News&Topics Greeting Call for paper Adoption Program Hall guide Information Hotel&Tours Day nursery

@General Information;

The 54th Annual Meeting of Japanese Rhinologic Society
Dates: October 1-3,2015
Venue: Hiroshima,Japan
Hall: International Conference Center Hiroshima -ICCH-

@English Program;

Highlighting sections correspond to English Sections in Time schedules.

@Abstract submission;

Abstracts may only be submitted by authors who have registered through the Congress Secretariat, which is shown in the followings. You can access to the 54th JRS annual meeting website and see how to complete your pre-registration and submit your presentations as well as how to access Hiroshima and hotel accommodation.
It is certainly understood that abstracts by authors who have not registered cannot be accepted.
After we receive your abstract, we can sooner respond to you in order to help your visit Hiroshima.

Sample Abstract
Abstract will be prepared as a A4 size one page abstract form with your title, authors, affiliation, and content of your presentation. It should be very simple for better understanding and easy to read.

Online Abstract Submission
If, for some valid reason, you are unable to submit in the above format or encounter any problems with your online abstract submission through E-mail addresses with your abstract, please make a contact with congress secretariat.

Congress secretariat :
Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Faculty of Medicine, Hiroshima University
Phone: +81 82-257-5252 Fax: +81 82-257-5254
E-mail address:

Abstracts will be published in a supplement of JAPANESE JOURNAL of RHINOLOGY.

Copyright (C) The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Rhinologic Society. All Rights Reserved.