2月3日に、大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 ゲノム情報学共同研究講座 特任講師の伊藤紗紀子先生による「データサイエンスと看護」特別講義を開催しました。 以下は学生からのレポートです。
On February 3, 2023, Dr. Sakiko Ito, a Specially Appointed Lecturer in the Joint Department of Genome Informatics at the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, delivered a special lecture on “Data Science and Nursing.” The following is a report from a student who attended the lecture.
During this seminar, I had the chance to learn about data science, including its definition, practical data analysis, and data acquisition and management. Although I had studied some statistics in the past, I struggled with it and felt that research was quite challenging.
At the time, I found research to be quite difficult, but after listening to the speaker’s presentation, I became genuinely intrigued by their research findings. I realized that the joy of research lies in using data to explore cause-and-effect relationships in areas of interest and understanding the implications of the results.
While most nurses do not calculate their own reimbursements, I learned that demonstrating a connection between the nursing care provided and patient improvement through data analysis might lead to additional reimbursements. Not only does research advance medical care, but it also plays a vital role in communicating one’s work to the world and furthering one’s career.
Previously, I considered research to be something I would avoid, but Dr. Ito’s talk helped me appreciate the interesting aspects and benefits of research, prompting me to consider it a try. I gained a great deal of insight from his valuable presentation.

文責 Class of 2024 山本佳奈
Report by Kana Yamamoto, Class of 2024
This special lecture was made possible with the support of JSPS Grant No. 22K10842.