



災害時リハビリテーション支援の能力強化への取り組み—教材開発と評価研究— 日本災害学会誌27号


Capacity development of rehabilitation response in disasters:
A training development and evaluation

My paper with Ms. Sato, an occupational therapist at Yamaga Onsen Rehabilitation Hospital, who has been my partner in the field of disaster welfare since the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, and Dr. Tomioka of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, who gave me the opportunity to get involved in disaster rehabilitation, has been accepted for publication.

The DREAG (Disaster Rehabilitation Assistance Game for Large-Scale Disasters) and REHSUG (Rehabilitation Support Team Headquarters Start-up Game for Large-Scale Disasters) games are useful for increasing rehabilitation professionals’ interest in disasters in general and for acquiring basic knowledge on how to respond specifically to people in need during a disaster. The results suggest that the REHSUG game is useful for increasing rehabilitation professionals’ interest in disasters in general and for acquiring basic knowledge on how to respond specifically to people in need during disasters.

Access to the article in Japanese with English abstract: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjdisatmed/27/2/27_270202/_pdf/-char/ja