





Support required by organizations for volunteer-based disaster relief workers and consideration for female relief workers

Our paper on the support required of small support organizations and consideration for women supporters in disaster relief has been accepted for publication. We are delighted that this is the first original qualitative research paper in the Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine.

This is joint research with Dr. Yoko Shimpuku, currently Vice President of Hiroshima University, and Ms. Fukushima, a midwife with a master’s degree in midwifery from Kyoto University.

This qualitative study revealed the need for “formation of organizational infrastructure,” “collaboration and coordination,” and “protection of supporters. It became clear that the support needed by small organizations for volunteer-based supporters is similar to the support required for supporters in large organizations. Since there are many women in the healthcare and social work professions, it was suggested that social support is needed to encourage women’s participation in further disaster relief by supporting them in the event of a sudden disaster.

Access to the article in Japanese with English abstract:
