
(ぷりちゃーど Prichard, H.A.)

Certainly in Oxford there was a school of philosophy which in a sense was realist because it thought you could just look at the world and see what things were right and wrong, but the sort of examples that those people took were all of the most trivial kind. I'm particularly thinking of A. J. Pritchard [sic], who was a very influential philosopher in Oxford just before the war and whose books on moral philosophy were full of questions like whether you had a right to family news, whether you had fulfilled your duty by posting the letter or only if the letter had been received at the other end and went on and on about setting yourself to post the letter. I think people like Phillipa Foot got fed up with it and thought, 'Well, let's look at what really happens,' and that was a very good move.'

---Mary Warnock

英国の思想家(1871-1947)。 オックスフォード大学の教授。 ロスの師匠。 義務の自明性を説き、 20世紀の直観主義の代表的人物の一人と 見なされる。 代表的な論文は`Does Moral Philosophy Rest on a Mistake?'(1912) で、Moral Obligation(1949)に収録されている。 この本は1969年にJ.O.Urmsonが少し論文を増やして出版したほか、 2002年にはMacAdamsがさらに論文を増やして出版している。

さらに詳しくは、ロスの項を見よ。 なお、Prichardの人と思想については、 AyerのPhilosophy in the 20th Century (1982) にもおもしろい解説があるので参照のこと。

(31/May/2000; 13/Dec/2011追記; 01/Jun/2013追記)



KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Sat Jun 1 17:31:52 JST 2013