2月分ビブリオバトル: BiblioBattle for February



「自由」はいかに可能か 社会構想のための哲学苫野一徳
正義の教室 善く生きるための哲学入門飲茶




BiblioBattle Book Entries

Philosophy, Logic, Sociology, Economics, Political Science1. What Happens to Us When We Die?Takahiro Isashiki
2. How “Freedom” is Possible: Philosophy for Social ConceptualizationKazunori Tomano
3. The World Becomes More Interesting!Hitoshi Ogawa
4. MenoPlato
5. The Classroom of Justice: Introduction to Philosophy for a Good LifeYumcha


This time, we held a BiblioBattle featuring books on philosophy. The selection ranged from easy-to-read books to those with more challenging content. It was quite difficult to understand the contents of the books and convey them within the three-minute time limit. However, each participant managed to identify the author’s main points and thoughts on philosophy from the book they chose, and I believe I learned a lot of new things from them. This BiblioBattle was my first time reading a book on philosophy. I think that, without such an opportunity, I wouldn’t have picked up a philosophy book on my own. That’s why I’m glad I was able to read them during the BiblioBattle and gain a little exposure to philosophy.

I also realized that it’s challenging to make people want to read the book out of curiosity without revealing all the content during a BiblioBattle. I’d like to improve my skills by learning from those who excel at BiblioBattles and finding ways to convey my thoughts in a manner that encourages others to read the book.

Contact: Kana Yamamoto