Policies, Forms, and Checklists
- .
ADA Policies
- Visit JAN's page for
links to sample ADA policies, forms, and checklists.
Alliance for Aging Research
- The private, not-for-profit
Alliance for Aging Research is the nation's leading citizen advocacy
organization for improving the health and independence of Americans
as they age.
General Information
of Disability Employment Policy's Attitudinal Barriers
U.S. Department of
State International Information Programs
VSA Arts'
Disability Awareness Guide
Disability Awareness Training/Seminars/Activities
Access Group
Accommodating Ideas, Inc.
Center for Independent Living
of Central Pennsylvania
Disability Learning Services
For Children and Schools
All Kids Can! Program c/o
The Arc of Dallas
Center for
Disability Information & Referral
Just Like Me and
You: A Disability Awareness Curriculum
Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Disability
- .
Bureau of Justice Statistics
- More than 70 agencies
in the United States Federal Government produce statistics of
interest to the public. The Federal Interagency Council on Statistical
Policy maintains this site to provide easy access to the full
range of statistics and information produced by these agencies
for public use.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
- The Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the
Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- BTS compiles, analyzes,
and makes accessible information on the Nation's transportation
systems; collects information on intermodal transportation and
other areas as needed; and works to enhance the quality and effectiveness
of government statistics.
Canadian Centre on Disability
- Canadian disability
organizations, community groups and representatives from different
faculties at the University of Manitoba created this national
centre to address emerging research issues in the disability field.
Census Bureau
- Source for social,
demographic, and economic information. This site contains links
to international statistical agencies and state data centers.
For statistics on the Americans with Disabilities (1994-95) see
the Bureau's Household
Economic Studies by John M. McNeil.
Disability Statistics Center
- The purpose of the
Disability Statistics Center is to produce and disseminate statistical
information on disability and the status of people with disabilities
in American Society and to establish and monitor indicators of
how conditions are changing over time to meet their health, housing,
economic and social needs.
Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Enforcement Statistics
- EEOC presents statistics
reflecting charges and resolutions under each of the statutes
enforced by the Commission.
National Center
for Health Statistics
- NCHS is the primary
Federal organization responsible for the collection, analyses,
and dissemination of health statistics.
N.O.D./Harris Surveys on Americans
with Disabilities
Office of Research, Evaluation,
and Statistics
- This file includes
information about sources of statistical information on education,
including special education.
Office of
Disability Employment Policy
- Statistics about
people with disabilities and employment
Academy for Educational Development
- The Academy for Educational
Development (AED), founded in 1961, is an independent, nonprofit
service organization committed to addressing human development
needs in the United States and throughout the world.
National Access for Public Schools Project
- The ADA National Access
for Public Schools Project is a project funded by the National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S.
Department of Education to help public elementary and secondary
schools implement the Americans with Disabilities Act.
American Council on Education
- The American Council
on Education (ACE), founded in 1918, is the nation's coordinating
higher education association, dedicated to the belief that equal
educational opportunity and a stronger higher education system
are essentail cornerstones of a democratic society.
Association on Higher Education and
- AHEAD is an international,
multicultural organization of professionals committed to full
participation in higher education for persons with disabilities.
The Association is a vital resource, promoting excellence through
education, communication and training.
Barrier Free Education
- Barrier Free Education,
a resource site helping students with disabilities gain access
to math and science education.
Basic Educational Materials, Publishers
- Publisher of quality
educational materials for special needs professionals.
Center for
Teaching Excellence: Teaching College Students with Disabilities
- This extensive collection
of resources was compiled and reviewed by Al Cavalier, School
of Education, University of Delaware.
Center on Education and
- The CEW's work enables
educators to engage youth and adults in learning and career development
experiences that lead to meaningful and productive careers. The
Center undertakes research, development, and capacity-building
technical assistance activities to strengthen the connections
among educational institutions, workplaces, communities, and families.
