sugama2 Hitomi Akizuki3 Hiromi Sanada4
    1. School of Nursing, Kanazawa Medical University
    2. Wellness Promotion Science Center, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
    3. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
    4. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

    The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of a non-invasive undermining measuring device(UMD). Seven patients with undermining were included as subjects. The seven undermining sites were measured using UMD, forceps, and wound sticks by the nurses. The results indicated that UMD did not cause any bleeding from any wounds, and only one subject experienced pain. UMD could also measure the largest undermining areas in most of the undermining ulcer sites(5 of 7 sites). A comparison of the three devices indicated no significant differences in the usage time. Nurses rated UMD as significantly easier to insert than forceps and it appeared to cause less tissue damage than the other two devices(for each device p=.001). The above findings suggested that UMD was more effective than forceps and wound stick.

    pressure ulcer measurement device,safety,undermining area,device using time and user evaluation


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