12月13日に、東京大学医学部付属病院 企画情報運営部 特任助教の窪田和巳先生による「シンクタンクと看護」特別講義を化に際しました。以下は教員からのレポートです。
On December 13, 2022, Dr. Kazumi Kubota, a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Planning and Information Management at the University of Tokyo Hospital, delivered a special lecture on “Think Tanks and Nursing.” The following is a report from a faculty member who attended the lecture.
The focus of the lecture was on think tanks, which are organizations that conduct research on topics such as social policy, politics, and economics. Dr. Kubota is a researcher at the Japan Health Care Policy Institute, a think tank that has a history of proposing policies through research on various healthcare policy themes. Currently, Dr. Kubota is working to build evidence using medical big data and actively participates in and presents research findings at international conferences.
During the lecture, Dr. Kubota discussed “medical challenges and policies in Japan,” “healthcare activities in developing countries,” and “the importance of participating in overseas academic conferences.” When examining domestic medical welfare, it is projected that social security expenditures in 2022 will exceed 130 trillion yen, with costs increasing annually. Additionally, as Japan becomes a super-aged society with multiple health issues, it is predicted that by 2030, around 400,000 people will be unable to access end-of-life care at home. With limited financial resources, Dr. Kubota emphasized the need for nurses working in the field to consider these challenges, identify pressing issues in medical welfare, recognize the problems nursing faces, and determine the necessary measures to address them through research and political engagement. She also highlighted how attending major nursing conferences outside of Japan can help professionals learn about global standards, gain insights into the world situation, and refocus on domestic issues.
Listening to Dr. Kubota’s talk, I realized that although I have been striving to improve patient outcomes in my facility, I had not been practicing nursing with policy considerations in mind. Moreover, while I have been engaged in acute care and thinking about patients’ lives post-discharge, I recognized that I have not had the opportunity to properly learn about local issues and on-site healthcare delivery systems. I now understand the importance of gathering global information to comprehend how nursing issues are discussed in Japan and other countries. This realization made me aware of how limited my perspective has been. The lecture provided a valuable opportunity for me to learn about aspects of nursing that I was previously unaware of.

文責 北別府孝輔助教
Report by Assistant Professor, Kosuke Kitabeppu.
This special lecture was made possible with the support of JSPS Grant No. JP22K10842.