D-B Link, The National
Information Clearinghouse on Children who are Deaf-Blind
- This site is home
to a wealth of information about deaf-blindness, including an
extensive library of materials, and information specialists are
available to help find answers to questions.
Department of Education
- The original U.S.
Department of Education was created in 1867. It collected information
on schools and teaching that would help the states establish efficient
school systems. This emphasis on promoting educational excellence
by collecting and sharing information remains an important role
for the Department.
Disability Access Information
and Support (DAIS)
- DAIS provides a menu
of services for those concerned with disability and access in
higher education. Institutions and organizations can contract
for help from DAIS, in the person of Jane Jarrow, Ph.D., for a
variety of services. The growing list of DAIS publications includes
resource materials to assist in interpreting legal mandates, reviewing
policies and procedures, and understanding the philosophical underpinnings
of providing quality service to people with disabilities in the
postsecondary environment.
Disability Rights Education and
Defense Fund
- Founded in 1979 by
people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities,
the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. (DREDF)
is a national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and
advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through
legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and education
and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities,
and parents of children with disabilities.
Educational Testing Service Network
- This site provides
information about testing accommodations from the Educational
Testing Service Network.
Federal Resource Center for
Special Education
- The FRC is a special
education technical assistance project funded by the U.S. Department
of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative
Services, and is part of the Regional Resource and Federal Centers
University Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center
- This Information on
Deafness section of the Clerc Center Web site is organized by
topic. Click on a topic and you will see resources from Info to
Go, other Clerc Center products, and non-Clerc Center Web sites.
National Center to Improve
Practice (NCIP)
- The National Center
to Improve Practice (NCIP), located at Education Development Center,
Inc., was funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education Programs from 1992-1998 to promote the effective
use of technology to enhance educational outcomes for students
with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities.
National Center for the Dissemination
of Disability Research
- The NCDDR was established
in 1995 to perform research activities, demonstration activities,
dissemination and utilization activities, and technical assistance.
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
- NIDRR provides funding
for three major programs to assist ADA compliance: ADA Regional
Disability and Business Technical Assistance; Materials Development
Projects and Peer Training Projects. Also funds research projects
that provide information on assistive technology and employment.
Office of Special Education
and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
- The Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) supports programs
that assist in educating children with special needs, provides
for the rehabilitation of youth and adults with disabilities,
and supports research to improve the lives of individuals with
Special Needs
- The Mining Co. site
devoted to families and children with disabilities. This site
includes: ADA sites, Children's Education and Rights, and information
about various disabilities.
Reed Martin, J.D., Special
Education Law & Advocacy Strategies
- A special education
resource center.
Teaching College
Students with Disabilities
- The Center for Teaching
Effectiveness posted a "Selection of Online Resources for Faculty
and Staff." This extensive collection of resources was compiled
and reviewed by Al Cavalier, School of Education, University of
- Parents, advocates,
educators, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, up-to-date
information about advocacy for children with disabilities. You
will find hundreds of articles, cases, newsletters, and resources
about special education law and advocacy in the Advocacy Libraries
and Law Libraries.
- Links to popular
ergonomic resources.
- Links to popular
ergonomic societies and organizations.
Ergonomics in
the Workplace: A Resource Guide
- Etiquette-Related
Disability Etiquette
- Distributed by: Commision
of Persons with Disabilities- A Division of the Department of
Human Rights; Capitol Complex; Dex Moines, IA 50319
Disability Etiquette Handbook
- The City of San Antonio,
Texas and the Disability Advisory Committee have prepared this
Disability Etiquette Handbook to enhance opportunities for persons
with disabilities to pursue their careers and independent lifestyles.
Guide to Etiquette
and Behavior for Relating to Persons with Disabilities
- A general publication
by the American Friends Service Committee Affirmative Action Office.
Etiquette Tips for Speaking Engagements Checklist
- A publication provided
by the Job Accommodation Network.
