
(しぜんけん natural rights)

Words do not always and necessarily `stand for' things, so before we dash into inquiries about the supposed things for which they stand, we must carefully work out the ways in which and the conditions under which words are used meaningfully in the languages we speak.

---Neil MacCormick (explaining linguistic analysis)

In proportion to the want of happiness resulting from the want of rights, a reason exists for wishing that there were such things as rights. But reasons for wishing there were such things as rights, are not rights; -- a reason for wishing that a certain right were established, is not that right -- want is not supply -- hunger is not bread.

---Jeremy Bentham

Natural rights is simple nonsense: natural and imprescriptible rights, rhetorical nonsense, -- nonsense upon stilts.

---Jeremy Bentham

Right and law are correlative terms: as much so as son and father. A natural right is a son that never had a father.

---Jeremy Bentham



「毎日バターばかり食べていれば、皆さんはメタボリック症候群になる。 人権だけを食べ過ぎれば、日本社会は人権メタボリック症候群になるんですね」


一般に、政府による実定法の成立に先立って存在するとされる権利のこと。 通常、自由権、平等権、所有権、抵抗権などがそこに数え入れられる。

自然権論によれば、 政府の主たる目的はこれらの自然権を保護することであり、 自然権をどのていど保護しているかによって、 政府の善し悪しが決まるとされる。 そして、自然権を保護しない悪い政府には抵抗することが正当化される。


08/20/99; 15/Jun/2001更新


KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Sun Feb 28 00:07:03 JST 2010