保健学科チーム医療演習2023 時短・節約レシピの紹介 | Department of Health Sciences Team Medicine Exercise 2023 Shortcut and Savings Recipes


This is a collection of time-saving and budget-friendly recipes from the third group, overseen by Professor Harada. Upon entering university and beginning to cook for themselves, this group became curious whether their meals are nutritionally balanced. They decided to use this opportunity to investigate. Furthermore, they aimed to raise awareness about diet early to prevent lifestyle-related diseases. An online survey revealed that approximately 50% of first-year Public Health students do not have confidence in their ability to maintain a balanced diet. Lack of time and money were speculated to be the main reasons for not eating properly. Therefore, we conducted a popular vote for recipes that are inexpensive, highly nutritious, and can be prepared quickly. The top three dishes chosen were Chinese soup with green onions and tofu, chicken simmered in tomato, and lemon-grilled chicken. Please access the detailed recipes and give them a try yourself!