Adaptable Etiquette Guide
- Access Utah Network
Witness Resources
Expert Pages
- Provides information
on expert witnesses.
Expert Testimony &
Consultant Resources
- Provides several
links to expert witnesses.
The Internet Directory
of Expert Witnesses
- Provides information
on expert witnesses.
Funding Resources
- Contact information
for national funding resources.
- JAN publication for
funding resources.
- ABLEDATA is a service
of The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
(U.S. Department of Education). This site provides information
concerning assistive technology and disability related resources.
Access Center Partnership
- A non-profit resource
on the American with Disabilities Act since 1992, the Access Center
Partnership provides education and information on accommodating
employees and customers with disabilities and conducts the annual
Institute for ADA Mediation.
Allegheny Arc
- The Allegany Arc
is dedicated to providing opportunities for people with special
needs and their families that will assist in improving the quality
of their lives. As an advocate, the Allegany Arc will provide
support and services ensuring each person the opportunity to learn,
achieve, contribute, and lead.resources.
New Ground Resource Center
- The Breaking New
Ground Resource Center in Purdue's Department of Agricultural
& Biological Engineering provides information and resources
on rehabilitation technology for persons working in agriculture.
With Disabilities Web site
- The Children With
Disabilities Web site offers families, service providers, and
other interested individuals information about advocacy, education,
employment, health, housing, recreation, technical assistance,
and transportation covering a broad array of developmental, physical,
and emotional disabilities.
Center for the Improvement
of Child Caring (CICC)
- CICC is a 28 year-old,
nonprofit, parenting education organization the directs all parents,
and parents whose children may have special needs that require
professional attention, to numerous sources of additional information,
community, state and national resources, services and parent training
opportunities to empower them to be more effective parents for
their child. CICC also offers an online version of the CICC Discovery
Tool, which contains a series of eleven age-specific questionnaires
to help parents and professionals track the development of children
from birth to five years of age.
Center for Universal
- The Center for Universal
Design is a national research, information, and technical assistance
center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal
design in housing, building, and related products. They also develop
publications and instructional materials, provide information
and referrals, and technical assistance to consumers and professionals.
They collaborate with builders and manufacturers on the development
of new design solutions.
- DisabitliyInfo.gov
is acomprehensive Federal Web site of disability-related government.
Disability Resources,
- An easy-to-use online
guide to disabilility resources, arranged alphabetically by topic
and geographic area served.
Disability Research Institute
- The Disability Research
Institute serves as a national resource fostering high quality
research, dissemination of information, and training and education
related to disability policy.
Easter Seals Wisconsin
- Serving children and
adults with disabilities in Wisconsin. Easter Seals' mission is
to increase independence, maximize opportunities, and enhance
the quality of life for people with disabilties.
- This site provides
a wealth of info on disabilities and several great links. While
stated initial purpose was for parents of children with disabilities,
the site is extremely useful to all interested in disability issues.
Of particular interest is the library, where under specific diagnoses
you can find out about usual and expected functional limitations
for a specific condition, making it easier to figure out accommodations.
Goodwill Industries International
home page
- Goodwill Industries
is the largest provider of vocational services to people with
disabilities and other barriers to employment in the United States.
This page is the home page of GII, the umbrella organization that
local Goodwills and Goodwill's International Office operate under.
Goodwill Industries of Southern
- The mission of Goodwill
Industries of Southern California is to enhance the quality of
the lives of people who have disabilites and other vocational
disadvantages by assisting them to become productive and self-sufficient
through education, training and job opportunities.
Disability News Ticker
- Page gives the latest
international news stories from the disability field perspective.
Disability News Ticker
- Page gives the latest
international news stories from the disability field perspective.
Macintyre - Learning
Disability Services for Adults and Children in the UK
- Macintyre Care Provides
services for adults and children with learning disabilities including
registered care homes, supported living schemes, accredited training
schemes and day services, and residential schools.
