We have adapted the U.S. CDC’s document, which summarizes matters that you should prepare before visiting a medical institution for post-coronary syndrome, into Japanese to suit the situation in Japan. If you prepare these matters before visiting a medical institution, you will be able to more accurately tell the medical staff what you want to discuss even during the short consultation time.
Supporting someone who has or has had COVID sequelae is not an easy task. Caring for yourself or a loved one can be a challenge, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions. However, here is a Japanese translation of a U.S. CDC document adapted to the Japanese context that describes some ways to ease the burden when experiencing or caring for someone with symptoms that are new or not yet well understood.
Our paper on the support required of small support organizations and consideration for women supporters in disaster relief has been accepted for publication. We are delighted that this is the first original qualitative research paper in the Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine.
My paper with Ms. Sato, an occupational therapist at Yamaga Onsen Rehabilitation Hospital, who has been my partner in the field of disaster welfare since the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, and Dr. Tomioka of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, who gave me the opportunity to get involved in disaster rehabilitation, has been accepted for publication.
The “Survey on the Construction of Mental Health and Medical Welfare Systems in Municipalities over the Medium to Long Term after a Disaster,” a project in which I was involved as an expert advisor, was published on the Web by the Health and Global Policy Institute in FY2021.
What are the problems that residents face when a disaster strikes? One answer lies in the “cluster approach.”
The following summarizes what is necessary to “support” people involved in disaster medical care, “disaster medical supporters.”
COVID-19 が地域で流行する前に知っておきたいこと、準備しておきたいことを暫定でまとめました(2020年4月)
A tentative list of things to know and prepare for before COVID-19 becomes prevalent in the region (April 2020).
The following documents are available for use when providing support to facilities where the new coronavirus infection has occurred (telephone response record, positive patient status report sheet, and activity content record).
- スフィアハンドブック 2011 (難民支援協会)
- スフィアハンドブック 2018 (JQAN)
- 人道支援の必須基準(CHS) (JQAN)
- 人道行動における子どもの保護の最低基準 (Save the Children)
- 心理的応急処置 WHO版 (ストレス・災害時こころの情報支援センター)
- 心理的応急処置 NCTSN版 (兵庫こころのケアセンター)
- 子どものための心理的応急処置 (Save the Children)
- 子どもにやさしい空間(Child Friendly Spaces: CFS)
- 教育ミニマムスタンダード (お茶の水女子大学国際協力論ゼミ)
- グッドイナフガイド (ジャパン・プラットフォーム:ページ下部より)
- People In Aid
- Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards(LEGS)
- Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action
- The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards(MERS)