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The Job Accommodation Network often gets inquiries asking for information on sample ADA policies, forms, and checklists. The links below provide information on internet-available policies. JAN neither endorses these policies nor reviews them for content. This page is merely assimilated as a convenience to our users.

General ADA Policies

Large Blue Triangle Bullet City of Sacramento

Large Blue Triangle Bullet University of Florida

Large Blue Triangle Bullet James Madison University

Large Blue Triangle Bullet John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Large Blue Triangle Bullet EEOC: Procedures for Providing Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities

Large Blue Triangle Bullet Los Angeles County

Large Blue Triangle Bullet State of Alaska

Large Blue Triangle Bullet State of Minnesota

Large Blue Triangle Bullet University of Florida

Large Blue Triangle Bullet West Virginia University


Large Blue Triangle Bullet City of Sacramento

Large Blue Triangle Bullet University of California

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