Myelin Project
- The Myelin Project
is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to accelerate
medical research on repairing the myelin of the central nervous
system. The Myelin Project site provide various information about
their ongoing research including periodic progress reports.
National Clearing House
of Rehabilitation Training Materials
- This site contains
information on recent publications, videos and other rehabilitation
training materials; downloadable documents; links to other rehabilitation
information sources and information about materials available
from the NCHRTM by mail.
National Oral Health
Information Clearinghouse (NOHIC)
- The National Oral
Health Information Clearinghouse (NOHIC), a service of the National
Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, is ready to help
meet oral health information needs for special care patients.
National Organization for
Rare Diseases
- Maintains a database
of rare diseases where each entry lists the disease name, synonyms,
a general description of the disorder, causes, affected population,
standard treatments, investigational treatments (when applicable)
and a list of resources that can be contacted for further information
about the illness.
O*NET OnLine
- O*NET OnLine is an
application that was created for the general public-to provide
broad access to the O*NET database of occupational information.
The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities,
knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations.
U.S. Office of Personnel
Management: Federal Employment of People with Disabilities
- The site provides
access to information that is relevant to the recruitment, employment,
and retention of individuals with disabilities in the Federal
Government. This information includes Federal and state laws as
well as other governmental and non-governmental sites.
ADA Coalition
- The Pennsylvania ADA
Coalition (PADAC) promotes the philosophy of ADA by serving as
a clearinghouse for information and educational resources. PADAC
is a valuable resource in that we can answer general ADA questions;
make referrals to specialized ADA trainers and consultants; provide
current and accurate ADA publications and resources; and locate
any ADA information someone may need.
Willing, Enable
- The mission of Ready,
Willing, Enable, Inc. is to disseminate information about disabilities
to all people through education; to empower individuals with disabilities
to improve the quality of their lives; and to encourage their
independence and participation through education, example and
Service Animal Registry of
America (SARA)
- The mission of SARA
is to promote the use of service animals by people with disabilities;
to increase public awareness of the disabled rights concerning
service animals; to encourage and support positive federal, state,
and local legislation involving service animals; and to maintain
a database of service animals in use in the USA.
United Nations
Disability Site
- To assist in the promotion
of effective measures for prevention of disability, rehabilitation,
and the realization of the goals of full participation of disabled
persons in social life and development, and of equality.
Tech Connections
- Tech Connections
is one-stop resource for information on Assistive Technology (AT)
designed to accommodate people with disabilities in the workplace
and in everyday life activities.
Untangling the Web
- This page gives links
are to sites that point to various disability-related information
Unviersity of Michigan
Documents Center
- The Documents Center
is a central reference and referral point for government information,
whether local, state, federal, foreign or international. Its web
pages are a reference and instructional tool for government, political
science, statistical data, and news.
Western New York Disabilities
- The Western New York
Disabilities Forum is dedicated to providing information related
to physical, mental and emotional disabilities. Persons with disabling
conditions, care givers, family and friends as well as non-disabled
community members are encouraged to learn about the disability
issues affecting themselves and the community at large.
WorkTech Solutions
- WorkTech Solutions
helps businesses tap into a growing workforce that has emerged
as a result of rapid and innovative developments in technology-
a workforce that includes people with disabilities. WorkTech Solutions
uses technology and flexible design strategies (or universal design)
to bridge the needs of the business community and the employment
needs of people with disabilities.
World Institute on Disability
- WID is an internationally
recognized public policy center organized by and for people with
Legal Information Resources
ABA Directory of
Lawyers Practicing Disability Law
Alexander Hamilton
Institute Employment Law Resource Center
- AHI's Employment Law
Resource Center gives answers to questions they feel employers
and managers find most pressing. This Web page addresses legal
aspects of benefits, discipline, discrimination, hiring, and safety
and health.
