

The program is designed to empower the next generation of leaders who can implement translational research initiatives. They have the expertise to identify the frontline medical needs and connect it to cutting edge research initiatives, as well as create new value embracing academic experts from both inside and outside the university, and from other public and private sectors.

The curriculum is divided into an Introductory and Core Courses.

  Introductory Course Core Course (selection based)
Target Students
  • Graduate(master's and doctoral courses) students from the Faculties of Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering
  • Resident physicians (first/second term)
  • Undergraduate students in the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Sciences (third year and above)
  • Undergraduate students in the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Sciences (fifth year and above)
Admission Requirements
  • Contact us
  • Selection through interview after after the initial document screening
  • Preference will be given to students who have completed the introductory course
Completion Requirements
  • Attendance at a specified lecture/seminar(registration required for each event)
  • Points are awarded in accordance with the attendance
  • Completion upon earning 20 points
  • Completion upon earning 10 credits

Introductory Course (register to attend)


  • To understand the concept of "bridging" the needs of healthcare with technological seeds.
  • To understand the need for creating innovation and to have the comprehensive vision needed to connect research to products.

Course Outline

  • Selective (announced per class).
  • Interaction with academic researchers, frontline TR researchers, governmental and corporate enterpreneurs and visits to clinical sites.
    ⇒ Click here for details

Core Course (Admission required)


  • Improvement of the project management skills necessary to contribute to medical innovation.
  • Cultivation of personnel able to take on translational research "bridging" tasks.

Course Outline

  • Lectures on the fundamentals and practical knowledge regarding "bridging" (Subjects in common with graduate school course or style conforming to it).
    ⇒ Click here for details.
  • Internships with domestic and overseas companies, research institutions.
    • Broaden perspectives by deepening the understanding of fields outside one's area of experts.
    • Cultivating the ability to build relationships with experts from various fields, which is vital in the "bridging" efforts.
  • Identifying medical needs through group work and simulate implemntation of seeds through exercises.
    • Cultivating the ability to view entire implementation process.
    • Cultivating the ability to promote projects through teamwork while also demonstrating one's own expertise.
  • Mentoring program has been developed where instructors provide active support to students in order to create a comfortable learning environment.
    Please feel free to consult them if you have any questions about the course, programs or your career development.