American Bar Association
Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law
- The mission of the
Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law has been fulfilling
the ABA's commitment to justice and the rule of law for persons
with mental and physical disabilities. Besides a wide variety
of publications, for the last nineteen years the Commission has
been publishing the Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter,
the nation's longest running and most comprehensive source of
disability law.
Benefits Alert Law Research
- Benefits Alert.com
is a free resource for employee benefits news and information
on topics ranging from 401(k) and group health plans, to COBRA
and FMLA administration.
- A resource for information
on education law.
Employment Law Information
- The site is designed
for employment professionals (lawyers and human resource managers)
and includes categorized links to employment law articles, personnel
policies and forms, statute and regulation text, and a discussion
Legal Information Institute
- This web site holds
the Internet publications of the Legal Information Institute,
a part of the Cornell Law School.
National Employment Lawyers Association
- Founded in 1985 to
provide assistance and support to lawyers in protecting the rights
of employees, NELA can provide referrals to its membership of
more than 3,400 lawyers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,
as well as more than sixty state and local affiliates around the
National Employment Law Institute (NELI)
- NELI is the nation's
leading supplier of programs and publications dealing with current
developments in Employment Law.
Oklahoma Disability Law
Center, Inc.
- Since 1977, ODLC is
a system of protection and advocacy for people with disabilities
in the State of Oklahoma.
with Disabilities Law Center, PC
- The Law Center mission
is to assist persons with disabilities and their families to recognize
and pursue their legal rights.
Legislative Information on the Internet
- Provides a resource
for information on current legislative action, bill summary, bill
status, congressional record, committee information, the legislative
process, and historical documents.
Workplace Fairness
- Workplace Fairness
is a non-profit organization that provides information, education,
and assistance to individual workers and their advocates nationwide
and promotes public policies that advance employee rights. The
goal is to bring together workers, employers, advocates, and policy
makers to achieve fairness in the workplace.
Termination Lawyer Directory
- WTLD has searched
the Internet to find contact information for attorneys who provide
representation on issues relating to wrongful termination of employment.
The results of this search are included in the Wrongful Termination
Lawyer Directory (WTLD).
List Groups
Listserves and Chatrooms
Newsletters, and other Publications
Education: Access Guidelines for Students with Disabilities
- Developed By: The
High Tech Center Training Unit in Collaboration with the Distance
Education Accessibility Workgroup Chancellor's Office/California
Community Colleges
Emerging Horizons
- Emerging Horizons
is a print publication which focuses on accessible travel. They
accept no advertising in order to present an unbiased view of
accessible travel options. They also have a top-rated website
on accessible travel, which includes a searchable database of
accesible travel resources.
Electric Edge
- Electric Edge is the
online edition of Ragged Edge Magazine.
- JobLaws.Com is an
interactive, monthly online magazine on employment law for employees
that publishes original articles educating employees concerning
how to enforce their employment rights, interviews with employees
who have, case samples, and a message board with a weekly real-time
Q & A session.
is the web site of MAINSTREAM, a national disability magazine
published in San Diego.
New Mobility
- A lifestyle publication
serving the resource and informational needs of people with disabilities.
Protecting Workers
with Developmental Disabilities
- Safety and health
issues affecting workers with developmental disabilities are described.
Recommendations for protecting workers with developmental disabilities
and issues needing research are also given.
Removing Barriers
to Health Care
- A Guide for Health
Care Professionals: Produced by the Center for Universal Design
and the North Carolina Office on Disability and Health
- tell-us-your-story.com
is an extensive discussion forum which helps people with disabiltities
share and showcase their personal-experience stories. It contains
more than 50 discussions, 500 stories, a site- wide search function
and a weekly e-mail story digest.
Chemists with Disabilities
- Full text and photographs
of book profiling successful chemists who have jobs in industry,
academia, and government. Examples of novel assistive technology
in use. Resource list. Published by the American Chemical Society.
Sports, and the Arts
Adventures without Limits
- .
Center for Recreation
and Disability Studies
- .
Cowboys &
- .
Deaf Sport
and Recreation Associations
Resources Monthy
Disability Sport
Research Initiative
- .
Paralympic Committee
- .
Midwest Athletic Association of
the Deaf
National Alliance on Accessible
National Arts and Disability Center
National Center on Accessibility
National Center on Physical Activity
and Disability
National Disability Sports
National Recreation and Park Association
Northwest Athletic Association of
the Deaf
Wilderness Inquiry
World Recreation Association of the
4Therapy.com Network
- This site provides
a listing of support groups.
Disabled Public
Service Employee's Association
- This page is dedicated
to the men and women, nationally, who serve in the emergency services,
police, fire, ems, that become disabled, and find the transition
very difficult. DPSEA wants to make that easier.
Institute on Independent
- The Institute on Independent
Living serves self-help organizations of disabled people who work
for equal opportunities, self-determination and self-respect.
They offer training materials, technical assistance and information
on personal assistance, advocacy, access, legislation and peer
support. They have an international scope, including the United
Interactive National Peer Support
- This is Canada's cyber-medium
for chronically ill, injured, people with disabilities to gather
and exchange information, knowledge, experiences, and ideas.
Technical Consulting, Mediation, and Alternative
Dispute Resolution
Access Center Partnership
- A non-profit resource
on the American with Disabilities Act since 1992, the Access Center
Partnership provides education and information on accommodating
employees and customers with disabilities and conducts the annual
Institute for ADA Mediation.
by Design
- Access by Design have
completed over 2000 access audits, hundreds of barrier removal
projects, and several major ADA facility master planning projects.
Additionally, we have researched and published an access guide
to the State of Wyoming and have designed several municipal signage/wayfinding
ADR Vantage, Inc.
- ADR Vantage, Inc.
is a premiere dispute resolution and training firm for business
organizations and federal government agencies in workplace, EEO
and public policy arenas nationwide. Founded in 1993, ADR Vantage,
Inc. is a women- owned business based in Washington, DC. It enjoys
WBE/DBE status and is on the GSA Federal Supply List.
American Arbitration Association
- The American Arbitration
Association is available to resolve a wide range of disputes through
mediation, arbitration, elections and other out-of-court settlement
AP National Training and Consultation
- AP National Training
and Consultation offers training workshops, private consultation,
and expert-witness services to businesses and people with disabilities
within California and to the remaining United States. The primary
focus of APNTC is disability employment law relative to California's
Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and the ADA.
Biddle & Associates
- Biddle & Associates
is a human resource consulting services in the areas of equal
employment opportunity, test development and validation, pay equity
reviews, affirmative action plans and police testing.
Extension Conflict Resolution Group
- The Cornell-ILR Extension
Conflict Resolution Group is a loose consortium of approximately
25 faculty who have theoretical knowledge and practical experience
in workplace, organizational, and interpersonal conflict.
CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution
- Founded in 1979 as
the Center for Public Resources, CPR's mission is to install alternative
dispute resolution, or ADR, into the mainstream of corporate law
department and law firm practice to make the legal profession
the preferred delivery system of ADR. To fulfill its mission,
CPR is engaged in an integrated agenda of research and development,
education, advocacy and dispute resolution.
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society (HFES)
- HFES provides this
searchable directory of human factors/ergonomics (HF/E) consultants
and expert witnesses as a free service to potential clents.
Key Bridge Foundation
- The Key Bridge Foundation
for Education and Research is a nationally recognized dispute
resolution training and service provider. The Foundation uses
and teaches responsible and effective alternative dispute resolution
(ADR) techniques.
Mediation Information and Resource
Center (MIRC)
- Provides information
on mediators, resources, and conflict resolution.
National Association for Community
Mediation (NACM)
- NAFCM is a membership
organization comprised of community mediation centers, their staff
and volunteer mediators, and other individuals and organizations
interested in the community mediation movement.
Vitali WORCS
- DMES brings cutting
edge approaches to workplace issues, using a blend of mediation,
ergonomics, communications, safety and risk management strategies,
and reasonable accommodation approaches.
Related Resources
Alliance for Public Technology (APT)
- The Alliance for
Public Technology (APT) is a nonprofit membership organization
based in Washington, DC. Membership is open to all nonprofit organizations
and individuals, not members of the affected industries, concerned
with fostering access to affordable and useful information and
communication services and technologies by all people.
Alliance for Technology Access
- The ATA is a national
network of non profit technology resource centers and technology
Computer Access Center (CAC)
- CAC serves people
of all ages with disabilities of all kinds and provide a place
to try both hardware and software solutions that will allow them
to use the computer.
Center for Applied Special Technology
- CAST is an educational,
not-for-profit organization that uses technology to expand opportunities
for people with disabilities through innovative uses of computer
Closing the Gap
- Visitors can learn
the latest about the thousands of assistive technology products
available today, including price, descriptions, and the manufactures
contact information so that they may inquire for further details.
The on-line searchable Resource Directory is one of many resources
found at the Closing The Gap web site.
EASI: Equal Access to Software
and Information
- EASI, an affiliate
of the American Association for Higher Education, is dedicated
to disseminate up-to-date information about providing equal access
for persons with disabilities to computing and information technology.
Independence Technology: A
Johnson & Johnson Company
- Independence Technology
is a newly-formed company whose mission is to meet the needs of
people with disabilities by providing products, services, and
technologies that will help increase independence. This site has
been designed to answer questions about the INDEPENDENCE 3000.
In the future, when the product is available, this site will become
a gateway to a wealth of information for individuals with disabilities,
their friends and families.
RESNA: Rehabilitation Engineering
and Assistive Technology Society of North America
- RESNA is an interdisciplinary
association for the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive
Technology Assistance Projects
- State Technology Assistance
Projects are funded under the Technology- related Assistance for
Individuals with Disabilities Act. They support consumer- driven
state plans for the delivery of assistance technology.
Trace Research and Development
- The Trace Center
is an interdisciplinary research, development and resource center
on technology and disability. It is part of the Waisman Center
and the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University
of Wisconsin - Madison.
American Association of Home Based
American Home Business Association
Business @ Home
The Canadian Telework Association
Escape Artist
The International Homeworkers
The International Telework
Association and Council
The Small Business Advisor
Small & Home Based Business
Programming Jobs
Telecommuting, Teleworking,
and Alternative Officing
The Telework, Telecottage and
Telecentre Association
Office of Personnel Management: Telecommuting
The US Small Business Administration
and Traveling
Angel Flight
- If you or someone
you know lives in our service area and needs non-emergency transportation
to medical treatment, but cannot afford it, or cannot fly on public
transportation for health reasons, or public transportation is
not readily available in your area, find out how the pilots of
Angel Flight can help.
Council on Access and Mobility
- The U. S Department
of Transportation (DOT) and the U. S. Department of Health and
Human Services (DHHS) are both interested in, and take responsibility
for assisting transportation services for persons who are somehow
disadvantaged in terms of their ability to obtain their own transportation.
Community Transportation Association
of America
- CTAA is a national,
professional membership association of organizations and individuals
committed to removing barriers to isolation and to improving mobility
for all people.
- It is a completely
new and free site for travellers with disabilities, to find detailed
descriptions of accessible accommodations all over the world.
Project Action
- Congress originally
commissioned Easter Seals Project ACTION in 1988 as a research
and demonstration project to improve access to public transportation
for people with disabilities.
U.S. Department of
- This federal site
provides a variety of information on regulations and resources
concerning transportation for people with disabilities.
- Wunago's mission
is to create a marketplace for wheelchair-accessible places to
visit and stay around the world.